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Carl Pistorius @carlpistorius · 28m 28 minutes ago

"Don't ever consider urself Spiritually mature, lest you believe that you know what it is 2 b spiritually mature." - the HULK

No need to comment is there. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

Pistorius, who recently made the news after being involved in a boating accident on the Vaal River, was on the scene shortly afterwards.

Beeld's photographer started taking pictures of Pistorius while he was comforting Kruger, not knowing it was the Paralympic star.

He told the photographer that she didn't have permission to photograph him and threatened to "call my lawyer".

The photographer deleted her photographs, but they were later recovered electronically.

Peet van Zyl, Pistorius's agent, said he didn't believe Pistorius would want to talk to the media, after the way in which his boat accident was reported.

He said later that Pistorius was not interested in giving comment about Monday's incident.

"I want to talk to him first and try to establish what happened (on the scene) before giving comment."

This follows the public prosecuting authority's decision last week that Pistorius would not be prosecuted following the boat accident on February 21.

This is an old article from 2009, but interesting again. He wasn't behind the wheel, but another accident including death in his presence. And "humble" as he is/was described always, he "told the photographer that she didn't have permission to photograph him and threatened to "call my lawyer"." ... and so on. Misfortunes pave his way ...

Oscar Pistorius has cheated someone of her right to live
15 February 2013, 10:00

“I am blessed”

Pistorius has said in the past: 'I am really blessed.' If blessed means “a man with a playboy lifestyle, an intense interest in guns and a taste for living dangerously” as the Guardian describes him, that’s an interesting and unusual interpretation of the word blessed. But I supposed blessed can also mean ‘set apart’, and Pistorius certainly lived, set apart from the plebs, in a mansion in an exclusive golfing estate.

Pistorius seems to be a modest fellow, who humbly gives credit to God for his success, and also talks about the purity of sport and not wanting an unfair advantage.

How modest are you if you buy a R3.5 million vehicle for yourself, arguably the most expensive vehicle in the country?

From Oscar is clear about whom and what is central in his life. “God is the most important person in the world to me.” He told an interviewer. “If I’m on the right patch spiritually, it helps with everything else.”

Oscar Pistorius killed a woman and he must never forget that

I hope that the overriding message from the Pistorius case for the rest of the world, is as follows; that if you bring ruin upon yourself through violence and the loss of life, then the slate just cannot be wiped clean after a bit of public remorse and a few tough months in chokey.

Particularly if you have been fortunate enough to have had the world at your feet beforehand and enjoyed a particularly privileged position within it.

Of course, prisoners should be rehabilitated, but surely Pistorius's - and, indeed, Ched Evans's - rehabilitation needs to be in the line of something humble, ordinary and, most importantly, didactic - for them as well as for us.

We do not want red carpets all the way back to the VIP suite. Not the adulation of the paparazzi and fans blinded by glory. Pistorius's return to freedom must not be conjoined with a return to form.
Whilst it's quiet on here, here's a link to the BBC's 'Reggie Yates's Extreme South Africa':

I found the programmes really interesting and informative - the second one on knife crime in the townships is quite gruesome and upsetting, though, and may go some way to explaining why Masipa was so soft on OP.

If you don't have Iplayer, the series is also available on Utube:

Oscar Pistorius killed a woman and he must never forget that

I hope that the overriding message from the Pistorius case for the rest of the world, is as follows; that if you bring ruin upon yourself through violence and the loss of life, then the slate just cannot be wiped clean after a bit of public remorse and a few tough months in chokey.

Particularly if you have been fortunate enough to have had the world at your feet beforehand and enjoyed a particularly privileged position within it.

Of course, prisoners should be rehabilitated, but surely Pistorius's - and, indeed, Ched Evans's - rehabilitation needs to be in the line of something humble, ordinary and, most importantly, didactic - for them as well as for us.

We do not want red carpets all the way back to the VIP suite. Not the adulation of the paparazzi and fans blinded by glory. Pistorius's return to freedom must not be conjoined with a return to form.

The link doesn't work.
Well, if it is true what many of us believe happened that night, she clearly wasn't going to put up with it any longer, and was about to leave him. The problem with these types of Jeckyll and Hyde characters is that you are drawn in by them because of their nice soft, caring side and often their wit and intelligence (not sure that applies in OP's case :-P .. but Reeva did mention him being clever once, and she seemed to be very struck by him because of that), and then when they start getting nasty, you can't quite believe it, so you keep on giving them the benefit of the doubt until such time as you realise that you're not imagining it, and this is what they are really like. But give her some credit, she was only with him for 3 months and it seems she was most likely leaving him that night because she'd had enough.

Snipped and BBM.

Jay-jay, I just wanted to highlight the bolded bit because it's absolutely spot on, IMO.

And, in Reeva's case, it sounds from her Whatsapps that she was wondering if his irritability and nastiness were down to the fact that he was unwell. In other words, she was looking for reasons to explain his unkindness and changed behaviour, other than the fact that he simply wasn't a very nice person:

"Today was one of my best friend's engagements and I wanted to stay longer, I was enjoying myself but it's over now.

You have picked on me incessantly since you got back from CT (Cape Town) and I understand that you are sick but it's nasty..."

Pistorius, who recently made the news after being involved in a boating accident on the Vaal River, was on the scene shortly afterwards.

Beeld's photographer started taking pictures of Pistorius while he was comforting Kruger, not knowing it was the Paralympic star.

He told the photographer that she didn't have permission to photograph him and threatened to "call my lawyer".

The photographer deleted her photographs, but they were later recovered electronically.

Peet van Zyl, Pistorius's agent, said he didn't believe Pistorius would want to talk to the media, after the way in which his boat accident was reported.

He said later that Pistorius was not interested in giving comment about Monday's incident.

"I want to talk to him first and try to establish what happened (on the scene) before giving comment."

This follows the public prosecuting authority's decision last week that Pistorius would not be prosecuted following the boat accident on February 21.

This is an old article from 2009, but interesting again. He wasn't behind the wheel, but another accident including death in his presence. And "humble" as he is/was described always, he "told the photographer that she didn't have permission to photograph him and threatened to "call my lawyer"." ... and so on. Misfortunes pave his way ...

Ty so much for this article... it's new to me.

UBM - This is the first time I've seen the actual date of the boating accident.

I want very much to read the entire article, but can't get the link to open. Can anybody help me with this?
Ty so much for this article... it's new to me.

UBM - This is the first time I've seen the actual date of the boating accident.

I want very much to read the entire article, but can't get the link to open. Can anybody help me with this?

Whew... I finally got FromGermany's link to open so I could read the whole article... the article which addressed OP's friend Kruger being involved in auto accident plus mentioned OP's boat accident. My problem seemed to be that the "2009" on the url was in bold.

In case someone else had the same problem, here's the link which opened article for me:
The trial of a South African woman, Tania Clarence, for the killing of her three children is taking place in England right now (she entered a guilty plea in a deal with the crown/state). Following the closing arguments Friday, the tweets died away after 2.30pm. I have grown so accustomed to all the early finishes in the Oscar trial I just presumed they'd adjourned for the weekend. They actually kept going until gone five and I managed to miss it all!

Interestingly, the judge in England is expected to announce the sentence by Tuesday or even Monday. Even though there are also questions over mental health, as there were with Oscar. The speed compared to OP's trial is amazing. When Clarence grew very emotional, as OP did, she was just allowed to leave and proceedings carried on without her.
Whew... I finally got FromGermany's link to open so I could read the whole article... the article which addressed OP's friend Kruger being involved in auto accident plus mentioned OP's boat accident. My problem seemed to be that the "2009" on the url was in bold.

In case someone else had the same problem, here's the link which opened article for me:

I noticed Kruger said she flashed her lights to 'warn' the pedestrian. In many places, that's used as a signal for a driver to tell a pedestrian, 'It's okay, I'm letting you cross.'

OP just seems to attract 'unfortunate incidents', doesn't he?
Whew... I finally got FromGermany's link to open so I could read the whole article... the article which addressed OP's friend Kruger being involved in auto accident plus mentioned OP's boat accident. My problem seemed to be that the "2009" on the url was in bold.

In case someone else had the same problem, here's the link which opened article for me:

Oh sorry!!! I didn't know, that one should not do that. :blushing:
I noticed Kruger said she flashed her lights to 'warn' the pedestrian. In many places, that's used as a signal for a driver to tell a pedestrian, 'It's okay, I'm letting you cross.'

OP just seems to attract 'unfortunate incidents', doesn't he?

BBM .. I noticed that too, and as well as what you've said there about it usually being a signal to allow either a pedestrian or car to go in front of you .. how about actually slowing down and trying to avoid the pedestrian if you see someone acting strangely up ahead of you .. you don't just plough on regardless, flashing your lights at them :facepalm:

Edit: .. this was definitely her (Kruger's) car and Kruger driving, wasn't it? (and not OP driving, then getting someone else to take the rap for it? .. nothing would surprise me any more .. but then, seeing as Pistorius himself was so adamant about the reporter not taking photos, etc, we will never have any proof either way).

Reeva spent her last night before being gunned down reading about a murder trial.

She had been living for around six months at the home of her best friend Gina Myers and her family.

She was said to feel safe and happy at the property in an upmarket suburb of Johannesburg.

The night before Pistorius recklessly unleashed four bullets at her, she had been reading A Just Defiance by Peter Harris an account of a real-life Apartheid-era trial.

Reeva had planned to go back to the house on the night she died, but at the last minute decided to stay with the athlete in nearby Pretoria.

Gina, who used to call Reeva by her nickname of Alfie, said: “She said she was coming back that night when I saw her in the morning.

“She was her usual happy and funny self and we hugged. I didn’t know that I would never see her again.”

A Just Defiance is constructed as a courtroom drama. Harris alternates the gripping account of the Delmas Four's trial with the stories of the guerrillas themselves, and holds the whole thing together with a bomb that explodes, tragically, on the last page. At times he affects a laconic Philip Marlowesque drawl, inflected with a clear affection for South African vernacular, and he curls his lip impressively at the cruelty of the apartheid state: the prison wardens are "sad people who find comfort in the camaraderie of procedure", and the state prosecutor is "tough, hard and blow-dried", her "hair coiffed severely back, ten thousand volts through each strand."


Port Elizabeth racing is blessed with some of the country`s top horsemen. Barry Steenkamp is one of Port Elizabeth`s most experienced conditioners and is a master at getting unsound horses to competitive fitness. This is a skill that most trainers from the Eastern Cape have perfected as they are often given unsound horses that have failed in other provinces. When asked about his most memorable achievement, Barry said that winning six in a row with Because You`r Mine is something that he`ll never forget; we believe that Waterloo Sunset can certainly give Barry more wonderful memories. Together with the riding ability of Willie Uys, the very much in-form Steenkamp yard will very likely be a force to reckon with this season.

Married / single: Married.

What car do you drive? Toyota Cressida 2.4L.

Where do you live? Walmer Heights, P.E.


Reeva spent her last night before being gunned down reading about a murder trial.

She had been living for around six months at the home of her best friend Gina Myers and her family.

She was said to feel safe and happy at the property in an upmarket suburb of Johannesburg.

The night before Pistorius recklessly unleashed four bullets at her, she had been reading A Just Defiance by Peter Harris an account of a real-life Apartheid-era trial.

Reeva had planned to go back to the house on the night she died, but at the last minute decided to stay with the athlete in nearby Pretoria.

Gina, who used to call Reeva by her nickname of Alfie, said: “She said she was coming back that night when I saw her in the morning.

“She was her usual happy and funny self and we hugged. I didn’t know that I would never see her again.”

I thought Reeva stayed at OP's house the night before the night of the 13th?
O/T Leigh-Anne Jansen @LA_JANSEN • 4m 4 minutes ago

#DewaniTrial A Sec. 174 application has apparently been submitted for the discharge of this trial

The DT intend submitting an application for a Section 174 discharge and will submit filed heads by close of business on Friday.

Looks like SD will be walking.
I noticed Kruger said she flashed her lights to 'warn' the pedestrian. In many places, that's used as a signal for a driver to tell a pedestrian, 'It's okay, I'm letting you cross.'

OP just seems to attract 'unfortunate incidents', doesn't he?

In this part of the US, trucks on multi-lane expressways flash their headlights to indicate to cars that are passing them on the left, that it's safe to pull back into the right lane ahead of them.

In the inner city, it's a gang sign that can get you shot.
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