[Poll] Why haven't the Anthonys helped TES?

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Why hasn't the Anthony family helped TES?

  • Caylee is alive, TES is looking for a dead Caylee and the Anthonys shouldn't work with them

    Votes: 11 2.6%
  • George and Cindy don't want Caylee to be found because they know what it means for Casey.

    Votes: 408 96.7%
  • The Anthony family have been working with TES but have yet to express it publicly.

    Votes: 3 0.7%
  • The Anthony family have been begging for Tim to stay and the media has it wrong.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I always try to put myself in another persons shoes. Its easy to pass judgement when you have no direct connection, but until you actually live it, you just dont know.....JMO

I know for a fact I wouldn't act the way they have! If my daughter murders my granddaughter ( I don't have a GD yet, daughter's a little girl) I'd turn her in in a heartbeat! She'd do hard time or face other consequences, She wouldn't be living in my house using my credit cards, my cars, and my gas. I'd also be the first in line to take a polygraph, DNA or whatever else LE would like to clear my name. I'd be out there searching everyday and assisting LE, not stopping TES from searching!!!
Their money would be cut off if he found her. They can't propose to be "finding Caylee" if she is found already which means NO MO MONEY!
I know for a fact I wouldn't act the way they have! If my daughter murders my granddaughter ( I don't have a GD yet, daughter's a little girl) I'd turn her in in a heartbeat! She'd do hard time or face other consequences, She wouldn't be living in my house using my credit cards, my cars, and my gas. I'd also be the first in line to take a polygraph, DNA or whatever else LE would like to clear my name. I'd be out there searching everyday and assisting LE, not stopping TES from searching!!!

Yes, but the point is she has convinced herself that KC is innocent, so in her mind there is no reason to turn her in, KWIM?
We can think clearly because we have not had the tremendously traumatic experience that CA is living and will continue to live with for a long time.
And dont forget that denial is a stage of the grieving process- the timeframe for the different stages varies.
I know that after my father died it took a full year to begin to function normally. And his death was natural.Our lives weren't being picked apart by hundreds of thousands of people.
Look at it this way. If your one-day grand daughter was diagnosed with a terminal disease, you would get a second opinion, maybe even a third or fourth. If you were told there was no available treatment, i'm guessing you would be online searching for new drug trials, homeopathic treatments, anything that would mean that the lil one would survive. And I'm guessing that you would continue to do this and reach and hold hope until the very end.
By helping TES CA would be giving up on hope. And that is not easy when you are a mum or nan.
Yes, but the point is she has convinced herself that KC is innocent, so in her mind there is no reason to turn her in, KWIM?
We can think clearly because we have not had the tremendously traumatic experience that CA is living and will continue to live with for a long time.
And dont forget that denial is a stage of the grieving process- the timeframe for the different stages varies.
I know that after my father died it took a full year to begin to function normally. And his death was natural.Our lives weren't being picked apart by hundreds of thousands of people.
Look at it this way. If your one-day grand daughter was diagnosed with a terminal disease, you would get a second opinion, maybe even a third or fourth. If you were told there was no available treatment, i'm guessing you would be online searching for new drug trials, homeopathic treatments, anything that would mean that the lil one would survive. And I'm guessing that you would continue to do this and reach and hold hope until the very end.
By helping TES CA would be giving up on hope. And that is not easy when you are a mum or nan.

Thank you for this post! It says what I'm thinking much better than I could.
No one can know for a fact what they would do when faced with this situation until it hits them. It's pretty easy to sit in your comfortable chair and judge someone else and say "I would never do this or that..." In reality you just don't know for certain unless you are in it. And it's a lot harder to turn your back on your own child than one might think.
I didn't vote in this poll because I simply don't know why the A's didn't help TES.. it could be a lot of reasons we are not aware of. My guess is, Cindy wants them to look for a LIVE Caylee, and searching in swamps, woods, and waterways does not fit with that scenario.
I feel badly for Tim being treated this way... he's such a good and decent man, and does so much for families with missing loved ones. However, I don't think any of us will ever know the whole truth behind this because he just does not badmouth anyone.
10 people think Caylee is still alive and side with the family...I guess that is explained by relatives close to Cindy or people who enjoy being out on the fringe.

The amount of facts that Casey is no longer on earth, is overwelming and we only know 1/3 of the evidence.

Cindy sinks ever lower as she continues to blame every one and any one, butf her daughter for the death and lack of a body.

This has gone way past just being a grieving grandmother. Her continued support of Casey is sick and explains a great deal. She has created, enabled and now supports the murderer in her home.
Can't LE take doll or carseat to help TES find Caylee if the A family won't help???
It is evidence???
I voted for George and Cindy don't want Caylee to be found because they know what it means for Casey. But, I really think it isn't so much George as it is Cindy who doesn't want her found. Maybe I just have a soft spot for George today, but I feel like he does want justice to be served.
Denial is not unusual, but the extremes to which the Anthony take it is beyond simple denial imo

Totally agree, to be in denial is one thing, but I fail to understand why they will not cooperate with TM. If they believe like they say that Caylee is alive then what difference does it make to them if they cooperate with him?
Let him go and search and if they really believe she is alive, then he will find nothing. The fact that they are obstructing him from doing what he does, makes absolutely no sense. To bad mouth him and TES, when they are doing nothing wrong, and to not help them is so absurd!
The only sensible explanation is that yes, they do know that Caylee is dead, they are not in denial. They do not want her body found because then they know for sure Casey is cooked.
If they are like they say convinced that someone else took her, what is to say that these mysterious persons did not kill her. If they truly loved this child then why on earth would they not want every effort done to find her whether that means even looking for a body?
This is the saddest thing there is no one there for Caylee, she is forgotten by them their only concern is Casey.
I agree totally CA still is insisting that Caylee is still alive and advise TM that he will be looking for a live person. TM knows all well that Caylee is deceased and said he is looking for skeleton remains. They are clashing and I think after meeting with MN that is why TM is pushing back. It is all CINDY. :furious:

If it was up to CA, she;d have TM and LE chasing her "sightings" from state to state and country to country for the next 20 years.
Caylee is alive, TES is looking for a dead Caylee and the Anthonys shouldn't work with them

I voted the above. Cindy is so adamant Caylee is alive if she were to stand side by side with TM, she would be resigning herself to a deceased Caylee.

She is the most ungracious person to badmouth Tim Miller and his rescue efforts of precious Caylee. TM doesn't need Cindy's approval and hope as he promised he will be back in a week or two to continue their search for Caylee.
Can't LE take doll or carseat to help TES find Caylee if the A family won't help???
It is evidence???

I'm pretty sure they can't just take something without permission. But, what sickens me to the ends of the earth and back is how GA hasn't offered up some of Cayl's things to TES. Is he so hen picked, spineless and cowardly towards those to awful wretches in HIS house that he can't help the search for a baby HE KNOWS FOR A FACT IS DEAD?

He's a former detective for cripes sakes. I wonder though, is GA allowing his wife to spout off unintelligibly to the media in the hopes that she will be indicted at some point as well and he can rid himself of both of them in fell swoop? Inquiring minds....

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