Post-Verdict: What's Next? Predictions?

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Mafia connctions that are not safe to play with.

I do not believe for a second that the Mafia is involved with child *advertiser censored*. They have limits as to how low they would go, and this is below them. They may be criminals but they have a certain sense of honor, the same kind of honor that results in jailhouse justice for child killers.

There are several possibilities, among them #1) there is no truth to Casey pimping out Caylee and she never did it, #2) she did it but there is no proof or not enough to indict her, or #3) she did it and LE is waiting to indict her, should they have proof of it. If the Feds were involved maybe there were waiting to see if she was convicted of murder 1. How would they handle something like that?
I do not believe for a second that the Mafia is involved with child *advertiser censored*. They have limits as to how low they would go, and this is below them. They may be criminals but they have a certain sense of honor, the same kind of honor that results in jailhouse justice for child killers.

There are several possibilities, among them #1) there is no truth to Casey pimping out Caylee and she never did it, #2) she did it but there is no proof or not enough to indict her, or #3) she did it and LE is waiting to indict her, should they have proof of it. If the Feds were involved maybe there were waiting to see if she was convicted of murder 1. How would they handle something like that?
OK so that is your opinion and you have a right to it.
But When I hear that MAFIA has morals I cringe.
Anxiously awaiting the Morgan depo. I predict Casey will resort to some sort of nude photo shoot with playboy. She loves being the center of attention. She will develop a drug and alcohol habit, hang with other sociopaths and eventually be found dead with duct tape as the murder weapon. On the bright side I saw some very fashionable colored duct tape in the store.

Lets hope Ole Hugh does nt want her either!
Casey and Jose looked mighty cozy yesterday in court i predict she may end up with him for awhile I don't know if he is married or not but me thinks his wife should beware after all they have had 3 yrs if foreplay .

I agree, the way he was looking at her was way too intimate. He has a stunning wife, but men can be so stupid.
"word on the street" is that some group called ms13 has a hit out on her? No idea if that's even credible..probably not

but something that IS verified is her depo with morgan and morgan. It will be video taped and shown online live at

MattMorganESQ Matt Morgan
#CaseyAnthony depo will air live on July 19, 2011. Mark your calendars.

via twitter
I don't care what they do at this point. I find them all disgusting. I will boycott anything they do to garner money from the murder of their grand-daughter at the hands of her mother.

my opinion only
"word on the street" is that some group called ms13 has a hit out on her? No idea if that's even credible..probably not

but something that IS verified is her depo with morgan and morgan. It will be video taped and shown online live at

MattMorganESQ Matt Morgan
#CaseyAnthony depo will air live on July 19, 2011. Mark your calendars.

via twitter

Sadly, I don't think that this will happen.

I'm going to boycott anything that will give her money. :) and her family too.
July 19th is the deposition date with Zenada (sp) and lawyer

MattMorganESQ Matt Morgan
#CaseyAnthony depo will air live on July 19, 2011. Mark your calendars. :D
My prediction:
She will perjure herself a hundred times over in the deposition with Morgan, and, get herself thrown behind bars again because of it.

So happy to have something to look forward to again!

Well that's a thought! Oh we can only hope!
Interesting that every story that comes out ends up with a rescinded offer or a denial. So far no one seems to want to touch her. Even JB is paying the price thus far.
Anxiously awaiting the Morgan depo. I predict Casey will resort to some sort of nude photo shoot with playboy. She loves being the center of attention. She will develop a drug and alcohol habit, hang with other sociopaths and eventually be found dead with duct tape as the murder weapon. On the bright side I saw some very fashionable colored duct tape in the store.

My nieces husband is a well known sports figure. He now works with at risk youth ; training and bettering themselves in sports and such. (sorry just can't mention). His rules for joining his program of course are no drugs, drink, alcohol. And must be respectful to adults : teachers, parents and the authority figures. If he finds out you've disobeyed one of these rules, you're out.

His theory is she will totally go overboard on the partying. He feels it's been so long since she has been in jail and not had anything to that nature that she will go wild and really mess up.

And she will mess up. He gives her about the same amount of time 18months to 2years.

He sees a lot of people come in that are battling drug and alcohol problems or their parents. He seems that once they've been in jail and upon release they try and some go right back.
I think it is also possible that Casey may affect MORE innocent people by being released... even without meeting them.

My parents were flying through Atlanta a few weeks ago.

The TSA Agent who was less than helpful... looked "so much like Casey Anthony it made me sick."

(My mother did not inform her of this fact. I was shocked. Very unlike her to have any tact.)

Just like in Kyron's case and other missing children's cases where there were "look alikes" stopped...

There will be Casey "look alikes" who will be harassed over the resemblance they have to Casey.

So for the record... that TSA Agent in Atlanta... though not particularly wonderful... is not Casey Anthony.
Even though that's not probable, I don't see how she will be able to get a job. Who will want to hire her? She won't be trusted around money or children. In the end, even though she was aquitted, she'll be living in her own personal outside jail. It will be hard (if not impossible) for her to make new friends or find any type of relationship.

Just shows you that every cloud has a silver lining!
Hmmm - will she apply for unemployment and actually get it?

She initially said she would go to Miami and sun herself on the beach. And, since she said that - that's how it's going to be. jmo
The Truth Shall Set Her Free. :liar:

She isn't eligible for unemployment because she hasn't worked in years. At least that is the way it works here in Texas.
Post-Verdict: What's Next? Predictions?

MOO: <modsnip>. And well deserved that would be :furious:

Question: who of anyone here at WS's would take this thing into their home?????
I was thinking about this very thing today myself.

Originally I couldn't bring myself to think about it. But now it's a crossing thought in my mind everyday. I have read various articles that describe her as a pariah. Some saying she's been vilified. Both online and off. It can't be an easy feeling to be the world's most hated person. I don't believe she's even thinking about that. As is obvious from her jh letters. I DO believe that there is some consolation in thinking that as a leopard never changes their spots? That neither will she. Because it's ALL about her right now.

I was driving home today from Cape Canaveral. Watched the last Shuttle Launch. *btw it was SPECTACULAR!!!!!!!!* And as I was driving along? God help me my mind started going adrift. And I found myself wondering who was in the next car. And the car that passed me. Big fancy cars. And here I drive a 10 year old car. I honestly started to feel resentful thinking of her being out amongst society. And possibly in the future in a much better car than mine on the freeway.

I knocked myself back into reality. It's always been about ICA. ALWAYS. She's been in jail for 3 years. I can just hear her whining now. And tossing her colored pencils. A book? Are you guys kidding? She won't write a book. Writing jail house letters are different. Writing a book means you have to actually take the time to sit and type it out or write it out. ICA write a book? I doubt that. I wouldn't touch it personally. But she is going to go out and catch up on missed time she wanted to party and be the center of attention. The odd part of this is? Everyone will recognize her everywhere she goes. What club will allow her in? You get my drift right? Heck even going to the grocery store will become a national event for the media. OR for the public. OR both.

She WILL mess up. She seriously believes she beat the system. And because she was aquitted? She has it set in her mind *hence her hair down in court* that everyone will give her whatever she wants now. She THINKS she has "the beautiful life". Not hardly. I can't imagine being her right now. A literal prison. The public and the media have put bars around her actually in retrospect.

She's going to be whisked away to some SECRET location picked out by JB. Given RULES for her safety. Of which she WILL not listen to. She's a grown adult remember? No way ICA is going to stay in hiding.

Because she doesn't operate upstairs the same way as the rest of us do. ;) She's going to mess up. Get caught. And not be able to get away with anything. Alcohol will be her self medication for depression. We all know how this story ends. I don't care personally where she goes? As long as she's not near me and mine. lol I couldn't imagine having to live a literal prison life because of how many lies again? Won't be such a beautiful life I guess. ha ha ha
sometimes I think she has no fear but OTOH I'm pretty sure that's a front. the relief on her face when the verdicts were read showed that she indeed is capable of fear. for herself. she will be absolutely blown away when she realizes the depth of hatred for her, when she realizes that the ratio of pleasant vs unpleasant encounters in her world is about 1:10

as someone w/ her level of immaturity, she can't see that the rules have changed in the last three years, the biggest change being that she won't be making the rules anymore. unlike Madonna, she does not rule the world

w/ all the offers coming her way, she thinks she is famous because of how her boys are representing those offers to her. they most likely will go so far but no farther even tho she is their cash cow. she may alienate them w/ her demands. even if she cuts all ties w/ them, they will still generate $$$ for themselves. can we all say Telemundo? she needs them more than they need her

she may front off that the hatred from the public is no biggie but in reality she will be devastated and furious, because who she is and how she operates has been exposed. w/ a few exceptions here and there, she will come to realize that the social interaction she craves and thrives on is forever out of her reach. she gets off on pulling her **** on people who have their act together (because she envies and resents them) and now she can only foist herself on losers like herself, because everyone knows who and what she is. her ability to ambush people has been taken from her, her grifter's license has been revoked. as much as she resists it, she will eventually discover a new concept: infamy

she made a career out of creating emotional and financial pressure on family/friends and kicked back and enjoyed it when they struggled to maintain their balance in the wake of her manipulations and misdeeds

she will become even more dangerous when the emotional and financial pressures on her become unbearable: being ostrasized, threatened, insulted and hated 9 times out of 10 in her daily encounters. some days it will be 10 times out of 10. very few people are going to run interference for her like Mama did and very few are going to back down like Daddy did. she will be used and abused quite frequently. those who are willing to provide a cocoon for her won't be around for very long because they'll want to reclaim their own lives eventually (when the sources of the $$$ dry up). if public outrage blocks most of those financial offers like I think it will, her widdle cocoon will be of extremely short duration

she'll have to deal w/ seriously official creditors who will run her to ground. it won't be as easy as changing cel phone providers and blowing off the past due balance. the deposition/proceedings w/ Morgan are looming. she has zero comprehension of how quickly/easily the windfalls she's anticipating can and will be taken from her. ha!

I just watched the weather report and saw that a hard rain's a gonna fall. I can hardly wait
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