Post-Verdict: What's Next? Predictions?

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You are right.

Also, who in their right (or wrong) mind would want Casey Anthony representing them in anything? I think Ann F. is smoking something.

I think she will eventually turn up in LA or somewhere in California. She will trade on her infamy as long as possible and after that - who knows. Probably a druggie and thief.

I think you are right.
Just because she sat at a table for 2 yrs. passing papers around the table doesn't mean she is Lawyer material. If the lawyers are telling her that they are insulting their own job status.
The para legals do much more than that.
I just posted on the Legal Questions thread a question about whether KC has to appear for civil suits against her or if she can be represented by her lawyers ... I wondered if her appearance is required if it could all be done via Skype from her "secret location" ... Let's hope the appellate court expedites processing her appeal on the lying charges so these law suits are not held up any longer ...

I'm sure you'll get a better answer from the legal Thread (let me know if it's the same as I might have a new career waiting for me!) but I've been involved in a few legal proceedings.

As far as I know Casey must appear in person to attend depositions. Her lawyers cannot stand in for her. Maybe in Small Claims Court or if she were put in the Witness Protection Program, but not for anything like these lawsuits. If by her own will she chooses to leave the county knowing that she must return, then she has an obligation to show up in person. They would issue a Bench Warrant for her arrest if she doesn't appear which would put her on the road to more legal troubles.

I heard on TV that JB filed an Intent To Appeal on the charges of Lying To LE, but not quite the appeal itself. He is stalling so that Casey can put off being deposed in all the lawsuits. If he does actually file, I heard that it goes before a judge and doesn't necessarily have to be drawn out over a long period of time- the judge can rule right away.

JB is probably hoping against hope that by some fluke the judge will grant an appeal. Who know. He's seems to be on a lucky streak (that will run out). But I doubt it.
I predict that she will have a really good time for about a year and 1/2 - because in 2012 the world is going to end :floorlaugh:
....oh wait....never mind

Have to laugh about this a little or we will all go mad.
It's a fiasco and disgrace. It was a learning experience. We got to see just how far defense attorney's will go to save their client and how much they can get away with in a court of law. Put all this together with the fact that FCA was declared indigent but had "high price" attorneys. I would venture to bet that the majority of the people in prison didn't have access to "high price" attorneys. It's a fiasco and disgrace.
I'm sure you'll get a better answer from the legal Thread (let me know if it's the same as I might have a new career waiting for me!) but I've been involved in a few legal proceedings.

As far as I know Casey must appear in person to attend depositions. Her lawyers cannot stand in for her. Maybe in Small Claims Court or if she were put in the Witness Protection Program, but not for anything like these lawsuits. If by her own will she chooses to leave the county knowing that she must return, then she has an obligation to show up in person. They would issue a Bench Warrant for her arrest if she doesn't appear which would put her on the road to more legal troubles.

I heard on TV that JB filed an Intent To Appeal on the charges of Lying To LE, but not quite the appeal itself. He is stalling so that Casey can put off being deposed in all the lawsuits. If he does actually file, I heard that it goes before a judge and doesn't necessarily have to be drawn out over a long period of time- the judge can rule right away.

JB is probably hoping against hope that by some fluke the judge will grant an appeal. Who know. He's seems to be on a lucky streak (that will run out). But I doubt it.

I think the legal thread (Az Lawyer) said the intent to file was filing...
Thought this was interesting:

Just minutes before a hearing to determine when she will stand trial for the murder of Caylee Anthony, her 2-year-old daughter, tot mom Casey Anthony reportedly told a member of her legal team that she’s “starting to like jail … and … don’t care if I’m convicted or not.”

She went on to say she’s “not guilty of a damn thing … life in prison will have to be better than life (as a free person on the outside) … everybody hates me … even my (friends) …”

If this is true, then Casey does have fears about life out on her own. I sure hope so!
My daughter and I have a fantasy we would like to share. ICA is released from jail and Yuri walks up and puts her under arrest, reads her the rights, slaps the cuffs on and marches her right back into the Orange County Jail. It could happen...right?
We all know that it's likely the appeal was to avoid the deposition..she is mentally and emotionally exhausted but how are they going to defend the interview she's going to give asap? She's a fast healer?...I will admit I have been guilty of watching a few train wrecks but this is one I refuse to watch. I guarantee it will be a new lie & all about ICA.
Besides after ABC flies her to wherever she's going and puts her up in a fancy hotel and supplies her with whatever she wants and does the interviews because I'm sure it will be a 3 part...the other outlets will pick it up and play it to death but whomever pays for it will NOT get my piece of their ratings! Baez will ride the wave as long as it lasts and then leave OR she will get tired of him or will figure out a way to use him to make more money. Either way ICA will turn on him. Don't be too surprised when a new member shows up here as well as NG blog and anyone else ICA wants to trash. She has 3 years of anger to release. I just bet one of the first things she wants after she gets out is a computer and she will start joining blogs and defending herself, trashing whomever went after her. Did anyone else see the hate in her eyes during closing arguments when a certain blonde prosecuter was speaking..LDB did a masterful job as well as JA. I really think ICA believes since she was found not guilty she has every right to walk down any street she chooses with her head held high but I'm sure she will get a dose of reality from someone. I really hope no one else is hurt by what this girl has done, there's been too many innocent people hurt and killed by this girls actions. Let her destroy her own life, she IS her own worst enemy..Please, no more violence.
Casey is lazy. She dropped out of high school and left her job. All she wants to do is party. Studying law is difficult and time consuming. The only thing she's actually good at is lying. IMO, Casey doesn't have what it takes to become much of anything, let alone a lawyer.

But ya gotta remember that Casey told people that she was in college and studying for TWO degrees. Law and forensics, maybe? :waitasec: Oh need a high school diploma to go to college.

Given Casey's history I don't even see her getting a college degree which is needed to take the LSAT and to apply to law school. As others mentioned she had the opportunity to get a GED while in jail but she didn't do it. She can get her GED at any time. But I really don't see her lasting in a college setting. She did lie to several people about attending community college and then she based some of her lies on some of the things her friends were doing. Two of her friends were going to school for event planning and public relations and Casey then started telling people she was an event planner.

When she started hanging around the Full Sail crew, she managed to impress the guys because she of her "event planning job". She also told the Full Sail crew that she had an associate's degree and was planning to go UCF to get a bachelor's. I think she probably didn't want guys to think lowly of an associate's degree so she made up the lie about going to UCF.

The People online article said being a paralegal is a possibility for Casey. I can see her flopping at being a paralegal.
I'm sure you'll get a better answer from the legal Thread (let me know if it's the same as I might have a new career waiting for me!) but I've been involved in a few legal proceedings.

As far as I know Casey must appear in person to attend depositions. Her lawyers cannot stand in for her. Maybe in Small Claims Court or if she were put in the Witness Protection Program, but not for anything like these lawsuits. If by her own will she chooses to leave the county knowing that she must return, then she has an obligation to show up in person. They would issue a Bench Warrant for her arrest if she doesn't appear which would put her on the road to more legal troubles.

I heard on TV that JB filed an Intent To Appeal on the charges of Lying To LE, but not quite the appeal itself. He is stalling so that Casey can put off being deposed in all the lawsuits. If he does actually file, I heard that it goes before a judge and doesn't necessarily have to be drawn out over a long period of time- the judge can rule right away.

JB is probably hoping against hope that by some fluke the judge will grant an appeal. Who know. He's seems to be on a lucky streak (that will run out). But I doubt it.

They filed their appeal yesterday according to the media
5th District Court of Appeal in Daytona Beach

Casey Anthony files appeal on misdemeanors

I thought I read which judge it was assigned to but can't find where ... anyone know the judge's name ?
Thought this was interesting:

Just minutes before a hearing to determine when she will stand trial for the murder of Caylee Anthony, her 2-year-old daughter, tot mom Casey Anthony reportedly told a member of her legal team that she’s “starting to like jail … and … don’t care if I’m convicted or not.”

She went on to say she’s “not guilty of a damn thing … life in prison will have to be better than life (as a free person on the outside) … everybody hates me … even my (friends) …”

If this is true, then Casey does have fears about life out on her own. I sure hope so!

I tend to agree that KC is gonna need a group of new friends/acquaintances ... she's nothing without them to feed on ... IMO she's an empty shell who lives through others and adapts pieces of them to form her own identity ... the rest, of course, she makes up, embellishes to suit her ... JMO
I predict tonight the plane she is flying on goes missing and she will be gone Amelia Earhart style, but she will really be living in Tucson under an assumed name.
The People online article said being a paralegal is a possibility for Casey. I can see her flopping at being a paralegal.

Anything is a possibility, but few things are a probability. There's no way she will become a paralegal. I began to take classes for that and it is not the stroll in the park she may think it is. Casey is too lazy to succeed at anything that takes effort.
my daughter and i have a fantasy we would like to share. Ica is released from jail and yuri walks up and puts her under arrest, reads her the rights, slaps the cuffs on and marches her right back into the orange county jail. It could happen...right?
We all know that it's likely the appeal was to avoid the deposition..she is mentally and emotionally exhausted but how are they going to defend the interview she's going to give asap? She's a fast healer?...i will admit i have been guilty of watching a few train wrecks but this is one i refuse to watch. I guarantee it will be a new lie & all about ica.
Besides after abc flies her to wherever she's going and puts her up in a fancy hotel and supplies her with whatever she wants and does the interviews because i'm sure it will be a 3 part...the other outlets will pick it up and play it to death but whomever pays for it will not get my piece of their ratings! Baez will ride the wave as long as it lasts and then leave or she will get tired of him or will figure out a way to use him to make more money. Either way ica will turn on him. Don't be too surprised when a new member shows up here as well as ng blog and anyone else ica wants to trash. She has 3 years of anger to release. I just bet one of the first things she wants after she gets out is a computer and she will start joining blogs and defending herself, trashing whomever went after her. Did anyone else see the hate in her eyes during closing arguments when a certain blonde prosecuter was speaking..ldb did a masterful job as well as ja. I really think ica believes since she was found not guilty she has every right to walk down any street she chooses with her head held high but i'm sure she will get a dose of reality from someone. I really hope no one else is hurt by what this girl has done, there's been too many innocent people hurt and killed by this girls actions. Let her destroy her own life, she is her own worst enemy..please, no more violence.

You got it in one!

Thank you!
Actually, you don't.

Let Casey destroy herself....... I don't want to read online that someone took matters into their own hands. Casey's Pathetic Life is not worth risking Prison Time or Death.
Casey will make money off her first interview, but it won't be about Caylee, but all about her. She will never admit to knowing when, exactly how, or where Caylee really died, only that she believes George had her in his arms. She will continue to try and destroy her parents. Casey may attempt to become a spokesperson as a sexual abuse survivor, using the few experts who say that she fits the profile of an abuse victim. Some people are stupid enough to buy it, and use her name from now on as an example. If she succeeds in destroying George and breaking up the marriage, then she will be back with Cindy to share or take any proceeds that Cindy gets from a book. I'm thinking that Casey will go nuts trying to repair her image and won't be able to tolerate being seen as a baby killer instead of the victim, and will go to great lengths trying to become that person.
I'm sitting here watching HLN News coverage of Casey's release from jail. I am amazed at the excitement, the protesters, the helicopters that were scurrying around in the air trying to figure out where she went. I'm thinking, what does it matter.....really....where she went. She spent 3 years in jail, in a solitary unit with three meals a day, a bed, no bills to pay and safe from harm. She's out now in a world that knows her face, her name and what she went to trial for. She isn't safe wherever she goes against ridicule and potential harm. She has to find ways to make money to try to support herself and since she has no real work experience she will be listening to those who will use her to make the first buck for themselves and the heck with everything to do with her afterwords. Of what she does get, will have to go to the onslaught of people and organizations suing her. As unpopular as she is, boycotts and negative press, that won't be as easy a task as her "agents" may think. So, in short, her real penance is just now beginning and personally, I take some solace in that. That's what I predict is next for "Ms. Anthony".
Yeah but she now has the ability to be richer than she ever dreamed of 3.5 years ago, and a celebrity. She feeds on attention (according to those that know her) and she has more of it now than she would know what to do with. She is a master at blocking from her reality (or eliminating from it) that which does not make her happy, so she will do the same with the negative things facing her. She indeed may have her bella vita now, and that thought drives me up a wall.
Has it been reported if Baez returned home to his wife yet??
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