Poll: Date of body disposal?

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What day do you believe KC disposed of Caylee's body?

  • on day of death (June 15-June 17)

    Votes: 53 8.6%
  • June 18

    Votes: 112 18.2%
  • June 19

    Votes: 114 18.5%
  • after June 19

    Votes: 336 54.6%

  • Total voters
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I have asked the following elsewhere but it is very relevant to what KC did with the body and the date of disposal.

CA in interview with Greta describes moving a plant in the back garden. That act might provide 2 spots where recent digging is covered up/explained.

The excuse given for the "landscaping" is so that the pool equipment box can be moved away from the pool. Worried that Caylee might climb up and fall in pool.
The equipment box was still next to the pool during the interviews and still there in a photo taken around that time.

It would be very helpful if somebody has info of when the Landscaping was done.
CA says a couple of weeks prior, so between when Caylee went missing and KC's arrest
Plenty of the really clever chaps here say 19th or 20th and I can see the arguement for that. My guess that it was 24th is because KC was only 1 min away from the dump site and she was obviously very worried about her father getting anywhere near her car's trunk.

I have found stuff about aerobic etc. My reading is that of the 5 critical chemicals found, 4 appear in both aerobic and anaerobic decomp.
A test compariason of mushroom and pepperoni pizza was done by placing in original box and left to decompose aerobically.
Also some discussion of Fluorides being more readily produced in deprived oxygen conditions, but fluorides were not an important factor in this case. Hypothesised that a child will not have absorbed enough fluorides.

There is quite a bit of oxygen in a car trunk and not sealed airtight to the outside or the rest of the car. There were live flies in there and I am sure they required oxygen to survive

I manage to seal our household garbage every week. Smell and liquid tight. I wouldn't expect it to still be intact after 6 months outside in all weather including hurricanes.

Food for thought...thanks, hp!
I believe the body was stored in a cooler in the trunk of her car on June 17, 18, and 19 because that was when her car had supposedly broken down, and she drove Tony's jeep those three days. We know her car wasn't broken down however, because the neighbor saw her on the 18th back her car into the garage for the first time. If she was driving Tony's jeep those three days, she probably got the bag of trash during one of those days. I can't figure out why she got his trash, and why she placed it in the trunk of her car - unless she also got a cooler from Tony?? Ideas??
Why introduce a "cooler" that we have no information about? Did KC buy it? What evidence? Did the A's already have it? What evidence? Where is it now? Do the A's have an industrial ice-maker to keep supplying it? Was KC buying several sacks of ice? No evidence of that.

If you had a tank, larger than Caylee sized, full of water(melted ice) you could not easily lift it off the ground. Maneuvering it in an out of a trunk probably impossible, certainly impractical.

It seems likely to me that the bag of Tony's rubbish was placed in the trunk after the body was gone, but with the smell still getting worse, to cover up/provide an excuse for the smell. Similarly KC left the car near a dumpster on purpose to provide an excuse for the smell.
The time line I questioned had the body being dumped 27th and then driving to Amscot. No mention of going to AL's to get rubbish and that did not happen.
There is absolutely no evidence of a cooler being used anywhere - it is the only explanation I can think of to explain why the body wasn't smelling so horrible between the 15th and 20th that the whole neighborhood smelled it! I have also never been comfortable with the thought of KC leaving Caylee's body in the back yard. That just seems too risky to me. We know the cadaver dogs hit in the back yard, but LE investigated that yard thoroughly, and they found no evidence of any grave being dug, or even an attempt to dig a grave. If ice and melted water which had been in contact with a dead body had been dumped out of a cooler in the back yard, it would be an explanation for the cadaver dog hit in the yard.
There is absolutely no evidence of a cooler being used anywhere - it is the only explanation I can think of to explain why the body wasn't smelling so horrible between the 15th and 20th that the whole neighborhood smelled it! I have also never been comfortable with the thought of KC leaving Caylee's body in the back yard. That just seems too risky to me. We know the cadaver dogs hit in the back yard, but LE investigated that yard thoroughly, and they found no evidence of any grave being dug, or even an attempt to dig a grave. If ice and melted water which had been in contact with a dead body had been dumped out of a cooler in the back yard, it would be an explanation for the cadaver dog hit in the yard.
You don't think watering the gaden daily with 20 gal of corpse water would smell a bit? KC would probably need 2 strong blokes to lift the tank in and out of the trunk and They would have to fish a corpse out of it each time.
I don't think that KC moved her body to different locations. I think that she did the easy thing she could do. I think that she put her in the sandbox to begin with. on the 16th She was worried that someone would be in the backyard possibly with the dogs, so she knew that she had to move her. especially before the weekend came. On the 19th or 20th she put her in double trash bags and put her in the trunk. She didn't think about the smell, until it started to stink. She tried to seal the opening with duct tape, so it would cut down on the smell. Either right after that or on the 24th she went to the dump site and threw her out, but the bag leaked, thus the stain. Didn't LE say that they knew what position that she was laying in the trunk?

It was probably wrapped tight, but the critters and flood waters ripped the bag to pieces.
I don't think that KC moved her body to different locations. I think that she did the easy thing she could do. I think that she put her in the sandbox to begin with. on the 16th She was worried that someone would be in the backyard possibly with the dogs, so she knew that she had to move her. especially before the weekend came. On the 19th or 20th she put her in double trash bags and put her in the trunk. She didn't think about the smell, until it started to stink. She tried to seal the opening with duct tape, so it would cut down on the smell. Either right after that or on the 24th she went to the dump site and threw her out, but the bag leaked, thus the stain. Didn't LE say that they knew what position that she was laying in the trunk?

It was probably wrapped tight, but the critters and flood waters ripped the bag to pieces.
I think she was killed around the 15th 16th of June and then buried for a few days in the backyard. She was then held in the trunk for a few days until casey disposed of her, possibly on June 24, 2008.
I believe she died on the 16th and she temp. put her in the backyard, I believe she had to be in the trunk on the 19th for the decomp fluid to spill (2.6), and than she was put into the bag or bags and possibly taped up. I think she may have sprayed her with pesticide to try to kill the maggots. Which would explain why LE to Pesticide from the home. I think the body was in the car for at least a week because the smell seemed to be so strong weeks later. I still think it was the 27th the day she abandoned the car, because she told AH she finally got rid of the squirrel smell that day. I think she than left the car at the amscott because she new ToNe needed a ride to the airport and there was no way she was going to take him in that car with the smell, but on the 30th as soon as she drops him off at the airport she is getting AH to buy her a gas can so she can go get her car, but it was too late. Car had already been towed away.
I strongly believe Caylee died on the 15th/16th of June. There is no way that tash bags alone would have kept the smell contained whether the body was in the sand box or the trunk of the car. No way. I KNOW this for a fact. I work in health care - Pathology to be exact. In hospital situations, we don't deal with dead bodies that are very "old". As soon as someone dies in the hospital, they are placed in a cooler in the morque, and everything is pretty much fine until they start to warm up, but we don't let that happen. The funeral home comes, and they have their own means of controlling the situation. We had an elderly lady that had fallen into a large trash container off of her deck as she was emptying trash, and she died, only to be found a day latter. For some reason, they brought the body to us at the hospital. The morque is located on the first floor of the hospital. Before we could get the body into a cooler, the odor was so strong that you could smell it for a few days- on the second floor of the hospital in some offices....even after the body was removed. Unmistakable odor that you will never forget or mistake for anything else. For those who are not faint of heart, look at this link for an hour to hour, and day to day description (some with pictures) of what happens after death:

This is what KC was dealing with....... :eek:
Conjuring up a "cooler" in the absense of any evidence at all makes as much sense as assuming an abduction in an air-conditioned flying saucer.
Conjuring up a "cooler" in the absense of any evidence at all makes as much sense as assuming an abduction in an air-conditioned flying saucer.

Ah no.... actually HP, I think coolers in the state of Florida are fairly common; unlike air-conditioned flying saucers. :slap:
Ah no.... actually HP, I think coolers in the state of Florida are fairly common; unlike air-conditioned flying saucers. :slap:
Lets agree to disagree.
I have had many of my opinions turned around by the info and analysis here. I await some evidence of a cooler.
That works for me HP! :blowkiss: As soon as I find evidence, you will be the first to know - after LE, LP, and Nancy Grace of course! :) The timing on the day of death and the day of the disposal of the body is one of the most fascinating aspects of this case. It doesn't make any sense on a psychological level; how could KC move the decomposing body of her child from place to place? It is one thing to murder someone and take the body to a grave or even trash dump in a matter of hours. To wait a few days adds a level of horror that just seems too "yucky" for a girly girl like KC. The timing also doesn't make any sense on a biological level; how could KC keep the body hidden so that NO one else had any clue? You just CAN'T hide a body around your home without someone realzing that something stinks. :rolleyes:
That works for me HP! :blowkiss: As soon as I find evidence, you will be the first to know - after LE, LP, and Nancy Grace of course! :) The timing on the day of death and the day of the disposal of the body is one of the most fascinating aspects of this case. It doesn't make any sense on a psychological level; how could KC move the decomposing body of her child from place to place? It is one thing to murder someone and take the body to a grave or even trash dump in a matter of hours. To wait a few days adds a level of horror that just seems too "yucky" for a girly girl like KC. The timing also doesn't make any sense on a biological level; how could KC keep the body hidden so that NO one else had any clue? You just CAN'T hide a body around your home without someone realzing that something stinks. :rolleyes:
The actual tragedy and what happened to Caylee is something I have trouble with. We have family photos of daughter and grandaughter aged 2/3. Caylee photos could be retakes. I can and do separate the investigation as an intriguing puzzle. Facinated by all the detail available and the mental exercise of solving it.

Body dumped 24th and no cooler involved!!??
OK, I remembered the case of Riley Ann Sawyers who was about Caylee's age and was killed in Galvaston Bay, TX by the her mother met on-line and moved from Ohio to Texas to marry. This beautiful child was murdered during a "discipline session" that went too far (yea- right.:furious:). After realizing the child was dead, Kimberly Trenor, the mother, and Royce Ziegler, the husband met on-line, went to Wall-Mart and purchased a Steralite storage container. They placed little Riley's body in a few garbage bags, and then into the container where they kept the body in the storage shed for approximately two months before dumping it into Galvaston Bay. This happened in July in Galvaston Bay, so the weather conditions would probably be similar to those in Florida - hot and humid. I guess that means you can hide a body in a tight container and get away with it for a while. I still think the cooler theory explains the cadaver hit in the back yard, but I am onboard with thinking KC could hide the body in a storage container or something.
Hi Reannan...I have posted here somewhere before about Riley because she was the same age as Caylee and disposed of in the same heartless manner....

By the way, note to you and HP...quit talking about the aliens....you might blow the lid off of Jose's defense!!! :) :)
Did the As have a chest freezer in the garage? hmmmm?
Forgot to add: It is my understanding that KC only borrowed TLs car one time before he left for New York. That was on June 17th and she only had it for 20 minutes. She brought back food or something from Target.
Hi Reannan...I have posted here somewhere before about Riley because she was the same age as Caylee and disposed of in the same heartless manner....

By the way, note to you and HP...quit talking about the aliens....you might blow the lid off of Jose's defense!!! :) :)
I can't see that JB has a defence better than alien abduction?

Any number of "witnesses" for that type of thing. Same crowd that sight Caylee all over the country.

Tragically the door of the UFO fell open while doing a U turn over the swamp. KC has to stay schtum lest the aliens zap the whole planet.
I can't see the initial burying in the backyard... I like how it fits the timeline, but I can't see her leaving her there. We don't show Casey spending much if any time at the house between the 16th and the alleged gas can incident. If someone found the body - a little piece of bag sticking out or a shred of clothes, or the dogs started digging at it... I just don't see KC leaving her for several days where it would be so easy for something to go wrong.

I do think she considered burying her there, and the work was too hard and time-consuming. You'd have to dig a big hole and then camoflage a big hole in a fairly small yard with not many available spots. Now I don't know what their dirt was like but digging a hole big enough to plant a small tree would take a while and in the heat - and the parents due home from work possibly before she made it look "normal" again... I think she gave up that plan fairly quickly, got Caylee into the trunk and left. I also think GA did not see into the trunk... didn't need to because he got what he was after. He has given a couple of versions of this, but I think she flew past him, got the cans and slammed the trunk down without him getting close enough.

So let's say she double or triple bagged the body and covered it with clothes in the trunk. I think the smell would be contained mostly... it would only be when the bags got moved or torn that the smell would be unbearable. So she could have gotten the gas cans and if he wasn't digging around in the trunk, he would never have known the body was there.

My point being, I think she dumped the body after that incident, whatever day that actually was. I think she was worried he would want to get those "wedges" or whatever out to rotate CA's tires. I think at that point was when the decomp leaked onto the car making it pretty obvious she needed to ditch the car for a while until it cleared up. So I picked after the 19th.
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