Possible Connections

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If this is the SAME LWK, notice the PATTERN regarding his behavior.

This man has businesses CURRENTLY OPERATING, while he is in prison.

Based on his own behavior, ARE THESE BUSINESSES A COVER-UP??


They appear to function legitimately, and he pays his taxes, but there has been a lot of speculation that these businesses are also used as fronts for other activities. They will operate while he is in prison as long as his employees operate the businesses and pay everyone to whom monies are owed.

Kraisel is actually a pharmacist by trade.
If this is the SAME LWK, notice the PATTERN regarding his behavior.

This man has businesses CURRENTLY OPERATING, while he is in prison.

Based on his own behavior, ARE THESE BUSINESSES A COVER-UP??


That article IS about the same LWK. His behavior is that of a person of questionable character, and this is confirmed with his later conviction for child sex offenses. What kind of person brings young men into their home to live with them in exchange for sex? Sadly, TTW2 certainly knew of this event and LWK's sexual proclivities. WHY would TTW2 bring this LWK into his home and subject his wife and children to LWK? It shows very poor judgment, and frankly it is indefensible. I'll quote websleuth user "helpfulcharlie" again, "WTF is wrong with people"
Hmm....Carnivals and amusement parks are prime locations for snatching kids. And Leonard Kraisel was certainly slimy, it was never a big secret....still, it is sometimes difficult to anticipate things and see them for what they are if we have been brought up to believe that abuse is in some way normal. Also, there isn't any reliable information as to how the abuse took place, or where, in regard to the two Welch children. I have seen people in the small Midwestern town, where I live, completely throw caution to the wind in some terribly dangerous ways, just because it is what they've always done. I have also seen social pressure, in the same small town, to continue to be careless with children, just because everyone resists change, and lots of people prefer denial. In the event of a criminal investigation, those things can be a real problem!

Kraisel had a lot of connections in the Soviet Union......after it fragmented, I'm afraid his dealings there were probably even less regulated because of the nature of political upheavals. He also has connections in Serbia, Croatia, and Romania. His companies also deal with storing sensitive information for other companies, which, in my opinion, has never, even before the days of the internet, had any business in the hands of third parties. I did not realize, until I culled a picture of him for someone else, that he actually DID look a lot like sketches of tape recorder man before he got old!

Maybe it's time to find out what he threatened people with when he was crossed, and maybe it's time for someone to go through his old tapes!
Thank you siriunsun.
It is because LWK is currently in prison for molestation charges, and that Welchs were involved with him, that he is being discussed here.

Right now, I guess the main focus is his influence in the US and places which would involve the Lyon sisters case and others within the US.

Obviously, these are things which the FBI needs to know about as well as perhaps Interpol.

Kraisel, in the early sixties. Is it my imagination, or does he look like Tape Recorder Man? Also, does anyone else find it odd that until about a week ago, there were pictures of his ugly face on the internet, but now there aren't, except for this one?
That, I don't know. I was just trying make the picture bigger without losing too much detail. He looks like the sketch, to me.

Old answering machine tapes. That's what I'd be looking at, if I were going to connect him to this.
... Leonard Kraisel was certainly slimy, it was never a big secret....still, it is sometimes difficult to anticipate things and see them for what they are if we have been brought up to believe that abuse is in some way normal. Also, there isn't any reliable information as to how the abuse took place, or where, in regard to ....

Here are two articles from Southern Maryland News which describe Kraisel's actions and the child sexual abuse charges made against him. His victims are not named in the articles, nor should they be here. He was subsequently convicted and is now serving a long term in Maryland prison.



If this is the SAME LWK, notice the PATTERN regarding his behavior.

This man has businesses CURRENTLY OPERATING, while he is in prison.

Based on his own behavior, ARE THESE BUSINESSES A COVER-UP??


Great find! Here is a snippet from that same Sep 30, 1999 Washington Post article. Pretty creepy stuff.

"Kraisel eventually had sexual relations with Greenlees and others in a circle of friends ... included a man with a disability that required him to walk with crutches, a woman with cerebral palsy and another man who is emotionally disturbed. ....The group frequently .... drank beer and played pool, .... "

Copyright: Copyright The Washington Post Company Sep 30, 1999
Here are two articles from Southern Maryland News which describe Kraisel's actions and the child sexual abuse charges made against him. His victims are not named in the articles, nor should they be here. He was subsequently convicted and is now serving a long term in Maryland prison.




I wonder how his practice of using sex to manipulate people is working out for him in prison?
Great find! Here is a snippet from that same Sep 30, 1999 Washington Post article. Pretty creepy stuff.

"Kraisel eventually had sexual relations with Greenlees and others in a circle of friends ... included a man with a disability that required him to walk with crutches, a woman with cerebral palsy and another man who is emotionally disturbed. ....The group frequently .... drank beer and played pool, .... "

Copyright: Copyright The Washington Post Company Sep 30, 1999

That is the first time I have seen females mentioned that he was involved with.
That truly is a horrible description in that article!!
Here are two articles from Southern Maryland News which describe Kraisel's actions and the child sexual abuse charges made against him. His victims are not named in the articles, nor should they be here. He was subsequently convicted and is now serving a long term in Maryland prison.




The authorities have received this image for their consideration last month. Can anyone comment on
LLW's biological mother as to her name, or date of death.

Thomas Welch Sr,- Thomas Welch Jr,- <modsnip> A tragedy and travesty of
three generations. Pawns on LWK's chessboard.
Do research on deceased Engelking(s) previously living in RAW duplex on 41st Pl , compare to the relationship to Engelking convicted of FB child *advertiser censored* ring, may give you a page or two of discussion. A person posting online is public for anyone and everyone to read. All speculation, probably unwise, as John Q. Public is on a low tier
security level for data base research. Thank you for the opportunity to post this time.
I hope you're right. What were Bundy's "numbers" by the way?

It's this, plus the MCPD inability and disinterest that makes me wonder.

I doubt the Coffey connection, simply because their are so many persons willing to throw out logic and make libelous statements against someone only convicted of 1 murder.

Bundy? Wasn't he a gay fellow who liked adults??? Didn't he stay in a singular neigborhood in Chicargo???? Didn't he have freezers full of body parts??

How do you know so much about killers and their driving habits, and their MO in presuing people....and how to you make them similiar to Coffey??? Richard - this is why I think this is being railroaded away from the truth.


Hmm, that is Dahmer, not Bundy
Unidentified man age 19-20 found 26 March 1975 in Maryland...

This man was found the day after the Lyon sisters went missing, in an adjacent Maryland County. His case remains unsolved as well, 40 years later. Could there be any connection?


Unidentified Male

Date of Discovery: March 26, 1975
Location of Discovery: Linthicum, Anne Arundel County, Maryland
Estimated Date of Death: Days prior
State of Remains: Recognizable face
Cause of Death: Unknown

Physical Description** Listed information is approximate

Estimated Age: 19-29 years old
Race: White
Gender: Male
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 156 lbs.
Hair Color: Brown, 3 to 4 inches in length with sideburns and two-days' facial hair growth.
Eye Color: Blue
Distinguishing Marks/Features: Two-inch mole on right lower back.
Dentals: Available.
Fingerprints: Not available.
DNA: Not available. Clothing & Personal Items
Clothing: White undershirt and jockey shorts.
Jewelry: Unknown
Additional Personal Items: Unknown

Case History

The victim was located at the Holiday Inn on Airport Drive.

Investigating Agency(s)

If you have any information about this case please contact;

Agency Name: Maryland State Police
Agency Contact Person: Maryland Center for the Missing & Unidentified
Agency Phone Number: 410-290-1620
Agency Name: Maryland Office of the Chief Medical Examiner
Agency Contact Person: Charlotte Romero
Agency Phone Number: 410-333-3254
Agency Case Number: 99111/75-513
NCIC Case Number: N/A
NamUs Case Number: UP #5440

Please refer to this number when contacting any agency with information regarding this case. Information

The Doe Network: 1968UMMD


Unidentified man age 19-20 found 26 March 1975 in Maryland...

This man was found the day after the Lyon sisters went missing, in an adjacent Maryland County. His case remains unsolved as well, 40 years later. Could there be any connection?


Unidentified Male

Date of Discovery: March 26, 1975
Location of Discovery: Linthicum, Anne Arundel County, Maryland
Estimated Date of Death: Days prior
State of Remains: Recognizable face
Cause of Death: Unknown

"Could there be any connection?" I don't know...although, for you to post this here, perhaps there could be more to it than meets the eye. You are often a few steps ahead of the usual WS crowd.

This guy was found IN hotel room #308 at the Holiday Inn near BWI airport, not abandoned on the side of the road somewhere. This was somebody's son, perhaps a brother, somebody's friend... So it is most incredulous that in this day and age this guy is still a John Doe. Did LE really dig deep to find out who this guy was? On the surface it looks like a half assed investigation was done. So before we could attempt to determine if there was "any connection" to the Lyon's case, we would need to know a lot more. For starters, it sounds like there was no drivers license, credit cards, wallet...? So, was it a robbery, a sex crime...? Who was the room registered to? What day did he check in, how did he pay, how long was his reservation for? Who checked him in at the hotel, and was he alone, did he have any visitors? Were drugs and / or alcohol in his system, or found in the room? WHAT was the cause of death? Was there any trauma to the body? How did he get to the hotel; by car, taxi, airplane...? Exactly what personal items were found in the room? Does LE think it was a homicide; was it a suicide, an overdose? Did LE run his description against any missing persons reports? Have his DNA and fingerprints been run against any available databases? Were any other fingerprints found in the room? And so forth, and so on...

btw, there is a more info and a picture of his face at this link: https://identifyus.org/cases/full_report/5440
If any forensic evidence connected to the Lyon sisters had been found on or near this man, or in the crime scene, law enforcement would be all over it. I doubt if there is a connection.
... Maybe the FBI needs to review the investigation that was done and especially the Baltimore Division, since it happened ONE day after the Lyon sisters case they are currently working on.

Actually, this young man's death probably occurred on the same day that the Lyon sisters went missing. He was found on Wednesday 26 March 1975, but the autopsy said that he died "days" before he was found.

Since Hotel rooms are cleaned daily, he probably had died the day before on Tuesday, 25 March 1975.

Unfortunately, not a lot of other information is available. But the coincidence of date and geography, along with the fact that there was little or no physical evidence, and the fact that the crimes are both 40 years old and unsolved makes one wonder.

Who ever took the Lyon sisters did not want them to be found and did not want to leave any evidence.

Who ever killed this young man did not want him identified, and felt confident that his death would not lead investigators to them. He was found alone in a hotel room with only his underwear. No other clothing, no jewelry or watch, no personal items, no luggage, no keys.

At this point it is only speculation as to whether or not the two cases are connected, but consider the possibility of a team abduction effort being currently investigated. Also there was an unknown Long Haired Man (LHM) estimated to be in his late teens or 20's seen following the girls before they disappeared.
Steven Eugene Anderson
Missing since April 7, 1975 from New Lisbon, Burlington County, New Jersey
Classification: Endangered Missing
NCIC Number: M-011914999

Vital Statistics
Date Of Birth: April 25, 1957
Age at Time of Disappearance: 17 years old
Height and Weight at Time of Disappearance: 5'9; 150 pounds
Distinguishing Characteristics: White male. Brown, straight, short hair; blue eyes.
Marks, Scars: He has a chicken pox scar on his stomach.
Dentals: Anderson has a chipped front tooth.
Medical Conditions: Anderson is moderately retarded and is not capable of sustaining himself.
Clothing: He was last seen wearing a blue shirt, blue pants and a blue hooded coat.
David Williams
Missing since April 7, 1975 from New Lisbon, Burlington County, New Jersey
Classification: Endangered Missing
NCIC Number: M-531123610

Vital Statistics
Date Of Birth: October 9, 1962
Age at Time of Disappearance: 12 years old
Height and Weight at Time of Disappearance: 5'0; 113 pounds
Distinguishing Characteristics: Black male. Black hair; brown eyes.
Clothing: A maroon jogging suit and a suede jacket.

Circumstances of Disappearance

Stephen Eugene Anderson and David Williams were last seen leaving the New Lisbon State School, which is off of State Highway 72 in New Lisbon, NJ on April 7, 1975. Both were students at the school. David did not have his medications with him.

If you have any information on this case, please contact:
Human Services Police, New Lisbon Station
You may remain anonymous when submitting information. LINKS:

Source Information:

The National Center For Missing and Exploited Children
The Doe Network: Case File 87DMNJ
The Doe Network: Case File 32DMNJ


These two boys went missing 40 years ago this week from New Jersey. They have never been found.

This was a double abduction which occurred only two weeks after the Lyon sisters went missing.

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