POLL: How did JB do in closing statements pre-lunch?

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How did Jose Baez do so far?

  • 1 - I pity the fool

    Votes: 214 48.7%
  • 2

    Votes: 52 11.8%
  • 3

    Votes: 44 10.0%
  • 4

    Votes: 25 5.7%
  • 5

    Votes: 21 4.8%
  • 6

    Votes: 21 4.8%
  • 7

    Votes: 20 4.6%
  • 8

    Votes: 23 5.2%
  • 9

    Votes: 8 1.8%
  • 10

    Votes: 11 2.5%

  • Total voters
I think he's doing ok. Not anywhere near as good as Mr. Ashton, however. I gave Baez a "5", right in the middle. He kind of worried me when he started going into the reasonable doubt thing, just because some people didn't smell the stench in the car. He does jump around too much, though, and he's a bit hard to follow.
I gave him a 2 because I don't want to waste my pity on him and I decided to award the bonus point for use of colorforms.
I voted a 5...because he IS doing much better than I thought he would, and I am not going to lie...the part where he threw up the pictures of the those who said they did not smell the decomposition in the trunk DOES worry me.

I do think he is rambling as always, but there were a couple of things that made me go, "hmmm?", so that is why I gave him a 5- an average job as of now. He has not changed MY mind whatsoever, but I just worry what the heck the jury is thinking!
Hey guys. I've been around since the days of Laci's case, haven't posted since, but this is bringing me back to the surface. I can't believe that as engrossed as I've been in this case, Mr. Baez can not keep my interest at all. I find myself drifting off and would turn off the TV if I didn't have the need to see this through. I gave him a 2. I gave him the extra point just for having the guts to get out bed this morning to do this. I mean no disrespect to him, but I feel he just did not have the experience to take this case.
I feel sorry for JB. I know, I know, he chose this case, he wasnt assigned or forced in any way, but all he ever COULD say was whatever ICA said he could, and there never WAS a defense.
I gave him a 1 because there was no 0 but I do NOT pity him. He has had ample time to prepare, this day was no surprise to him. He has no excuse.
I find JB purposely disjointing the facts irritating. It's true what someone said on HLN, JB makes little separate quilt squares. Jeff A. has an exceptional ability to knit all the facts together into one piece.
JB's biggest problem is that he's jealous to death of JA.
Did anyone keep track of how much time the Defense has used so far?
I might not be around this afternoon, so let's take the first part of JB's closing arguments.

On a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being "I pity the fool" and 10 being "outstanding", please rate how you think he did.

I had to choose "10" based on your directions. He did an outstanding job for the State.
JB made the mistake by mentioning questions never answered - because those were HIS comments that led to questions never answered.

I pity the fool is just a Mr. T. saying. It doesn't mean you actually pity him, just that you couldn't go any lower on how badly he did. ;)
I have to say he might have scored a point or two with the pictures of who smelled the smell and who didn't. Throw out Tony, Clint House, Maria Kish, but the police officers who didn't smell it? I don't know, that might put a question in the jury's mind. A big deal was made out of George being a police officer and knowing that smell.

Does anyone remember what the woman who drove the car from the Anthony's home said? Did she say she didn't smell anything at all?
He should cut the cheese, his closing argument is like a huge wedge of swiss, stale and riddled with holes!
I think defending Casey would be so difficult, even for a good lawyer. Baez has a tough job but he is in way over his head. He resorts to blaming others and does not do well attacking the evidence. He also doesn't present well IMO.
I think he did a pretty fair job.

In my opinion his goal (or strategy) is to redefine (in the jury's mind) the standard of proof the prosecution is expected to meet. He keeps repeated loaded language and phrases that, while technically correct semantically, are deliberately deceptive.

The recap he is offering, coupled with the narrative above, is designed to allow him to hammer this fallacy home. Further, while some here find it laughable, I believe that his charts have been well employed. When he removed all the images on the one side of the who smelled what chart, the couple pictures remaining looked mighty lonely. It was nonsense of course, but crafty nonsense.

The guy is smart. He is doing a lot with the little that he has. That's his JOB.

Fortunately I do not believe that it will be enough. The prosecution is going to have a the final word, and it is going to be devistating.
I say a 2. It's so frustrating listening to him. :/

So agree. I can hardly stand to see hear him or even look at him any more. There's something about him that rubs me the wrong way...bigtime. Hope the jury feels the same way.
I just don't like long rambling arguments. By the time he tries to get to a point I'm asleep. I also don't like my intelligence insulted. I like JA's pointed succint style. I just click, click down the points. Gave JB a two.

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