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Robyn Curnow ?@RobynCurnowCNN Oct 21
Prison official to CNN: #oscarpistorius is a 'B' group prisoner. Only allowed 2 no-contact visits during a weekend and 45 over the year.

Does this mean there's a window between them and they pick up a phone receiver to talk?
Yet, Masipa forgot this completely when she ruled that OP was remorseful because he tried to resuscitate Reeva (even though she was long dead) by putting his finger in her mouth!

Another example of MiLady's confusion: quoted OP that he didn't intend to kill otherwise he would have aimed higher.
When she said that I thought - Milady it's already been acknowledged that "intruder" could have been a child so would still have been hit at that position, plus, a highly knowledgeable and trained gun user would surely have known to shoot midway when the position of the target is unknown as they may be crouching, avoiding etc ... ?
Elizabeth McGill ‏@elizabethmcgil1 Oct 21

@carlpistorius @RobynCurnowCNN @OscarPistorius
Nelson Mandela found God in prison! Oscar must look at this as a time to meditate and learn!x

&%@*#$&! %@$#!*& *%^&@!#$ him and the horse he rode in on! How dare he even mention those two names in the same sentence. I visited Mandela's cell on Robben Island, spartan it was, and you didn't hear his lawyers whining about the lack of facilities and home comforts. An earlier post suggested that we should reserve our scorn for the killer and leave his family alone. It's this kind of tweet, their enabling behavior and bellicose antics that make them less than lily-white angels in this sorry saga. They all have black talons.

JMO and, yes, I feel a bit better for it.

Here you go Colonel. I know you could stand seeing it again. Lots may have missed it at the end of the last thread. I love it too.


  • Reeva1.jpg
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I didn't like that last line of the article: "....Reddy, the chief executive of the Olympic committee, conceded the "legalities" of Pistorius' position might have to be investigated if the department of corrections allowed him to return to work while under house arrest."

What would the "legalities of Pistorius' position" be?


I'm just guessing but how about the fact that Uncle Arnold hasn't been banned from having/owning guns. Can OP stay in a house that's full of firearms.
BIB - As Nel correctly pointed out, many many "celebrities" do charity work. OP was "recognised for his outstanding sporting success", not for coming up with a cure for anything. Yes, he may well have inspired other disabled people to have hope and to take chances, but his background was wealthy and privileged. If it hadn't been, maybe he would never have become the "Blade Runner" at all.

Although he may have done good things for the disabled community, it doesn't erase the life sentence he's inflicted on an innocent family. He's been disgraced, and should stay disgraced until such times that he acknowledges how his actions have wiped out Reeva's parents forever, instead of always being focused on his own feelings and how he's a bloody victim!

Oh, me me me. Reeva's dead but what about me and the millions I can't make??

Okay, I know this is the Daily Fail, but the study is still valid.

Totally agree with you Soozie. Everyone would know the financial and PR benefit of celebs aligning with charities - you'd have to be living in a cave not to. I guess, thinking about here in UK, your average person in the street would have worked this out about 20 years ago - say, post Princess Diana's death? (Sorry best, early example I could think of - no disrespect to her.)

Anyway I am getting to the point (badly!) Judge Masipa has an uncanny knack for taking things at face value. Which goes back to the central point we have been saying about her wilful naivety.
If HdT actually wrote that thing her dissertation committee should deny her degree!

Hi Colonel Mustard. I replied to your reply to me on the previous thread, hit 'post' and of course the thread was closed. But to pick up where you left off, I too am sometimes surprised when someone reveals their gender. I'd always thought you were male. In fact I had a mental image of a retired Anglo-Indian military man sipping on gin and tonics and muttering about that infernal drumming. Now had you named yourself Miss Scarlett ...

I'd always thought of Cluedo as very British, in that Agatha Christie cozy murder in the manor house vein - a complete contrast to the brutal crime we are dealing with here.
<Respectfully snipped>

OP was inconsolable as he cried himself to sleep on his first night in prison. His biggest shock had been the closing of his cell doors after yesterday’s visits.

And as Masipa would say "and I coat" ...

“When you talk from your cell, you have to scream. For people to have heard him crying, it would have been very loud.”

On his first night in prison, OP was heard sobbing loudly after being left alone in his cell.

“A prison source told the South African Times newspaper: ‘You could hear him. Shortly after the door closed you could hear the tears. He was torn up. Broken. The crying went on and on. We think he stopped when he fell asleep. It was really bad’".

The cell has a solid steel door.

If I hear that word "broken" again I'm going to scream like a man.

Agreed , I thought the same. It's all a bit fishy isn't it. You either can hear or can't hear much from behind a solid steel door. Or are we now saying he can sob at high volume - here we go again - this man's vocal talents are amazing.
&%@*#$&! %@$#!*& *%^&@!#$ him and the horse he rode in on! How dare he even mention those two names in the same sentence. I visited Mandela's cell on Robben Island, spartan it was, and you didn't hear his lawyers whining about the lack of facilities and home comforts. An earlier post suggested that we should reserve our scorn for the killer and leave his family alone. It's this kind of tweet, their enabling behavior and bellicose antics that make them less than lily-white angels in this sorry saga. They all have black talons.

With you Oze. :gaah:
Wondered when they were going to start on the Madiba allusions. It's hardly a "Long Walk to Freedom" is it!!!

And I had just started to pick up ( in my deluded mind) a few shreds of sympathy for his family again this morning after watching some of the SABC broadcasts from sentence day posted on lisa's blog here
imagining what it must be like for them with wall - to -wall adverse negative coverage.

Anyway after seeing this tweet from Carl I am over it.

Reply with quote is not working, sorry Oze
Here you go Colonel. I know you could stand seeing it again. Lots may have missed it at the end of the last thread. I love it too.

Verrry beautiful! Though her facial expression seems to be a little bit sad as on several other pics.
Mr Fossil, thank you for posting your revised theory.

I'm not too sure about the door slamming loudly three times - if Reeva were struggling to shut it, I don't see how the momentum of the door would be great enough to produce such a loud sound - at least, not three times in quick succession.

Before the trial started, I was convinced that OP was enraged because Reeva had his phone and was checking it inside the toilet. I thought that, perhaps, she had waited for him to fall asleep, so that she could creep out of the bedroom with it, under cover of darkness, and check it. However, we now know that it would have been passcode protected, so it would not have been possible for her to check it unless she was familiar with his passcode. I am wondering if she knew the code, or thought she might know it, because he used the same code for other devices that she had accessed with his permission.

In any case, if the iPad and iPhone were synced, would it not have been possible for Reeva to read his iPhone texts on the iPad? Just imagine if she were sleeping in the spare room and able to read his texts off the iPad as they came in?

I don't think we have any reliable evidence as to the speed of these first bangs. In support of the door, I have OP on his stumps, strong enough to pull it but unable to maintain his balance, hence she pulls it away from him twice with force (the first slam is Reeva rushing into the toilet). That could be very loud (I tried it and think it could even be louder than a cricket bat). I liken it to the bang you hear when the wind catches a door and slams it shut.

But the first sounds could be anything. The theory is basically the sequence, not necessarily the cause for the first set of sounds that the Stipps hear.

An alternative

I did have OP firing three warning shots out of the window to scare Reeva as an alternative. The picture of the gun magazine doesn't confirm or otherwise how many bullets have been used (I know it's not proof they were fired that night but having too many bullets might suggest they weren't) but I wondered if that would have woken more people (given nearly everyone hears the actual gunshots). And guess how the spent bullet casings are removed? Reeva's bag ... which OP is at pains to point out (for no apparent reason) that he didn't go into.


The magazine holds 17 bullets (plus the gun can be one up, making a total capacity of 18). You can see the numbers 5, 10 and 17 marked on the magazine just under the holes. There are at least 10 bullets left in the magazine (plus the one from the gun I assume) but that's as much as I can work out.

I have revised the Witness testimony analysis 2 to reflect the above (see the comment on 'Toilet door slams or warning shots' in the OP column).

Views on this or any other alternatives welcome!

In answer to your last point, if we're talking WhatsApps then it doesn't naturally run on an iPad (although it can be made to). We don't know how his Messages (SMS and iMessages) were set up (e.g. whether they show on both devices - I doubt it, he's too guarded IMO) or whether his messages (including WhatsApps) appear as a Notification on the front screen (again, too guarded, so I think not).
Toilet door slamming

I think OP was convincing when he argued that Reeva wouldn't have answered him when she was in the toilet because she was scared. He points Nel to a previous episode in her life. In his version, she wouldn't know what was happening outside the toilet and wouldn't have risked giving herself away. I think that is totally plausible (even though Nel doesn't). But what is not therefore plausible in this version is Reeva slamming the door after he has been screaming and shouting: she would have closed it quietly. It was this that put me on to thinking about door slams being what the Stipps heard. Does OP use real events: the door slamming, pulling on the handle, barging the door, but in a different context?

Respectfully "snipped". I just want to address this part..

When Pistorius pointed out to Nel that based on a previous episode in her life..Reeva wouldn't have risked giving herself other words ..she didn't make her presence known because she was scared..
How about her cellphone..Pistorius told Nel that Reeva used her cellphone light when she went to the toilet. So why then she didn't dial emergency! She could have done that quietly..I would say she didn't dial the police because she was being chased by Pistorius..she didn't have a chance to dial.. he probably shot her the second she closed the toilet door..

I'm surpised Nel didn't ask him that question!
Respectfully "snipped". I just want to address this part..

When Pistorius pointed out to Nel that based on a previous episode in her life..Reeva wouldn't have risked giving herself other words ..she didn't make her presence known because she was scared..
How about her cellphone..Pistorius told Nel that Reeva used her cellphone light when she went to the toilet. So why then she didn't dial emergency! She could have done that quietly..I would say she didn't dial the police because she was being chased by Pistorius..she didn't have a chance to dial.. he probably shot her the second she closed the toilet door..

I'm surpised Nel didn't ask him that question!

Good point. She doesn't need to be in the toilet for the first set of bangs that are heard by the Stipps in my revised theory (see my post above re alternative sound source). This makes it even more likely that her screams up to the (second) shots would be heard.

I think the sound he heard emanating from the toilet (if indeed he heard any sound), the so-called third startle, could have been the click the iPhone makes when it is activated. This caused him to fire. She was about to call the police.

Witness testimony analysis 2 modified to reflect this scenario.
James Grant @CriminalLawZA &#8226; 45m 45 minutes ago
I can confirm Adv Nel has consulted me for advice & assistance if he appeals. I have advised that he should appeal & agreed to assist

James Grant @CriminalLawZA &#8226; 37m 37 minutes ago
... Adv Nel (and the NPA) are yet to decide whether to appeal. No doubt many other people are also being consulted & may things considered.
I've often wondered whether the Prosecutor gets to meet and interview each witness before they have to testify. Or are they just given the statements and have to go off that?

Also I do not think it fair that the Defence gives their reports/statements at the last minute as they did. How can the Prosecutor prepare properly? Most often Nel then had to read whatever he was given and even ask for time to do that. I have not seen that done in other countries.

IMO there should be a rule that Prosecutors are given reports/statements so many days in advance.

I think in the UK a prosecutor can meet a witness where there are special needs e.g. is a vulnerable victim, and it's arranged to give video evidence only (Special Measures), Generally, I think, the prosecutor has to rely on the expertise of professional witness', usually organised by the police, and not be seen to have coached him/her.

This gives some info re special measures. special measures cps 6th.pdf
I'm 99% sure this would have been asked and answered at some point during these last months, but in S.A. is there "double jeopardy"? Meaning if OP admits to someone there's more to the story and he actually did shoot to scare her or shoot to kill her, could he be prosecuted again?
Oscar Pistorius gets different treatment to other disabled prisoners at the same South African jail

The Blade Runner was assessed and immediately placed in a single cell in the hospital wing of Kgosi Mampuru II prison.

But other disabled prisoners at the same jail, formerly known as Pretoria Central prison, can only dream about such special treatment.
I'm 99% sure this would have been asked and answered at some point during these last months, but in S.A. is there "double jeopardy"? Meaning if OP admits to someone there's more to the story and he actually did shoot to scare her or shoot to kill her, could he be prosecuted again?

Thanks .. I was just about to ask the same question!
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