Possible IT, Computer & Tech. Connection to the Long Island Case, Perp & Victims

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Threadus Interruptus.


sorry, I strayed from the thread topic....

I initially was going to post about the SK's comment about "watch her body rot" with regard to the killer possibly having some remote camera where he could view such an occurrence.

In the JJFieldnotes interview with Coletti, Coletti names the person who was actually responsible for the gate camera, and that person "wiped the camera clean" even though law enforcement did get the hard drive. That person, according to various online searches has some really expensive camera equipment. He owns or owned cameras in the cost range of $4000 to $8000 dollars that have interval/delayed timing, wireless & remote capability, etc. He even posted online that he buys his cameras in Manhattan. In addition, per the NY Dept of State Corporations listing, he owns Fort Knox Mini Storage in Central Islip, which is only 2.6 mi from the Hauppauge Holiday Inn Express. He uses his business phone # for all his online communications.

just thought that was interesting...
No worries MrsPC. I strayed from the topic too.

I was about to write a post about my Love of Guinness & then stopped myself and wrote the other one instead.
Who wants to bet me a beer that SG and the G4 were decomposed in the same canal where SG's possessions were found?

if that's the case, surely law enforcement found evidence there that did not belong to Gilbert....
According to 48 Hours, Lynn Barthelemy got a call from the likely killer. He said he was from the NYPD and wanted to know if she filed a missing persons report. I could not find anything else on this call to her....hmmm.

Two things:

1. Claiming to be a NYPD officer and then asking if she had filed a police report is idiotic, is it not? If he was truly a cop, wouldn't he know or be able to figure this out? Thus the fact that he's lying is self evident. Doesn't seem like this guy put a whole lot of thought into his reason for calling. Why? Was he drunk? Did he want her to figure out that he was the killer and not a NYPD officer to scare her? Is he not the brilliant mastermind we sometimes give him credit as being? Some of these killers are pretty bright, but some have an IQ just lingering above mentally retarded. Gary Ridgeway, I'm looking in your direction.

2. Why did he want to know if a missing person's report had been filed to begin with? My only guess is that he must have been anxious about the case and needed to know more. So much so that he was willing to risk making a phone call and leaving messages. Lots of killers inject themselves into the case in some way or form. Perhaps not knowing what's going on on the LE and victim's family side is troubling to him. Maybe it shatters his delusion of total control over the situation. Remember, knowledge equals power. He has no knowledge of the investigation or how close the police are to kicking his door in.
Two things:
2. Why did he want to know if a missing person's report had been filed to begin with? My only guess is that he must have been anxious about the case and needed to know more. So much so that he was willing to risk making a phone call and leaving messages. Lots of killers inject themselves into the case in some way or form. Perhaps not knowing what's going on on the LE and victim's family side is troubling to him. Maybe it shatters his delusion of total control over the situation. Remember, knowledge equals power. He has no knowledge of the investigation or how close the police are to kicking his door in.

geeez that reminds me of somebody in this investigation, who was it again...
if that's the case, surely law enforcement found evidence there that did not belong to Gilbert....

what kind of evidence? burlap? shannan's purse etc we already knew about...

I wouldn't think he would normally put victims identifying posessions in such a place, but May 1, now that wasn't normal, and things got crazy. Maybe he didn't have time to hide her posessions so they all went into the water with her. Only later it would be too difficult to retrieve those small items down in that canal. Maybe that is why the rumor started in early 2011 that "she probably hit her head and drowned" because the perp knew she was in the canal and was worried she would be found in there...
what kind of evidence? burlap? shannan's purse etc we already knew about...

I wouldn't think he would normally put victims identifying posessions in such a place, but May 1, now that wasn't normal, and things got crazy. Maybe he didn't have time to hide her posessions so they all went into the water with her. Only later it would be too difficult to retrieve those small items down in that canal. Maybe that is why the rumor started in early 2011 that "she probably hit her head and drowned" because the perp knew she was in the canal and was worried she would be found in there...

If other bodies decomposed there, one would think there might be bone fragments, hair, something.....
**It is my personal theory that the LI perp cyberstalked Melissa Barthelemy, Maureen Braindard-Barnes, Amber Costello and Megan Waterman prior to making contact with them via the Internet, speaking with them on the phone and physically meeting them. It is also my personal theory that the perp physically stalked them as well.

S.T.A.L.K., INC.
Partial Profile of Long Island, NY Serial Killer
(aka “The Sweet Talking Killer”)
Posted 12/01/2011

“He has an affinity for social networking sites, especially Craigslist, to search for his victims from a pool of escort service providers. He has the luxury to be able to spend a lot of time on the phone qualifying his victims to find the right one of opportunity.”

The STALK, INC. profile posits that the LI perp “... has a way of finding out which prostitutes don’t have a driver, pimp or someone watching over them.”

**Does the LI perp fit the profile of “The Predator Stalker”? IMHO, he does.

Because It Could Happen To YOU...
IST 432 Group 2: Pedro Arocho, David Bittle, Ian Bucher, Robert Nelson, Mathew Robuck


“This type of stalker is stalking purely for the sexual assault. The initial motivation is to gather information about the potential victim and gain access to their life. The stalking is often extended far beyond the acquisition of information, and takes pleasure derived from the voyeuristic elements, from fantasies of the planned attack and from the sense of power over the victim. This is to most dangerous type of stalker."

"This type of stalker is clearly out for physical harm however they usually do not harass or try to contact their victim while they are collecting information. They are unlikely to provide any kind of warning for the attack. Predator stalkers engage in behaviors such as: Surveillance of the victim, obscene phone calls, Exhibitionism, Fetishism, Voyeurism (Peeping Tom), Paedophilia/hebephilia, Sexual masochism and sadism, Paraphilic asphyxia. Also, these stalkers may stalk for a shorter period of time than the other categories. This stalker is more likely to have prior criminal convictions, most often sexual, than other types of stalkers. (Texas, 2006)"

"These stalker categories blanket both stalkers and cyberstalkers. The premise of these categories is that it represents the mind of the stalker and the stalkers actions not necessarily the arena in which the stalking takes place. However, we have found through our case-study research that the intimacy-seeking stalker appears to be the category of stalker that commits the most cyberstalking. This is due to the large social networking sites, such as Facebook.com and MySpace. So far, the internet has provided the arena that best suits intimacy-seeking stalkers. However, in the future with new implementations of technology this could change very rapidly. We will not be able to forecast these changes until new technologies become widely used on the internet.”
If other bodies decomposed there, one would think there might be bone fragments, hair, something.....

There may have been some flow in the canals (now this is where the currents and physics should come in) so maybe you would need to rake the bottom of the canal where SG's posessions were found with a fine tooth clam rake.
If the SK reads here and I post something that pisses him off - would he be able to find out who I am (thru W/S or any other way), and get my address?
I think it would depend on how much you reveal about yourself in your posts. We probably all should keep that in mind.
If the SK reads here and I post something that pisses him off - would he be able to find out who I am (thru W/S or any other way), and get my address?

I would approach the WS Mods with questions or concerns about WS site security.

I will look for information on how to stay safe and secure when surfing the internet and post it.
I would approach the WS Mods with questions or concerns about WS site security.

I will look for information on how to stay safe and secure when surfing the internet and post it.
Yikes! Glad I asked...I'll ask Salem...
Yikes! Glad I asked...I'll ask Salem...

I wasn't suggesting that there is anything wrong with the WS site security. I don't know anything about their security which is why I suggested you ask the Mods about it.
Having been a member here for three years, I have great faith in WS providing as much security as it possible to have on a forum of this type. I wouldn't worry.
Computer Security Tips

U.S. Department of Homeland Security
United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team
Cyber Security Tips

“Cyber Security Tips describe and offer advice about common security issues for non-technical computer users.”

Five Simple PC security tips
by Dennis O'Reilly
May 7, 2009

“Summary: “Security” and “simple” rarely go together, but these techniques will keep you safe without requiring a lot of time and trouble”

**My personal advice:

Don't click on anything you don't know.

Be careful of files that have these extensions: .EXE, .BAT, .COM. These extensions can be mixed with other ones to trick us into thinking they are safe files.

Sometimes, viruses hide themselves within these extensions: .MP3, .MPEG, .JPG, .PDF, .DOC, .DVI, .HTML.

Sometimes Trojans can be programmed to “kill” our anti-virus software without us knowing about it. Our anti-virus software can be made to appear that it is still working and functional. Trojans hide themselves within the deepest parts of the computer or disguise themselves as legitimate system files.

Another way to attack computer systems is via the web browser . Malicious script can be run within the browser itself . The most common vector for this attack is through Internet Explorer.

Just some thoughts and just my opinion.
I think it would depend on how much you reveal about yourself in your posts. We probably all should keep that in mind.

This is so key when on the internet and this type of forum be double postive on what you say about your life.
You shall be fine if you are cautious.
I wasn't suggesting that there is anything wrong with the WS site security. I don't know anything about their security which is why I suggested you ask the Mods about it.
I wasn't trying to disparage W/S either...they probably have excellent security, but is it possible for someone to get my IP address?
I'm not that concerned...more curious...and good advice to all to keep your public info at a minimum

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