Post-Verdict: I am sick and heartbroken

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for me its even worse after hearingthe jurors speak. now i can honestly say they not do their duty. they pulled a decison out of their rump and stuck wth it. juror #3 has me shaking. her lack of intellegence is astounding and if she couldnt comprehend the charges she should have asked for clarity or excused herself. i am so angry they did not convict of a lesser charge becasue they "didnt understand them" its criminal to blantenly disreagrd solid evidence. ie if they belived the drowning "confession" why didnt they at least carge her with neglience or manslaughter. THE DEFENSE GAVE YOU THAT MUCH AT LEAST TO CHARGE HER WITH YOU <modsnips> !!!
and george was not on trial. its wasnt their right to decide to determine with no evidence he covered up "something" the more i hear the more i think their verdict was actually illegal. they way they came to their decision had NOTHIN to do with the law. in cases like these the state should have grounds to appeal. this is asinine these jurors should keep quiet becasue the are twisting the knife in my heart
I saw the title to this thread, and I must say - I am glad that I am not the only one who feels this way. I have been sick to my stomach for the last few days, ever since the verdict was read. I have watched the trial from Day 1, and I have to say - What the &$A##!! happened to this jury? The State had a strong case, their expert witnesses were unshakeable. Another thing I want to know is - if George, Cindy, and Lee don't believe Casey did this to Caylee, don't they want to know what really happened? Why are they not on a crusade to find out the TRUTH? Will Casey come out of jail and stay with her parents, you know, her dad - the one she said molested her and covered up the supposed drowning of her daughter? This is sick, just sick. And she'll end up making money and being in the limelight. Where is the justice? In a few years, will she write a book titled "If I did it"? I am boycotting all news related with this case - I will not be buying any books, watching interviews or etc. I hope the jurors, the defense attorneys, and Casey Anthony get NO monetary gain or fame from this. I feel absolutely awful for Ashton, LDB, Frank George, Yuri Melich, John Allen, Dr. G, etc because of the time, effort, and emotion they invested into this case. It wasn't about winning for them, it was about getting justice for a little girl whose own family didn't care one iota for. Sadly, there are no relatives to fight and speak up for Caylee.
I saw the title to this thread, and I must say - I am glad that I am not the only one who feels this way. I have been sick to my stomach for the last few days, ever since the verdict was read. I have watched the trial from Day 1, and I have to say - What the &$A##!! happened to this jury? The State had a strong case, their expert witnesses were unshakeable. Another thing I want to know is - if George, Cindy, and Lee don't believe Casey did this to Caylee, don't they want to know what really happened? Why are they not on a crusade to find out the TRUTH? Will Casey come out of jail and stay with her parents, you know, her dad - the one she said molested her and covered up the supposed drowning of her daughter? This is sick, just sick. And she'll end up making money and being in the limelight. Where is the justice? In a few years, will she write a book titled "If I did it"? I am boycotting all news related with this case - I will not be buying any books, watching interviews or etc. I hope the jurors, the defense attorneys, and Casey Anthony get NO monetary gain or fame from this. I feel absolutely awful for Ashton, LDB, Frank George, Yuri Melich, John Allen, Dr. G, etc because of the time, effort, and emotion they invested into this case. It wasn't about winning for them, it was about getting justice for a little girl whose own family didn't care one iota for. Sadly, there are no relatives to fight and speak up for Caylee.

I am with you. My wife is with you. We understand and know. We also know that Casey will not thrive. People with such deep "problems" always undo themselves. It is a matter of time.
and george was not on trial. its wasnt their right to decide to determine with no evidence he covered up "something" the more i hear the more i think their verdict was actually illegal. they way they came to their decision had NOTHIN to do with the law. in cases like these the state should have grounds to appeal. this is asinine these jurors should keep quiet becasue the are twisting the knife in my heart

I completely agree with everything you said! You are so right there was no evidence that he did anything-that juror said they could not convict Casey because "lack of evidence" which I don't agree with at all, but it's okay to say they "thought George had something to do with it" Where is the evidence for that? My blood is boiling.
I am still heartbroken. I haven't watched HLN or In session since the verdict was read. I feel lost and at sea. I have been reading different sites on line but no TV. I have signed several petitions, sent emails to different broadcasting stations, PR companies and every site trying to get blood money off of Caylee. Tomorrow I will send emails to my state reps supporting the Caylee bill. I will include a web site to help you find who your rep is. Sadly I didn't know but I do now. I will also include what I sent to ABC, Barbra Walters and others. I didn't draft those letters but copied what others wrote with their permission.

"I do not know if this is fact or rumor, but I would like you to know, that I am committed to boycotting not only any show giving any time, attention, or money, to this family, but to any and all sponsors of the program. If there is any consideration of furthering what I perceive to be a travesty of justice, please reconsider. This is about more than drama and money, this is about the exploitation of a murdered child, while allowing those responsible for her death and the lack of evidence for prosecution, to profit financially."

"To whom It may Concern:
I am writing because I heard that you are considering a made for TV movie about the Casey Anthony debacle. I am imploring you, not to give this murderer a dime for her crime. The jury spoke, however they did not follow the instructions given by the court. The ink wasn't dry and the jurors are out making the rounds and making money. At least one of the jurors had a publicist when he got back home the same day. This is a crime on so many levels. Please give the little victim Caylee Marie Anthony some dignity and not allow this whole dysfunctional family and the stealth jurors to make a dime.
I will feel compelled not to watch and spread the word of the callousness of your network if this goes ahead. There has to be lines drawn in our society. At least we have the opportunity to do what is right. There actually are rights and wrongs. Please don't do the wrong thing. Don't be blinded by possible $ just this once."

Who is your Representative
I feel helpless and hopeless.
for me its even worse after hearingthe jurors speak. now i can honestly say they not do their duty. they pulled a decison out of their rump and stuck wth it. juror #3 has me shaking. her lack of intellegence is astounding and if she couldnt comprehend the charges she should have asked for clarity or excused herself. i am so angry they did not convict of a lesser charge becasue they "didnt understand them" its criminal to blantenly disreagrd solid evidence. ie if they belived the drowning "confession" why didnt they at least carge her with neglience or manslaughter. THE DEFENSE GAVE YOU THAT MUCH AT LEAST TO CHARGE HER WITH YOU <modsnips> !!!
I agree. Their statements are not making sense. They said they believe Casey caused Caylee's death but there wasn't enough evidence to prove this. Well how did they come to this conclusion? It was based on the evidence.

Even when you see people trying to defend the verdict, they say I think Casey probably caused the death of Caylee but...

What's sad is that the Jurors basically used a theory about accidental drowning that Baez never mentioned again because there was ZERO EVIDENCE, and the Jurors used speculation that a drowning might have occurred to reach their verdict. Who lies to cover up an accidental drowning? It's the dumbest thing I have heard so far and the Jurors bought it and used it to find Casey not guilty. That's just stupid. This Juror doesn't make any sense. Her whole interview was just frightening and lacked any coherent dialogue.
I havent had the emotional energy to post since the verdict. I am SO ANGRY and SO SAD. I cannot believe this has happened. The jurors I have seen so far appear to be lacking in intelligence. When juror #3 complained about not being able to "play" in the hotel pools I just wanted to scream. Did they see the same trial we did? I just cannot wrap my mind around all of this. My family and friends say oh there is nothing you can do, its over, get over it. But I just cant yet. I am just sick.
I have finally had one small slightly cheering thought, and it's this: the Petersons will be gnashing their teeth that Scott didn't get this caliber of jury.

It's a very small consolation, but it's still something.
I agree. Their statements are not making sense. They said they believe Casey caused Caylee's death but there wasn't enough evidence to prove this. Well how did they come to this conclusion? It was based on the evidence.

Even when you see people trying to defend the verdict, they say I think Casey probably caused the death of Caylee but...

What's sad is that the Jurors basically used a theory about accidental drowning that Baez never mentioned again because there was ZERO EVIDENCE, and the Jurors used speculation that a drowning might have occurred to reach their verdict. Who lies to cover up an accidental drowning? It's the dumbest thing I have heard so far and the Jurors bought it and used it to find Casey not guilty. That's just stupid. This Juror doesn't make any sense. Her whole interview was just frightening and lacked any coherent dialogue.

I havent had the emotional energy to post since the verdict. I am SO ANGRY and SO SAD. I cannot believe this has happened. The jurors I have seen so far appear to be lacking in intelligence. When juror #3 complained about not being able to "play" in the hotel pools I just wanted to scream. Did they see the same trial we did? I just cannot wrap my mind around all of this. My family and friends say oh there is nothing you can do, its over, get over it. But I just cant yet. I am just sick.

Many of us are quite disturbed over this verdict. Marsha Clark wrote this piece, and it gives you an idea about the sequestration process and what occurs. I hope this helps you.
One thing that is bothering me tremendously is the juror who has several offers of $50,000 but is waiting for more. This is blood money. He didn't seem to care about what happened to little Caylee, just get out and get that money. I wish that the people making the offers would withdraw them. Just hearing what he has already said is more than enough.
One thing that is bothering me tremendously is the juror who has several offers of $50,000 but is waiting for more. This is blood money. He didn't seem to care about what happened to little Caylee, just get out and get that money. I wish that the people making the offers would withdraw them. Just hearing what he has already said is more than enough.

He may not get his money. The public is getting an idea of what happened with the jury from the ones who are speaking out already. His story loses value with each passing day, IMO.
It's been days since the NOT GUILTY verdict, and I still am having trouble getting past this. TERRIBLE jury!!!!! I still come here to see how all of you are doing. But I have to find a way to get past this. My heart goes out to all LE, JA, LDB, FG the experts, the searchers and everyone who worked so hard for Caylee.THREE YEARS, and for what? ICA will declare bankruptcy and live her "good life."

I am completely disgusted and everytime I remember that Caylee was duct taped and thrown in the dark, damp woods I cry.

To me, this is the ULTIMATE example of what our world has become, and I don't fit in to it!

I pray we all find a way to move on. Yes, I know there are so many more children who have been murdered. Yes. They matter as much as Caylee. But this verdict has left me feeling I should never follow another of these tragic cases, because the end result is no justice!
As far as these greedy, morally bankrupt folks making scads of money off this situation?:loser:

"Better is a dry morsel and quietness with it
Than a house full of feasting with strife." Proverbs 17:1

I have a feeling that their lives will be filled with all the strife they can handle, and more. :twocents:
I saw the title to this thread, and I must say - I am glad that I am not the only one who feels this way. I have been sick to my stomach for the last few days, ever since the verdict was read. I have watched the trial from Day 1, and I have to say - What the &$A##!! happened to this jury? The State had a strong case, their expert witnesses were unshakeable. Another thing I want to know is - if George, Cindy, and Lee don't believe Casey did this to Caylee, don't they want to know what really happened? Why are they not on a crusade to find out the TRUTH? Will Casey come out of jail and stay with her parents, you know, her dad - the one she said molested her and covered up the supposed drowning of her daughter? This is sick, just sick. And she'll end up making money and being in the limelight. Where is the justice? In a few years, will she write a book titled "If I did it"? I am boycotting all news related with this case - I will not be buying any books, watching interviews or etc. I hope the jurors, the defense attorneys, and Casey Anthony get NO monetary gain or fame from this. I feel absolutely awful for Ashton, LDB, Frank George, Yuri Melich, John Allen, Dr. G, etc because of the time, effort, and emotion they invested into this case. It wasn't about winning for them, it was about getting justice for a little girl whose own family didn't care one iota for. Sadly, there are no relatives to fight and speak up for Caylee.

That is the worst for me to deal with. NO relatives to speak up for Caylee and to show outrage at the person so obviously responsible for her death:(

I dont understand who would buy a book writen by her. No interest in it. She lies too much.

I wish at least GA would take a stand and come out and say he intends to disown his daughter and how much he misses Caylee. He saw enogh proof in that courtroom not to mention how she treated him. I do not believe he had ANYTHING to do with it. yes, he made some mistakes but at the time I forgive him. It was a horrendous, confusing time but now, 3 yrs later GA needs to speak out for Caylee IMO
I dont think CA will. She lied and tried to cover up for the chloroform search, etc. I amshocked a Grandmother would do this. :(
I feel like it's become "upside down world." The verdict and the jury make no sense. I can't wrap my mind around it. :waitasec: :banghead: :maddening:

I just have to remind myself that the wonderful prosecutors, LE, experts, judge, God, the dogs, and all of us know the truth! :heartbeat:
Wednesday nite on ABC Nightline, the only juror interviewed on that show (Jennifer Ford?) said that (bolded). And I found myself saying that to a friend who seemed to believe that the jury's verdict meant that she is (innocent).

My best coping skill in this case is to try (hard!) to find something positive and to think philosophically about what it means...what can I learn...what am I "supposed to learn"? IMO, some people (many people?) just are not fit to be parents...

SIGH 3. :(

I am trying to watch more positive things, too. Last night I watched a show on young women (not dangerous ) in prison who are allowed to have their babies with them in prison. The babies looked healthy and happy. They are taught parenting skills, etc. I think there will be a good outcome for these babies. I thought it was a good, positive program.
One of the requirements was the Mothers had to have sentences that only lasted 2 yrs or less. No babies can stay there for over 2 yrs. And I think once theyre out they get ongoing counseling and follow up, they liked the program. The babies were just adorable and seemed so happy and well adjusted!
These young women were pregnant when they came to prison and I think if their babies wouldve been taken away, they couldnt have bonded. It seems like such a good program. These young women had much worse family lives than Casey Anthony I am so sick of her whining.....I think if anything Casey, as a young single Mother had it pretty good.
I dont think CA will. She lied and tried to cover up for the chloroform search, etc. I amshocked a Grandmother would do this. :(

Yeah, such a devoted and loving grandmother. NOT.
All that acting devastated, the breaking down so dramatically on the stand....she makes me want to hurl. I am ALMOST grateful that Caylee did not have to grow up in that "family". Sad and twisted as that is to say.
I remain astonished at the outcome of the trial. I feel that the PT met the burden of proof with sufficient evidence for conviction presented throughout. In addition, in my opinion, closing arguments per the PT were brilliant and really showed the defendant’s true colors (using her own voice too) with a lasting negative impression. When the state finished, I was confident that CMA would be convicted of serious charges. Conversely, I’m unable to recall anything enlightening from the DT. It seems to me that they failed in their efforts to cast reasonable doubt. I’ve been wondering (in a paranoid, conspiracy theory way) if the jury instructions were erroneous….remember those were finalized last minute. I’m grasping at straws. Still so stunned.
Somehow, I’ll have to come to terms with the verdict. It’s like working through the stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.
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