Post sentencing discussion and the upcoming appeal

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The only person I remember mentioning his "hard drinking" mother was Professor Voerster, the "Oscar has GAD" psychiatrist. The only people she spoke with were Oscar's peeps.

Hi mustard, I agree, intially I discounted it cause it was Dr Voerster so I assumed it was tainted. But its in here too so maybe there is some truth in it :
John Carlin’s Chase Your Shadow: The Trials of Oscar Pistorius (Atlantic Books), which dealt with his childhood and the relationship with his hard-drinking mother, Sheila, until her death in 2002

No reason to think this Carlin is a Pistorius apologist, but I will see if I can find anything else.
I'm almost done re-watching OPs cross examination.

At least as I'm hearing it, when he was first recounting how he moved along the passage to the bathroom, he had previously said that it was pitch dark in the bedroom. When Nel asked how he could see where he was walking, OP said he was able to make out the bathtub(?), faintly because the bathroom was somewhat illuminated by ambient light coming in from the outside.

At a mid-point in OP's testimony, Nel pressed him hard about the light again and how it had been seen on. He asked OP who had turned it on. OP denied it was him and denied it was Reeva. Nel then gave him the old, "Well, if it wasn't you and it wasn't Reeva, who did turn it on? ...

On the final morning of OP's testimony (4/15), Nel asked him, again, who turned on the light. Now, without skipping a beat, he said Reeva did. Nel asked whether she turned it on before or after she went into the toilet. OP said it was before. Nel, asked him again to verify that's what he said, and OP said straight out, again, that Reeva had turned it on and it was before she went into the toilet.

Beyond being so confused that he didn't know what he was saying, if he was tailoring this story, too, it would have been in the wrong direction, would it not?

Anyway, re-watching this after such a long time and knowing what I know , now, OP's detailed inconsistencies are much easier for me to identify.

Before the death of his girlfriend, Pistorius was involved in another shooting death on his property in which a man was killed. He was not charged, but rumors circulate that a friend took the heat for him, and that the shooting was racially motivated. These incidents were not discussed on LetsRun. As one participant on LetsRun admitted after the death of Reeva Steenkamp at Pistorius’s hands, “signs of [his] flaws and eventual demise were readily apparent long ago” but were ignored (not my real name, 2013).

OMG, there was already a killing before?? I didn't know.
I am exploring the possibility that the cricket bat strikes come before the helps.


As I'm re-watching Op's testimony, your question jogged my memory of two questions I'd like to ask.

1. If anyone here came to the conclusion that this was dolus directus , I'd really appreciate knowing your reasoning, if you'd be willing to share.

2. There was a discussion between Nel and OP about whether he intended to kill whoever was behind the door. He said no, that if he was trying to kill the intruder he would have shot much higher and to the right - near the door handle /lock, where someone would conceivably be standing if they were coming out to to "get him".

I think that all things indicate that Reeva was standing up facing the door when she was first shot. If OP knew that - or didn't - why DID he / WOULD he aim low and to the middle?

Thanks, in advance, for replies to both questions.
Hi mustard, I agree, intially I discounted it cause it was Dr Voerster so I assumed it was tainted. But its in here too so maybe there is some truth in it :
John Carlin’s Chase Your Shadow: The Trials of Oscar Pistorius (Atlantic Books), which dealt with his childhood and the relationship with his hard-drinking mother, Sheila, until her death in 2002

No reason to think this Carlin is a Pistorius apologist, but I will see if I can find anything else.

I have been searching a newspaper article, I read long time ago. Unfortunately I didn't find. It told about Henke, his alcohol consum and his uncontrolled behavior, when drunk. It reminded me of his son OP.

Before the death of his girlfriend, Pistorius was involved in another shooting death on his property in which a man was killed. He was not charged, but rumors circulate that a friend took the heat for him, and that the shooting was racially motivated. These incidents were not discussed on LetsRun. As one participant on LetsRun admitted after the death of Reeva Steenkamp at Pistorius’s hands, “signs of [his] flaws and eventual demise were readily apparent long ago” but were ignored (not my real name, 2013).

OMG, there was already a killing before?? I didn't know.

Hi FG, I just looked at your link and read all the passages on OP but I couldn't find that line - BIB- is it in another section?
BIB - I know. Mind you, having seen how she so casually discounted ear witness testimony, I'm not sure the missing phone would have made any difference to her, especially if there was no way of knowing the contents of what was deleted. I'm still very interested to know why all messages received after the killing were deleted.

What was so incriminating that they needed to be wiped? Messages suggesting OP use a tried and trusted intruder excuse? Who knows. That's just another secret the clan will take with them to the grave. I would like to ask CP "How do you tweet at night?"

Believing that there's zero privacy any more, I was shocked that there were no records of messages kept by the service /server. I still find it hard to believe. Maybe it's just in the US.
Well noted JJudi re: his lies. I'd like to revisit his x with Nel and pick up more on those long pauses and the "I think" and "I would have" he repeatedly replied with, just don't know if I could stomach it again.

When my daughter visited several weeks ago, I played the video of Nel badgering OP about admitting he shot and killed Reeva, and the video where OP shouts "Get the **** out of my house!", she couldn't stand it and said, 'no more mum!', lol. :tantrum: Well, she did ask how the trial was going so I thought I'd give her a sample. :p

Also, the "My lady, I wish she had let me know she was there." just irks me for two reasons, the gall he has to even say it and secondly, that Masipa bought it.

My young adult son and daughter always have a dig about my obsession with true crime documentaries, web sleuths, human behaviour etc, "oh mum get a life" !!!! Upon saying that I had over a dozen of my children's friends to view OP's sentencing, all hoping for justice. Whilst they think that mum is a bit of a 'dag'…'s great to be able to impart some humble knowledge to these kids (secretly I know they listen and appreciate the 'pearls of wisdom'). These trials, discussions, documentaries have given my children red flags, hopefully they will never entwine with an OP personality or many others.
BBM That's quite possible, someone had posted one of the Prof's tweets asking for a translation for an article awhile back and it mentioned he had some homework(or some such description) to do for him.

What I would like to know is whether anyone has taken note of the books and what they were in one of the pics of OP's kitchen? From the titles I could read there was more than one that was all about forensics, detectives, profiling, psychology, narcissists and mind games kind of stuff(that being gleaned from doing simple searches for book reviews on the titles/authors). Looks like OP was doing his own homework since his supposed interests were running and architecture...

View attachment 62693

O.M.G.! I can't believe you thought to do that.

Not only is it Brilliant but it also highlights for me the difference between a true sleuther (you) and a ponderer (me).
Prosecuting Authority files application for leave to appeal Oscar Pistorius judgement and sentence

4 Nov 2014
Today, we announce that the NPA will file the application for leave to appeal both the conviction and sentence. The appeal on conviction is based on the question of law.

The merits of the NPA’s argument in this regard are contained in the papers that were filed with the registrar of the North Gauteng High Court today. This means that the matter is now officially sub judice and consequently NPA will not be able to discuss the matter publicly until judgement is delivered by the court.
Hi FG, I just looked at your link and read all the passages on OP but I couldn't find that line - BIB- is it in another section?

It is end note number 25. I used Ctrl F to bring up the Find Box and entered the word killed, hit return and it went straight there. Hope you are using a computer and not a smart phone :) as I would not know how to do a Find search on it.
“Today, we announce that the NPA filed the application for leave to appeal both the conviction and sentence. The appeal on conviction is based on the question of law,” said NPA spokesman Nathi Mncube in a statement.

“The merits of the NPA’s argument in this regard are contained in the papers that were filed with the registrar of the North Gauteng High Court today.

“This means that the matter is now officially sub judice and consequently the NPA will not be able to discuss the matter publicly until judgment is delivered by the court.”

I guess they thought better of leaving in the demerits :facepalm:
Hi FG, I just looked at your link and read all the passages on OP but I couldn't find that line - BIB- is it in another section?

Scroll down the page until a bit above References. It's in para.25

Before the death of his girlfriend, Pistorius was involved in another shooting death on his property in which a man was killed. He was not charged, but rumors circulate that a friend took the heat for him, and that the shooting was racially motivated. These incidents were not discussed on LetsRun. As one participant on LetsRun admitted after the death of Reeva Steenkamp at Pistorius’s hands, “signs of [his] flaws and eventual demise were readily apparent long ago” but were ignored (not my real name, 2013).
IMO the most disgusting thing he said during the trial was, “I wish she let me know she was there” where he's blaming Reeva for her own death.

On his own version(s), if she actually did that, it surely would have startled him...
BBM That's quite possible, someone had posted one of the Prof's tweets asking for a translation for an article awhile back and it mentioned he had some homework(or some such description) to do for him.

What I would like to know is whether anyone has taken note of the books and what they were in one of the pics of OP's kitchen? From the titles I could read there was more than one that was all about forensics, detectives, profiling, psychology, narcissists and mind games kind of stuff(that being gleaned from doing simple searches for book reviews on the titles/authors). Looks like OP was doing his own homework since his supposed interests were running and architecture...

View attachment 62693

I didn't note the books. :smile:
I regognize 2 authors:

Byleveld: Dossier of a Serial Sleuth (Kindle Edition)
Former Brigadier Piet Byleveld is recognised worldwide as one of the best detectives of our time. If you commit murder and Piet Byl is called in, your place in jail is booked. If you harmed children anf he's on your case, you’ve sealed your own fate. And if you’re a serial killer on the loose, he will not stop before you are behind bars.
Don't know, which book in OP's kitchen.

Madoff: The man who stole $65 billion.
Madoff defrauded $65 billion from charities and individual investors
I'm almost done re-watching OPs cross examination.

At least as I'm hearing it, when he was first recounting how he moved along the passage to the bathroom, he had previously said that it was pitch dark in the bedroom. When Nel asked how he could see where he was walking, OP said he was able to make out the bathtub(?), faintly because the bathroom was somewhat illuminated by ambient light coming in from the outside.

At a mid-point in OP's testimony, Nel pressed him hard about the light again and how it had been seen on. He asked OP who had turned it on. OP denied it was him and denied it was Reeva. Nel then gave him the old, "Well, if it wasn't you and it wasn't Reeva, who did turn it on? ...

On the final morning of OP's testimony (4/15), Nel asked him, again, who turned on the light. Now, without skipping a beat, he said Reeva did. Nel asked whether she turned it on before or after she went into the toilet. OP said it was before. Nel, asked him again to verify that's what he said, and OP said straight out, again, that Reeva had turned it on and it was before she went into the toilet.

Beyond being so confused that he didn't know what he was saying, if he was tailoring this story, too, it would have been in the wrong direction, would it not?

Anyway, re-watching this after such a long time and knowing what I know , now, OP's detailed inconsistencies are much easier for me to identify.

Thanks for this, CM .. I don't remember this bit at all (possibly one of the times where I was faffing about trying to find a live video streaming link that would actually work .. there were many such times throughout the trial, and very annoying they were, too!). Could you give a rough time on that vid (and the remind me which day it was, pls) so that I can check it out .. TIA!

Edited to say I've just seen the date (15 April) .. so it would've been that vid and the day before's vid, so it would be great to have the times in the vids for both of them, thanks :)
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