Post sentencing discussion

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i guess by that he means all the lights he could see were on... i.e. no-one can see all four sides of a neighbour's house, from any one window.

The house next to Montshuane (I think it was 284 on Mr F's chart) could well view almost all the lights imo..Lux had mentioned the same house as with the blue roof on the prev page
I would expect no search was done because there was only evidence of 4 shots so no evidence of the need to look. The fact that the magazine may have less bullets in would perhaps be immaterial to the police. Who is to say it was full to start with?

which was why i used 13 in my example. if the magazine contained 13 bullets it clearly had to be full to start with.
A reporter on TV said that he'd be behind glass for the first 6 months and that after that he may be able to sit at a table with his visitor.

Thank you Judgejudi. I almost missed seeing your answer.

Imo it appears that OP is going to have to be well behaved in prison in order to earn privileges, which I think is a good thing.

If I've correctly understood what I've been reading, the idea that he'll get out of jail after (10) months is not a given but rather at the discretion of the head of prison.
OP definitely had a kind of habbit of firing his gun either to scare his girlfriends or for fun..

So I lean towards the first set of bangs being the warning shots theory..

Stipps heard both set of shots.. Burgers were relatively far and sleeping and didn't hear the first set ..

I commented earlier that Pistorius could have fired downwards into the ground behind his house, since at the time this area was an empty plot.
I had suggested that he might have stepped up to the bathroom window to do so.
But that would have been problematical, as the Stipps might have caught a glimpse of him.

Looking at the aerial view, it now occurs to me that he could have fired off the side of the balcony facing the empty plot behind the house. The Stipps would have been very unlikely to have seen him.
OP might have persuaded her to get down from the top of the toilet bowl and even to come out at some
point and while she was coming out she could have been shot..

do you not think she would have closed the toilet lid first, before climbing up on the toilet bowl?
which was why i used 13 in my example. if the magazine contained 13 bullets it clearly had to be full to start with.

Yes, if the magazine had 13 bullets left (or more than 10) then the 3 sounds weren't 3 shots and, if we knew this, we could stop speculating about it!

I think it more important to consider whether the revised timeline / sequence makes sense first. Figuring the cause comes second IMO (though still interesting to speculate about)

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Hey Soozie,

I was around, watching intently. Sorry I missed the chat here. Believe me, I have really missed it! Just trying to juggle work and writing. Can never find enough hours in the day. Hope you and everyone are well :)
As OP allegedly has no money left, and in the remote possibility of a retrial, would Uncle pay his legal fees? Is the family a bottomless pit of money?
It's interesting what June said about OP finishing Reeva off so she couldn't "tell the world what really happened". In the earlier days, many of us speculated that OP perhaps did something so bad that Reeva was going to call the police and report him ("I asked Reeva why.... if she's calling the police). The "theory" was that OP may have thought it was enough to finish his career, and shot her to make sure no one ever found out. Then he came up with the simple intruder story. Far fetched as it may have seemed, we know that OP fought hard to keep his private wrongdoings out of the public realm, and now it looks like June is thinking the same thing.
Good point.
As per the judgement most probably no restriction for him to stay in a house with guns. It just said he is not fit to OWN a firearm again* . . . thinking about guns being around him . . . I wouldn't want to set a foot in that house, no.

*It was shocked again about Masipa when exchanging words with Nel on that topic. How can a judge NOT KNOW about these things ?? One would expect it's her daily business, no ?

I believe the terms of his house arrest will be in the hands of the Corrections dept.
I believe Christo lives at 284 Bush Willow*, which does look directly across an empty lot onto OP's house.

As I remember, it was OP's bedroom balcony light that was on.

Which explains perfectly why OP allegedly had to CLOSE the drapes to make it "pitch black" (although even then I'm not sure it would have been totally pitch black).

* Christo's house (?) blue roof - around the corner from OP

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Thank you so much..I did forget about the light in the balcony.

So Pistorius was in the habit of leaving the balcony light on all the time. Obviously he had a purpose for leaving it on?! Could it be to get some light in his bedroom?! Of he had no reason to close the curtains..what purpose would that serve? Nothing! He simply lied about it to make his story fit as to the room being pitch black. In addition..the location of the fan proved that the curtains were never closed.

It's so obvious that he lied..yet judge Masipa believes that nonsense! AMAZING!

Anybody a subscriber who can post full article ?
I have a trial subscription, but not sure if the conditions rules disallow you from posting content. But I'm going to post a small section, as it's actually an excerpt from her book, "A Mother's Love".

Contrary to Pistorius’s claims that they were in love, Mrs Steenkamp said they had not slept together because her daughter “was scared to take the relationship to that level”.

She believes that her daughter knew “in her heart of hearts” that they would not be happy together. She writes: “Her clothes were packed. There is no doubt in our minds: she had decided to leave Oscar that night.”
Uncle Arnie makes it sound like Oz is just going in for cosmetic / reconstructive surgery / remodeling / tune-up. LOL

WHAT, exactly, is Oz going to “restore”? By last count, he’s got jacksh#t on all fronts.

(I think Uncle Arnie really wanted to say “path of righteousness” LOL

Seems to me that word should have been redemption and not restoration.
As OP allegedly has no money left, and in the remote possibility of a retrial, would Uncle pay his legal fees? Is the family a bottomless pit of money?

I think he would. I would think what Oscar has done, affects their family image, therefore, he will do anything to get that 'restored'.

Anybody a subscriber who can post full article ?

I don't but I found this article with an interview with June's older daughter. I think she says basically what June says in the article that we can't read. Scroll down to the section under the photo with Reeva, her brother, and June holding wine glasses.

It's very interesting and explains the "grouping" of shots pretty well....good theory.
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