Poll - If you were on the Jury today

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If you were on the jury today, how would you vote?

  • Guilty of 1st Degree Murder - Death Penalty

    Votes: 200 51.0%
  • Guilty of 1st Degree Murder - LWP

    Votes: 165 42.1%
  • Guilty of a lesser charge - 10-25 years

    Votes: 11 2.8%
  • Guilty of a lesser charge - Off with time served

    Votes: 2 0.5%
  • Not Guilty

    Votes: 4 1.0%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 10 2.6%

  • Total voters
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I also thought it said LWOP. If I could, I would vote LWOP in General Population.

Me too, I'm not paying attention to what I'm reading. I take back my vote. LWP is just not enough considering the big picture and all of her behavior. As much as I dislike the death penalty, since I cannot vote LWOP I have to go with death.

I was also reading LolaMoons post about the computer searches. Kc had a burning desire to be carefree and party with her friends who had no children. Her photos show that she behaves in a way to get attention...She is an attention *advertiser censored*. She was in the doghouse at home. I imagine GA was giving her the silent treatment and ignoring her and perhaps being passive/aggressive with her. Mom was nagging every single day, making threat and innuendo about custody. Harping upon KC daily for all of her short-comings. Mom was also aware of the ABC party pictures and mom was making KC's life miserable. KC missed out on St. Patricks day celebrations iirc and since she was so deep in the doghouse, I doubt that she got any attention at all from the family. Has anything been said about her birthday celebration?
I'm - right now, with what has been released - going with guilty, time served. I don't think the state has proven that she committed murder. I do think she is guilty of negligent parenting and tampering with a corpse (if that latter one is on FL's books) and there is ample proof of both of those (the duct tape, the trunk, and the disposal of the remains).

Note that isn't how I FEEL about her, only what I think they have proven so far. I don't expect any sort of miracle, but I hope every day that there is evidence we've not yet seen to nail this case down tighter. Right now I just feel that the state over-reached for a murder 1 conviction.
Let me see if I've got this straight. Anyone.....correct this list if I'm wrong. Add to it or highlight what needs to be deleted please.

We've got a "stinking" car that is described as "smells like a dead body in the damn car" from a source that was at their most reliable frame of mind at the time.

Duct tape that matches what is in the Anthony home found on the skull of Caylee.

"Coffin flies" affiliated with feeding off of human decomp at both the site of the garbage which was in the trunk of said car AND found at the site of the remains.

The missing Winnie the Pooh blanket FROM the home and FOUND at the site of the remains.

Remains site within a quarter mile of the home.

No report of a missing child from the natural mother AT ALL. The grandmother reported it.

Searches on the home computer for neck breaking, chloroform, shovel, household weapons done on three occasions prior to the child's disappearance.

Lying to detectives about EVERYTHING.

Allowing thousands of people from all over the country and the Texas Equusearch organization to travel to the Orlando area to search for a little girl that was missing knowing all the while where her daughter was. Thousands of dollars spent for searches.

The report of ICA's reaction when she WAS found.

Stealing money, writing checks on someone else's account(s), shopping sprees on someone else's money, stealing food, gas, attending parties, lying about her whereabouts and keeping the "stinking" car a secret.

Picture of her preparing for a party 2 weeks after her daughter disappears.

Lest we not forget about the "mysterious Nanny" and that entire ficticious scenario now in the courts as a lawsuit against ICA.

The tattoo "Bella Vita".

I don't know about anyone else but I still remember the childhood story of Hansel and Gretel. You drop one crumb and then another and eventually it will lead you back to where you're supposed to be. All these things on the list represent one crumb and then another. You can't get to point B without point A and to me, point A begins on Hopespring Drive with a reported fight between ICA and CA. The rest just makes sense IMO

Of the items listed above, I don't know how much of it can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt but I am hoping that after all is said and done, that two and half years to be regarded as time served on negligent parenting and tampering with a corpse is not what she ends up with. Especially IF she's not willing to tell this jury what really happened. This woman has wreaked havoc with many many lives that have been trying to give little Caylee the dignity and respect she deserves and Lord only knows what she did to her daughter. In my opinion, if it was an accident, she would have a very difficult time explaining that so she had better start talking. IMHO, she's not going anywhere for a very long time, IF EVER.
3 NG now? :waitasec:

Please share why you voted "Not Guilty".
The first part of the trial is the guilt phase. If they find her guilty of murder they then go into the penalty phase and choose life without parole or death. That is the phase that the defense gets to have people come in and beg for her to be spared.

If she is found Not Guilty during the guilt phase, it is over and there is no sentencing.

I can see it now, Cindy: " Please spare Casey, she was the best mother ever, all she ever did was fawn and dote on Caylee, she loved her SO much Blah Blah Blah". :floorlaugh:

for the one and only time in her miserable, waste of a life, i want ica to feel... Feel exactly the way that beautiful little girl felt, betrayed, terrified and facing death. It may be the one an only chance she ever truly understands what other people feel as a result of her cold, calculated usage of others for her own ends.

This one time, i really really want her to understand the terror of death, to acknowledge if only to herself, it truly is the end of the last hallway and this time the state is taking her as far as she wants to go down it. All the while gazing into her mother and father eyes so they can all acknowledge how terribly they all failed caylee.

death... Anything less is not justice for that child who will never get to know what it is to have her own child, to love, to marry, to go to school , to choose her own bella vita.

I am not a cruel woman... I would give the remainder of my own life to have the life of my only son given back to this world... So i have no sympathy at all for a game player of this magnitude... She deserves to die for deliberately taking the life of caylee... I cannot bear to imagine what the child felt.

my reasoning 100% percent
Caylee will never:

1. Start her first day in Kindergarden or Pre-K
2. Never Attend Jr. High School
3. Never Attend High School
4. Go To Prom
5. Graduate from HS
6. Have her first Boyfriend
7. Have her first kiss
8. Go to college & graduate
9. Never learn how to drive a car
10. Never Get Engaged
11. Never Get married
12. Never Have Children
13. Never become a Grandparent

ALL because her stupid *Beep* decided to take all of that from her.

I hope Casey cries when she is found Guilty and I hope she cries when she is sentenced to Death.
I think guilty, LWP is much more punishmen, for her than given the death penalty.
I voted "guilty of 1st degree murder - death penalty.

With all the evidence we've seen since the beginning of this case, including Casey's behavior, which is circumstantial evidence, I have no doubt about it. Casey murdered Caylee for very selfish reasons and Caylee's death was brutal.

Casey wanted the lifestyle of a young single adult, and she also wanted to punish her mother.

Although I voted for the death penalty, I wouldn't be unhappy to see Casey get life without parole. That would end it, whereas if she gets the death penalty, there will be appeals. Spending the rest of her life in prison would be a long time for someone who is 24-years-old now. Although Casey would adapt to the prison lifestyle, I'm sure she would think of all she's missing in the outside world. She would never have the freedom to choose, all her choices will be made for her. If she thinks her mother is controlling, wait until she gets behind prison walls.
I voted "guilty of 1st degree murder - death penalty.

With all the evidence we've seen since the beginning of this case, including Casey's behavior, which is circumstantial evidence, I have no doubt about it. Casey murdered Caylee for very selfish reasons and Caylee's death was brutal.

Casey wanted the lifestyle of a young single adult, and she also wanted to punish her mother.

Although I voted for the death penalty, I wouldn't be unhappy to see Casey get life without parole. That would end it, whereas if she gets the death penalty, there will be appeals. Spending the rest of her life in prison would be a long time for someone who is 24-years-old now. Although Casey would adapt to the prison lifestyle, I'm sure she would think of all she's missing in the outside world. She would never have the freedom to choose, all her choices will be made for her. If she thinks her mother is controlling, wait until she gets behind prison walls.

I don't believe in the death penalty but I do want her to get LWOP. I think she has adapted pretty well to life behind bars. She comes in the courtroom all smiles. She is on stage there. Her rude awakening will come behind her final jail cell. It just might be more difficult if she is in general population. I don't think other prisoners especially the ones with children will take to a mother who killed her child. I am sure she will take some abusive name calling and worse but then again I am not sure if this will bother her since she seems to like any kind of attention bad or good. At the last hearing though she looked a bit worried. Wish I knew what went on in those last moments there. JB sure got out of there rather quickly.
I don't believe in the death penalty but I do want her to get LWOP. I think she has adapted pretty well to life behind bars. She comes in the courtroom all smiles. She is on stage there. Her rude awakening will come behind her final jail cell. It just might be more difficult if she is in general population. I don't think other prisoners especially the ones with children will take to a mother who killed her child. I am sure she will take some abusive name calling and worse but then again I am not sure if this will bother her since she seems to like any kind of attention bad or good. At the last hearing though she looked a bit worried. Wish I knew what went on in those last moments there. JB sure got out of there rather quickly.

Nope, They do not; even ones who do not have bio children of their own but have Nieces, Nephews, little Cousins etc.
I voted "guilty of 1st degree murder w/ death penalty.

I used to be against the DP until this case came along. I think the more educated you are about a case the more time you have to really think about what the repercussions should be for the POI. Caylee did not deserve to die, why should Casey deserve to live?

Tax payers will be paying for her to be in prison for life for what? Spend that money keeping Sex Offenders in jail since they are not put to death..even though they should be IMO. Sorry if I sound heartless, but I just can't find any reason at all to keep Casey around..none. :cow:
I voted LWOP as the DP was too harsh for me in this case. Casey's posting of the picture of a child looking up at a hanging teddy bear with the question " why do people kill people, who kill people , to show that killing people is wrong " ? She knew she deserved to be killed ( DP ) for what she has done......this shows a smidgen of remorse for her decision to do what she did to Caylee. I believe that she was in a state of rage toward her Mother after " the final straw " fight. People have tried to sell this as " an accident "........under umbrella of accident why would a person choose this picture and question? I think her mind was visiting the punishment that suited her crime. JMO
Bringing my own post over :innocent: from a thread Faefrost started...

We have many emotionally charged reasons for wanting the Death Penalty, but there is quite the list that jurors may NOT consider during the penalty phase when hearing evidence and making a decision regarding the level of penalty sentence to recommend in a guilty verdict.

Thank you for posting this case Faefrost. I don't have the same concerns as many posters about jury members going sideways as I believe HHJP is very aware of probing potential jurors as to whether or not they have beliefs that would prevent them from voting death, or if they do have those beliefs are they able to set them aside.

Re: the impassioned closing argument - it would have helped if I had looked up the Eighth Amendment (Canuck here) before reading the article, but I was unimpressed with the defendant's complaints.

I do understand that in the penalty phase, there is quite a list of topics the SA cannot go near, such as..
-the State may not use the lack of remorse as an argument
-the State may not argue mitigation as aggravating factors
-may not argue facts which were not contained in the evidence except common knowledge facts
-not use the golden rule - that is to say "what punishment would the victim want the defendant to serve?"
-The "show no mercy" argument or show the defendant the same mercy as he showed his victim
-may not use the religious argument "thou shalt not kill" No quotes from the Bible or God allowed
-cannot appeal to the sympathy, emotions or fear of the jurors saying things such as "how would you feel if this happens to you", or "imagine how the victim felt".
-may not call the defendant a liar
-may not ask the death penalty be used to "serve as an example to the community"
-may not suggest the death penalty is a deterrent

There are a number of others but those were the ones that jumped out at me.

Some of them really surprised me...too much crime TV I guess...:innocent:
I voted LWOP as the DP was too harsh for me in this case. Casey's posting of the picture of a child looking up at a hanging teddy bear with the question " why do people kill people, who kill people , to show that killing people is wrong " ? She knew she deserved to be killed ( DP ) for what she has done......this shows a smidgen of remorse for her decision to do what she did to Caylee. I believe that she was in a state of rage toward her Mother after " the final straw " fight. People have tried to sell this as " an accident "........under umbrella of accident why would a person choose this picture and question? I think her mind was visiting the punishment that suited her crime. JMO

Why if an accident would any MOTY not call 911, why wrap THREE pieces of duct tape around your precious child's face & head and why dump her little body in a swamp / trashy lot. You're exactly right, this was no accident.

The A's can present any picture of this monster they so choose, it doesn't change the facts of the case - something they will have to live with until they die.

I think that clip showed she doesn't think she should die for what she did, her partying, boyfriends, dead squirrel, thieving from friends and lies - not to mention her not calling LE, nor wanting to speak to them after the call was made - all show lack of remorse.
Why if an accident would any MOTY not call 911, why wrap THREE pieces of duct tape around your precious child's face & head and why dump her little body in a swamp / trashy lot. You're exactly right, this was no accident.

The A's can present any picture of this monster they so choose, it doesn't change the facts of the case - something they will have to live with until they die.

I think that clip showed she doesn't think she should die for what she did, her partying, boyfriends, dead squirrel, thieving from friends and lies - not to mention her not calling LE, nor wanting to speak to them after the call was made - all show lack of remorse.

And fortunately it is good to remember that what the A's have to say will have NO influence on the verdict of this trial, no influence whatsoever!!
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