Post-Verdict: I am sick and heartbroken

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I feel like it's become "upside down world." The verdict and the jury make no sense. I can't wrap my mind around it. :waitasec: :banghead: :maddening:

I just have to remind myself that the wonderful prosecutors, LE, experts, judge, God, the dogs, and all of us know the truth! :heartbeat:

That's exactly how I feel. The world is upside down and yes, I still feel like I've been shaken to the core. Emotionally I haven't healed from this yet.

I don't understand how this jury reached it's verdict! :banghead: I keep asking myself (and my sons :) ) if I missed something. Did the state or the defense say something that I radically misunderstood?

My son's keep answering -No, mom. The nation is shocked at the verdict.

How could the jurors allow a child killer to walk?

Poor little Caylee. Loved by so many that didn't know her.
It's been days since the NOT GUILTY verdict, and I still am having trouble getting past this. TERRIBLE jury!!!!! I still come here to see how all of you are doing. But I have to find a way to get past this. My heart goes out to all LE, JA, LDB, FG the experts, the searchers and everyone who worked so hard for Caylee.THREE YEARS, and for what? ICA will declare bankruptcy and live her "good life."

I am completely disgusted and everytime I remember that Caylee was duct taped and thrown in the dark, damp woods I cry.

To me, this is the ULTIMATE example of what our world has become, and I don't fit in to it!

I pray we all find a way to move on. Yes, I know there are so many more children who have been murdered. Yes. They matter as much as Caylee. But this verdict has left me feeling I should never follow another of these tragic cases, because the end result is no justice!

I know, I completed agree. It does help to come on web boards like this and know that I am not alone in my outrage and disgust. The verdict was made so much worse because we all know that it will now be swept under the rug, that nobody will fight for Caylee, all the relatives will now be focusing on trying to pacify Casey and getting on her good side, pretending Caylee never happened. People involved in the case will be trying to extort as much money as possible.
Nothing to say other than thank You all for posting your feelings. I feel less alone. Prayers and hugs to all of us.
I can't believe I'm watching this! Geraldo is on...........he began with an interview with JB and CM, taped earlier after the verdict. As can be expected, Geraldo is praising the efforts of JB and CM and their brilliant lawyering.

CM stated that he believed from the beginning that KC was innocent of murdering her child. JB said he's known from the beginning that she was innocent. Then they both criticized the state's case.

Geraldo just got into a shouting match with Kimberly Guilfoyle, with Kimberly stating that she believe's the state had a strong case.

Geraldo has an exclusive. The defense team is taking somewhere and she will be getting mental health help and recover from her ordeal.

Geraldo is defending KC. :banghead:
I can't believe I'm watching this! Geraldo is on...........he began with an interview with JB and CM, taped earlier after the verdict. As can be expected, Geraldo is praising the efforts of JB and CM and their brilliant lawyering.

CM stated that he believed from the beginning that KC was innocent of murdering her child. JB said he's known from the beginning that she was innocent. Then they both criticized the state's case.

Geraldo just got into a shouting match with Kimberly Guilfoyle, with Kimberly stating that she believe's the state had a strong case.

Geraldo has an exclusive. The defense team is taking somewhere and she will be getting mental health help and recover from her ordeal.

Geraldo is defending KC. :banghead:

I watched about ten minutes and had to turn it off. I cannot stand Geraldo. I think I'm going to email him tonight. Kimberly is the only descent thing on his program. I like her. I will never watch his program again. NEVER.
Leila.....did you see Judge Jeanine before his program. She was awesome.
Found where to post this:

I don't know where to put this post so I'll start here. Something must be wrong with me because I still honestly cannot believe Casey is walking free. I can't comprehend how this happened. How did these 12 jurors come to this conclusion? Charged with nothing but lying to LE...Poor Yuri was in the balcony waiting to watch her go down.... I am still sick over stomach is in knots. I cannot believe they found her not guilty and she walks out a free woman. And no one is held responsible for Caylee's death.Feels like it's a bad dream and I will wake up from anyone else still struggling with this? I know I need to move on but it's just haunting me............Casey, Jose and Chaney M and Cindy sure get the last laugh on this one........... a murderer walks free...

ETA:Darn it, I missed both programs :( Might be better off not seeing Geraldo :)
Found where to post this:

I don't know where to put this post so I'll start here. Something must be wrong with me because I still honestly cannot believe Casey is walking free. I can't comprehend how this happened. How did these 12 jurors come to this conclusion? Charged with nothing but lying to LE...Poor Yuri was in the balcony waiting to watch her go down.... I am still sick over stomach is in knots. I cannot believe they found her not guilty and she walks out a free woman. And know one is held responsible for Caylee's death.Feel like it's a bad dream and I will wake up from anyone else still struggling with this? I know I need to move on but it's just haunting me............Casey, Jose and Chaney M and Cindy sure get the last laugh on this one........... a murderer walks free...

ETA:Darn it, I missed both programs :( Might be better off not seeing Geraldo :)

You're not alone. I feel exactly the same way. It's depressing.
I wish everyone could do as Ashton suggested, and just not watch or pay any attention to Casey. He said that would be the 2nd best punishment we could give her. She craves attention. If everyone would just ignore her, it would devastate her.
I too was feeling sad and stunned and heartbroken but it will get better. I promise. throw it out to the Universe and listen for the response

gotta preface this by saying that there are a WHOLE LOTTA hayseed drivers where I live. not a single day goes by that they don't turn w/o signaling or they signal for blocks but don't turn. someone ALWAYS pulls into the buffer zone between me and the car ahead of me. they won't enter the intersection when turning left - they stay behind the crosswalk so it takes 3-4 traffic light cycles before they/I can turn left, IF there's a lucky break in oncoming traffic. they dive into the parking space I'm waiting for another car to finish vacating, w/ my blinker on FGS. my absolute fave is the 15-20 MPH under the speed limit. 35-40 in a 55 is the norm and, I kid you not, where the limit is 25 someone is surely doing 10. I grit my teeth and try to deal w/ it because, really, what can ya do, right?

after the verdicts last week I used the horn all freaking day, more times than I've honked in the 5 years since I bought the car. I wasn't aggressive, I didn't speed, I didn't crowd other drivers. but I just was NOT in a place where I was gonna tolerate the usual BS, not that day

it required a real effort not to be impatient and snappish around other people. I felt sick to my stomach and had a pounding headache most of the day. continued to feel irritated even tho the stomach upset and headache faded. then I began to realize that the outrage we express here at WS was not happening just here, but every.where.

I had to take some quiet moments and examine my attitude. I've come to realize that the verdicts were a blessing in disguise, because there is no PC in KC's future and she is definitely being released to general population. if she requires special treatment and needs to be protected from others, then she's gonna have to pay for it. (altho perhaps a few burly bruisers will agree to take it out in trade). either way, she's footing the bill instead of the taxpayers. she will be shouted at, shouted down and called out everywhere she goes. she has been sentenced to be released into the court of public opinion. HA! me honking my horn will be the very least of her worries

she and her boys are riding the crest of a very small wave in their favor ... and a karmic tsunami is headed their way
You're not alone. I feel exactly the same way. It's depressing.
I wish everyone could do as Ashton suggested, and just not watch or pay any attention to Casey. He said that would be the 2nd best punishment we could give her. She craves attention. If everyone would just ignore her, it would devastate her.

angeleleven, it is comforting to at least know I am not alone in my feelings and you and others here feel as I do...and I can freely express it here :)
We can vent here and help each other get through this....
I can't believe I'm watching this! Geraldo is on...........he began with an interview with JB and CM, taped earlier after the verdict. As can be expected, Geraldo is praising the efforts of JB and CM and their brilliant lawyering.

CM stated that he believed from the beginning that KC was innocent of murdering her child. JB said he's known from the beginning that she was innocent. Then they both criticized the state's case.

Geraldo just got into a shouting match with Kimberly Guilfoyle, with Kimberly stating that she believe's the state had a strong case.

Geraldo has an exclusive. The defense team is taking somewhere and she will be getting mental health help and recover from her ordeal.

Geraldo is defending KC. :banghead:

Oh yes, good ol' Jerry Rivers. If by "brilliant lawyering" he means unethical, sleazy, slandering, any means to an end to get your client off, then yes, those two are "brilliant" all right.

Gee, where's a skinhead with a chair when you need one? :p
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I don't know where to put this post so I'll start here. Something must be wrong with me because I still honestly cannot believe Casey is walking free. I can't comprehend how this happened. How did these 12 jurors come to this conclusion? Charged with nothing but lying to LE...Poor Yuri was in the balcony waiting to watch her go down.... I am still sick over stomach is in knots. I cannot believe they found her not guilty and she walks out a free woman. And know one is held responsible for Caylee's death.Feel like it's a bad dream and I will wake up from anyone else still struggling with this? I know I need to move on but it's just haunting me............Casey, Jose and Chaney M and Cindy sure get the last laugh on this one........... a murderer walks free...

Bon I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. My daughter and I both feel the same way. I have a wonderful family and a very full life but I am so haunted by case. Casey got her day in court but Caylee did not. Today I planted a new rose bush in my garden in memory of Caylee. Every morning when I wake the first thing that hits me in the face is that Casey is going free and not paying for her terrible crime.

I know Jose thinks he did a great thing because he saved her from the death penalty, but he has to know that she is not being held accountable for what she did. It is one thing to not believe in the death penalty , but to believe someone should not pay for their crime is just wrong.

I think time will help us heal from this terrible miscarriage of justice - so I would encourage you to do something in memory of Caylee no matter how small. I have been trying to come up with an idea that Websleuth memebers could do as a group - any ideas?
I can't believe I'm watching this! Geraldo is on...........he began with an interview with JB and CM, taped earlier after the verdict. As can be expected, Geraldo is praising the efforts of JB and CM and their brilliant lawyering.

CM stated that he believed from the beginning that KC was innocent of murdering her child. JB said he's known from the beginning that she was innocent. Then they both criticized the state's case.

Geraldo just got into a shouting match with Kimberly Guilfoyle, with Kimberly stating that she believe's the state had a strong case.

Geraldo has an exclusive. The defense team is taking somewhere and she will be getting mental health help and recover from her ordeal.

Geraldo is defending KC. :banghead:

Guess CM forgot he made this statment:

"You can pretty well predict there's going to be a life sentence, either a plea and get it over with or have a circus trial and then be convicted and get life." J. Cheney Mason (before he joined Casey Anthony's defense team)
Found where to post this:

I know Jose thinks he did a great thing because he saved her from the death penalty, but he has to know that she is not being held accountable for what she did. It is one thing to not believe in the death penalty , but to believe someone should not pay for their crime is just wrong.

Couldn't agree more.
I am upset over Geraldo also. He is so biased for JB. Has been from the day he took the case. He made up his mind to support JB and he didn't care about the facts. I will never watch Fox again. Much less Geraldo! I have had it.
Does anyone else have a hard time watching the verdict? I feel sick, angry, and I find myself shaking my head every time I see it on television. I don't think I can watch it anymore.
Found where to post this:

Bon I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. My daughter and I both feel the same way. I have a wonderful family and a very full life but I am so haunted by case. Casey got her day in court but Caylee did not. Today I planted a new rose bush in my garden in memory of Caylee. Every morning when I wake the first thing that hits me in the face is that Casey is going free and not paying for her terrible crime.

I feel the exact same way (haunted) and what a beautiful tribute for little Caylee. :)
I also feel the same way. I still just cannot believe it!

I just keep saying "How can 12 people agree on this?"

It's like someone is telling me 2+2=5 and I keep saying no it's 4!!!

My brain just cannot accept this ... it's just so wrong :(
I watched about ten minutes and had to turn it off. I cannot stand Geraldo. I think I'm going to email him tonight. Kimberly is the only descent thing on his program. I like her. I will never watch his program again. NEVER.

I ended up turning it off too. It makes me so mad! I remember that before he became a member of the DT, CM was saying KC is guilty. Now, of course, he knew from the beginning that she was not guilty. I just wish someone would play back his words to him!

I've always liked Kimberly Guilfoyle...............she's not afraid to engage GR and point out his errors.
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