Post-Verdict: I am sick and heartbroken

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Watching video right now of the defense team at a bar "celebrating" with tequila shots. Do u think they'll do a toast for caylee???? :sick:

They don't give a ***** about Caylee. Apparently no one on that jury does either. I've entered the raving pissed off stage about the verdict.
I don't want to hear WHATEVER CA has to say!!

I dont ever want to hear her voice again.

Sorry that is how I feel!
I've always believed in our justice system. This was one of the reasons that I am so proud to be an American.

Not anymore. I'm just sick over this. This was the most unjust verdict that I've ever heard.

I've always wanted to serve in a trial and I happen to have just been assigned jury duty on 8/8/11. I am going to send my notification back and will write in that I do not wish to serve on it because I do not believe in the system. Of course, I will show up when I am supposed to but I will maintain my belief that I do not have faith in the system. I am pretty sure they'll excuse me.

I really am sick about this. :sick:

I feel the same way you do. NO justice for Caylee:(
Did you see CA smile when they read the not guilty verdict?
I dont know why, I dont know this family but I have learned there are some very sick, dysfunctional people out there.
If GA lets this horrible daughter move back in then I will really lose respect for him after she tried to use HIM to save herself from this mess she created. I couldve never done that to my Dad and now everyone will look at him strangely. (because of Casey accusations)
I just feel so sorry for Caylee, being tossed into that swamp and didnt even live to her 3rd birthday. :(
Its like no one cares. But I want nothing to do with the "justice" system from now o. Its a joke. ALL she got charged with was lying to LE?????:banghead:
If she was innocent, why the lies?
I have followed since day one and I am so so upset! I am at work and trying not to fall apart. I called my 16 year at home and told her to watch the verdict, she has not followed the case other than what I have told her about it. About 15 minutes after the verdict she sent me a text that said "mom I cannot stop crying". Not realizing she was talking about that verdict, I said "why whats wrong?" She said "that poor baby girl". I about lost it when I got the text! It is a sad sad day in Florida and through out the United States when someone can get away with something so henious, especially when there is such a large amount of evidence.
I do hope karma comes onto Casey and the defense team. People have pointed out what happened to OJ and his DT.
Imagine those jurors going home tonight and flipping on the TV to see the absolute outrage of the whole country. I wonder if any of them at that point will say, "uh-ohhhhh....what have we done?" When they find out this whole story I imagine a few of them are going to be mortified.
Thank you, Zinvestigator, I could have written your post and I, too, am done with crime, trials, discussions, etc. The prosecution case was not air tight, but many, MANY other cases have had convictions on less evidence, and my faith in the jury/court system has one more, rather large, crack in already shaky foundation.

Thanks to all the WS Mods, members, FL members who put up the Document Dumps, and all lurkers who had love and desire for justice for Caylee in your hearts.
You're not the only one. I think that something is terribly wrong with the system. At least that's how it feels right now. I'm sickened. My jaw hit the FLOOR when they said not guilty....not guilty....not guilty...I just couldn't believe it. I've been crying ever since. Three long years I have followed this case. I cannot IMAGINE how the detectives and prosecution team must feel - they have lived and breathed this case for so long now - they must feel devastated.
The OJs 2.0: dumb and gutless
1) lies and obfuscation by the A's and dt confused the jury

2) JP gave much latitude to dt's shenanigans

3). Jury wanted to go home

No justice for Caylee

Freaking the truth alright. SHAME on them! SHAME!

Oh my word this has to be just a nightmare, right? So sorry. So sorry Caylee.
I am stunned. Stunned and horrified. Is this really the best these jurors could do? Really? What a screwed up process. Juries apparently don't work. My opinion only. I am just absolutely ill. WTF just happened?

What cowards they were to not come forward and explain themselves. I imagine they will be calling or responding to contacts from the media once they get home and figure out how to put a price tag on their inside (lack of) information.

Yuck. Just yuck. I may never bother to follow something like this again.
Defense is having a party in the restaurant across the street, champagne and all. I hope they choke on it.
My heart is broken. I have lost all faith in people. No, Caylee will not rest. This murderer will be out with time served, and will now on the nearest pole living the life she wanted without Caylee. OMG I'm sick to my stomach. WTF was wrong with this jury? Duct tape, in a swamp, partying, someone please tell me how this happened

I am sick with the American justice system, where we let child murders walk free. The system is not working. Taxpayers helped her get off scott free and put up over 300,000 to help her do so. I am in tears.

I have had a lot of doubt in the American government and now the American justice system. I am in beautiful Ajijic Mexico, considering moving here. This just sealed my decision. Mexicans love and dote on their children. They don't kill their children, they enjoy them.
I am shocked that I am shocked.
Throughout this case I have said time and time again that nothing would surprise me at this point. We have seen all levels of horrifying behavior from Casey, from her parents, from observers who inserted themselves in a story they had no legitimate role in, and all levels of ridiculous behavior from her legal team.

I was convinced nothing could shock me.
But ten hours? There was not one person in that room that said "are you kidding me??!!!????". They reviewed no evidence, asked for no clarification, and clearly didn't even have a heated debate.

Honestly will not be surprised when we are treated to a reality show documenting the marriage of Casey and JB, her pursuit of a being a paralegal, and the joy of their first born child.

Thursday she will walk with time served.
I am disgusted by the jury and embarassed by our system.
Sweet baby Caylee. When I heard the verdict I had to leave my desk, since it's out in the open, and cry in my co-workers office. I'm sure all of us have cried more in the past two hours than her joke of a mother cried for her. I bet she'll be pregnant in no time.

Thank you Jeff, Linda, and Frank for trying so hard for the justice we all wanted for our little girl!
I do hope karma comes onto Casey and the defense team. People have pointed out what happened to OJ and his DT.

I love the fact that karma caught up to OJ. I have faith that the same thing will happen to Casey.
I'm heartbroken and have been crying on and off since the verdict was read. I have many questions but will save them for another time.

For my friends who provided virtual hugs and support. Who sat with me day after day and night after night.. I thank you. Websleuths is filled with angels. Angels for victims around the world.

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Sarah McLachlan - Angel‬‏[/ame]
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