Post Verdict -Working Out The Unresolved Questions

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This is no big deal but I was looking at a receipt from a couple of days ago and it doesn't have my name on it. It has the last 4 digit of my cc # but not my name. As a matter of fact my name isn't on any of the receipts I have only the last four digits of my cc # wonder if that's a state thing or a store thing? One receipt is from the post office and the other is from home depot.

Nice catch LM, I don't recall seeing our names on receipts when we use a c.c either, maybe it is a state thing, last 4 digits of card is all I ever recall seeing. A couple grocery stores here print your name on the recipt when you use their 'saver card' and the cashier will thank you by name, I dislike both, have to shred the receipt and feel like an ijit when someone I don't know uses my name in a check out lane.
Nice catch LM, I don't recall seeing our names on receipts when we use a c.c either, maybe it is a state thing, last 4 digits of card is all I ever recall seeing. A couple grocery stores here print your name on the recipt when you use their 'saver card' and the cashier will thank you by name, I dislike both, have to shred the receipt and feel like an ijit when someone I don't know uses my name in a check out lane.

Now I did notice that they have the cashiers name on the receipts which is fine with me, but I'm like you I don't think it's a good idea to have your name on your receipts. I think another thing they need to stop doing is putting our SS# all over the place. When I was working as a paralegal in Fl, I could go into the property tax site and get everyone's name ss#, phone, and of course address. This made it easy for the identity theft people. I think they stopped that or let me say I hope they stopped that. The other day I applied for a cc and refused to give my full SS# , I told them I would give them the last four digits and that's it. They refused to process my application. I told them they were irresponsible and I wouldn't want a credit card from them anyway.
Have you seen this thread (or if so, tried this program on our pics)? You've said earlier that you've used every program you could access to clarify the pics, just wondering if this was one of them.

[ame=""]Unblurring Images Using Free SmartDeblur App - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

I'm considering trying it but thought I'd ask if you or anyone else has used it and if it does clarify motion to where you can really see more. If you do try it, go down the thread to post 6 and use that download, I don't know if Cnet is still including adware in their downloads but I know (apart from what's mentioned in that thread) that they did start including unwanteds and don't know if they've stopped that terrible practice, but even with the download in post 6 I'd still scan with AV before letting it in, always better safe than sorry.
Now I did notice that they have the cashiers name on the receipts which is fine with me, but I'm like you I don't think it's a good idea to have your name on your receipts. I think another thing they need to stop doing is putting our SS# all over the place. When I was working as a paralegal in Fl, I could go into the property tax site and get everyone's name ss#, phone, and of course address. This made it easy for the identity theft people. I think they stopped that or let me say I hope they stopped that. The other day I applied for a cc and refused to give my full SS# , I told them I would give them the last four digits and that's it. They refused to process my application. I told them they were irresponsible and I wouldn't want a credit card from them anyway.

I had the same problem with getting insurance quotes, they won't give you one unless you give a stranger over the phone your entire ss number, that is just plain dangerous. And this latest practice with junk mail of putting your name all over every freakin' page so you have to shred every bit of it (instead of just the name/address portion) really ticks me off. I have so much shredded paper these days I started making pulp out of it with water and Elmers glue, you can make some cool papier mache things with the pulp. lol But with the ID theft problem the junk mailers are only helping the crooks, steams me to no end.

Sorry for the OT but some things just gotta be said. :blushing:

I'm really curious about the program I linked in the post above and will be anxiously awaiting hearing from anyone who has tried it. :)

To me, it looks like the ottoman then the chair arm then the nightstand then just bed sheets with staged ky then CMJA. That's all I see in the pic.

Congrats on trying to stop smoking. Hope you can stay with it. You'll hear all kinds of myths like if you stop now it will kill you anyway. Those are the losers trying to make excuses. Non of it is true. Everyday you go without a cigarette is your body healing from all the poison. Don't feel bad if you slip up. It's just your body trying to beat an awful habit, almost as bad as heroin. I say almost. Imagine waking up no coughing. being able to breath, feeling healthy. Don't worry if you gain a little weight. If comes off just as fast as you put on. You will feel so good, you won't even realize how great you look. GO DANA GO. I'M SO PROUD OF YOU. DON'T GIVE UP.
Thanks for the support legalmania! I already feel so much better - it's been a little over 3 months!

I have to agree with the receipts, I'm in Missouri and they don't print your name on them here either, just the last 4 CC digits. I remember when the state used to put SS#'s on drivers licenses :eek:
One thing that still puzzles me about this case is how quickly she immobilized Travis. I realize that the first stab wound would have immediately had effect but still Travis was a pretty strong and stout person. She obviously set about a constant barrage on him before he could muster much of a struggle. I think the defensive wounds alone show that he was indeed being defensive rather than trying to gain advantage. This had to have been a lightening quick non stop attack if he had no chance at subduing her. I can imagine the sights and sounds of her fury and it really freaks me out. And the fact that she received only minor injuries during all of this still seems strange to me. It's the old fly on the wall thinking, to actually see this occurring in real time would be surreal for sure. I hope the next jury gets it right.
This is no big deal but I was looking at a receipt from a couple of days ago and it doesn't have my name on it. It has the last 4 digit of my cc # but not my name. As a matter of fact my name isn't on any of the receipts I have only the last four digits of my cc # wonder if that's a state thing or a store thing? One receipt is from the post office and the other is from home depot.

Yes, nice catch legalmania!!

Now you made me go look at my cc receipts - and they only show the last 4 # of my account and NO name!!
Im one of the few believers that the shooting happened first regardless of what the state said.I believe they did what they had to do using the evidence they had to make sure she was going to be able to be a canidate for the Death penalty.. or to make their version of the story make sense..IMO..
You can't argue remorse when you have stabbed someone 29 time and then cut their throat. The mere fact that this was someone she supposedly loved the first wound should have reduced her to tears. To go on and continually stab him when he has very little defensive wounds and she had no visible injuries other than scrapes and a cut hand (from the knife) that speaks volumes that JA is not capable to remorse. She clearly can not be rehabilitated, just look at her tweets. It's as if she is still high on the fact that she killed him. It is almost as if the State can go into the courtroom, show the pictures of the crime scene, say this is what she did that night and here is what she has done remorse, none, nada. If you let her go she'll be coming to a neighbor near you. Your worst nightmare.
I feel the same way you do about Travis and everything that surrounds this case.My heart bleeds for him and his family. And the way my mind works I MUST know how,why,where it happened. My family & friends call it obsessive and I say to that- So Freaking What?? LOL.. I have an intense hatred/fascination with Narc/Sociopaths & how their minds work. I also have a personal quest with it, I was raised by one. Im also obsessed with the JonBenet case as I was put on stage/pageants before I could talk and my life parallels hers almost to a tee.It kills me that she hasnt had justice yet and I was worried the same would happen here with Travis. But I have Faith this time, We will get it right!!!!! In the mean time, I must figure out, for myself what & how it happened..LOL..
I feel the same way you do about Travis and everything that surrounds this case.My heart bleeds for him and his family. And the way my mind works I MUST know how,why,where it happened. My family & friends call it obsessive and I say to that- So Freaking What?? LOL.. I have an intense hatred/fascination with Narc/Sociopaths & how their minds work. I also have a personal quest with it, I was raised by one. Im also obsessed with the JonBenet case as I was put on stage/pageants before I could talk and my life parallels hers almost to a tee.It kills me that she hasnt had justice yet and I was worried the same would happen here with Travis. But I have Faith this time, We will get it right!!!!! In the mean time, I must figure out, for myself what & how it happened..LOL..

LOL My hub just stares at the floor whenever he accidentally asks what I've been doing or if that's a trial on my computer's speakers, he really hates hearing about this case. I don't even call it by anyone's name anymore, just 'the neverending trial' and he grits his teeth and probably wants to kick his own shin. lol

It does seem like the truth about JonBenet may never come out, that really gets to me but it must strike so close to home for you, Nola. I about fell over when I saw commercials for that show (on TLC?) about little pagent girls, did they learn nothing from JonBenet? Just makes ya wanna cry that parents are still doing that to their little girls. :(
Too bad my nick isn't Tavi, then the three people reading this thread now would be Ricki, Tiki, Tavi.

Sorry, I could not resist when I noticed that. ;)
Too bad my nick isn't Tavi, then the three people reading this thread now would be Ricki, Tiki, Tavi.

Sorry, I could not resist when I noticed that. ;)

Hmm, would Arias be the snake.

I noticed today, that she is tweeting again. I thought that she had stopped for good. I guess I thought wrong.
I had the same problem with getting insurance quotes, they won't give you one unless you give a stranger over the phone your entire ss number, that is just plain dangerous. And this latest practice with junk mail of putting your name all over every freakin' page so you have to shred every bit of it (instead of just the name/address portion) really ticks me off. I have so much shredded paper these days I started making pulp out of it with water and Elmers glue, you can make some cool papier mache things with the pulp. lol But with the ID theft problem the junk mailers are only helping the crooks, steams me to no end.

Sorry for the OT but some things just gotta be said. :blushing:

I'm really curious about the program I linked in the post above and will be anxiously awaiting hearing from anyone who has tried it. :)

OT - Regarding junk - we've done this more times than I can count...Just rip the part(s) out with your name and addy, and stuff the junk mail (or ANOTHER junk mailer) into their SASE/no postage necessary envelopes...and MAIL it, lol...They pay to get their own crap back, or someone else's crap...
Hmm, would Arias be the snake.
I noticed today, that she is tweeting again. I thought that she had stopped for good. I guess I thought wrong.


Ding, ding, ding. :floorlaugh:
Have you seen this thread (or if so, tried this program on our pics)? You've said earlier that you've used every program you could access to clarify the pics, just wondering if this was one of them.

Unblurring Images Using Free SmartDeblur App - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

I'm considering trying it but thought I'd ask if you or anyone else has used it and if it does clarify motion to where you can really see more. If you do try it, go down the thread to post 6 and use that download, I don't know if Cnet is still including adware in their downloads but I know (apart from what's mentioned in that thread) that they did start including unwanteds and don't know if they've stopped that terrible practice, but even with the download in post 6 I'd still scan with AV before letting it in, always better safe than sorry.

thx, I'll take a look at it.

Here's a program I've been using & it has umpteen options...still doesn't help much with the photos in this case though.
So I went to look at the docket and it says that there is a SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE On 10/24...

Is this new? Or did I just miss it?
So I went to look at the docket and it says that there is a SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE On 10/24...

Is this new? Or did I just miss it?

From what I can gather, it seems to have popped up yesterday (9/24). There is no minute entry yet recording the scheduling of this conference, so it could be an error.

I've also learned that it is totally routine to schedule such a conference before heading to trial. In other words, a settlement conference does not necessarily mean that a plea agreement is in the works.
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