Possible Matches for Anna - #1

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I am 6 yrs older than Anna and also from California and I was given a (1) sheet of pics after graduating High School that had all my pictures on it from kindergarten thru 12th grade. They were all on one page and were about the size of a large postage stamp. You might try contacting her High School or the School district where she last attended school. Good Luck !
SanJoaquinValleyGirl said:
I am 6 yrs older than Anna and also from California and I was given a (1) sheet of pics after graduating High School that had all my pictures on it from kindergarten thru 12th grade. They were all on one page and were about the size of a large postage stamp. You might try contacting her High School or the School district where she last attended school. Good Luck !
I have never seen that done with the pictures before but what a cool idea!
gardenmom said:
Welcome Robin. We appreciate what you are trying to do. Whether this turns out to be Anna or not, it is people like you who are willing to take a leap who will help bring Anna home.
Amen to that! :)
SanJoaquinValleyGirl said:
I am 6 yrs older than Anna and also from California and I was given a (1) sheet of pics after graduating High School that had all my pictures on it from kindergarten thru 12th grade. They were all on one page and were about the size of a large postage stamp. You might try contacting her High School or the School district where she last attended school. Good Luck !
How nice. We didn't get that in the Fairfield/Suisun School District :eek:(

Will someone tell me where I can see the pics of the Anna lookalike?? Why can't I find her on the threads here? I must be having "a moment".
itsreenw said:
How nice. We didn't get that in the Fairfield/Suisun School District :eek:(

Will someone tell me where I can see the pics of the Anna lookalike?? Why can't I find her on the threads here? I must be having "a moment".
Page 4 :D
It is not done here either, I got mine by chance. My Councelor gave it to me at the end of Summer School, I was graduating a year early and was done with school. I have never seen anyone else get one,I really think there is probably one for everyone. Can't hurt to inquire.
Still searching for early photo. I have been to 2 different libraries, no luck. I have called one school, waiting for a return call, I am going to the other school for the second time today to try and speak with someone. Just wanted everyone to know that I am doing all that I know to do here in my area. My other friend is also still trying to contact the relative that she works with to see if we can get a photo, but being Thanksgiving week, many are on vacation. Our libraries here do not keep photos of elementary students.
RobinH said:
Still searching for early photo. I have been to 2 different libraries, no luck. I have called one school, waiting for a return call, I am going to the other school for the second time today to try and speak with someone. Just wanted everyone to know that I am doing all that I know to do here in my area. My other friend is also still trying to contact the relative that she works with to see if we can get a photo, but being Thanksgiving week, many are on vacation. Our libraries here do not keep photos of elementary students.
Robin, thank you for this. Do I recall correctly that C. has no childhood pictures of herself? Do you know why this would be?
RobinH said:
Still searching for early photo. I have been to 2 different libraries, no luck. I have called one school, waiting for a return call, I am going to the other school for the second time today to try and speak with someone. Just wanted everyone to know that I am doing all that I know to do here in my area. My other friend is also still trying to contact the relative that she works with to see if we can get a photo, but being Thanksgiving week, many are on vacation. Our libraries here do not keep photos of elementary students.
Robin, excuse me if I am wrong but C. does still live in the same area where she grew up correct? If I am correct on that, does she have any childhood friends that she has kept in contact with or knows how to reach? Perhaps there are others who might have pictures that she might be in. I am thinking like birthday parties that she might have attended as a child. I know I have pictures from all of my daughters B-Day parties and there are pictures of all of the kids who attended in them.
Thank you for checking with the schools on class pictures. I hope we get some good news from that.
Shadow205 said:
Robin, excuse me if I am wrong but C. does still live in the same area where she grew up correct? If I am correct on that, does she have any childhood friends that she has kept in contact with or knows how to reach? Perhaps there are others who might have pictures that she might be in. I am thinking like birthday parties that she might have attended as a child. I know I have pictures from all of my daughters B-Day parties and there are pictures of all of the kids who attended in them.
Thank you for checking with the schools on class pictures. I hope we get some good news from that.
She has not had a happy childhood, and has moved from one location to another all her life. No one that she knows of has any pictures. Her family had a fire at one time which might explain the lack of pictures that her family has. I just got back from my second school, and again.......waiting for another call.
RobinH said:
She has not had a happy childhood, and has moved from one location to another all her life...
She has had several addresses as an adult, but they have all been in the same general region within a single state.
Dr. Doogie said:
She has had several addresses as an adult, but they have all been in the same general region within a single state.
I agree, except I was told last week that she has also spent some time in a home of some sort without her siblings and she doesn't understand why. I am actually looking for a photo of her earliest school age to get a better match, and I do not believe that with all she has been through that we will find she remembers any friends from that part of her life. I have however found out that her earliest school has closed and have called the archives of that school. I am hoping to hear from them soon. I also know that her best friend has been and still is her sister. I am pretty sure that I will be able to get a high school picture if that is what we want here. Even though it appears she was in the same area, you might want to know that her youngest school memory is here, while her high school years are several miles away.
Robin makes a good point: with her memories of her childhood being so sketchy, it is possible that she did reside elsewhere and not remember it.

I wonder if her relationship with her older siblings (she is the youngest in the family) is any better than the one with her mother? If so and she still has contact with them, they may be able to provide some missing answers - not the least of which is: did I just suddenly appear as a family member when I was five years old?
Dr. Doogie said:
I wonder if her relationship with her older siblings (she is the youngest in the family) is any better than the one with her mother? If so and she still has contact with them, they may be able to provide some missing answers - not the least of which is: did I just suddenly appear as a family member when I was five years old?
No, she only talks to one sister, and they are close in age, possibly even not blood sisters because of the adoption, and that sister is very curious too. I have received a call back from her youngest school, and they are not required to keep files on elementary children, so have no picture. However, when they send the child's records to a new school, there are photos attached. So now I am waiting for the next phone call.
RobinH said:
I agree, except I was told last week that she has also spent some time in a home of some sort without her siblings and she doesn't understand why.
This really raises a red flag for me. I wonder if there is any way to find out whether the parents took in foster children. Would they have to be registered in the state? Does anybody have any ideas?
Annasmom said:
This really raises a red flag for me. I wonder if there is any way to find out whether the parents took in foster children. Would they have to be registered in the state? Does anybody have any ideas?
When she told me about this, she explained that for some unknown reason, she remembers being taken away from her mom and placed in some type of facility for awhile and then she was returned to her mother. She also remembers later that she had to go live with her grandmother for a period before being sent to an uncle's house, and then going home again. During the time that she was with her grandma and her uncle, she knows that their house burned down. It has nothing to do with her mother taking in foster children. She did not have a happy childhood, and is left with many questions.
Hello Robin. For the benefit of those that don't the full story, could you please summarize the course of events that got us to this point: as far as how you got to know the prospective match etc. From the outside the story is a bit fragmented. It would be nice to try to iron out what is fact and what is conjecture without infringing on anyone's privacy. It might help direct the search as far as this specific candidate in a focussed direction. Thank you for helping!
Annasmom said:
This really raises a red flag for me. I wonder if there is any way to find out whether the parents took in foster children. Would they have to be registered in the state? Does anybody have any ideas?
As far as foster parenting in Michigan, I was a foster parent for 15 years in the 1970's and 80's. It required 3 visits from caseworkers to become licensed. It was not an easy task back then, and once becoming a foster parent, visits from caseworkers were very frequent.
Annasbro said:
Hello Robin. For the benefit of those that don't the full story, could you please summarize the course of events that got us to this point: as far as how you got to know the prospective match etc. From the outside the story is a bit fragmented. It would be nice to try to iron out what is fact and what is conjecture without infringing on anyone's privacy. It might help direct the search as far as this specific candidate in a focussed direction. Thank you for helping!
Yes Annasmom, I would be happy to. First I met someone on MySpace who was profiling Anna. We had a conversation about an adoptee in my state. At that time I saw a picture of Anna (age progressed) and immediately recognized my friend that I had just recently met at a restaurant that I frequent. She is a waitress. I was surprised at the resemblences, but asked 2 other friends their opinion on the similarities. All agreed, the match was good. I then went to visit my friend and show her the pics of Anna as well as share Anna's story with her. She became a little concerned when I at first showed her the pics, asking how did I get pictures of her when she was youger. Then she told me that she had been adopted, but she has always been told that she was her mother's daughter biologically, but not her adopted dad's. She has since shared many events of her life with me, and let me take a picture of her to share with all of you. She does not believe that she is Anna, however she feels that her life, the pictures, etc. warrent a closer look. I will be happy to answer any questions that anyone has, and if I don't have the answer, I will ask her........Hope this helps.
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