Post-Verdict: KC not seeing parents -KC refuses visit with CA on Fri 7/8

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hmmm is Baez going to become a pimp :waitasec:

Nay, I think the report I read said it was a *advertiser censored* movie. The link is in another thread here, it was reported by TMZ I think.
Cindy got the outcome she worked i.e. lied hard for.

I agree, just using your post as a jumping off point.

When I watched the little clip of Jeff Ashton on GMA this morning they did a little snippet of Cindy when the verdict was read and I wish I knew how to freeze the frame.

I'm not a dramatic person, only cried at LDB final rebuttal and when the darn verdict was read but when I saw the look on Cindy's face, I honestly got goose bumps. My inner voice said, "now that is true evil" I honestly do not think any of this would have happened if not for CA. She I believe is truly the root of all evil that is the Anthony's.

Cindy will win at whatever it is and to hell with the consequences. She WILL win, and guess what, she did.

If and it's a big if, this was an accident, why did they hide and cover up, the answer is Cindy, she is that dominating, narcicisstic and evil that ICA would rather face what she faced than deal with CIndy. That is the answer right there for me. I have believed all along that Cindy was the true evil one.
GA & CA open to ICA moving home?

Excerpt of story on Radar online:

Lippman also said it was too early to know if the Anthonys would welcome their daughter back. (Until her arrest, Casey lived in her parents’ home in Orlando, Florida). After all, Caylee’s defense was built on the premise that George had sexually molested Casey as a child, causing her to disassociate from tragedy and that George had helped cover up the death of Caylee after she allegedly drowned in the family’s swimming pool.

After the verdict was read in court Tuesday, George and Cindy were the first ones out of the courthouse.
It won't be long before Cindy leaves George. Next Cindy and Casey will embark on the "Caylee Did Drown in the Pool and We Were Both in Denial But Now We are Grieving Together and that's the Truth So Help Us God" media tour.

Book it.
Casey will not want to share her money with her parents. The lawyers have her locked up and removed her from her parents touch for a long time. The laywers will be looking for deals for her and keep her comfortable until the money tree goes away. And then what? The same lawyers who tried to have her pinned mentally incompetent.
Tim Miller is on HLN right now, said he just got a call from one of CA's "distant relatives" who lives there in Houston, the woman (relative) stated that they would welcome ICA there with open arms..... Texas is stricter than Florida when dealing with crime, have to wonder how well that she would fare there if she returned to her supposed "ugly coping" that she's so infamous for?
Nay, I think the report I read said it was a *advertiser censored* movie. The link is in another thread here, it was reported by TMZ I think.

That is why I asked is he going to become a pimp? :eek:
:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh: SURPRISE SURPRISE ... NOT !!!

The Anthony's and ICA are ALL ON THE SAME PAGE ...

The "trial" was a SCRIPT ... WELL REHEARSED and WELL PUT TOGETHER ... and they ALL played their roles, including Lee and Mallory ...

Oh ... they will be in touch with the "MOTY" and I would NOT be surprised if they have already communicated through the 'UNETHICAL' defense team ...



ITA! I find myself becoming increasingly skeptical of anything the Anthonys say or do. I find myself wondering if this whole trial was orchestrated as far as the defense is concerned, with both GA and CA completely on board with the defense's strategy from the beginning.

I wonder if Casey not accepting visits from GA and CA, and never replying to the letters her parents sent, was also part of the strategy. The overall defense strategy being to point back to the family as the basis for reasonable doubt and to explain away Casey's behavior in the aftermath of Caylee's death.

I find myself wondering if there's been ongoing communication between Casey and her parents, and the whole courtroom drama between Casey and her parents a sham just to underscore the strategy? I think Casey pretended to rebuff her parents, and George pretended to be angry about Casey's accusations.

Yesterday I thought Casey would go running back to her parents once she was released. Now, I wonder if the Anthonys - all of them - will keep up a pretense of family discord until the intense public interest subsides.

I'm so disgusted with everything the Anthonys do and say! So many people have been victimized by this toxic family!
If it's true that Vivid Entertainment has already made her an offer thru Baez, I would think she'd meet with them immediately. Probably get a signing bonus and be set up on her own before she even gets out. I'm not familiar with Vivid and didn't want to search for them on my computer since they're in the *advertiser censored* business.

No going home for her ... on to the money, jmo

Guys, she's not going to do *advertiser censored*. She's religious now, remember? :banghead:
I can't imagine George and Casey living in the same house together. I also don't believe Casey has any intention of going home. I'm sure the defense is arranging someplace for her to stay at this very minute - and also negotiating her media deals. So long as she can make money for Baez, he's going to keep her under his wing.
I think GA was horrified by the verdict because he took it to mean that the jury believed he molested his daughter and disposed of his grandbaby, rather than trying to save her. He will have to live with that for the rest of his life.

I think CA has always been ambivalent. Listening to her 911 call, her frantic efforts to find Caylee after she found the car, her constant questioning of an angry daughter when casey was in jail, etc. But that has always been juxtaposed with how the world views her "perfect" family. If casey did this, then her family is not perfect. So, she lied and lied and lied.

But CA knows it is not justice and that the daughter she created but who she has been so exasperated and angry with throughout the years, killed her precious granddaughter.

She smirked when the verdict was read because it vindicated her perfect image, it justified the lie she tells herself about her perfect family. But she walked out quickly and likely feels shocked because she knows the truth. And now she will have to live with that fact for the rest of her life. She helped create a murderer through constantly catering to and protecting casey from herself. And then she allowed the person who murdered her granddaughter to escape justice, through her lies.

Life will never be good for any member of this family again.
Geraldo said this morning that she will be "whisked away" and that Baez and his wife will give her proper "guidance."

Myself, I think she won't be able to keep her mouth shut and will seek out the media. She will also "confide" in some new "close friends" who will rat her out.

Unfortunately for Casey, she actually believes she'll be hanging out with those attorneys from now on, that they are her new "family" and "friends."

She will shortly find out they move on to the next trial.

The Anthonys would be crazy to take her back, but that's redundant, isn't it?

Mostly MOO.

I wonder how long Baez's wife will continue to give her 'proper guidance' once she catches her in the act with her husband??? It's bound to happen, if it hasn't already. Of course KC will swear he molested her, just like her dad did, and 'proper guidance' will be turned into 'trying to control her'. What goes around comes around and I, quite frankly, can't wait for it to come around on them.
Yes ... I read it many years ago, and I believe there is a movie as well.

I will have to re-read !

Re: Witness for the prosecution. I just went to check my book with Agatha Christie plays (different from the short story). In the play Leonard, after being acquitted, is murdered by Romaine - the woman who lied on the stand for him.

Re: Casey. I still say we will see her again in court. I'm sure she will party the money away whatever good advice other people may give her. Then she will realise the media have moved on from her and she'll revert to her old ways.
This is what I anticipate.

Cindy will be very interested in getting Casey back with them. Cindy is most interested in the money that will be coming in now. Casey will be welcomed back. George may have to go, but even that is doubtful. Don't fool yourself, the family will get over what Casey did to them. They will all take cruises and eat crab puffs.
Considering ICA contributed ZERO financially towards any of Caylee's belongings...I say fat chance she'll ever see one item of Caylee's.

And as far as contact between ICA & her family...I hope every member of her family learned their lesson well when it comes to the depths of evilness that their own blood has and resist any desires of contact. At least out of respect for Caylee...:(

I agree, KC should not get anything of Caylee's, however, I don't think KC wants anything of Caylee's - just like she didn't want Caylee.

I don't know about GA & CA, but I think Lee has moved on. I hope he and his girlfriend move away and never look back.
The lawyers won't want her home with her family. They will get a piece of the pie if they keep representing her.

Mrs. Baez isn't going to have ICA living in her home. She has young children to protect and ICA is a single woman whose known to be promiscous. There are already rumors out there about ICA and her hubby. She will make sure there is appropriate distance now.
I completely agree with you. I think part of her motive for killing Caylee was that she knew she was stuck in that house with her mother controlling her life because of Caylee. She needed them to house, feed and clothe that child, she couldn't do it on her own. I don't think she has any use for them anymore either.

I agree that could have been part of her motive. She was not a teenager. She was a twenty-two year old women whose Mother treated her like a teenager. Her Mother enabled her because she was selfish and didn't want to let her go. I think that CA used Caylee as a way to keep control of ICA. To keep in her the home. I bet if she had it her way ICA would come live with her no matter where she lives. Although I think ICA killed Caylee, and I think she's whacked, I put a lot of the blame on CA. IMO
I worry about Baez's family. ICA is going to attach herself like a leech to Baez, and by extension, to his family. He doesn't understand yet what a dangerous creature slithered into his life. He will find out the hard way (which is fine with me; he deserves it), but someone should warn him about the danger he is exposing his family to by having ICA in his life.

Like most people, I don't believe Baez truly understands sociopathy (nor did the jury, obviously). If he did, he'd run like hell from ICA the first chance he gets. Money is not worth the misery she will bring to him and his family.

He wouldn't believe a word anyone told him about Casey. If anyone should watch what is happening it is Baez's wife. It is hard to tell what extreme Casey would go to in order to get what she wants and I believe it is her attorney she plans to be with.
This case reminds me of Karla Homolka's. So outrageous and she went on to have a son (after killing -helping kill- her sister & 2 other young girls). Makes me so sad.

Karla Homolka served 12 years of a manslaughter sentence. She was convicted in 1993 and released in 2005. Prosecutors made a deal with her to convict her husband Paul, and this deal is still called "A Deal With The Devil".

When serial child killer Clifford Olson was convicted, the government paid $120.000 into a trust fund for his infant son, in exchange for showing the police where to find the bodies of the children he murdered that were not yet recovered. The intent of the gov't was to return the remains to the surviving relatives so they could achieve some kind of closure and peace.
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