Post-Verdict:Jose Baez-Sanctions? Florida Bar Investigation!

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I don't think Jose Baez cares about the complaints. He is known as the lawyer who won the unwinnable case. Even Clarence Darrow didn't do that. Leopold and Loeb were grateful that he saved them from the electric chair.

Why I think he won doesn't really matter - the fact is he is going down as the lawyer who won the case that was unwinnable.
I know.
It just galls me to know that JB is being praised for winning the case and probably the bar will end up throwing out all the complaints because of that when in truth he lied and cheated his way through the hearings and trial and made a mockery of the courtroom rules and decorum. He is a disgrace to the attorney profession and the bar should judge him accordingly.
I don't think Jose Baez cares about the complaints. He is known as the lawyer who won the unwinnable case. Even Clarence Darrow didn't do that. Leopold and Loeb were grateful that he saved them from the electric chair.

Why I think he won doesn't really matter - the fact is he is going down as the lawyer who won the case that was unwinnable.

Judge Perry and the jury "won" him the case, he did nothing but lose every battle along the way. He's gone down as an example of everything wrong with the system.
Complaints against former Casey Anthony attorney Jose Baez dismissed


The Florida Bar says that former Casey Anthony lead attorney Jose Baez has been cleared of all complaints filed against him in the case.

The grievance committee found no probable cause and voted 7-0 to dismiss all complaints.

Concerning the investigation, the Florida Bar issued the following statement:
We all watched while JB abused the system and was warned many, many times by the judge and now we know why he was never really concerned. They aren't worried because they know they can get away with it. Attorney's judging attorneys??? Obviously this part of the system does not work. jmo
And once again they are dancing on Caylee's grave! I sure hope that rattlesnake had a zillion babies!
We all watched while JB abused the system and was warned many, many times by the judge and now we know why he was never really concerned. They aren't worried because they know they can get away with it. Attorney's judging attorneys??? Obviously this part of the system does not work. jmo

They would be better with a Watch committee governing them, from various professions, with a handful of Attorney.... At least there would be some lay people there to maintain community standards.
How often do you have to show contempt for the court to earn disciplinary action in Florida?
They would be better with a Watch committee governing them, from various professions, with a handful of Attorney.... At least there would be some lay people there to maintain community standards.
How often do you have to show contempt for the court to earn disciplinary action in Florida? that would ever happen. The Legal profession seems to have gotten control of everything in this county - Corporations, Government. They have the power and will not relinquish it willingly. I guess my question is this.........If Baez conduct did not live up to the required professional standards then why is no reprimand warranted? Ethics be damned - if it's not illegal then no reprimand. Really wonder their reputation is what it is.
Just one more aspect of this whole case that boggles the mind!
Ethics, what ethics? Standards, what standards?

Texting at the podium should have been enough for a complaint or discipline.
"The letter of advice contained the committee's concerns regarding instances of failure to comply with discovery orders, which they believe was unintentional"

This is unbelievable. Of course it was intentional and it fit his pattern of dishonesty that he demonstrated throughout the entire sordid mess.
Complaints against former Casey Anthony attorney Jose Baez dismissed


The Florida Bar says that former Casey Anthony lead attorney Jose Baez has been cleared of all complaints filed against him in the case.

The grievance committee found no probable cause and voted 7-0 to dismiss all complaints.

Concerning the investigation, the Florida Bar issued the following statement:

"However, in one case the grievance committee also issued a letter of advice indicating that while Mr. Baez’s conduct did not warrant formal discipline, the committee believed his conduct was not consistent with the high standards of the legal profession."

Let's add this statement to the documents showing WHY Baez was denied by the Florida Supreme Court from joining the Florida Bar for 8 years

"The Florida Supreme Court said his financial mishaps coupled with failure to pay child support "show a lack of respect for the rights of others and a total lack of respect for the legal system, which is absolutely inconsistent with the character and fitness qualities required of those seeking to be afforded the highest position of trust and confidence recognized by our system of law."
well im not surprised. Its all about winning at any cost. Why should anyone be surprised. I mean casey anthony got away with disposing her accidentally drowned child in a swamp and making the whole world look for her. Hell, the runaway bride got more for what she put that state through than casey ever did. It just seems to be the MO in florida. If your looking to get away with any kind of heinous behavior, come on down to the sunny state of florida where morals, accountability, and ethics take vacations. All imo!
Congratulations Mr. Baez. Once again common sense has prevailed. Just shows the Bar Association can recognize sour grapes.
"The letter of advice contained the committee's concerns regarding instances of failure to comply with discovery orders, which they believe was unintentional"

This is unbelievable. Of course it was intentional and it fit his pattern of dishonesty that he demonstrated throughout the entire sordid mess.

I'd like the Bar to answer this question

How many, failure to comply with not only 1 but 2 Judge's Orders, does it take before it is considered intentional?

Che peccato
part of the problem in todays society is that there has been a line drawm between what is legal and what is right. Apparently as long as it is legal in some way it doesnt matter if its right. Congratulations to the man that could manipulate the law to his advantage and make something that was so morally wrong into a travesty that is legally right. Oh well some people are complacent with the victories, even if they are at the cost of a small child dumped in the swamp.
We knew this was coming. In my opinion, even they knew he had crossed the line. But, how could they possibly go against someone who won the trial of the century when they knew she should have been found guilty? If they planned to punish JB, they would have done it right away.

From the letter we also learn that due to the bar's record retention schedule, computer records and files are destroyed one year after closing.

I guess that way they can gloat about an attorney's "spotless" career and say no complaints are on record no matter how bad the attorney may have been.

We learn something new every day, don't we?
la de da..........a comforting reality is that he will always be linked with his ex client. If she ever commits another crime, the media will say "she needs Jose". If he ever represents another everything-points-to-them-as-being-guilty client in a high profile trial, the media will be asking "can he pull another Casey Anthony?" If he loses that case the media will be saying "he was a one trick pony and got lucky with the Casey Anthony verdict". And on and on and on. That makes me smile.

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