Post sentencing discussion

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Op wont ever stay away from guns same as he will never stay away from cricket bats coverd in blood splatter ,dogs that dont bark at intruders,jeans that jump out the window,invisable housekeepers who saw nor heard nothing,phones that vanish for weeks,bath panels dented without a reason,watches that go walkies ,sisters uncles and brothers who clean up crime scenes ,off shore accounts that need a usb..........
Oh ya all know op will regress into the monster he is and his family allow
Didn't Baba also refer to a light that is always on? I assumed he meant an outside light.

I got the impression that Christo was referring to a light in the house..because he said that it was all dark EXCEPT for one light. Normally an "outside light" is a given to be always on..
I don't recall Pistorius talking about a light that was always you have that info? Thanks..
Do you know what part of Pistorius's house Christo would see from his window?
A thought just struck me.

We all know OP wailed over Reeva, tried to stop the bleeding, put his fingers in her mouth.

Did Dr. Stipp, Stander, Carice, cops, anyone - see him ever HUG or KISS her ... see him have to be dragged away from her?


While he may have been in some genuine distress (oh, F I’ve done it now!), he merely did what a guilty man does to play out his “version” - not what a genuine lover would do.

Remember, the cops had a helluva time trying to get him past her body, moving him from the kitchen to the garage?

Why would a man suddenly avoid his “beloved”, the same woman he had minutes previously tried to “save”?

We all know.


EDIT. Sorry, I :eek:replied to wrong post
I got the impression that Christo was referring to a light in the house..because he said that it was all dark EXCEPT for one light. Normally an "outside light" is a given to be always on..
I don't recall Pistorius talking about a light that was always you have that info? Thanks..
Do you know what part of Pistorius's house Christo would see from his window?

From Christo's bathroom window he says he could see that all the lights in Pistorius's house were on whilst the emergency services were there.
Uncle Arnie makes it sound like Oz is just going in for cosmetic / reconstructive surgery / remodeling / tune-up. LOL

WHAT, exactly, is Oz going to “restore”?
By last count, he’s got jacksh#t on all fronts.

(I think Uncle Arnie really wanted to say “path of righteousness” LOL
BIB - perhaps he'll restore his memory, and recall which of his version / versions was the truth?

He'll certainly have enough time for it.
“Humiliating defeat”?!!! Nel has nothing to be ashamed of. He did a great job with what he had to work with - the obstacles and challenges put before him. He clearly presented enough strong evidence for murder.

Masipa’s the one who should be humiliated for the garbage she delivered.

Ok Lux, THIS is the post I wanted to reply to . . .

I followed Andrew Harding on twitter in the beginning, due to the good reputation of BBC. Which it still holds for me looking at their excellent documentary for example.

But I'm afraid good old Andrew slowly gravitated towards the P. family, speculating on THE interview with OP or Uncle A. probably ??

On a general note it was very interesting and often telling to watch the fine differences in media reporting. I'd be lost without watching the trial live or on youtube or reading severak english newspapers online, as the german media failed embarassingly to report correctly on court proceedings.
A thought just struck me.

We all know OP wailed over Reeva, tried to stop the bleeding, put his fingers in her mouth.

Did Dr. Stipp, Stander, Carice, cops, anyone - see him ever HUG or KISS her ... see him have to be dragged away from her?


While he may have been in some genuine distress (oh, F I’ve done it now!), he merely did what a guilty man does to play out his “version” - not what a genuine lover would do.

Remember, the cops had a helluva time trying to get him past her body, moving him from the kitchen to the garage?

Why would a man suddenly avoid his “beloved”, the same woman he had minutes previously tried to “save”?

We all know.

Where is the above the waist blood ...was always my question???
“There were a few occasions where things could have gone wrong with her and his gun during the time they dated" said T.Taylor

Mother Of Oscar Pistorius’ Ex-Girlfriend, Samantha Taylor, Says Athlete Was Always Reckless With Guns

Add that the shooting from sunroof and the Tasha's case and 'I'm scared of you sometines "

OP definitely had a kind of habbit of firing his gun either to scare his girlfriends or for fun..

So I lean towards the first set of bangs being the warning shots theory..

Stipps heard both set of shots.. Burgers were relatively far and sleeping and didn't hear the first set ..
Defence witnesses who are nearby neighbours and also Standers were probably redirected by the OP's lawyers by interpreting their evidence in favor of OP i.e.neither of them heard a woman voice seems strange..

This is the part that concerns me the most. Do we know what part/side of Pistorius home Christo would see from his window? I mean that light that was always on could have been a crucial evidence against Pistorius who claimed that it was pitch black..
Did Nel ever touch this point?

I believe Christo lives at 284 Bush Willow*, which does look directly across an empty lot onto OP's house.

As I remember, it was OP's bedroom balcony light that was on.

Which explains perfectly why OP allegedly had to CLOSE the drapes to make it "pitch black" (although even then I'm not sure it would have been totally pitch black).

* Christo's house (?) blue roof - around the corner from OP

#GREAT view of house and neighborhood layout.jpg
Didn't Baba also refer to a light that is always on? I assumed he meant an outside light.

hmm, only thing I remember about any outside light is the balcony light. When Nel questioned Dixon on the light conditions with curtains drawn in OPs bedroom. Nel asked him why he did not know that the balcony lights were ON.

Taken from Juror 13 blog:

"Nel asks about the balcony light. Dixon says it was off. Nel tells Dixon that the balcony light was on the night of February 14, 2013, and he wants to know why he wouldn’t switch it on to do his testing if he’s trying to recreate the scene. Dixon tells the court that he was unaware that the balcony light was on, he did not have that information. "
I got the impression that Christo was referring to a light in the house..because he said that it was all dark EXCEPT for one light. Normally an "outside light" is a given to be always on..
I don't recall Pistorius talking about a light that was always you have that info? Thanks..
Do you know what part of Pistorius's house Christo would see from his window?

What about the balcony light?

ETA: Sorry, I see that this was already answered
@Interested Bystander & Errrr

The three 'shots' that the Stipps hear first must be reasonably close together. One air rifle pellet through the bedroom door, followed by some unidentified object hitting the bath and then maybe the tiles or door getting hit would be spaced apart and sound very different to each other IMO. I still favour three of the same thing (warning shots out the window, door slams in a struggle, etc.)

i don't think anyone asked either stipp how close together the sounds were. or whether the spacing between the sounds was equal.

i also think that it is likely that three loud sounds in the middle of the night would be attributed to 'the same thing' [shots, in the stipps' case] even if they were caused by three different things hitting three different surfaces. loudness would be the thing they had in common. any slight variation in the sound would be overlooked by the person hearing imo.

i think he hit the frame hard enough to also dislodge the tiles - even though they are on the other side of the frame.
another swinging hit vertically down on the door panel would also be loud.
and then the smash on the bath panel.

re: other gunshots
i wonder whether no search was done for more bullets/cartridges if the magazine was found to contain 13 bullets [i.e. full minus four shots]
i don't think anyone asked either stipp how close together the sounds were. or whether the spacing between the sounds was equal.

i also think that it is likely that three loud sounds in the middle of the night would be attributed to 'the same thing' [shots, in the stipps' case] even if they were caused by three different things hitting three different surfaces. loudness would be the thing they had in common. any slight variation in the sound would be overlooked by the person hearing imo.

i think he hit the frame hard enough to also dislodge the tiles - even though they are on the other side of the frame.
another swinging hit vertically down on the door panel would also be loud.
and then the smash on the bath panel.

re: other gunshots
i wonder whether no search was done for more bullets/cartridges if the magazine was found to contain 13 bullets [i.e. full minus four shots]

I would expect no search was done because there was only evidence of 4 shots so no evidence of the need to look. The fact that the magazine may have less bullets in would perhaps be immaterial to the police. Who is to say it was full to start with?
Hey guys,

So... are you looking for something new to read?

Nick van der Leek and I just co-authored a book called, Transcendence. It was released today :)

The book is pretty raw... we discuss our (unfiltered) thoughts about the trial, Oscar, the Pistorius family, other major players, and get in to a really deep discussion about the state of our world. I know most of you are just as horrified as me, not only at the lack of justice in many of these trials, but in the lack of humanity that seems to be getting worse with every passing year.

The book not only talks about our societies, but also about ourselves, and both mine and Nick's thoughts are intermingled on many of the topics. Trust me when I say it's unfiltered!

But there are some funny parts too, and definitely a lot of hope mixed in. It's intended to be something totally different than what's out there now.

It's an ebook, but you don't need to have a Kindle to read it. You can read it right from your PC with an Amazon account. If you're interested, here it is...

If you want to follow me on Twitter... @lisawJ13
And to follow Nick on Twitter... @HiRezLife
No it was never confirmed that it was a pellet hole or that it was made that night. Hence no pellet. Not sure why you think there would be one. I did say that I thought it was done before the dreadful day in question or it would have been brought up at the trial. Someone on the forum who shoots said it looked like the size an airgun pellet would make - from memory about 4 to 5 mm or thereabouts and, of course, OP kept an air rifle right by the bedroom door. Unfortunately it was so long ago I wouldn't know where to start to look for it.

BIB I dont. I'm agreeing with you. Like you, I believe the airgun played no part in that evening's events.

I don't think there were any warning shots.

Reeva was standing against the door when she was shot. IMO If there had been any warning shots before this, she would have made herself as small a target as possible, curled up next to the toilet perhaps.
From Christo's bathroom window he says he could see that all the lights in Pistorius's house were on whilst the emergency services were there.

i guess by that he means all the lights he could see were on... i.e. no-one can see all four sides of a neighbour's house, from any one window.

I don't think there were any warning shots.

Reeva was standing against the door when she was shot. IMO If there had been any warning shots before this, she would have made herself as small a target as possible, curled up next to the toilet perhaps.

OP might have persuaded her to get down from the top of the toilet bowl and even to come out at some
point and while she was coming out she could have been shot..
Hey guys,

So... are you looking for something new to read?

Nick van der Leek and I just co-authored a book called, Transcendence. It was released today :)

The book is pretty raw... we discuss our (unfiltered) thoughts about the trial, Oscar, the Pistorius family, other major players, and get in to a really deep discussion about the state of our world. I know most of you are just as horrified as me, not only at the lack of justice in many of these trials, but in the lack of humanity that seems to be getting worse with every passing year.

The book not only talks about our societies, but also about ourselves, and both mine and Nick's thoughts are intermingled on many of the topics. Trust me when I say it's unfiltered!

But there are some funny parts too, and definitely a lot of hope mixed in. It's intended to be something totally different than what's out there now.

It's an ebook, but you don't need to have a Kindle to read it. You can read it right from your PC with an Amazon account. If you're interested, here it is...

If you want to follow me on Twitter... @lisawJ13
And to follow Nick on Twitter... @HiRezLife
Hi Lisa. You've been missing from here for ages! Thought you'd be around during sentencing.
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