POLL: Will George and Cindy remain together in the wake of the trial?

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Will George and Cindy's marriage make it beyond the trial?

  • Yes

    Votes: 255 40.7%
  • No

    Votes: 371 59.3%

  • Total voters
imo george emerged as the sympathetic figure in this circus, despite the accusations of infidelity, which means he could easily and independently parlay his experience into a huge payday for himself, sans cindy. george should pack his bags, tell cindy seeya when i seeya, and begin a new life as a financially self sufficient man, and perhaps find a new partner that's a tad more pleasant to be around - with his newfound celebrity and money in his pockets, i'm sure he won't have to look too far...
I voted yes because, jmo, each has too much info on the other. Again, jmo.
After reading the suicide note, I don't know how she could leave him... someone that loves you like that... only comes once in a lifetime.
I voted yes because I do not believe that GA will remain under the constant thumb of his wife CA. I feel for him. He is p*ssy wh*pped beyond belief. Maybe it's because he was/is in a household with all females since LA is gone. I already believe wholeheartedly that LA has distanced himself from his family and I believe wholeheartedly that GA will eventually do the same. I also believe that CA will continue to enable her daughter as she has always done and further engraciate herself with the public by writing a book about this case. I think she's taking all of the notes in court so she can further profit off of her Caylee. This woman will more than likely NEVER get a job as a nurse again.
Bob Kealing (sp?) tweeted that he asked the Anthonys why they didn't sit together that one day and Cindy had asked to switch seats with Lippman because there was a very tall guy in front of her, so she couldn't see the lawyers giving their closing arguments. Otherwise he says they seem close, still
George is who my heart goes out to. George appears to me as if he is being honest, as honest as he can. George is the one being called the child molestor and George has been run over the coals by the defense. I do not know if I could survive what George has survived. As for the 'mistress' and DC, it's no surprise to me, if true. The two of them, going through SO much pain and uncertainty, needed comfort with neither likely in a position to give it...sad, sad, sad. So, they may have found it elsewhere.

I voted no but I hope they make it. I REALLY hope they make it.
Slightly OT but a question regarding George and Cindy. I'm sure that HHJP will advise everyone in the courtroom to refrain from outbursts or extreme displays of emotion, but how do you think Casey's parents will react to the verdict? If Casey is handcuffed and led away, will they look at her? Just curious what most of you are thinking about George and Cindy's reaction to the verdict.
I dunno... I checked recently and it has dropped from the high 100's to 103,000. on zillow I believe. LOTS of homes are for sale on that street IIRC

The bank owns their house. :) Then there will be the legal costs associated with CAs perjury charges. I'm assuming Mr Lippman didn't sign on to represent her pro-bono for life.
Slightly OT but a question regarding George and Cindy. I'm sure that HHJP will advise everyone in the courtroom to refrain from outbursts or extreme displays of emotion, but how do you think Casey's parents will react to the verdict? If Casey is handcuffed and led away, will they look at her? Just curious what most of you are thinking about George and Cindy's reaction to the verdict.

GA will cover his face with his hands and weep. CA will have a meltdown and be escorted out by a bailiff and her fashion accessory criminal attorney. JMO

Oh and I voted that I think they will stay together.......for the immediate future at least.
No. They will surely not stay together...this event in their lives has merely accelerated the inevitable. They would have split when the "nest" was empty, anyway. NOBODY could possibly stay with a person that has the personality of Cindy.
I hope they will stay together.

But tragedy has a way of destroying relationships.
hln is confirming the verdict is in
No. They will surely not stay together...this event in their lives has merely accelerated the inevitable. They would have split when the "nest" was empty, anyway. NOBODY could possibly stay with a person that has the personality of Cindy.

I disagree.

I don't think we as bystanders can say that NOBODY could possibly stay with a person that has a personality of Cindy.

We simply do not know how George feels about Cindy or vise versa.

I honestly don't know what they would do. I said "no" though, because as a rational person I would think that with a lot of work, you could overcome an infidelity. (Not that it excuses it!)

But if my spouse sat idly by as my child accused me of molesting them, for nothing but their own gain....? I could never look at that person again. That is beyond low in my opinion.
I may change my vote to no.

Kathy Belich was talking about when they read the verdict and she said that Cindy smiled and George looked angry when they read the not guilty verdict.

It may be too difficult for them to live together now if Casey comes home, after all the accusations and if the parents have different feelings about how justice for Caylee was served today.
I thought they would if she was found guilty, but now I don't think so.

Cindy wants nothing more than to have ICA home and GA appears to be done with his daughter. I think when ICA moves in, GA will move out.

He's probably packing his bags now.
I thought they would stay together, if only because they each knew too much and would be afraid the other would talk in some manner.

I've changed my mind. If ICA goes home, I bet GA either has to go or will go willingly.
I don't think Ga and Cindy will stay together after this verdict I have no doubt Cindy will accept Casey back into her life (if Casey will) and George will be out at that point .....remember ....Cindy lied on the stand for Casey George let it be known how he felt in the trial..I even saw a half smile on Cindy's face when the verdict was read..
now that the verdict is in, I change my mind too. I dont think they will last. CA will snuggle up to ICA and George will leave.

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