Poll - Was Cindy source for Chloroform?

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Was Cindy the source for the Chloroform?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 6.8%
  • No

    Votes: 329 83.3%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 39 9.9%

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Thanks for the clarification Lina. Would Cindy have access to prescription medications in her position? Or would the case manager, and nurses in charge, only oversee the patients and report to the patient's doctor?

My hubby had a quintuple heart bypass surgery some years ago and was on home health care for 6 weeks following his release from the hospital. He had MRSA and was on Vancomycin by IV drip every 12 hours. The nurses in charge would come and take vitals and then do the drip. If there was anything needed, they'd call the patient's doctor. All medications came by a delivery separate from the nurses.

I'm wondering what the nurses, and in this case, Cindy, would have access to, and I wonder too if chloroform is something that would normally even be stocked by a company with outpatient care?

It is not stocked anywhere anymore,not in hospitals and certainly not in a Home Health Agency- it has been out of medical use for decades. Meds are supplied to the patient by their own pharmacy, not kept in stock at a Home Health office, or in the case of IV meds they come ready prepared from a Pharmaceutical Admix company.
I hate to disagree with the Palm Beach newspaper, but I read the letters KC wrote to RA, and read RA's depo, and there is no mention of chloroform in either.

Thanks!! I couldn't find any mention of chloroform either.
I think it's sloppy reporting or story telling. There were computer searches for chloroform & ingredients to make it. Certainly Cindy would know,so she wouldn't have to search & do amateur "Medicine Maker" It's clearly another attempt on Casey's part of:croc: "throw Mad Ole Mom under the Bus":croc:
Even if the references to chloroform that were made by the inmate(s)......are no more than their own attempt to impact the case........CA stated that SHE was looking up chlorophyll. She must have known something or else she wouldn't have offered that info. How would she know she wasn't being "led astray"?

If she was looking up flea remedies.....why would she not have been using search terms associated with fleas / killing fleas/ flea prevention/ flea treatment. Additionally.....is there not a reference to CA getting upset about "bites" on Caylee that must have occurred elsewhere because their dogs didn't have them?

I swear I remember that. Can anyone help me find this reference??
Thanks for the clarification Lina. Would Cindy have access to prescription medications in her position? Or would the case manager, and nurses in charge, only oversee the patients and report to the patient's doctor?

My hubby had a quintuple heart bypass surgery some years ago and was on home health care for 6 weeks following his release from the hospital. He had MRSA and was on Vancomycin by IV drip every 12 hours. The nurses in charge would come and take vitals and then do the drip. If there was anything needed, they'd call the patient's doctor. All medications came by a delivery separate from the nurses.

I'm wondering what the nurses, and in this case, Cindy, would have access to, and I wonder too if chloroform is something that would normally even be stocked by a company with outpatient care?
It's been over 9 years since I was there, but I seem to recall a medication closet. I think Cindy may have access to meds, but I really don't believe she'd have access to Chloroform.
Certainly, whichever licensed nurse is in the home is able to administer the patient's meds...
It's been over 9 years since I was there, but I seem to recall a medication closet. I think Cindy may have access to meds, but I really don't believe she'd have access to Chloroform.
A home health agency would never have any need for chloroform and chloroform hasn't been available for medical use in the US since 1976.

There are dozens of simple recipes on the internet for chloroform. If KC wanted to use such to instantly make her daughter go to sleep, she just needed to visit Target (with a stolen credit card or cash) and buy 5 items.
Read the recipes for yourself. They are so simple it is scary.
I have my theory on this one. I think that it is possible that Cindy may have brought some home at one point, maybe for cleaning purposes. Casey saw it and decided to use it in a different way. Then of course she couldn't ask her mother to bring her home some so she started making it herself, hence the computer searches on how to make it.

I think in her heart, Cindy knows what happened but she doesn't want the words to ever leave her mouth for fear that she will then lose her daughter too. Cindy is a very strong, controlling woman who has spent half a lifetime with an out of control daughter. She knows...
I have my theory on this one. I think that it is possible that Cindy may have brought some home at one point, maybe for cleaning purposes. Casey saw it and decided to use it in a different way. Then of course she couldn't ask her mother to bring her home some so she started making it herself, hence the computer searches on how to make it.

I think in her heart, Cindy knows what happened but she doesn't want the words to ever leave her mouth for fear that she will then lose her daughter too. Cindy is a very strong, controlling woman who has spent half a lifetime with an out of control daughter. She knows...

You know what....who knows who had what plan to "off" who in that household!! I can envision each of them thinking "boy would I like to get rid of _______", but probably only KC, psycho that she is, actually went through with it.

Then again....who knows if one of the other two would've/could've "accidentally" killed the other. We'll never know now...but I think we can all agree there was no love lost between the two "rents".

Chloroform can be easily made with ingredients that you can purchase at Target/Walmart. All that is needed is bleaching powder (calcium hypochlorite used for chlorinating swimming pools), acetone, water, ice, candy thermometer, funnel, spoon, and a bowl.

We know that KC was capable of shopping at Target.

That seems like a lot of work, though, when she could just give her benadryl. I 100% believe that Casey would knock out Caylee with antihistimines or even Xanax, but I think it's very unlikely she used chloroform routinely. If she used chloroform, it was one time, and intended for killing, not sleeping IMO.
Nonsense. I don't like her any more than most, but that's really reaching.
Even if the references to chloroform that were made by the inmate(s)......are no more than their own attempt to impact the case........CA stated that SHE was looking up chlorophyll. She must have known something or else she wouldn't have offered that info. How would she know she wasn't being "led astray"?

If she was looking up flea remedies.....why would she not have been using search terms associated with fleas / killing fleas/ flea prevention/ flea treatment. Additionally.....is there not a reference to CA getting upset about "bites" on Caylee that must have occurred elsewhere because their dogs didn't have them?

I swear I remember that. Can anyone help me find this reference??

She was lying. It was Casey that was looking up Chloroform. There were no searches for Chlorophyll found on that computer, and the searches were made at a time that CA was at work .
I have my theory on this one. I think that it is possible that Cindy may have brought some home at one point, maybe for cleaning purposes. Casey saw it and decided to use it in a different way. Then of course she couldn't ask her mother to bring her home some so she started making it herself, hence the computer searches on how to make it.

I think in her heart, Cindy knows what happened but she doesn't want the words to ever leave her mouth for fear that she will then lose her daughter too. Cindy is a very strong, controlling woman who has spent half a lifetime with an out of control daughter. She knows...

Cindy has been an RN since 1989. Chloroform has been out of medical use for years before she ever started Nursing. This is just another example of KC getting way over her head when she tells lies. She watches a soap opera and her imagination takes over.
I just don't know what to think yet regarding what role Cindy had in the Chloroform. Maybe it was intended for George..Remember Casey had told Amy that Cindy was leaving George and her and Casey were going to live in the house..something to that effect..
From what I understand Chloroform was banned a long time ago. I doubt that it was kept at the nursing facility that Cindy worked at. I did ask my husband about it and he said that HVAC - big companies do still use it in some form even though it's not legal. They use it for cleaning purposes. Do we know if Casey knew of anyone in the A/C business?

Also, with all the searches on the computer and all the shows/movies Casey watched, well who else would try to make it? IMO, Casey and she messed up big time and that could be why Caylee died. Casey did not mix it right and it was to potent. She should of never even put the stuff near Caylee if true to begin with. :furious:
I think that one of the reasons why Cindy feels so guilty and ready to cover up is that she perhaps brought the initial bottle of Chloroform into the house without realizing that KC would use it to knock out Caylee.

I think KC did the searches because her initial supply had run out and needed more.

I'm not sure where I had read it but there had been an expert who analyzed Caylee's crooked smile and suspected hair loss in pictures just prior to her death and there was evidence (I think forensically too) that Caylee has spend large amounts of time laying on her back, causing deformations. (I will try to find the link to that).

Here is my point. If KC had been doing that for an extended period of time as suggest by the study I had read, she would have used quite a bit of product. Why would she suddenly need to lookup how to make it? Someone must have supplied it (most likely unknowingly) and she needed more and couldn't ask for it. That is why she had to look it up online.

Cindy might have brought the stuff home for innocent reasons. Likely for the dog while travelling or for some sort of grooming situation.

I voted "no". If Cindy did have access to chloroform the only motive I could see for stealing it is to (permanently) knock out her daughter.
I think that one of the reasons why Cindy feels so guilty and ready to cover up is that she perhaps brought the initial bottle of Chloroform into the house without realizing that KC would use it to knock out Caylee.

I think KC did the searches because her initial supply had run out and needed more.

I'm not sure where I had read it but there had been an expert who analyzed Caylee's crooked smile and suspected hair loss in pictures just prior to her death and there was evidence (I think forensically too) that Caylee has spend large amounts of time laying on her back, causing deformations. (I will try to find the link to that).

Here is my point. If KC had been doing that for an extended period of time as suggest by the study I had read, she would have used quite a bit of product. Why would she suddenly need to lookup how to make it? Someone must have supplied it (most likely unknowingly) and she needed more and couldn't ask for it. That is why she had to look it up online.

Cindy might have brought the stuff home for innocent reasons. Likely for the dog while travelling or for some sort of grooming situation.


Cindy would not be able to bring it home. It has not been available for decades.
Sorry for the misunderstanding LinasK but I meant - Home Healty Agency was HHA. We have RN'S, CNA'S, PT'S and OT'S at our home on a regular basis.
CNA & PT were here yesterday and the RN just left. I don't want you to think I am totally clueless on this. ;)

But again in this particular State they cannot administer IV drugs or meds. It is different with Hospice but that is a totally different ballgame.

I will ask Laura/RN next week when she comes if they have a med closet at their office so I will know for sure.
A friend of a friend, it turns out was also one of my former nurse Case Managers(a very nice person) for a different Home Health Agency- I can ask her also the next time I see her.
That seems like a lot of work, though, when she could just give her benadryl. I 100% believe that Casey would knock out Caylee with antihistimines or even Xanax, but I think it's very unlikely she used chloroform routinely. If she used chloroform, it was one time, and intended for killing, not sleeping IMO.

Maybe the chloroform came about after she tried giving Caylee something liek Benadryl...for some kids it has the opposite effect and makes the EXTREMELY hyper, rather than sedating them (my youngest being one of them 'doh!) so she was looking for some thing she knew would work...read some funny avatars...or saw some mention of it on TV...decided to delve deeper into it...maybe evene bought some of the ingredients but failed to put it together correclty (not the sharpest tool in the shed...) Perhaps that is what killed poor Caylee. :sick:

But do I think CA gave it to her? No!
My vote was no..........BUT now I am not sure!
Chloroform is an OLD drug...........
Did CA/GA use it on KC? LEE? to put them to sleep?
The tree/apple theory.
Makes me wonder if that is were KC got her idea...............
I voted 'yes' mostly because I just beyond greatly dislike Cindy. And I'm in a bad mood today. So there.
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