Post-Verdict: What's Next? Predictions?

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Karma. Possibly vigilante justice (that's the first thing my friend said when I told him). Possibly more criminal acts.

She'll get what's coming to her. I have no doubts about it.

I'm with you on this completely. I have always said and truly believe that what ever good or bad you do comes back to you 10 X over. I've seen it so many times. The A's will also be included in this, Karma.
While I am sure $$ will be sought out in all imaginable ways by the defendant and her family but there is only one thing I will be following.

Casey does not need her parents right now.The defense team fills any void she might have of not having family around.

CM and JB are very aware of how desperately KC needs psychological help.Probably more so than anyone else.I think they are very concerned about their mentally unstable high profile client stepping out in the real world again.Their concern is not only about her safety.

I do believe Casey told her defense team that Caylee drowned in the pool. There is no way they can know exactly what happened to Caylee. I think that little thing called reasonable doubt lives with the defense.That said,they fear,without psychological help,Casey will resume the life of the young woman that walked out of the Anthony home on the 16th with her child. The last thing they want is for Casey to go out and prove the prosecution was right. Imagine the backlash. All that said, I believe they have been very insistent that she get help. I'm sure Casey seems very open to that right now.As soon as she gets that new taste of freedom,she will start rejecting it. It will be very interesting to watch how this unfolds.


People around Crystal Mangum, the Duke Lacrosse false accuser, tried to make her over to the public and she wrote her book, and made public appearances looking like a school marm. But time reveals the truth...arson murder charges.

Like Crystal, Casey is a pathological liar with violent tendencies. Why else was Cheney (The Finger) Mason hauling her in for incompetency review a week before the verdict.

We KNOW they know. Her Enablers will have to "nanny" Casey for the rest of her life.
Media frenzy. Playboy. Continued public outrage. Religion... with a lot of "forgiveness/judge not..." nagging and nonsense. Plethora of lawsuits. Money all spent. Still a sociopath. Let's hope for the best, pray that she doesn't snap again and WORK for a few new sensible laws and adjustments to our legal system.
Casey does not need her parents right now.The defense team fills any void she might have of not having family around.

CM and JB are very aware of how desperately KC needs psychological help.Probably more so than anyone else.I think they are very concerned about their mentally unstable high profile client stepping out in the real world again.Their concern is not only about her safety.

I do believe Casey told her defense team that Caylee drowned in the pool. There is no way they can know exactly what happened to Caylee. I think that little thing called reasonable doubt lives with the defense.That said,they fear,without psychological help,Casey will resume the life of the young woman that walked out of the Anthony home on the 16th with her child. The last thing they want is for Casey to go out and prove the prosecution was right. Imagine the backlash. All that said, I believe they have been very insistent that she get help. I'm sure Casey seems very open to that right now.As soon as she gets that new taste of freedom,she will start rejecting it. It will be very interesting to watch how this unfolds.


These are excellent points, and I have to admit that I too am very curious to see how this all unfolds. I think it's crucial to realize that when we hear people (especially the DT) talk about getting "help" for Casey, they are being deliberately vague about what kind of "help" they think she needs....Is it "help" to overcome the trauma of childhood molestation? Is it "help" to process and grieve the loss of her daughter and family? Is it "help" to diagnose and deal with a very different kind of problem? I think that if asked to elaborate in an interview, the DT would indicate the first two, but deep inside they may very well be worrying about the third.

I wonder when/if it will ever be revealed what caused the DT to file the motion to have Casey's competency evaluated in the last weeks of the trial. Was that request just a part of an attempt to stall progress and further cloud the issues, or was it a request based on honest and legitimate concerns?
In the long term, and by the dictates and essentials of the "big picture,"
Casey, in "Man's World" may-well attempt MANY things...and MAY even
receive some money for her efforts.

Although the so-called, dismal, stupid "Justice System" of "Man's World"
has failed us all, and although it IS TRUE that one can get-away-with-murder,
the main thing to keep in mind is how this Universe, and this God-in-Universe
(inseparable), will respond-to, and handle this entire Casey Anthony matter...
especially Casey HERSELF.

There IS Justice, friends and kiddies. Forget little Caylee's ashes; they'll be fine.

I believe Casey will burn forever in the Lake of Eternal Fire.
MOO is that if ICA ever is allowed back home, and George is actually living there, the next headlines will be: ICA kills her father in Self Defense, while G.A. tries to Rape ICA, and L.A. tries to push up her sports bra to molest her. J.B. & C.M. head the defense. It's presented without evidence, that G.A. had gun, and was Raping ICA. So ICA, goes down the yellow brick road, and is able to get gun from big strong huge Daddy. L.A. is just standing by with mouth open unable to stop small little tiny helpless ICA. ICA does not shoot L.A., cause he only felt her up. It's Cindy fault for letting G.A. live in the house ICA lives in. It's the fault of the clerk at CVS in California, and the guy who flips burgers at McDonalds in R.I., and don't forget the toddler in Nevada, somehow that all adds up to the dysfunction of this family, so therefore folks, she is not guilty. Of course this will only take place if we get the same Jurors from her first trial that don't care about the evidence and, don't follow the law. Which of course is a jury of ICA's peers.
The backlash has begun :)

Talent Agency Decides Not To Represent Jose Baez

This gives me faith in humanity. I have decided to boycott and make my opinion known to those who try to make money from this but I am only one person. Apparently lots of others agree with me.

Also: Why would an attorney need a talent agency? Can't think of any other reason than to make money off this travesty of a trial.
As to what will happen once KC is released, I imagine the media will work to ramp up interest in her and the family (they come as a package, which I suspect will irk KC as she'd rather have the focus on her alone)

Maybe people have invested money in the Ants as far as book, doco, movies, etc. are concerned - although imo, a lot of the money-talk is hot air

Personally, I suspect this case has left a very bad taste in the mouths of most and they'd like for it to go away now, in light of the verdict. I mean, it makes you feel like submerging yourself in a scented bath or fresh waterfall for a week, doesn't it ?

So although investors and the pandering media might want public interest to remain strong, I suspect the majority of people out there are going to refuse to invest any more emotion in it

That might leave a lot of greedy investors out of pocket. Which in turn will deprive the Ants of fame and fortune, leaving them with no option other than to confront themselves and each other in a post-Caylee world
Possible wrongful death suit (civil) by Caylee's paternal grandparents. (Don't laugh, could yet happen).

ICA will not make a lot of money out of this for one reason -- she does not at present have a sales-worthy story. The story people want to hear would have to involve the actual events, and those are entirely unfavorable to her. She will only want to tell the "I"m a victim" story, and nothing in the testimony or evidence supports that little tale. Unless she changes course and tells a new and improved story featuring the details of her involvement, there's money for pretty much everybody but her. That's the irony of it in my mind.
IMO....the future...will hold not so good things for KC as well as GA/CA. And...not so much $$...thanks to Fla's "Sunshine Law". It, basically, takes the wind outta the sails of people trying to make a buck off of cases such as these. The whole WORLD had access to pretty much EVERY document....every little fact, test result, interview of key, or not so key, players. ACTUAL video's!!! What else do we/the public NEED as far as "unknown" information???
We will NEVER get the truth from KC. ANYTHING outta her mouth will be taken as a no "IF I Did It" type of books....maybe "How To Get Away With Murder"??? "How I Did It"???

I honestly don't think the DT realized just how "sensationalized" this case had become...BUT, in a BAD way. The DT, and the A's, media blitzes actually HURT their chances of any sense of honesty OR sympathy from the public in the wake of this trial....NOT just in Fla, but world wide....they went on NATIONAL TV....not just Fla stations....WFTV, etc. CA lied...outright LIED on the stand....IMO, this trial was followed on TV by sooo many people...maybe MORE, than OJ. People don't take too kindly to someone who is PROVEN a liar right on TV!!! AND, lying for someone who had something to do with the murder of her grand child. We SAW it!!! WE SAW HER LIE!!! CA threw Caylee out like trash all over, again, by lying for Caylee's killer!!!

The amusing thing is, I can almost CERTAINLY say, these same people - JB, CM, LKB - WILL use the same technology from Dr. V in the future. His research WILL become widely accepted...DNA was looked upon like this "way back when".

As one of the posts above states....they, the jurors, better get their $$ quick.
Again...speaking for myself...I could care less what the jurors have to say now....NOTHING they say will change MY opinion of the outcome.

So, KC can change her name, change her hair style, change her address....but, I will NEVER forget her face!! And, I KNOW theres probably more people than not who will feel the same.

Rant over!!
These are excellent points, and I have to admit that I too am very curious to see how this all unfolds. I think it's crucial to realize that when we hear people (especially the DT) talk about getting "help" for Casey, they are being deliberately vague about what kind of "help" they think she needs....Is it "help" to overcome the trauma of childhood molestation? Is it "help" to process and grieve the loss of her daughter and family? Is it "help" to diagnose and deal with a very different kind of problem? I think that if asked to elaborate in an interview, the DT would indicate the first two, but deep inside they may very well be worrying about the third.

I wonder when/if it will ever be revealed what caused the DT to file the motion to have Casey's competency evaluated in the last weeks of the trial. Was that request just a part of an attempt to stall progress and further cloud the issues, or was it a request based on honest and legitimate concerns? a professional in this field, I am unaware of any type of restrictions that require providing help for only ONE type of problem per person. It would be considered appropriate to deal with all of these aspects in a treatment program and in Casey's case VERY much needed and recommended to deal with all issues that would contribute to a better future. a professional in this field, I am unaware of any type of restrictions that require providing help for only ONE type of problem per person. It would be considered appropriate to deal with all of these aspects in a treatment program and in Casey's case VERY much needed and recommended to deal with all issues that would contribute to a better future.

I'm sure you'd agree, Doctor, that this would require the patient's active cooperation and consent. I doubt very seriously that she will ever concede that she has serious psychological issues requiring treatment. Nothing in her behavioral patterns over the past three years argues for any sense of self-awareness regarding the need for "help" of any kind beyond seeking release from incarceration.

You know, I hadn't thought about the fact that this jury may have been unusual because of the difficulty in finding people who hadn't heard a lot about the case. That would tend to eliminate most people who follow the news, people who are especially concerned about missing or abused children, people who are interested in details of legal cases or criminology, and people who are interested in psychopathology or criminal psychology.

I had a very visceral reaction to this jury from the get go. I couldn't see them or anything else except what Jean and the others were reporting. I didn't think an attorney's daughter, or another who says she can't judge should have been allowed on that jury. But somehow even the alternates were going the same way. I'll never understand such a travesty of justice. I don't think it will be the near future that I'll get over this horrible feeling. That is a total of 17 people and they now claim to be sick over it? I don't have any answers, lots of confusion, but hasn't there been over the edge distortion from the beginning? :waitasec:
I heard one of the TH's say that Sweet Caylee was alive for 1042 days! If ICA gets out on 7\13, she would have been in jail for 1043 days.......7/17........1047 days. I am hoping that she stays in until July 17.......her birthday is March 17! Plus the fact that she was first arrested on July 16! I am also hoping that her life on the outside is a "LIVING HE77!" MOO.......Rest In Peace....Caylee Marie...a true Angel of God!!
The future? According to what "the" Anthony's book may be about, GA and CA will soon be giving seminars on important steps to take and what aid to involve when a little child goes missing.

I cannot stop howling at the ridiculousness of the world. And it will probably become a bestseller and THE "to-go-to-manual" in searches for missing children. Nothing amazes me anymore. I am going to make a Bloody mary. Cheerio. :rocker:
This gives me faith in humanity. I have decided to boycott and make my opinion known to those who try to make money from this but I am only one person. Apparently lots of others agree with me.

Also: Why would an attorney need a talent agency? Can't think of any other reason than to make money off this travesty of a trial.

Give it time to settle down. Remember Jon Gosselin had an agent too. He wanted to be like Paris Hilton and get paid to go to parties. He and Kate both wanted to make $$$ off their ability to reproduce. I do not think Jon is doing all that well. Kate is also much less noticable.

Just because somebody gets an agent or a publicist doesn't mean anybody wants to talk to them.
I had a very visceral reaction to this jury from the get go. I couldn't see them or anything else except what Jean and the others were reporting. I didn't think an attorney's daughter, or another who says she can't judge should have been allowed on that jury. But somehow even the alternates were going the same way. I'll never understand such a travesty of justice. I don't think it will be the near future that I'll get over this horrible feeling. That is a total of 17 people and they now claim to be sick over it? I don't have any answers, lots of confusion, but hasn't there been over the edge distortion from the beginning? :waitasec:

I feel you this case..(IMO) 1 question...just 1 question..could have made a difference, but they didn't ask anything...
Maybe GA and CA could have a call-in radio show where they give parenting advice.
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