Possible Break in Stacy's case - Cops planning on a search tomorrow 6/5/10

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I have not heard any confirmation. But that info is so specific IMO they got it from somewhere. That's a pretty elaborate story to make up KWIM.

Maybe LE just does not want to share that yet. I don't know.

After I heard about the dogs alerting at the exact spot, I was sure this was it. Now, I'm wondering if it is or not.

Maybe LE just wants more time to get there facts and info straight before telling us what they know.

I just don't know.

LE always knows more than they're telling the press/public. I still think this may be the spot and they're not rushing things.
I guess the early reports that the dogs went to the exact spot and they placed some sort of prongs into the ground and hit something solid were false??? Because if that were the case, it could not take days or weeks. IMO it would take like an hour.
And they would be able to at least tell what the solid object was.

Or, maybe like mitzi said, they are just trying to throw off the press. But why???

Just tell us what you know.

If it was raining this morning and they didn't begin to dig until the weather cleared..........which I think was early afternoon, they may not have been digging for too long......maybe 2 - 3 hours?
It's been very wet out and the mud is heavy. They may be waiting on equipment. The field may be very dense underground.
I sure hope you're right....................

Me too!!! Otherwise, that has got to be the most confusing presser info releases I have ever heard....staying up to a week....forensic anthopologist digging by hand....oops he is packing up and leaving....we may or may not keep looking around....WTH???

If we are that confused can you just imagine the poor family??
If it was raining this morning and they didn't begin to dig until the weather cleared..........which I think was early afternoon, they may not have been digging for too long......maybe 2 - 3 hours?

It's been on and off rain all day. Plus the past couple/few weeks have been unusually wet as well.

That's what I'm thinking too. And we saw a report earlier that they were there, on the scene. So, are they gonna stay out there up to a week? Poor family.

Or, have they been told what LE does not want to tell us?

Either way, I'll be praying for this family. Years have passed and I'm sure every new lead and every search is really hard on them.

I hope they get answers soon. I can't imagine what this is like for them.
IMO LE never wanted anyone to know they were out there looking.

TMZ reported on it and they had to scramble on what to say and how much info they wanted to put out there.

I think if TMZ would not have reported this, we would have not known a search was even going on. They would have had all the time they needed without the pressure of keeping the public informed thru pressers or briefings.
It's been on and off rain all day. Plus the past couple/few weeks have been unusually wet as well.

If it's been raining and unusually wet for the past few weeks, the anthropologist may have gotten to an area and said....."it's too wet to properly sift through with the tools I'm using." They may have decided to call it a day and come tomorrow with different tools.
If it's been raining and unusually wet for the past few weeks, the anthropologist may have gotten to an area and said....."it's too wet to properly sift through with the tools I'm using." They may have decided to call it a day and come tomorrow with different tools.

Or give it a few days for the mud to dry to dirt.

That may be where the up to a week statement is coming in.
Just remember what the conditions were like when they had to excavate Caylee's body, It seems like it would be easy breezy that she was in a drum and just dig and bingo pull up the drum, but things are rarely as easy as they seem, If she was just buried and they are coming upon small bones that may be a reason that they are saying a week or so, I can also tell you IMO that with DP being a cop he would have done everything possible to cover all of his tracts, that is why I think he may have removed all identifiers on her body.....We have come this far and if this is where Stacy or god forbid another person is buried then we need to grab our patient's and let LE do there job, They very well may be going back to the accomplice to get better info on a location. It is in the good lords hands now.
Or give it a few days for the mud to dry to dirt.

That may be where the up to a week statement is coming in.

That makes a lot of sense. They're proceeding slowly, and not giving the press anything until they've got something solid.

Other than the river search back in the early months of 2008 (?), I can't recall any other search getting this much attention from LE and the media.
Yeah, IMO they think she is there.
Well, the press is not going to be fooled, IMO. They will keep people coming out there to see what is going on, no matter what LE says.
Just trying to catch up-did anyone see any GPR? Because if I were Drew, I would have buried the barrel and poured quick set over it. Which makes it unlikely that they would locate and recover the same day. They have to plan for how to get it out as intact or preserved as possible...JMO...gonna catch up on the thread now.
Just for info - here in the Chicago area it has started raining AGAIN and they are calling for more rain tomorrow (Sunday) - Monday sunny, Tues & Wed rain, Thursday sunny.....so depending on the weather just a few hours south of me......

This could possibly be one of the reasons that they have pulled out (or seemed to)...they need more favorable conditions in order to make sure that evidence is not destroyed in bad conditions. Don't know .....just thinking.
Just trying to catch up-did anyone see any GPR? Because if I were Drew, I would have buried the barrel and poured quick set over it. Which makes it unlikely that they would locate and recover the same day. They have to plan for how to get it out as intact or preserved as possible...JMO...gonna catch up on the thread now.

Sorry, but what is GPR? Thanks :)
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