Possible 4th victim?

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Well I think we know that he was divorced in 95? is that right? so, is that about the time that kidnappings picked up around the area? I do agree that there had to be more, especially since family members are having "ah ha" moments now regarding locks and off limit areas of the home.

Who knows-- maybe around 2000 he started becoming attached to his victims. It appears he kept a journal and who knows when that started but maybe it started around the time he was keeping his victims.
Is there a database that compile unsolved sexual assault cases? Kinda like NAMUS does with missing/unidentified persons?
Is there a database that compile unsolved sexual assault cases? Kinda like NAMUS does with missing/unidentified persons?

I believe that information would be in the CODIS system which is only available for LE use. So, nothing in the public domain that could be accessed - however, someone else may know of a database that is available.
Well I think we know that he was divorced in 95? is that right? so, is that about the time that kidnappings picked up around the area? I do agree that there had to be more, especially since family members are having "ah ha" moments now regarding locks and off limit areas of the home.

Who knows-- maybe around 2000 he started becoming attached to his victims. It appears he kept a journal and who knows when that started but maybe it started around the time he was keeping his victims.

I'm jumping off your post, which got me to thinking... just going to list some dates here for further pondering:

"Mr Castro would frequently lock Figueroa in an apartment in which they lived after they met, the Associated Press quoted her father, Ismail Figueroa, as saying.

It also quoted Figueroa's brother-in-law, Angel Villanueva, as saying Mr Castro refused to let people visit the house they later moved into on Seymour Avenue, and only let Figueroa out if she was with him.

Figueroa's sister, Elida Caraballo, told Britain's Daily Telegraph that Mr Castro locked Figueroa in a box in the house, beat her frequently, and knocked her down the stairs. "

"Ariel Castro was born in the US territory of Puerto Rico, and had owned the home on Seymour Avenue since 1992. "

"A local broadcaster reported that he had been arrested and charged with domestic abuse in 1993, but the charge was later dropped."

"The suspect's former wife, Grimilda Figueroa - who died last year - moved herself and three children out of the house in 1996 after years of violent abuse, said the couple's son, Anthony Castro, 31, a banker in Cincinnati, Ohio.

"I was beaten as well," Mr Castro told the UK's Daily Mail newspaper."


[August, 2002 - Michelle Knight, a special education student, is abducted]
[April, 2003 - Amanda Berry is abducted]
[April, 2004 - Gina DeJesus, a special education student, is abducted]

"According to school board records, in 2004, he left a special-education student alone in a parked bus while he grabbed a burger."

"Although Mr Castro and Ms Figueroa divorced more than a decade ago, court records show he was accused in 2005 of attacking his former wife."

Boy it's tough to keep all this stuff straight. This seems to be a good start though. Anyone who wants to help build a timeline, feel free to use this stuff and/or add to it or whatever!
If it's true that Castro kept a diary of sorts, it seems like there'd be some mention of a 4th girl there.
CNN has John Walsh and Christina Adkins mom and Ashley Summer's step mom on. Well, did until a second ago, now they're going to commercial. It's some "AC 360 Special Report: Vanished" and they're highlighting a bunch of cases. Just sharing in case anyone is interested. They mentioned Phoenix Coldon will be talked about next (not in any relation to the Cleveland girls' cases).
I wonder about the woman in the picture with the caption " In a photograph taken in 2001, suspect Ariel Castro stands with a former girlfriend in front of a padlocked door, which led to the basement, at his home on Seymore Avenue, Cleveland"

From this article: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...e-places-werent-allowed-go.html#ixzz2Si9YU5dZ

She appears to be a bit young and something about the way he has his arm around her seems a bit possessive.

I am linking the photo here, mods, please remove if it is not appropriate.

Also from the same article, the picture of Pedro with a group of people, notice his hand on the shoulder of the young girl? Could that be the same girl as in the picture above? I am not good with comparing facial features.
I don't know who the girl is but judging from her facial expression and clean clothing I doubt she was a captive. Someone took the picture, do you believe someone was aware that Castro was keeping women against their will?
I assume that Castro's son provided this picture to the media and said this woman was Castro's girlfriend. I'd think he'd know.
I don't know who the girl is but judging from her facial expression and clean clothing I doubt she was a captive. Someone took the picture, do you believe someone was aware that Castro was keeping women against their will?
I assume that Castro's son provided this picture to the media and said this woman was Castro's girlfriend. I'd think he'd know.
I think he must have provided the picture along with a similar one where he is posing with his father in front of the same padlocked door. I don't know if LE has been able to establish who this person is but even she was an adult at the time, she has the face of a child.

I think he must have provided the picture along with a similar one where he is posing with his father in front of the same padlocked door. I don't know if LE has been able to establish who this person is but even she was an adult at the time, she has the face of a child.


Yes, published photos of son and this woman have cereal packets, etc, on top of the fridge in identical positions, and the people are posed identically in each pic, indicating they took the photos in sequence. I'm certain he will have told the police who this woman is, and not surprised they don't divulge all this info to the public as they're conducting a sensitive investigation. 'Needs to know' basis I'd imagine.
I just have a feeling Ashley Summers was not held by Ariel at that house, if she was even abducted by Ariel at all.

Michelle Knight said that there was a girl there when she got there. She was abducted five years prior to Ashley going missing.

I don't know who the girl could have been if she hadn't been there for a while. There are several women missing from the mid to late nineties that fit the profile, but I can't find any really good matches after 2000
I just have a feeling Ashley Summers was not held by Ariel at that house, if she was even abducted by Ariel at all.

Michelle Knight said that there was a girl there when she got there. She was abducted five years prior to Ashley going missing.

I don't know who the girl could have been if she hadn't been there for a while. There are several women missing from the mid to late nineties that fit the profile, but I can't find any really good matches after 2000

It's not known if Michelle actually said there was another girl in the house when she was abducted. I may be just a rumor. Police said there is no evidence of any other victims at this point.
^ "Witnesses at the time also reported that they saw three Hispanic men in their 20s chasing Seals on the morning of the abduction."

You will never, ever convince me that his brothers did not at the absolute least know about his crimes - and I would say more than likely assisted or had their own separate victims.

Cleveland PD didn't charge them because they didn't have the evidence gathered yet, but I sincerely hope they already searched both their homes from top to bottom and brought dogs through every inch of their properties.
Interesting from KateB's link above
Police later traced a call from Ashley to a phone registered to a person named Castro.
I would take any article from the daily star with a pinch of salt. It a junk tabloid in the uk.
A third floor bedroom in the home on Cleveland's Seymour Avenue where Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight were held captive hints at other dark plans by suspected kidnapper Ariel Castro.

Police sources told The Investigator Tom Meyer that Castro equipped that attic bedroom with chains and tie-downs.

Meyer learned that the medical examiner's chief forensic photographer took photos of that bedroom at the prosecutor's request. That room was off-limits to the three women Castro already held captive and they told police they never went inside it.

But they would have been familiar with the chains, padlocks and tie-downs it contained, since they were also found in the lower floor rooms where Gina, Amanda and Michelle were kept for the better part of 10 years.

Cleveland Safety Director Martin Flask says there is no evidence that a fourth woman was ever held captive in the home.

So was Castro planning another abduction? His lawyers decline to comment on such allegations and said it was inappropriate for police to disseminate these kinds of details about the case.

Was it a room that was being prepared or had it been previously used?

Now the question is, was there any blood or DNA found in that room? And did the girls say that AC ever spent time up there?
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