Post-Verdict: KC not seeing parents -KC refuses visit with CA on Fri 7/8

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I just remarked on another post here that I do not know if I believe in the Houston destination or Texas for that matter. They will not tell where she goes as there are people that want to kill her. I think she will be hidden but then again I could be wrong.
For all we know they have already talked by phone.
I'm still on here reading all of your posts. I have been alone with my thoughts for the most part for the past 24 hours or so.
When the verdict was read yesterday afternoon, I watched the talking heads for about an hour. I turned off the tv around 4pm and it hasn't been on since. I just cannot stand even looking at any video showing ICA or the DT. When the heads began talking about the DT closing down the restaurant/bar, ordering champagne, celebrating, and JCM shooting the rod, I knew I just couldn't deal with any of them for another 5 minutes of my life.
I will never understand why just one lone juror couldn't see the truth and hold out for the truth--for Caylee.
I don't think we have heard the end of the ICA story and it wouldn't surprise me if she does, indeed, pose for Playboy. That's her style. I will continue to hang out with you guys here on the WS threads but I am over ICA, GA, CA and the rest of the players in this horrible nightmare. LDB and JA will always and forever be my heroes.
Can Baez be sued if HE knew Caylee was dead and he allowed manpower to be used to look for Caylee? I'm sure he would lie and say he didn't know, but if can be proven that he did know, can something be done?
For all we know they have already talked by phone.

Yes, and it is possible they have written volumes of letters all along that were passed along by the legal team. It is possible this recent "division" among them was merely part of a strategy and not seeing each other in person was vital for "appearances".

Then again, they may have not talked at all. I wonder if we will ever know.

If Cindy and Casey reunite within the year, I will lean toward believing they were in close touch all along and put on quite the show these past few years. In fact, I might believe that if they reunite EVER... unless it is with serious longterm counseling for them all.

If Casey goes forth on her own independently and still tries to publically maintain that everything was her parents fault, boohoo poor me I had it so rough, I may look for another planet. I worked with plenty of disturbed teens who had it much much MUCH worse and they went on to be stellar parents BECAUSE of their bad childhoods.
I don't think Casey will ever return to her parent's home. She will envelope herself in what she will perceive as her time in the spotlight. The way she sashayed into the courtroom just made me sick. She walked in there just like it shows on the video of her in handcuffs being taken into custody. Her arrogance is just over the top, especially given what she was arrested for and on trial for....the DEATH of her daughter Caylee.

I anticipate that Casey Anthony's first demand will be that her parents give her Caylee's cremated remains. She will shout that she is Caylee's next of kin. She would do this just to hurt them a little more.

Casey does not love or care for anyone but herself unless she has something to gain from any relationship. I know all too well....I have a relative who acts just like her. They were diagnosed with Anti Social Personality Disorder and it is awful to try and cope with someone like this.

Lady Sleuth

I have a feeling we haven't seen nothin yet. Wait til she sashays in tomorrow all happy. I don't think I can watch
I just remarked on another post here that I do not know if I believe in the Houston destination or Texas for that matter. They will not tell where she goes as there are people that want to kill her. I think she will be hidden but then again I could be wrong.

I agree, TF. Why would it be made public where she is going to live? She's had death threats and anyone with any common sense would never release her destination!
I just turned my tv back on. Caught the last few minutes of Vinnie P.'s show. He was talking about some *advertiser censored* movie CEO that has already offered ICA a movie deal......and then today he saw how angry and upset the American public is at the verdict, and he withdrew his movie deal. Hahahahaha, I hope the entire nation shuns her for the next 100 years!
George Anthony is accused of pedophile, incestous rape and his gdaughter rotted in a swamp in his neighborhood and he is still playing Casey's game? Maybe the accusations are true?
JVM is right now interviewing TM with Texas ES and he said he just left his attorney's office and is considering bringing a lawsuit against ICA as well as J. Baez because they spent over $112,000......and ICA J. Baez knew Caylee was dead when Texas ES was out there searching for a live child. Baez is getting caught up in it because he said during his opening statement that they knew on that Caylee was not missing.....that she had drown in the pool.
I am happy I turned my tv back on as knowing that people who have some power in this situation may not sit back and just simply 'take it'. Go TM!!

I believe something happened. Right at the end of trial. LDB line of questioning changed right after Cindy perjured herself.It was like all of the sudden it clicked. I think Casey will walk and Cindy will be taling up residence in casey's "old room"
they are gonna get George too.
Lettng casey go isn't unjust if you have found the real killers!
ESPECIALLY when they run into "hidhing"!
I think i am the only person in the world that does not feel sorry for them
she wil however when GRANDMA is locked up.
I am 100% convinced Cindy filmed ithe video knowing it was her last day with Casey
to tell her she was taking her sunshine away. She just ended up killing cayle instead.
I think the SA office is well aware and on top of it!


I'm sorry but you think George & Cindy had plans to kill Casey but killed Caylee instead? Do I understand that correctly? :waitasec:
I have a feeling we haven't seen nothin yet. Wait til she sashays in tomorrow all happy. I don't think I can watch

:sick: Me too. I want to :sick: every time they replay (ad nauseum) the verdict being read. I really wish they'd quit showing her tears of joy for duping the world.
Thank you for bringing up Karla Homolka that monster helped her husband rape and kill her little sister and she got off easy, she is now a mother herself and in contact with her parents.:sick: I never thought that this could happen in the U.S. due to our legal system, boy was I wrong.

Yes, an example of another sociopath and their ability to manipulate. She convinced the prosecutors she was innocent of everything or at the very least, lessor charges, and so the deal was done. Then the infamous video their lawyer was hiding was discovered after the fact implicating her as a more than willing participant, but by then the deal was done.

I knew she was married, had a son, and no longer lives in Canada. I was unaware she was in touch with her parents for other than very bare communication. I believe she did achieve a Masters Degree while she was in prison. Edited to add that she has also changed her name.
I won't be surprised if she never does speak with them-Isn't that what she ultimately wanted? I believe she only spoke to them because she (monetarily) had to.
She'll be back in the clink sooner than later, her friends will all wear a hideous shade of orange.
I worry about Baez's family. ICA is going to attach herself like a leech to Baez, and by extension, to his family. He doesn't understand yet what a dangerous creature slithered into his life. He will find out the hard way (which is fine with me; he deserves it), but someone should warn him about the danger he is exposing his family to by having ICA in his life.

Like most people, I don't believe Baez truly understands sociopathy (nor did the jury, obviously). If he did, he'd run like hell from ICA the first chance he gets. Money is not worth the misery she will bring to him and his family.

BBM Yes, when you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.....

"MONEY" And here is the magic word when discussing JBs motivation. I had to throw up in my mouth a little yesterday when he said something to the effect of "This case is a perfect example of why the death penalty doesn't work....." No, this is the perfect example of a defense attorney seizing the moment and recognizing the potential pot at the end of the rainbow if the chips should happen to fall the right way. I think even those who support The Innocence Project would raise their eyebrows at that little bon mot from him:sick:
ITA! In regards to the part I've put in bold. I'm sure that CA also realizes that with KC being acquitted, it will be KC in the spotlight now and not CA. It will be KC being offered interviews, not CA. It will be KC being offered rights to her story, not CA. It will be KC being offered money for movie rights, not CA. KC will steal the spotlight away from CA, and CA is not happy about that.

Totally!!!! ----- from the very begining, it was always a fight for dominance between these two.

CA: "Casey?"

ICA: "Mom, I just saw your nice little cameo on TV."

CA: "Which one"

ICA: "What do you mean, which one?"

CA: "Which one? "I did four different ones, and I haven't seen them all. I've only seen one or two so far".

We know the Anthonys' so well..
I don't believe a word to come from the mouths of George and Cindy Anthony

I don't believe a word to come from the mouth of Lippman

I don't believe a word to come from the mouth of Casey Anthony


And if the Anthonys imagine that by making comments such as those attributed to them in the OP that they can con the public --- I believe they're mistaken
They know they are hated by the public (us the people who know Casey got away with murder) they want to soften their image so people will buy whatever they have for sale they need money and I am sure Baez and company have paid for image consultants ,stylists to humanize Casey Anthony they need for the public to accept her so they can sell her load of crap...
Totally!!!! ----- from the very begining, it was always a fight for dominance between these two.

CA: "Casey?"

ICA: "Mom, I just saw your nice little cameo on TV."

CA: "Which one"

ICA: "What do you mean, which one?"

CA: "Which one? "I did four different ones, and I haven't seen them all. I've only seen one or two so far".

We know the Anthonys' so well..

That has always bothered me. If I were in CA's shoes and ICA said that to me, I would have gone off on her *ss.

I would have said, Cameo? Cameo, are you friggen kidding me. Do you think that this is a damn game? If you don't want to see my damn face in the media then you tell me where Caylee is. You are one sick girl. I'm out here begging for help trying to find Caylee and you're worried about me doing a Cameo? :banghead::banghead::banghead:
we were told they showed george like 100o they printed off the computer and begged to never show them to Cindy
WE ALL assumed they were of Casey.

WELL if you are narrowed minded like me you believe what the masses do becuase that is what you sre being fed.

Not trying to be rude here, but I don't think that I understood what either of you were saying.
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