POLL - Kobe Bryant case dropped: How do you feel?

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Yay or Nay

  • Good - it should have been dropped!

    Votes: 43 46.2%
  • Bad - it should had proceded!

    Votes: 34 36.6%
  • No Opinion either way.

    Votes: 9 9.7%
  • Other... explain below

    Votes: 7 7.5%

  • Total voters
SoloFlyer, You have hit the nail on the head. Defense spin! Ruin this girl and she'll run away, out lawyer her, release all damning info, send her packing. Interesting, She didn't back down after the first time so they did it again, dang, she's here like glue, OK release more. Shoot judge she's still here. OK To He** with the rape shield law that outta do it. Ah at last after 2 guys in jail and her entire history out to the public, and every nasty rumour is now repeated as if truth, dear sweet kobe has been freed from this unfortunate misunderstanding. BA HA HA HA HA
Shaq. - moved to the other side of the country
coach - quit
Fox - gone you go Kobe your friends are just lining up to support you. lol

you can fool some of the people some of the time.......
I voted other. Here is why.

I actually don't think he raped that woman-therefore he cannot be charged for rape.

However-I think he earned the nightmare (close call) he just went through. NONE of it would have happened to him if he wasn't a self centered thoughtless pig. :angel:
You presume the defendent is innocent but the victim is guilty? There is something wrong with that type of thinking, so I shall wish you good luck and God forbid a man with some money sees it in your eyes that you want rough sex while he holds you by the neck. If that wasn't fun wait until you attempt to press charges and his attornies find weasels that will swear to anything for the allmighty greenback and your life is destroyed. A judge that throws out rape shield laws and openly adores the defendant, a rape counselor that tried to sell her therapy session notes and people that do not know her accusing her of everything from a troublemaker to a moneyhungry *advertiser censored* tends to make people leery of seeking justice.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
SoloFlyer said:
You presume the defendent is innocent but the victim is guilty? There is something wrong with that type of thinking, so I shall wish you good luck and God forbid a man with some money sees it in your eyes that you want rough sex while he holds you by the neck. If that wasn't fun wait until you attempt to press charges and his attornies find weasels that will swear to anything for the allmighty greenback and your life is destroyed. A judge that throws out rape shield laws and openly adores the defendant, a rape counselor that tried to sell her therapy session notes and people that do not know her accusing her of everything from a troublemaker to a moneyhungry *advertiser censored* tends to make people leery of seeking justice.

You could give the victim the same respect you give the defendant. He apologized because he was wrong. Read the confession, he states that he KNOWS she did not think it was consentual. That is rape! No ifs, ands or buts!
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: Well said!!!!

Besides all this other hell she has been through, I believe her life has actually been threatened as well.
SoloFlyer said:
...that you want rough sex while he holds you by the neck.

No one knows for sure that this really happened. It's a word vs word case and no one will ever know for sure what exactly happened that night and if it was truly rape.
AuntieKaren said:
No one knows for sure that this really happened. It's a word vs word case and no one will ever know for sure what exactly happened that night and if it was truly rape.
You're right about that. No one truly knows what happened that night except the 2 people who were there. Both of them are in agreement that the woman didn't think the sex was consensual. If you think that the US justice system dispenses a lot of justice for rape victims, especially rape victims where the [alleged] perpetrator is wealthy and powerful; you should really think about that some more.
Her blood was on his shirt.
He initially lied about having sex with her. Made inconsistent statements.
His attorney outrageously kept using the accuser's name in court despite being warned not to. And was never sanctioned for this.
The court's decisions unfairly favored the defendant, IMO. Also the "mistakes" of putting out the stuff they did on the internet so clearly signalled to the accuser that there was no way she could get a fair hearing in this court.
The defendant was advantaged by his deep pockets and he cleverly hired a very aggressive female attorney to do his dirty work for him.

In my opinion the accuser was revictimized by this whole sham of a process.

And the sad fact is that by withdrawing from the criminal case, she can never get her good name back. She will always be seen by many as a "golddigger" and a "*advertiser censored*" who fabricated this story to extort money from this poor pitiful basketball player.

Here's another interesting opinion article by local sports writer:

Because the girl in Colorado likely said no, at some point in their brief encounter, and he didn't listen, and he got away with it. We really don't know what happened in that hotel room, of course, but it's safe to say the decision to drop the case had more to do with what happened after that night than the night itself.

"People don't understand my vision," Kobe said back in 2000, one of the first occasions anyone got a glimpse of the Kobe to come. "and I don't care if they agree or not."

The clues for trouble were there if we had looked, but we were all too busy basking in his ability.

Bryant Unlikely to Change
SoloFlyer said:
You presume the defendent is innocent but the victim is guilty? There is something wrong with that type of thinking, so I shall wish you good luck and God forbid a man with some money sees it in your eyes that you want rough sex while he holds you by the neck.
Solo, I sure hope you aren't female, that you could wish this one anyone! I have been a molestation victim, and in my opinion, this "victim" sure didn't act like one after the fact! I can tell you that after being molested, hours afterward, sex with ANYONE else was the last thing on my mind! You feel violated, and yes, your motivation is justice/revenge NOT money!!!
Furthermore, I think she used bad judgement in entering his hotel room, or not leaving when things started heating up.
LinasK said:
Solo, I sure hope you aren't female, that you could wish this one anyone! I have been a molestation victim, and in my opinion, this "victim" sure didn't act like one after the fact! I can tell you that after being molested, hours afterward, sex with ANYONE else was the last thing on my mind! You feel violated, and yes, your motivation is justice/revenge NOT money!!!
Furthermore, I think she used bad judgement in entering his hotel room, or not leaving when things started heating up.
Did anyone tell you you didn't act like a molestation victim after the fact? Was your molestation portrayed in the media before the entire nation with a sympathetic slant towards your molester? Did people judge you for not getting away from your molester when "things started heating up"? Were you portrayed in the media as someone who seduced your molester with the idea of getting money? I think not. My mind was not made up about this case until Kobe Bryant came forth with his "apology" [imo confession], in which he states that he knows the victim did not consider this consensual sex. That, to me, is a confession of rape by a priveleged wealthy male who should have known better and is admitting such.
SoloFlyer said:
You presume the defendent is innocent but the victim is guilty? There is something wrong with that type of thinking, so I shall wish you good luck and God forbid a man with some money sees it in your eyes that you want rough sex while he holds you by the neck.

SoloFlyer -
I consider that a personal attack. This forum is to discuss our opinions about the case - it's not personal. Only Kobe, the girl, and God truely know what happened. We are all just speculating based on what we have heard about the incident. That fact that you wish something so horrific on someone simply because they disagree with your opinion really makes me wonder what kind of person you are.
lisafremont said:
Her blood was on his shirt.
He initially lied about having sex with her. Made inconsistent statements.
I haven't seen anything about that, where can I find that info? The "inconsistant statements" that Kobe supposedly made part. The only thing I have found is that he initially denied having sex with her. In the judge's order for trial, he wrote, "there were inconsistent statements by the alleged victim." Here http://www.courts.state.co.us/exec/media/eagle/courtdocs.htm you can see the actual court docs and schedules up to 9/2/2004 on this case.

His attorney outrageously kept using the accuser's name in court despite being warned not to. And was never sanctioned for this.
Actually it was the prosecution who kept using her name, not Kobe's attorney.

The court's decisions unfairly favored the defendant, IMO. Also the "mistakes" of putting out the stuff they did on the internet so clearly signalled to the accuser that there was no way she could get a fair hearing in this court.
The defendant was advantaged by his deep pockets and he cleverly hired a very aggressive female attorney to do his dirty work for him.

In my opinion the accuser was revictimized by this whole sham of a process.

And the sad fact is that by withdrawing from the criminal case, she can never get her good name back. She will always be seen by many as a "golddigger" and a "*advertiser censored*" who fabricated this story to extort money from this poor pitiful basketball player.


But if you actually read everything it's quite possible she did do this (make a false claim) to get money.
This same accuser was reportedly at a bar shortly after her encounter with Kobe, partying and giggling and telling her friends about the size of Kobe's member etc. She also reportedly had sex with another man who's semen was found on and in her body.
Since she's no longer involved in a criminal case and has retained 2 private high profile, high paid civil attorney's (who can afford to do that?) to seek an unspecified sum of MONEY from her alledged attacker in a civil case I question whether or not she really wasn't out for celebrity or money all along.

I have doubts about her honesty after reading all the facts...her going to Kobe's room in the late hours after she clocked out (I wonder what the hotel's employee policy is on employees visiting guests rooms), her willingly (allegedly) showing him her tattoo on her butt and showing her thong while doing so, her admission that they consensually fooled around, her refusal to take a polygraph, no rape exam before the DA filed charges, her history of mental instability, her actions immediately after the alleged attack (the party she attended at the bar), her statement to the DA that she didn't even know who Kobe was, yet she was excited he was going to be staying at the hotel and was planning to get his autograph for a friend (which proves she lied to the DA and did know who he was all along!)....
One of her civil attorney's is Lin Wood. He only goes after defendants who have very, very deep pockets...

IMO the DA's office spun getting out of this case. It was because the accuser wasn't able to go forward, yet the case wasn't filed as "accuser vs Kobe Bryant" it was the State of CO VS Kobe Bryant (if the case against Bryant was so strong and the evidence so overwhelming did they even need her to actually testify?)... she won't be able to claim "stress" as a way of getting out of a civil trial...it remains to be seen if there is a settlement in that case or not.

Nobody knows if she ever actually said "stop" or "no" to Kobe, it's just her word against his. The DNA evidence (some of her blood on his shirt, but we don't know how much) for the prosecutions case could be from a number of things (not excluding rape here), but doesn't prove he actually raped her.

So yeah, I still have doubts about whether or not she was actually raped or not. So do the people who were there immediately afterwards and friends of hers. Raped women do not go out and immediately have sex again, nor do they party and giggle about the size of the guy's dong who "raped" them.
It just doen't seem like the case was legitimate to me.

Did he rape her? I wasn't there so I don't know but her actions belie her claims IMO.
BirdieBoo said:
Did anyone tell you you didn't act like a molestation victim after the fact? Was your molestation portrayed in the media before the entire nation with a sympathetic slant towards your molester? Did people judge you for not getting away from your molester when "things started heating up"? Were you portrayed in the media as someone who seduced your molester with the idea of getting money? I think not. My mind was not made up about this case until Kobe Bryant came forth with his "apology" [imo confession], in which he states that he knows the victim did not consider this consensual sex. That, to me, is a confession of rape by a priveleged wealthy male who should have known better and is admitting such.

Birdie, did you read the apology and notice the key words in it?

Although I truly believe this encounter between us was consensual, I recognize now that she did not and does not view this incident the same way I did. After months of reviewing discovery, listening to her attorney, and even her testimony in person, I now understand how she feels that she did not consent to this encounter.

As for your other questions did you really think that partying and giggling about the size of your rapists member right after the alleged attack was normal?
Did you review all the facts of the case and read all the docs, or did you just go on the apology?

I don't care if this guy was rich, or poor, black or white, ugly or not, the facts of her behavior and statements after the alleged attack bother the heck out of me....
Read that district judge has temporary order to seal Bryant's interview at request of defense, since it would cause harm to his image -- good grief, what about all the leaking of victim (yes, I choose to use that word now) information, all over the internet before trial. Maybe there will be some justice in civil case, if it ever occurs. Kobe hasn't been proved innocent as his well paid attorneys claim - doubts linger, so sure he would welcome a trial to prove his innocence and restore any doubts about his glowing image. So, unseal those records!
Seeker said:
Birdie, did you read the apology and notice the key words in it?

As for your other questions did you really think that partying and giggling about the size of your rapists member right after the alleged attack was normal?
Did you review all the facts of the case and read all the docs, or did you just go on the apology?

I don't care if this guy was rich, or poor, black or white, ugly or not, the facts of her behavior and statements after the alleged attack bother the heck out of me....
Seeker, yes. I did read the apology. Like I stated in my earlier post, it sealed my opinion that he did it. Like I said earlier, the only 2 that REALLY know what happened in the room that night were Kobe and the girl. Why would he apologize if he had done nothing wrong? Perhaps to smooth things over with the girl, so they could laugh about it later? I think not.

As for your other questions did you really think that partying and giggling about the size of your rapists member right after the alleged attack was normal?
I did not hear about this do you have a source? because your post says this is REPORTEDLY what happened.

The fact that HE lied about it from the get-go bothers me also. I think he did it. That's my opinion and I think the victim was totally dragged through the mud, for gosh sakes she received death threats over this. That in itself is unjustifiable whether she was telling the truth or not. Death threats have nothing to do with the US justice system, when it is working correctly. Her name was released REPEATEDLY, supposedly by accident.

Also I do not know why you are attacking me for my opinion of this, I have a right to my opinion, your opinion may vary.
Seeker, one more thing, raped women DO sometimes have sex very soon after a rape, because they feel that it gives them control back over their OWN sexuality, a control which has been forcibly ripped away by their rapist. In fact, many women go through a period of promiscuity after a rape. I know this from when I volunteered in a rape crisis center and it's particularly COMMON amonst rape victims in their late teens and early 20's.

here is a link with info you may read regarding rape

I wonder where you get your information about how women "should" act after they are raped?

I'm sorry if Kobe is your favorite sports hero or something, because I personally think he's a rapist and belongs in jail rather than on the hardwoods.
I would think that the experience of being raped would be different for every woman. Since most of them say its not a "sex" act, I can't see why they'd want to go right out and have sex, but since I'm not a victim, its not up to me to say. Personally, I don't really care about any "sports" heros because there aren't any. They are just people who make a ridiculous amount of money for playing a game and don't hear the word 'NO' very often, usually starting at a very young age and it has to have some part in most of them becoming assholes. I don't happen to believe that Kobe was guilty because of what I've read about this case, not because of what he does for a living. The wife is a ho and I feel sorry for his daughter.
BirdieBoo said:
Seeker, one more thing, raped women DO sometimes have sex very soon after a rape, because they feel that it gives them control back over their OWN sexuality, a control which has been forcibly ripped away by their rapist. In fact, many women go through a period of promiscuity after a rape. I know this from when I volunteered in a rape crisis center and it's particularly COMMON amonst rape victims in their late teens and early 20's.

here is a link with info you may read regarding rape

I wonder where you get your information about how women "should" act after they are raped?

I'm sorry if Kobe is your favorite sports hero or something, because I personally think he's a rapist and belongs in jail rather than on the hardwoods.

I wasn't attacking you, just asking you some very valid questions to try and understand your pov since you said your mind was not made up until you read the apology. If you think asking you some questions (less agressive than the ones you asked LinasK) was an attack then you might want to reasses the ones you asked LinasK (a victim of rape).

Nope, I don't watch b-ball at all, could care less about him personally. I read the court docs, all of them.
If you haven't followed the case closely then you may have missed where it was reported by her friends (that were there) about the party in the bar where she was giggling about this encounter. I don't have a link offhand, but if I come across it again I'll put it up for you.

And no, even that site you listed doesn't say that right after a rape that women try to have normal sexual relations right after. Look at it again, it says months, not within hours...

I have worked with women who have been raped, not one of them had sex immediately after they were attacked either. Only one other person on this board posted almost the exact same thing...it simply doesn't ring true. Not to the victims of rape, and not to those of us who actually have worked with real rape victims.

I've never, ever come across a real rape victim that went out within hours of being violently raped to have sex with anyone, even a hubby or long term bf! Speaking of that...
The AV's ex-bf refused to give DNA samples to be compared to the sperm found inside her body after the alleged rape. If he hadn't had sex with her why refuse to give a DNA sample?

Read the court docs, they are very informative and they are from both sides.

else. Neither have any of these organizations.

I am not saying nothing happened, I'm saying something doesn't smell right about this case. I think both of them were lying to some degree. She never told Kobe "no" according to the detective who initially interviewed her...yet he's (Kobe) hiding things too.
Maybe it will all come out in the civil case, unless they do a "sealed settlement agreement for an undisclosed sum" which is what Wood usually tries to get.
The AV's ex-bf refused to give DNA samples to be compared to the sperm found inside her body after the alleged rape. If he hadn't had sex with her why refuse to give a DNA sample?

Really Seeker??? Interesting. . . . Even if he DID have sex with her, why would he refuse? Maybe he thinks he may be in a data base or something. . . .

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