Possible Victim: Valerie Mack, 24, Manorville Jane Doe #6, missing 2000, found Nov 2000 & Gilgo Beach Apr 2011

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TruthSpider, you need to look past CPH. In my opinion, there is absolutely no connection to Oak Beach.

Did you read my above post? Don't you have any comments on the evidence I've uncovered connecting burlap, Manorville, Cedar Beach and Atlantic City in 2000, 2003, 2006?

In my opinion, we're REALLY close to identifying this guy. But in order for you to add value to my theory and line of investigation, you need to look past CPH and Shannan Gilbert for now. There is no clear evidence that her death was the result of a serial killer. In my opinion, you're trying to draw a connection that just isn't there. This thread is for discussing Jane Doe#6.

With all due respect, you have flooded the market with so many different suspects it makes me wonder about your own conviction. Did you ever even believe Carman Monaco Jr was the killer? If not, why have you been blasting him publicly? If you did believe he was the killer, how valid was your reasoning for thinking he was if you could so quickly reverse course and now be convinced it's a new suspect?

You brought the idea of the LISK being a fowl hunter, which I agree is a valid angle to investigate because we know the killer likely revisited the remains and would likely have an excuse on hand for being in those areas. I simply started with your premise, then looked at all the individuals related to the case and noticed CPH has decoy ducks on his front steps and is known to wear a "boonie hat" which is common among hunters, fishermen and the military.

"My dear brethren, do not ever forget, when u hear the progress of lights praised, that the loveliest trick of the devil is to persuade you that he does not exist!" - Charles Baudelaire


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With all due respect, you have flooded the market with so many different suspects it makes me wonder about your own conviction. Did you ever even believe Carman Monaco Jr was the killer? If not, why have you been blasting him publicly? If you did believe he was the killer, how valid was your reasoning for thinking he was if you could so quickly reverse course and now be convinced it's a new suspect?

You brought the idea of the LISK being a fowl hunter, which I agree is a valid angle to investigate because we know the killer likely revisited the remains and would likely have an excuse on hand for being in those areas. I simply started with your premise, then looked at all the individuals related to the case and noticed CPH has decoy ducks on his front steps and is known to wear a "boonie hat" which is common among hunters, fishermen and the military.

Another example of CPH being "the elephant in the room." Whatever direction one goes, he pops up with some possible connection. IMO
Another example of CPH being "the elephant in the room." Whatever direction one goes, he pops up with some possible connection. IMO

I believe LE is in a bind, and the shituation is similar to the Timothy Bindner story, except our Bindner isn't interested in toying with LE, he is scared and doing all he can to convince the world he's innocent. just my .02
With all due respect, you have flooded the market with so many different suspects it makes me wonder about your own conviction. Did you ever even believe Carman Monaco Jr was the killer? If not, why have you been blasting him publicly? If you did believe he was the killer, how valid was your reasoning for thinking he was if you could so quickly reverse course and now be convinced it's a new suspect?

You brought the idea of the LISK being a fowl hunter, which I agree is a valid angle to investigate because we know the killer likely revisited the remains and would likely have an excuse on hand for being in those areas. I simply started with your premise, then looked at all the individuals related to the case and noticed CPH has decoy ducks on his front steps and is known to wear a "boonie hat" which is common among hunters, fishermen and the military.

"My dear brethren, do not ever forget, when u hear the progress of lights praised, that the loveliest trick of the devil is to persuade you that he does not exist!" - Charles Baudelaire

I am still pursuing the CMJ line, but since there is a lack of any information other than what I've uncovered, I can't continue. I asked for assistance with acquiring more non-Web public information, but that assistance was not provided.

At that point, I began to ponder other ways to look at the evidence. I started this thread, and here we are. The information and approach that I've used is valid, and sound.

I have eliminated multiple people through logic, starting with MP, CPH, JB, then going to KU and SY. At this point I have not ruled out Mr. Monaco, however I feel that the angle that I'm currently exploring has much more merit given the factual evidence that a serial killer was in both Manorville and Cedar Beach in 2000 and 2003.

I disagree that you can just apply my rationale to your POI. CPH is no "elephant in the room", and any attempt to link him is clutching at straws, in my opinion. The information that I've uncovered is indisputable evidence of a connection. If you find out that CPH was a member of both the SSWA and the Peconic River Sportsman's Club in 2000 and 2003, you'll be about the luckiest person in the world. However, I don't think that you'll be able to do so, and I think any attempt to do so is foolhardy. Police need to investigate the connection here. They'll be able to find the serial killer quickly (if I'm right), since there's only a small handful of people that would have this shared connection between SSWA and PRSC in 2000 and 2003.
Everybody needs to carefully review Post#49 in this thread.

This is the clearest evidence of a connection between Manorville and Cedar Beach/Gilgo Beach in 2000 and 2003 that we've ever had.

This is important, so please let's not use this thread to debate other topics.

The SSWA attends annual events at Cedar Beach and the specific area of Manorville where the bodies were found, and did so in 2000 and 2003.

They also attended a show in NJ around the time of the Atlantic City murders, and the timeframe appears to generally fit based on decomposition.

There is a clear connection to burlap.

Please pursue this vigorously. My sense is that an arrest may be imminent if this information pans out. I've got to go now and pick up flowers for V-Day.
This is the clearest evidence of a connection between Manorville and Cedar Beach/Gilgo Beach in 2000 and 2003 that we've ever had.

There is a clear connection to burlap.

As was <Modsnip> living room burlap rug, as was SY's landscaped hedge wrappings, as was Monaco's feed bags, as was ....
I dunno. I think the duck hunting angle is a good one and this makes the most sense to me as to where the burlap came from. He wraps his prey in burlap, whether it's fowl or human. If Gadget's theory is true, then dumping the bodies like perhaps depersonalizes them and sends a message of what he thinks of their value in the world.

Maybe he started with garbage bags, but didn't feel his message was coming through?

If I was a betting man, which I am, I'd put money on the hunting theory. It seems to make a lot of sense.

I also like the fowl hunting angle, I was questioning IG's conviction in his theories. I have been pointing out that just about all of the victims were dumped on county or state park property and that isn't likely a coincidence, there must be a reason for it. I think he wanted access to be able to safely discard and revisit the remains. Fishing, birding, fowl hunting, etc could be the perfect cover for why he is hanging out in said parks at odd hours.

Year Victim ID Distance SSWA Shooting Range (Cedar Beach Marina)
2000 Jane Doe #6 2000 ft. E.
2003 Jessica Taylor 4000 ft. W.
Unk Asian Male 9000 - 10500 ft. W.
2007 Maureen 9000 - 10500 ft. W.
2009 Melissa 9000 - 10500 ft. W.
2010 Megan 9000 - 10500 ft. W.
2010 Amber 9000 - 10500 ft. W.

Average ft. relative to Cedar Beach: 7250 ft.

Year Victim ID Distance from PRSC Shooting Range
2000 Jane Doe#6 4000 ft SW.
2003 Jessica Taylor 4000 ft SW.

Average ft. relative to Cedar Beach: 4000 ft.

What this tells me is that the SK was familiar, but not intimately familiar with the area of Cedar Beach. He is intimately familiar with Manorville. He refined his disposal method over time, and he became more aware of exactly how to relocate the bodies on Ocean Parkway based on signage or odometer readings. He chose Ocean Parkway as his preferred dumping ground, possibly because Manorville victims were found too quickly, possibly to divert attention from Manorville since he has some form of association there.

I've identified the Peconic River Sportsman's Club and the South Shore Waterfowler's Association as being the common denominator. The SSWA, as part of their annual Duck Boat Festival, holds clay shooting contests at the Cedar Beach marina, and did so in 2000. I'm sure everyone's played "Duck Hunt" on Nintendo, so we all know what "clay bird shooting" is. The SSWA also takes part in an annual clay shooting day at the PRSC's shooting range in Manorville.

I've attached images of these two shooting ranges.

I think our killer enjoys shotgun. He's probably not that good though if he only goes to the range twice a year. He's the kinda guy that leaves a bunch of wounded ducks in the field. Probably has a dumb mutt as a retriever that couldn't tell the difference between a duck and a tranny.


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Just found out that my new duck hunting POI is also...a landscaper.

Maybe Rifkin was right.
Hi Inspector Gadget,

I really appreciate your posts/sleuthing regarding this case and the recent possible duck hunting connection.
Have you had any response from law enforcement in regards to your tip??

I think i may have found a possible connection that links someone who posted on the hunting forum you contacted and that forum utopiaguiders....

there is a poster who uses the same name on both forums - "lihunter"

Here is a recent post of his in response to a thread entitled 'when working girls enter your professional life'


[ame="http://utopiaguide.com/forums/showpost.php?p=994613&postcount=50"]UtopiaGuide - View Single Post - FBSM worker and our professional relationship[/ame]

Could this lihunter on utopiaguiders and also the 'lihunter' from the hunting forum be the same person??

It may just be a coincidence and this is not the same person but I found it interesting....especially the way he talks about 'psychologically punishing' the girl for being a ' *advertiser censored* tease' and feels victimized as a man by these 'evil women'..
Just found out that my new duck hunting POI is also...a landscaper.

Maybe Rifkin was right.

Ugh. Would love to know who your POI is, but I know it's against the rules. Did a little sleuthing today and couldn't find any landscapers... yet.
Hi Inspector Gadget,

I really appreciate your posts/sleuthing regarding this case and the recent possible duck hunting connection.
Have you had any response from law enforcement in regards to your tip??

I think i may have found a possible connection that links someone who posted on the hunting forum you contacted and that forum utopiaguiders....

there is a poster who uses the same name on both forums - "lihunter"

Here is a recent post of his in response to a thread entitled 'when working girls enter your professional life'


UtopiaGuide - View Single Post - FBSM worker and our professional relationship

Could this lihunter on utopiaguiders and also the 'lihunter' from the hunting forum be the same person??

It may just be a coincidence and this is not the same person but I found it interesting....especially the way he talks about 'psychologically punishing' the girl for being a ' *advertiser censored* tease' and feels victimized as a man by these 'evil women'..

I would be very suspicious of those "relevant" posts if they were posted in the last 2 months.
Hi Inspector Gadget,

I really appreciate your posts/sleuthing regarding this case and the recent possible duck hunting connection.
Have you had any response from law enforcement in regards to your tip??

I think i may have found a possible connection that links someone who posted on the hunting forum you contacted and that forum utopiaguiders....

there is a poster who uses the same name on both forums - "lihunter"

Here is a recent post of his in response to a thread entitled 'when working girls enter your professional life'


UtopiaGuide - View Single Post - FBSM worker and our professional relationship

Could this lihunter on utopiaguiders and also the 'lihunter' from the hunting forum be the same person??

It may just be a coincidence and this is not the same person but I found it interesting....especially the way he talks about 'psychologically punishing' the girl for being a ' *advertiser censored* tease' and feels victimized as a man by these 'evil women'..

I think this is a good find, but almost definitely unrelated. There are thousands and thousands of hunters on Long Island. That someone chose this name on any forum isn't surprising, and the likelihood that this person is a member of the SSWA and attended PRSC clay shoots in the late 90s or early 2000s is almost zero. I would say that we're probably looking at maybe less than 10 candidate suspects.

My belief is that this guy is more of an autoerotic. He probably never has sex with his victims, or even with prostitutes in general, but rather just masturbates as he tortures and kills them. For him, the violence IS the sex. I've read studies lately that lead me to believe this, but I could be wrong of course. The idea is that he fantasizes about torture, murder, asphyxiation, etc. while he masturbates. And the real-life murder is just the acting out of the fantasy, the final step that makes his fantasy a reality. He sexualizes extreme violence and death.

The guy on the forum that you found just seems to have a generally violent sexuality. All of this is my opinion.
Now I'm wondering why:
1) The entire tattoo wasn't removed from Jessica Taylor, only the words "Remy's Angel"
2) The SK didn't remove the tattoo from Jane Doe #6's ankle.

Could it be that the name "Remy" might have caused investigators to consider the word "Remington" which might have led them to the PRSC range for questioning? Could it be that the SK believed such a fine name didn't belong on a woman like Jessica Taylor? Or was it indeed just a forensic countermeasure?


I noticed in the SSWA gallery an image of my POI with a yellow lab retriever named "Remi" sitting over some dead birds. Remi is short for Remington no doubt, but it made me pause.
I've been following your posts re:SSWA and your leads lead me to who I believe might be your POI - It seems that this person is a COO of a company in Hauppauage, NY, with an office in NYC. His age is also about the same - born in 1970. I don't know about the part of his being a landscaper. I assumed he was in sales. Do Manorville and North Bablyon share a zip code?

I am new - just joined yesterday after reading posts to this website for a while and it seemed like a good site. Just guessing about the above and would not want to "track down" an innocent person through the internet, but I saw a connection with your previous posts.

There is so little information out there for the public and it seems everyone has a theory. One thing we all agree on is that this "sick monster" has to be found and dealt with. I do have other thoughts and will save them for another time.
OK, never-mind that last post about the ""Winter Brant Feeding Program". It seems that this wasn't a winter supplemental feeding program, so burlap wouldn't be relevant.

Rather, it seems that this was a multi-state research project that looked at what the "Atlantic Wintering Brant" were eating by collecting specimens from waterfowl hunters. The brant eats mostly submerged seagrass, so there would be no reason for burlap sacked grain to be used in this program. I surmise this based on this document.

However, there are still plenty of uses of burlap in the sport of waterfowl hunting, namely baiting or camo. Baiting a field before a hunt would require you to disperse grain that would be packaged and sold in burlap sacks. Camouflage and concealment involves burlap.

I've been following your posts re:SSWA and your leads lead me to who I believe might be your POI - It seems that this person is a COO of a company in Hauppauage, NY, with an office in NYC. His age is also about the same - born in 1970. I don't know about the part of his being a landscaper. I assumed he was in sales. Do Manorville and North Bablyon share a zip code?

I am new - just joined yesterday after reading posts to this website for a while and it seemed like a good site. Just guessing about the above and would not want to "track down" an innocent person through the internet, but I saw a connection with your previous posts.

There is so little information out there for the public and it seems everyone has a theory. One thing we all agree on is that this "sick monster" has to be found and dealt with. I do have other thoughts and will save them for another time.

1970 is right. My POI is 41 according to Veromi. I wasn't able to identify any "day job" other than the landscaping company that may have been a failed company, since it didn't seem to be currently advertised.

Even if it's not the same POI, I'm interested in other POIs that were members of the SSWA in the late 90s, early 2000s. Particularly any in the age range of 25-35. I'll send you a PM and we can see if we're talking about the same guy.

My POIs zip code is 11949.

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