Possible Victim: Shannan Gilbert

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I find it hard to believe Shannons murder wasn't related to the Gil go 4

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I don't think the hypothermia hypothesis is too far fetched. There was a case here in VA within the past 2-3 years where a girl went to a party, smoked weed, crashed her car, and was found naked and dead in a cemetery about a mile away from where her car crashed. Her clothes were found along the route she travelled. The final COD was hypothermia.

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There may be a possibility that the taped call has bizarre speech and bizarre delusions that led them to believe she was having a mental break. It is difficult to guess because they have not released it. If you think about going to a strangers house completely at their mercy for yourself, it would cause a paranoid feeling regardless of the situation, if you add a mental illness that has paranoia underlying, and you have an episode, the perp says something weird or you imagine something to be weird, I can see it spiraling out of control ++ add drugs too. The FBI has that tape and has not made any changes to it's importance. I am not an expert, but am wondering why the FBI has not announced and new public information, unless they have a suspect they are watching around the clock.
Paradoxical undressing isn't a bad argument, but wouldn't she remove all of her clothes... I mean, didn't they just find her pants, purse, phone in one spot (not dropped along as she traveled)? Was her shirt still on her body... if not, what happened to it??
Ummmm... who says the FBI has her 911 tape or even cares about it?
Have they looked into the possibility that she was on flakka or someone gave her the drug flakka the night of her 911 call? This would cause her to become paranoid, run, and disrobe. May have been discussed in other forums, but was just wondering. It's sad what happened to Shannan but her disappearance led to a very big discovery.
Have they looked into the possibility that she was on flakka or someone gave her the drug flakka the night of her 911 call? This would cause her to become paranoid, run, and disrobe. May have been discussed in other forums, but was just wondering. It's sad what happened to Shannan but her disappearance led to a very big discovery.

Was that around when this happened?

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I assume since the FBI came and took over themselves that they would go over anything relating to the case in it's history. The tape would be listed in notes and the FBI would want to review it. Why would you believe the FBI would not? They felt the need to take over without be asked to.
Also... is there a thread regarding Dr. Hackett and Shannan on here? I tried searching and could not find anything.
I'm very confused how he wasn't investigated further after his phone records proved that he did in fact call Mari, Shannan's mother, and he finally admitted a variation of that call.
How did he get her number? Why would he randomly call the mother of a missing victim? Is he simply that much of a attention seeker?
Also... is there a thread regarding Dr. Hackett and Shannan on here? I tried searching and could not find anything.
I'm very confused how he wasn't investigated further after his phone records proved that he did in fact call Mari, Shannan's mother, and he finally admitted a variation of that call.
How did he get her number? Why would he randomly call the mother of a missing victim? Is he simply that much of a attention seeker?

I think Hackett said he got Mari Gilbert's phone number from Diaz (SG's "boyfriend") and Pak (SG's driver) when they returned to Oak Beach looking for Shannan (a day or a few days after her disappearance, I don't remember the exact time this occurred)

Here are a few links regarding Hackett

Civil Court Case Against Hackett

Info/Timeline Hackett phone calls to Gilbert fam

Book written by Hackett's father

I know there's additional info here somewhere... I will post more links if/when I find 'em
So, not only do we have the fact Hackett called Mari Gilbert and lied about doing so, there is also this sworn statement (BBM) that fueled the civil case against him:

"It is Bruce (leaving out last name -- but it's stated in TKS Ep 3). John Ray may have been tipped off to Bruce's knowledge of the SG events by a voracious WS poster a few years back who was an OB insider and felt strongly about Hackett, to put it mildly. Ray then subpoenaed Bruce in the civil action Shannan's family brought against Hackett.

In TKS Ep 3. here's what Ray said Bruce’s deposition revealed: "Hackett had told Bruce [last name] that Hackett had seen Shannan the morning that she disappeared. Shannan had come into his home. He had treated her, medicated her, and that she left his home in a confused state of mind."

According to public property records, this person owns a house at the far, far, far East end of Hawser Drive in OB."

Also... is there a thread regarding Dr. Hackett and Shannan on here? I tried searching and could not find anything.
I'm very confused how he wasn't investigated further after his phone records proved that he did in fact call Mari, Shannan's mother, and he finally admitted a variation of that call.
How did he get her number? Why would he randomly call the mother of a missing victim? Is he simply that much of a attention seeker?

Welcome SW35mmDoll, and sorry for the delay. :welcome5: Certainly seemed like an odd duck, to say the least, watching the way he acted on A&E's "The Killing Season". My impression is if he really had anything to lose by it, then he would not have been so visible, attention seeking may thus be right to assume, whatever else may or may not be the case. Now that we've met on thread, please feel free to be in touch about how I may help you. Thank you for joining and I hope you keep participating.

I think Hackett said he got Mari Gilbert's phone number from Diaz (SG's "boyfriend") and Pak (SG's driver) when they returned to Oak Beach looking for Shannan (a day or a few days after her disappearance, I don't remember the exact time this occurred)

Here are a few links regarding Hackett

Civil Court Case Against Hackett

Info/Timeline Hackett phone calls to Gilbert fam

Book written by Hackett's father

I know there's additional info here somewhere... I will post more links if/when I find 'em

Thank you for everything fred&edna.
Also... is there a thread regarding Dr. Hackett and Shannan on here? I tried searching and could not find anything.
I'm very confused how he wasn't investigated further after his phone records proved that he did in fact call Mari, Shannan's mother, and he finally admitted a variation of that call.
How did he get her number? Why would he randomly call the mother of a missing victim? Is he simply that much of a attention seeker?

Here is the thread discussing the letters PH sent to 48 hours, wherein he finally admits he called Shannan's mom.records proving he actually made the calls.


As for specific threads? There are a ton of threads discussing PH, as numerous posters felt he was in some way involved in SG's death.
Weren't there 2 more murders after Shannon and the bodies placed a few miles down the road? My thought is the killer had no idea what happened with Shannon, so they continued to use the spot to dump bodies. I do not believe he would have stopped at 4 bodies if his dumping ground wasn't found. There is no way to make 4 bodies a theory when he left the 4th body very near the time period it was discovered.
Weren't there 2 more murders after Shannon and the bodies placed a few miles down the road? My thought is the killer had no idea what happened with Shannon, so they continued to use the spot to dump bodies. I do not believe he would have stopped at 4 bodies if his dumping ground wasn't found. There is no way to make 4 bodies a theory when he left the 4th body very near the time period it was discovered.


Time: New Year’s morning on a freezing day.
Place: Brookville Blvd., near JFK Airport, border of NYC and Nassau County.
Type of Location: marsh land area similar to areas near water and Gilgo.

Motorist going home drives through area and his car hits a pothole causing his hubcap to come off and roll into the weeds. Motorist goes to retrieve hubcap and finds body wrapped in a rug with his face eaten off by wild dogs, rats, and whatever else is out there. Body has tape across the mouth. Rug has same tape holding carpet in place. Arms seem to be bent back, also taped. It is so cold the body is frozen to the ground.

Motorist drives off screaming for help (no cell phones back then) and finds a Nassau County police car parked nearby. Nassau PD car has a police officer sleeping like a baby. Motorist tells police officer of his find. Police Officer identifies the location and tells motorist this is in NYC, go find a NYC cop. NCPD goes back to sleep. The motorist finds a NYC cop.

We get to the scene. The commanding officer of the concerned detective squad is on the scene. He looks at the body and determines this is not a murder; it is some kind of accidental death and the friends of the deceased didn’t want to get involved in a drug overdose matter. Now the squad commander is trying to convince all of us that this is so. The dead guy has tape wrapped around his mouth. His hands are taped behind his back. He is wrapped in carpeting and he is dumped in the weeds.

Now we need to get the body removed. It is frozen to the ground. A call for Emergency Services as they have the tools to take down a skyscraper. They come and they say they NO can do. They don’t have the tools. C.O. tells them DO IT and stop the bulls---. Body is removed. A couple of hours have passed. The C.O. just out of curiosity goes looking to find the NCPD car. Sure enough he finds it and the cop is still snoring away.

The point of the story is you can make up any BS story you want and somebody is going to listen to it even though it makes no sense. It is also a fact that if the boss said investigate it as an improperly disposed body then that is how we would look at it – or until such time we couldn’t.

One thing I will tell you is I would have bet the ranch if we extended the crime scene more than the immediate area: 20’? We would have probably found a lot more bodies because there is no doubt in my mind it is a graveyard without headstones.

My office cleared/solved 55 homicides in one year based on information given to us by an informant. Cleared so many homicides the Chief put in only half of them to be 'solved' in one year and left the rest for the next year. Mission Accomplished: The Clearance rate would be satisfactory for both years.

So guess how many arrests and people that went to jail? Bloggers, take wild guess and if you are right you win Hawkshaw's Detective of The Year Award.

So guess how many arrests and people that went to jail? Bloggers, take wild guess and if you are right you win Hawkshaw's Detective of The Year Award.

I'll take ZERO for 1200, Alex.
Hawkshaw....that is just utterly disgusting! Obviously there are people in LE and even higher up's that just don't give 2 *advertiser censored* about any kind of JUSTICE! It is so sad for the families. Unfortunately, I have seen it first hand myself, too. In some cases (like this one, and the case I've been working on for the past 4 years) it takes people who will not let go until there are answers. Otherwise, these victims would just be brushed under the rug and forgotten. That is a very sad FACT!

Time: New Year’s morning on a freezing day.
Place: Brookville Blvd., near JFK Airport, border of NYC and Nassau County.
Type of Location: marsh land area similar to areas near water and Gilgo.

Motorist going home drives through area and his car hits a pothole causing his hubcap to come off and roll into the weeds. Motorist goes to retrieve hubcap and finds body wrapped in a rug with his face eaten off by wild dogs, rats, and whatever else is out there. Body has tape across the mouth. Rug has same tape holding carpet in place. Arms seem to be bent back, also taped. It is so cold the body is frozen to the ground.

Motorist drives off screaming for help (no cell phones back then) and finds a Nassau County police car parked nearby. Nassau PD car has a police officer sleeping like a baby. Motorist tells police officer of his find. Police Officer identifies the location and tells motorist this is in NYC, go find a NYC cop. NCPD goes back to sleep. The motorist finds a NYC cop.

We get to the scene. The commanding officer of the concerned detective squad is on the scene. He looks at the body and determines this is not a murder; it is some kind of accidental death and the friends of the deceased didn’t want to get involved in a drug overdose matter. Now the squad commander is trying to convince all of us that this is so. The dead guy has tape wrapped around his mouth. His hands are taped behind his back. He is wrapped in carpeting and he is dumped in the weeds.

Now we need to get the body removed. It is frozen to the ground. A call for Emergency Services as they have the tools to take down a skyscraper. They come and they say they NO can do. They don’t have the tools. C.O. tells them DO IT and stop the bulls---. Body is removed. A couple of hours have passed. The C.O. just out of curiosity goes looking to find the NCPD car. Sure enough he finds it and the cop is still snoring away.

The point of the story is you can make up any BS story you want and somebody is going to listen to it even though it makes no sense. It is also a fact that if the boss said investigate it as an improperly disposed body then that is how we would look at it – or until such time we couldn’t.

One thing I will tell you is I would have bet the ranch if we extended the crime scene more than the immediate area: 20’? We would have probably found a lot more bodies because there is no doubt in my mind it is a graveyard without headstones.

My office cleared/solved 55 homicides in one year based on information given to us by an informant. Cleared so many homicides the Chief put in only half of them to be 'solved' in one year and left the rest for the next year. Mission Accomplished: The Clearance rate would be satisfactory for both years.

So guess how many arrests and people that went to jail? Bloggers, take wild guess and if you are right you win Hawkshaw's Detective of The Year Award.
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