Post sentencing discussion and the upcoming appeal

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In a past post, I went into all the details - I think you could find it if you wanted to - in which I admitted that "there but for the grace of god go I" (not within the context of DV but rage).

Never say never.

Are you talking about a past experience there? But you didn't kill anyone, did you .. and why do you think that was?

Seriously, it is NOT just 'the luck of the draw' that some kill in the heat of an argument whilst the majority of the rest of us don't.

I say 'Never'. You all (those who are saying the 'never say never' thing) might not realise it, but you are actually excusing those who do end up killing in a fit of rage because you believe that everyone has the capability to do it, whereas you are actually wrong and the majority of people do not have that capability within themselves and that is why the vast majority of people do not kill other people in a fit of rage and you simply cannot just say 'oh well, that's because they've not got angry enough to do it' .. how do you know that? My god, I have got REALLY angry in the past, with my ex abusive partner .. and I mean CRAZILY angry .. but I would NEVER, EVER have gone to the kitchen drawer and got a knife out to stab him to death, or anything like that .. my first reaction was to argue and scream back at him, and then either get out of the house (even though it was my own house, not his), and/or phone the police.

Quite what things like jumping out of the twin towers has got to do with this (re: vansleuth's analogy upthread), god only knows.
You could also apply the same thing to parents with children and say that all parents have it within them to kill their child/children in a fit of rage with them. No, *all* parents do NOT have it within them to kill their own children, no matter HOW angry they get with them. It's only people who are wired up wrong to start off with who go on to kill .. normal people don't.
As the data clearly shows, women and children are at risk from violent abusers in the domestic setting.

Contrary to the myths - these man don't 'snap' one day.

Almost always they have a track record of violence and emotionally abusive behaviour which escalates.

As Reeva's tragedy shows, the person who routinely ends up being shot is not the bogeyman, but rather a domestic partner.

This is why guns in the home make women less safe.

When you look at the big picture - it is kind of irrelevant exactly how or why Pistorious shot Reeva

The more important thing is that men stop killing their domestic partners
Are you talking about a past experience there? But you didn't kill anyone, did you .. and why do you think that was?

Seriously, it is NOT just 'the luck of the draw' that some kill in the heat of an argument whilst the majority of the rest of us don't.

I say 'Never'. You all (those who are saying the 'never say never' thing) might not realise it, but you are actually excusing those who do end up killing in a fit of rage because you believe that everyone has the capability to do it, whereas you are actually wrong and the majority of people do not have that capability within themselves and that is why the vast majority of people do not kill other people in a fit of rage and you simply cannot just say 'oh well, that's because they've not got angry enough to do it' .. how do you know that? My god, I have got REALLY angry in the past, with my ex abusive partner .. and I mean CRAZILY angry .. but I would NEVER, EVER have gone to the kitchen drawer and got a knife out to stab him to death, or anything like that .. my first reaction was to argue and scream back at him, and then either get out of the house (even though it was my own house, not his), and/or phone the police.

Quite what things like jumping out of the twin towers has got to do with this (re: vansleuth's analogy upthread), god only knows.

It's incredible the air of unreality that surrounds DV and thus this case
As the data clearly shows, women and children are at risk from violent abusers in the domestic setting.

Contrary to the myths - these man don't 'snap' one day.

Almost always they have a track record of violence and emotionally abusive behaviour which escalates.

As Reeva's tragedy shows, the person who routinely ends up being shot is not the bogeyman, but rather a domestic partner.

This is why guns in the home make women less safe.

When you look at the big picture - it is kind of irrelevant exactly how or why Pistorious shot Reeva

The more important thing is that men stop killing their domestic partners
BIB - brings to mind one father who stabbed all his children to death on a day out (meaning the surviving children witnessed what he was about to do to them) and all his relatives said he was a wonderful and 'gentle' father who appeared to have snapped suddenly due to mental problems. Of course, as the details came out, it emerged his wife was about to leave him, and the husband was a jealous control freak who'd been physically violent to his wife in the past.

People do not just "snap" when it comes to killing in rage. With OP, we heard of numerous occasions where he lost his temper, flew into rages, screamed at people, threatened people, all of which finally escalated to him killing Reeva. I believe very very few of us have the capability to take another person's life. The ones that do almost always have a history of unchecked violence and abuse.
All tweets from Barry Bateman @barrybateman

Pistorius story about him not being fit for release on correctional supervision because “he has no ankles” repeated in UK tabloids today.

The story is copied straight from the source newspaper without bothering to check with DCS. It is incorrect

Apart from it being incorrect that a tracking device can’t be fitted to a person’s wrist electronically monitored offenders make up less than 1% of early-release candidates...

So it is absolute rubbish that OP can’t be released early because a “device can’t be attached to his ankles

When you folk said the Daily Mail was rubbish, you were certainly right. Seriously, how can they get away with making something up so patently wrong? Even more amazing to me is that the other papers use their story knowing the Daily Mail's track record. I don't get it ... other than to sell papers that is. Totally unscrupulous.
All tweets from Barry Bateman @barrybateman

Pistorius story about him not being fit for release on correctional supervision because “he has no ankles” repeated in UK tabloids today.

The story is copied straight from the source newspaper without bothering to check with DCS. It is incorrect

Apart from it being incorrect that a tracking device can’t be fitted to a person’s wrist electronically monitored offenders make up less than 1% of early-release candidates...

So it is absolute rubbish that OP can’t be released early because a “device can’t be attached to his ankles

When you folk said the Daily Mail was rubbish, you were certainly right. Seriously, how can they get away with making something up so patently wrong? Even more amazing to me is that the other papers use their story knowing the Daily Mail's track record. I don't get it ... other than to sell papers that is. Totally unscrupulous.

Heretoafter to be known as the Daily Fail. :gaah: Most of our (UK) tabloids are rubbish. For fairly reliable reporting one has to stick to The Telegraph, The Times, The Independent. The Guardian is also known to have huge left wing bias so I don't feel I can put them on the safe list. However, maybe with a story like this they are OK.
BIB - brings to mind one father who stabbed all his children to death on a day out (meaning the surviving children witnessed what he was about to do to them) and all his relatives said he was a wonderful and 'gentle' father who appeared to have snapped suddenly due to mental problems. Of course, as the details came out, it emerged his wife was about to leave him, and the husband was a jealous control freak who'd been physically violent to his wife in the past.

People do not just "snap" when it comes to killing in rage. With OP, we heard of numerous occasions where he lost his temper, flew into rages, screamed at people, threatened people, all of which finally escalated to him killing Reeva. I believe very very few of us have the capability to take another person's life. The ones that do almost always have a history of unchecked violence and abuse.


Yes - at least in terms of DV - its is a pervasive myth - especially in the media

One of the silliest memes of the case was "lack of motive' as if this was some Hollywood film
On any NUMBER of occasions during the trial, when either Roux of Nel brought something up, she said, "I was just going to say/ask that." Once would fly with me but over and over, again?

She also allowed poor witness' e.g. Dixon, among others, including at times Nel and Roux, to ramble on and on and on, without intervening to clarify points, and made no attempt to control the court. This doesn't mean 'closing people down' but most judges manage the process and move things along, as we're seeing in the Dewani case. OP's trial could have been shorter, and far less expensive.
Got June Steenkamps book today - the first chapter is heartbreaking, think I'm going to have to put it down for a while before continuing
Got June Steenkamps book today - the first chapter is heartbreaking, think I'm going to have to put it down for a while before continuing

Apparently in her book June has made some comment about the jeans that were found at the scene (either those indoors or out). I would be interested to know what that was when you get to that bit. :)
So it seems that Leah Skye Malan, Pistorius's last girlfriend he reportedly met in Mozambique, has moved on to someone new. Guess she couldn't wait the 10 months. Bless.


I can only see a selection of photos. Cute doggies.

She doesn't look like the type Pistorius favours. I've never been convinced that this dalliance lasted much longer than the holiday anyway. I would have expected to see more paparazzi pics if she had been seeing him.
His cell is reportedly two metres by three metres in size with a small cupboard, a bed, a washbasin and a toilet. He has no TV or access to a mobile phone, and shares a shower room with another prisoner in the adjoining cell.
Pistorius was instructed to remain quiet after he initially spent several days crying and reportedly sobbing himself to sleep.
If he keeps this up and gets his fellow inmates offside they'll give him a bit more to cry about. I've never heard of a male (I can't call him a man) crying like this ... under ANY circumstances. OP has many lessons to learn about life and I don't think he's even started down that road yet.

That's almost the same size as the toilet Reeva was standing in when he murdered her !
I hope he's not waking up every hour crying and in a cold sweat thinking someone is going to come and shoot him through the door..............for the next 15 years !!!!
Now that's what I call justice for murderers.
That's almost the same size as the toilet Reeva was standing in when he murdered her !
I hope he's not waking up every hour crying and in a cold sweat thinking someone is going to come and shoot him through the door..............for the next 15 years !!!!
Now that's what I call justice for murderers.

Careful - that report originated from the Daily Mail so is probably made up
He's been in prison for two weeks now, so he's already served 1/26th of his sentence!
Heretoafter to be known as the Daily Fail. :gaah: Most of our (UK) tabloids are rubbish. For fairly reliable reporting one has to stick to The Telegraph, The Times, The Independent. The Guardian is also known to have huge left wing bias so I don't feel I can put them on the safe list. However, maybe with a story like this they are OK.

Ooops, did I hear correctly?... I read, "... the Guardian is also known to have a huge left wing bias..."

I'm ssoooo confused. By "also" did you mean the Daily Mail is "also" another tabloid with a left wing bias or that it's only left wing tabloids/newspapers that are unreliable, since last time I looked at anything minimally political in it, and I admit that was a looooong time ago, the Daily Mail was still at least as right wing as the tories and it sure is infamously unreliable. ; - )
Careful - that report originated from the Daily Mail so is probably made up

They did a classic at the Weekend/or maybe Monday when they reported the SAS were going in to kill Jihadist John or whatever his name is !.
Their informer was a serving SAS soldier but he couldn't give too many details or his comrades lives might be in danger.................apart from :-
The hit squad were traveling in teams of 4.
By Chartered aircraft to elude detection.
Their weapons etc were waiting for them.
They would be based within 3 mile of where John and the hostages were.
Drones were watching their every move.
Reconnaissance planes were listening in on the terrorists every word and relaying the info back to the SAS.

I just hope John hasn't got a corner shop near his cave where he can buy the Mail ffs !!!
Ooops, did I hear correctly?... I read, "... the Guardian is also known to have a huge left wing bias..."

I'm ssoooo confused. By "also" did you mean the Daily Mail is "also" another tabloid with a left wing bias or that it's only left wing tabloids/newspapers that are unreliable, since last time I looked at anything minimally political in it, and I admit that was a looooong time ago, the Daily Mail was still at least as right wing as the tories and it sure is infamously unreliable. ; - )

Here's a list of UK newspapers and their political orientation.
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