Possibly breaking news.......... not sure

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Okay, Tricia, about staying on topic, but I gotta say this and take a chance at NOT getting that vacation - I just noticed your avatar and it cracked me up!! What a riot!
Mine as well :) I believe that discussing LE and their MO during this pond search is completely on-topic. MOO

You are correct. Dissing the police in general is not however.
Okay, Tricia, about staying on topic, but I gotta say this and take a chance at NOT getting that vacation - I just noticed your avatar and it cracked me up!! What a riot!

It's 3:34 AM. I am calling a time out for on topic.

Yes, that is your baby Poco. I though I would advertise the T-shirts and she is a perfect model. :)

Back to topic now:angel:
I guess some people are OK with how LE handled this situation, but I am not! I find it to be quite unacceptable. :furious:

lets all be calm, as of right now, we don't know exactly what is going on and when the truth is brought into the sunshine, then we will understand.

Le has been under extreme pressure to solve this case. Its wrong for us to second guess them when we don't know all the facts. In the long run they are just people, trying to find truth and a little girl.

I have felt like they gave Ron too many passes, but I just don't know.

Praying for Haleigh :angel:
I pray today is the day they find Haleigh.
A Happy Sunday morning to you all,

I wish we had some news about what is going on at the pond this morning. How far the water level has dropped, what their strategy is for searchers, if they are going to do a fly over the pond now with special equip and also take photos of what is there, etc.

We had a poster last night who was going to take a drive down there to see what was up but never heard anything more. With daylight and it being almost 10 am in Fl, they should be in full operation I would think. Did anyone read that maybe they would be calling Tim over? I read that somewhere late last night.

They would have been smarter to ask Tim over BEFORE they all lined up in the water walking on the bottom. Whatever may be on the bottom could/would have been pushed down further into the mud. I couldn't believe what I was watching on the video.
If you don't understand Hardy then you might have missed he was only in office a very short time before he got this case. He had no clue how to handle a high profile case on top of a position of power he never held before. The department was at a loss on two fronts. He stated then the same thing about pressers, but it was because he was so inexperienced, imo. He looked like a deer in headlights, imo. He said then he wouldn't be holding pressers and he has been true to his word in that respect. Bad decision, imo.

I am not going into what we have been dealing with here the past few hours, but I will say that it makes no difference in the outcome. Either Haleigh is there or she is not there. I don't honestly believe they will find her in that pond unless they have been given direct knowledge. The "evidence" they claim to have found could be anything at this point. Hard to believe now anything they say or take it seriously as having much to do with Haleigh going missing.

They wouldn't be draining a pond unless they had direct knowledge (imo). It is expensive. Environmental agencies don't appreciate wildlife habitats (like ponds) being messed with.

They would have been smarter to ask Tim over BEFORE they all lined up in the water walking on the bottom. Whatever may be on the bottom could/would have been pushed down further into the mud. I couldn't believe what I was watching on the video.

I have to agree with my good friend ...

Knowing Tim's vast experience using side sonar scanning, I believe he could have located whatever they are looking for without the expense of draining the pond; not to mention the time delay in the recovery.

I have to agree with my good friend ...

Knowing Tim's vast experience using side sonar scanning, I believe he could have located whatever they are looking for without the expense of draining the pond; not to mention the time delay in the recovery.


That line up amd walk forward technique really is the only viable option for searching in shallow waiste deep or less water. It is not a good option, but it really is the only one besides the older and cruder technique of dragging the bottom with an array of hooks.

I could be mistaken, as I have not played with the stuff in a few years and it may have gotten better, but as I remember search sonars of that sort really need a certain minimum depth. Normally about 4 feet+. If they are doing a walking line search it is in a place where alot of the sonars will not be effective.
I have to agree with my good friend ...

Knowing Tim's vast experience using side sonar scanning, I believe he could have located whatever they are looking for without the expense of draining the pond; not to mention the time delay in the recovery.


I've been wondering why they haven't used the sonar to find whatever it is they are looking for, since most likely it's a container. I really hope Tim is on his way. I think we will all feel better about the way the search is going if he is there.
That line up amd walk forward technique really is the only viable option for searching in shallow waiste deep or less water. It is not a good option, but it really is the only one besides the older and cruder technique of dragging the bottom with an array of hooks.

I could be mistaken, as I have not played with the stuff in a few years and it may have gotten better, but as I remember search sonars of that sort really need a certain minimum depth. Normally about 4 feet+. If they are doing a walking line search it is in a place where alot of the sonars will not be effective.

The equipment used today is much more effective. Aside from that, if they were already draining the pond, why didn't they hold off until the water was at the ideal depth to do the sonar? Doesn't make good sense after forging a road to get to the pond with heavy equipment that they wouldn't wait to do it the most effective way possible.
Not trying to start any rumors but someone said they heard Misty was in custody tonight? Fact or Fiction?

Well I'll be, an administrator asking about a rumor up here in the regular forum......lol. I was wondering last night while I was trying to post the updates if I was allowed to post the info I was getting from my friends in Florida, I refrained from doing so because i didn't want to break the rules. I was however wondering if I could pose a question as Tricia has about newsworthy rumors?

I will not do so until I get a yes or no though....Morning everybody:innocent:
Well I'll be, an administrator asking about a rumor up here in the regular forum......lol. I was wondering last night while I was trying to post the updates if I was allowed to post the info I was getting from my friends in Florida, I refrained from doing so because i didn't want to break the rules. I was however wondering if I could pose a question as Tricia has about newsworthy rumors?

I will not do so until I get a yes or no though....Morning everybody:innocent:

LOL! I thought the same thing last night. Remember that Tricia owns WS and if she wants to post a rumor here, she can. I wouldn't do it myself, however. Just sayin'...
This story is an interview with Ron.

(aye, look at butterbean laying his head on his daddy's shoulder)


such a sweet baby boy.

it appears there might be something off in regards to the link for this interview. I clicked.....couldn't see an interview and my computer started downloading a virus scan. Yowzer....I did however view the interview with the neighbor that walks his dog around this pond every morning. I thought my heart was broken last night but after the neighbor reported that his son just swam in that pond 3 weeks ago it (my heart) cracked a little more..... I hate to say it and perhaps it won't be the most popular opinion.....but I am positive we will hear from a million other residents in this community that have ventured to this pond...and others since Haleigh went missing. How are the going to get a conviction in this case with so many mistakes?
it appears there might be something off in regards to the link for this interview. I clicked.....couldn't see an interview and my computer started downloading a virus scan. Yowzer....I did however view the interview with the neighbor that walks his dog around this pond every morning. I thought my heart was broken last night but after the neighbor reported that his son just swam in that pond 3 weeks ago it (my heart) cracked a little more..... I hate to say it and perhaps it won't be the most popular opinion.....but I am positive we will hear from a million other residents in this community that have ventured to this pond...and others since Haleigh went missing. How are the going to get a conviction in this case with so many mistakes?[/QUOTE]BBM

Good point! Look at all the hoopla surrounding the location of Caylee's remains, and that was an area with very low human traffic!
Well I'll be, an administrator asking about a rumor up here in the regular forum......lol. I was wondering last night while I was trying to post the updates if I was allowed to post the info I was getting from my friends in Florida, I refrained from doing so because i didn't want to break the rules. I was however wondering if I could pose a question as Tricia has about newsworthy rumors?

I will not do so until I get a yes or no though....Morning everybody:innocent:
I looked at the Putnam county website and Misty is not under arrest.
I looked at the Putnam county website and Misty is not under arrest.

I don't think she is under arrest either...however, if any of the key players are arrested, they will not put them on that site for awhile.
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