Poll: Would you buy it? The A's WILL write a book....

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Would you buy the A's book?

  • Yes

    Votes: 51 7.4%
  • No

    Votes: 604 87.8%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 33 4.8%

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They should do a follow up book to "How to Win Friends and Influence People". Does anyone else hear circus music whenever they're reading about what the A's are gonna do next...:jester: That's my feeling...it's that or I feel like I've been dropping acid for the past 20+ weeks.

What...maybe call LE the minute the child is missing?
Look I feel for CA and GA as for as loosing their grandaughter, I could not even imagine, but to get advise on missing children...the only advise they could give is..."DON'T DO WHAT WE DID" end of story:bang:
Local 6: The book will not be a tell-all about the case involving their missing granddaughter, instead it will focus on what families should do if their child is missing.

My question to the A's on their "advice":

How's it been working for ya'??
As a former editor, I can tell you that any petitions would be an indicator that interest exists. It isn't like TV, where people can put pressure on sponsors. If the book causes outcry, it sells. If the book is really a problem, the editor would be fired, but the book would be remain because it would sell and all the media rights would sell with it, and because publishers could then make more off it by having other experts write about it. Telling a publisher what you won't buy is not nearly as effective as telling a publisher what you WILL buy. What would work better , perhaps, is to ask publishers find a reputable source to write a book about the case.

The leading trade book publishers, in this order:
Random House (Markus Dohle is the new head)
Simon & Schuster

Never in a million years would I buy this book.

The publishing company needs to be contacted by everyone who believes this book is just a way for these people to profit off a little girl's murder. Like what happened to Lifetime when they wanted to pay the A's for a movie.
As a former editor, I can tell you that any petitions would be an indicator that interest exists. It isn't like TV, where people can put pressure on sponsors. If the book causes outcry, it sells. If the book is really a problem, the editor would be fired, but the book would be remain because it would sell and all the media rights would sell with it, and because publishers could then make more off it by having other experts write about it. Telling a publisher what you won't buy is not nearly as effective as telling a publisher what you WILL buy. What would work better , perhaps, is to ask publishers find a reputable source to write a book about the case.

The leading trade book publishers, in this order:
Random House (Markus Dohle is the new head)
Simon & Schuster

Well, it worked for the O.J. Simpson book,"If I Did It":

NEW YORK — News Corp., the parent company of book publisher HarperCollins and the FOX network, has canceled publication of the O.J. Simpson book and television special "If I Did It."

"I and senior management agree with the American public that this was an ill-considered project," News Corp. Chairman Rupert Murdoch said. "We are sorry for any pain that this has caused the families of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson."

I would never buy such a book written or profitting people such as this. They align themselves with disputable people and groups and have made a ton of money off the death of their grand child by pretending she is alive and trying to sway a possible jury. Its unconscienciable. I hope it bombs. I can't believe anyone sends them money or supports them. They have been living off the death of their grand daughter high off the hog for months now. Its a sin. I am so angry.
Chapter 1: Stay at home a lot
Chapter 2: Lie.
Chapter 3: Say you are searching, but stay in your home.
Chapter 4: Lie some more.
Chapter 5: Where do buy No Trespassing Signs.
Chapter 6: Park Van with large sign of missing person in front of house. Especially helpful if you live in a street that doesn't get much traffic.
Chapter 7: Call police with false sitings of the missing.

Give me a break!
No way no how. Wont even check it out of the Library for free. Why would I even want to here another lie they have to say. Coun't me out!!!
There is no way I would read this book and I would make sure to advise anyone I knew not to read it either. It will be nothing but lies, lies, and more lies.:furious::furious::furious:
No way!

I don't really like fiction.

But I WOULD read books written by non-family members..... I'd love to hear the truth and especially about what went on behind the scenes.
Well, it sort of worked. The book was published under a different contract, with Dominick Dunne, and with the Goldmans benefiting. Also, that book had a co-branded tv special with sponsors putting pressure. Even the link you posted says "a book's removal simply for objectionable content is virtually unheard of."

Publishing is not broadcasting. It is very, very different field and has very, very different objectives. A broadcaster has limited space to fill and a huge audience. They can't afford niche focus. Books can be given a small run marketed to a limited audience, and publishers can redeem themselves by publishing multiple views on the same topic.

Protesting/petitioning against a book by the A's will guarantee that it gets published and marketed. However, petitioning for a book with a reputable writer (such as Dominick Dunne) would serve those purposes better. I can tell you this: if any publisher knew that there was a Truman Capote-level writer interested in writing about this case, book agents would offer a million reasons not to go with the A's and to go with their clients instead.

Well, it worked for the O.J. Simpson book,"If I Did It":
You should have listed not only a NO, but also a HELL NO!
Well, it sort of worked. The book was published under a different contract, with Dominick Dunne, and with the Goldmans benefiting. Also, that book had a co-branded tv special with sponsors putting pressure. Even the link you posted says "a book's removal simply for objectionable content is virtually unheard of."

Publishing is not broadcasting. It is very, very different field and has very, very different objectives. A broadcaster has limited space to fill and a huge audience. They can't afford niche focus. Books can be given a small run marketed to a limited audience, and publishers can redeem themselves by publishing multiple views on the same topic.

Protesting/petitioning against a book by the A's will guarantee that it gets published and marketed. However, petitioning for a book with a reputable writer (such as Dominick Dunne) would serve those purposes better. I can tell you this: if any publisher knew that there was a Truman Capote-level writer interested in writing about this case, book agents would offer a million reasons not to go with the A's and to go with their clients instead.

I think if the public makes a big enough stink, it will make any publisher think twice about dealing with this family.

They'd probably have a better chance selling a book BEFORE all the facts & evidence comes out at the trial & the jury finds their daughter murdered her baby.

I have no doubt there will be many, many different books coming out that deal with this case & all the clowns in the circus. Not sure if any will be written by an Anthony though.
The A's have confirmed they will write a book. No deal is in the works yet, it will not be a tell all, but will focus on what families should do if their child is missing....:no:

No I won't buy their book and I definitely wouldn't buy a book from them telling me what to do if my child or grandchild was missing!!!! :eek: I'd rather ask my 7-year-old nephew what to do!
I would never buy, borrow or read any book written by CA. I'm sorry I sound so harsh, but I have seen and heard enough from her and I could never take her seriously, nor trust in anything she writes to benefit anyone but herself. However, I would like to hear more from GA, whom I think knows the truth, but is caught in a horrible CA & KC web. I do have compassion for him and wish that CA would shut up for once and let him talk.
I wish Yuri would write a book after this is all over.

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