POLL - Kobe Bryant case dropped: How do you feel?

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Yay or Nay

  • Good - it should have been dropped!

    Votes: 43 46.2%
  • Bad - it should had proceded!

    Votes: 34 36.6%
  • No Opinion either way.

    Votes: 9 9.7%
  • Other... explain below

    Votes: 7 7.5%

  • Total voters
messiecake said:
What did I say about you??? I apologised for you misunderstanding something I wrote!! Why arent you jumping on everyone else who also has posted opinions similar to mine??? AND why are you so angry? It seems youve got alot more going on then if Kobe is guilty or not!

THIS IS A MESSAGE BOARD!!!!!!!! THIS DOES NOT AFFECT YOUR REAL LIFE!!!!!! I think you need to relax.I said nothing nothing mean nor offensive towards you and I apologise if you feel I did.
Why cant you just agree to disagree and move on like I keep trying to?

I said I was finshed with this and the only reason Im posting is because you claim I said something negative about you which is clearly not true.....

I have taken the liberty of bolding some of the things you have said about ME.

A few posts back:
messiecake said:
Its clear youre in the camp of" hes guilty and nothing will convince me otherwise" so its pointless for me to continue......
Even further back:
messiecake said:
Doesnt any of the evidence showing KB's innocence matter?......

I am not jumping on you at all. All I wanted to know was if you knew of some conclusive evidence about Kobe Bryant that showed his innocence as you stated a few posts back. Not stuff his defense thought up aka "the nutty slutty defense". And I wondered if you could post it here. Everything I have read that you have posted about the girl starts with a phrase something like "Bryant's defense attorneys say...." or "according to court documents filed by Pam Mackey..."

So if you can come up with "any of the evidence showing KB's innocence", that is all I wanted to know.

I do not need to know your opinion on whether you think I am angry, whether you think I post too much on this board, whether you think I have a real life or not. Or whether you feel that I need to relax. None of those things are any of your business, or relevant to the question of Kobe's innocence or guilt.

If you have "any of the evidence showing KB's innocence" to post here then feel free, otherwise then just consider the discussion over. I already do.
Come on you two. You're two of my favorite posters. Please don't fight like this. You're never going to get one another to agree with your thoughts on this one. Let's just move on, ok?
Jeana (DP) said:
Come on you two. You're two of my favorite posters. Please don't fight like this. You're never going to get one another to agree with your thoughts on this one. Let's just move on, ok?
Im trying to Jeana!!!!!!!!!
Hi all.
I have posted on this topic several times, and in case you aren't aware of how I feel, I feel that Kobe is a type of professional athlete that I have seen many many many times over. I have worked with athletes my entire life, and have been an athlete my entire life. I also lived in Vail, have many friends that still live there, and have heard about this woman many times over.
I know you say that there is no proof that she was speaking of KBs member, (she was, by the way) but say, if that was indeed true, how would you feel?
Would that change your mind about the alleged rape?

I am a victims advocate for rape, I understand how hard it is to report this attrocity, I understand it all, better than most. My biggest problem, however, is HER. I understand that different people handle rape in different ways (although I have never seen a rape victim go out and have sex right after the incident, I beleive it could happen, and does, INFREQUENTLY) but the speaking about the 'member' just doesn't jive with me. AT ALL.
This information did not come from Mackay. This information came from locals.

I will admit that I am somewhat 'tainted'. I do not beleive it is normal action of a rape victime to party, have sex and discuss penis size right after a rape. I have never personally witnessed any such behaviour, so it is hard for me to understand. But just for arguments sake, say it is indeed normal behaviour to do this... Is it also normal behaviour to come back with a civil suit after the criminal suit went to hell in a hand basket? Is it normal behaviour for the accused to single handedly cause other victims of rape the pain it will now cause them to report this attrocious crime? Is it normal behaviour of a true rape victim to be so selfish as to wreak havoc on the rape shield law?

I beleive that any person that is truly raped, will feel sorry for, and find comfort in, other rape victims. She did the complete OPPOSITE. What do you think about this?
Birdie, you know I respect your opinion, and there is no way I would become 'annoyed' with you or anyone else for taking up for a rape victim. The fact that you think this woman was raped does not upset me at all. We need people like you. It helps balance the unbeleivable disadvantage that all rape victims have.

Strictly as a spectator in all of this, let me just say that I would have to say that for myself, if I were raped, I would rather have my day in court as a witness in a criminal trial than as a plaintiff in a civil case. Even if I didn't think there was a snowball's chance in heck of getting a conviction, I would want to be able to get up on the witness stand and tell the entire world what he did to me. I wouldn't trade that experience for all the money in the world. Even if no one believed me. I would know that I said what I needed to say and told MY story. After that, it would be up to him to answer it.

In case you're wondering, yes, I do think that legitimate victims should be able to sue to monetary damages, but in addition to, NOT in place of, attempting to get a criminal conviction.
Jeana (DP) said:
Strictly as a spectator in all of this, let me just say that I would have to say that for myself, if I were raped, I would rather have my day in court as a witness in a criminal trial than as a plaintiff in a civil case. Even if I didn't think there was a snowball's chance in heck of getting a conviction, I would want to be able to get up on the witness stand and tell the entire world what he did to me. I wouldn't trade that experience for all the money in the world. Even if no one believed me. I would know that I said what I needed to say and told MY story. After that, it would be up to him to answer it.

In case you're wondering, yes, I do think that legitimate victims should be able to sue to monetary damages, but in addition to, NOT in place of, attempting to get a criminal conviction.

Yes Jeanna. This is where I am having trouble. I also beleive they should be able to sue for monetary damages without any caps, but dropping the criminal case and favouring a civil suit?? Pathetic. Many people don't beleive her anyway, but at least with a criminal trial, the 'truth' would become harder to hide, without all the 'ulterior motive' crap.
I have also noticed the quote that Tricia sports about Lin Wood. I am not familiar with this person at all. Can you give me an idea in a nutshell? Why would she choose Wood in your opinion?

Bhodirasta said:
Yes Jeanna. This is where I am having trouble. I also beleive they should be able to sue for monetary damages without any caps, but dropping the criminal case and favouring a civil suit?? Pathetic. Many people don't beleive her anyway, but at least with a criminal trial, the 'truth' would become harder to hide, without all the 'ulterior motive' crap.
I have also noticed the quote that Tricia sports about Lin Wood. I am not familiar with this person at all. Can you give me an idea in a nutshell? Why would she choose Wood in your opinion?


Well I don't participate in the JonBenet Ramsey forum a whole lot, but I believe that she and Lin may have some history. LOL Since we know our wonderful leader has nothing to worry about with regard to any slander, Lin and Tricia will probably never meet. You may want to ask her the history there though. I don't want to speak out of turn and don't know the whole story.
Jeana (DP) said:
Well I don't participate in the JonBenet Ramsey forum a whole lot, but I believe that she and Lin may have some history. LOL Since we know our wonderful leader has nothing to worry about with regard to any slander, Lin and Tricia will probably never meet. You may want to ask her the history there though. I don't want to speak out of turn and don't know the whole story.

Lin Wood was involved in the Ramsey case, huh? I should go to some reading...
I am just wondering why this woman would choose Lin Wood, where she is getting the money, and what her 'intentions' are in regards to hiring (her?).
Bhodirasta said:
Lin Wood was involved in the Ramsey case, huh? I should go to some reading...
I am just wondering why this woman would choose Lin Wood, where she is getting the money, and what her 'intentions' are in regards to hiring (her?).

Lin has won several large lawsuits in favor of the Ramseys against publishers, I believe. Lin is most likely taking this case on contingency. He'll take most likely 45% (plus expenses) of what (if anything) she gets. The intentions of this women in seeking Lin out for representation are easy - he's the best when it comes to this sort of thing and the "celebrity" factor won't be a distraction.
Imho, somebody else, hooked her up with Lin Wood. I've got a feeling it was probably her first attorney, that brought Lin Wood into this. But I have no "insider" source, to confirm that. :D

With the new information that came out, that Kobe was having an extra marital affair with a woman in NY (for quite some time I understand), this leads me to believe that sex outside of marriage was not a big deal to Kobe. He had a "squeaky clean" image, but, as we often find out, that "prize" inside the cracker jack box, isn't as big as you thought it would be. :D

I think both individuals here, were trying to get something out of each other. Kobe free sex, the accuser, a $$$$$ ride.

In no way, do I think this woman was raped. Her behavior to me, is classic BPD. (jmho, of course.)
I also think Sprocket,
that both were out for something for THEMSELVES, and nothing more.
Kobe, like many professional athletes have a sense of grandeur, and I think a lot of this is due to the high places society puts these people in. In this particular instance, Kobe might learn that his sense of grandeur is just that, only a 'sense', but I doubt it.
Next question,
how would a classic BPDer (normally) react to rape?
Bhodirasta said:
I also think Sprocket,
that both were out for something for THEMSELVES, and nothing more.
Kobe, like many professional athletes have a sense of grandeur, and I think a lot of this is due to the high places society puts these people in. In this particular instance, Kobe might learn that his sense of grandeur is just that, only a 'sense', but I doubt it.
Next question,
how would a classic BPDer (normally) react to rape?
Hum, that's a good question. Possibly rage. I'd not really thought about that. I just try to be alert to when I'm in the presence of a BPD... so that I can terminate the encounter asap.
Sprocket said:
Hum, that's a good question. Possibly rage. I'd not really thought about that. I just try to be alert to when I'm in the presence of a BPD... so that I can terminate the encounter asap.

are you in the presence of BPDers a lot? I guess if you know the disease as well as you do, you would be in their presence much more, because you would know what to look for, huh?
Kinda like the phenomena that hides behind something as trivial as seeing more of your type of car after you purchase that car because you notice your car driving down the street...LOL. Catch my wave? I know that sounds crazy and all, but I hope you get my point.
How do you terminate the encounter?
Bhodirasta said:
are you in the presence of BPDers a lot? I guess if you know the disease as well as you do, you would be in their presence much more, because you would know what to look for, huh?
Kinda like the phenomena that hides behind something as trivial as seeing more of your type of car after you purchase that car because you notice your car driving down the street...LOL. Catch my wave? I know that sounds crazy and all, but I hope you get my point.
How do you terminate the encounter?
There are more than you realize, on the net. jmho, of course.
Please: Where are you guys finding the content of the cell phone messages? I cannot find anything anywhere stating their content. All I can find is that there were text messages subpoenaed.
No flames please... but I saw on a tabloid cover the other day (NE I think) that The accuser is pregnant... sorry don't know her name. If she is pregnant - maybe thats why she dropped the case.
Casshew said:
No flames please... but I saw on a tabloid cover the other day (NE I think) that The accuser is pregnant... sorry don't know her name. If she is pregnant - maybe thats why she dropped the case.

That's the rumour Cass.
She's supposed to be pregnant by a man she met in rehab who just happens to have Hepatitis-C. This is NOT a woman with enough credibility to sustain a civil case. I think in some ways that Kobe brought this on himself. I honestly don't feel sorry for him in the least. When are these idiots going to realize that if they didn't whip it out each and every chance that presents itself, they would be JUDGMENT PROOF. No sex, no case. PERIOD. If she winds up with a settlement, maybe something will sink into that idiot's head and maybe other married "celebrities" will get a clue.
cmadwolf said:
She's only asking for $75000. You can bet your biffy that $75000 would not be near enough to keep me happy if I had been raped.

Then again, if I had been raped you wouldn't find other DNA in my underwear, I wouldn't refuse to testify and I wouldn't drop the case.

I hope she gets a lot more than that. If I had been raped I probably would have dropped the case a long time ago. This gal's rep is totally destroyed..that judge let the defense get away with way to much. I think Pam M is a first class . You can bet that gals from now on will think twice before they report a rape. Who would want to get raped again and again by the defense.
princessmer81 said:
Kobe was required by the prosecution/"vicitm" to give an apology in order for them to drop the case. That apology was not an admission or indication of guilt.

Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?
I have not heard anything that leads me to believe that Kobe was guilty of raping this girl.

I am sorry but it is very naive to think that the prosecution would not have prosecuted the case if they thought that the girl wasn't telling the truth.

How about innocent until proven guilty for the victim. She has been slaughtered in the media....Pam M. ran the courtroom and the judge had no balls. Pam Mc must have said that gals name 10 times during one hearing and did she get in trouble....heck no. I say the gal had a lot of courage to hang in there as long as she did. She called it quits when the court reporters emiled transcripts about her to the media....2-3 times....a mistake...hardly.
That judge should have removed himself from the case. What a worthless piece of poop.

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