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In this documentary at around 7:30 it talks a bit about a guy who interduced MB into stripping and more. It is a bit intresting that MW and MB can both be linked to being lured into striping by a man at a club. But then it goes on to say he was ruled out as a suspect so IDK but this documentary has lots of info and it's nice to hear it coming from the familys.

That's the one! Thanks a bunch. It reconfirms for me that MB fell precisely into the scenario that AstroKitty describes. I can only hope that LE has ruled out the "strip club guy" as being the same guy who kept calling the sister. MB was sharing what she was really up to with her sister. The parents found out from the sister only after MB went missing. My thinking has been that the killer/caller knew that MB shared everything with her sister, and so his calls to her where also to find out exactly how much she knew. Just a theory.

Well it's one of many good theorys...and it makes a lot of sense. :) It's one theory I've actually never thought of but now you got me thinking.
In this documentary at around 7:30 it talks a bit about a guy who interduced MB into stripping and more. It is a bit intresting that MW and MB can both be linked to being lured into striping by a man at a club. But then it goes on to say he was ruled out as a suspect so IDK but this documentary has lots of info and it's nice to hear it coming from the familys.

That's the one! Thanks a bunch. It reconfirms for me that MB fell precisely into the scenario that AstroKitty describes. I can only hope that LE has ruled out the "strip club guy" as being the same guy who kept calling the sister. MB was sharing what she was really up to with her sister. The parents found out from the sister only after MB went missing. My thinking has been that the killer/caller knew that MB shared everything with her sister, and so his calls to her where also to find out exactly how much she knew. Just a theory.

Okay so I've been thinking about whether or not this guy called MB little sister to see if she new more info then he wanted to. And I came to the conclusion that he probably didn't. I say that because at the end of the phones calls he had told MB little sister that he had killed MB. It's just IMO that he wouldn't of said that if he was just fishing for info.
Okay so I've been thinking about whether or not this guy called MB little sister to see if she new more info then he wanted to. And I came to the conclusion that he probably didn't. I say that because at the end of the phones calls he had told MB little sister that he had killed MB. It's just IMO that he wouldn't of said that if he was just fishing for info.

Agreed. He's a psychopath. There is no rhyme or reason to his thought process/actions. He just wanted to get off on taking credit for murdering MB.

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I know you were. Actually, you were being funny. I was trying to acknowledge that. Funny thing, a poster upthread admitted to "nodding and smiling". I suppose that's a better thing than "slobbering and nodding".
As for the rest of the terms of the trade, I am thankfully way behind. I vaguely recall terms such as "horse", "works", "dope", "pot", "I dig a Pony". But I have the feeling that you could bring me up to "speed" real quick.
But seriously, you bring a much needed and much appreciated fresh perspective to this case. The tricky thing about following it is trying to keep the separate elements "compartmentalized". Once you jump on the carousel of simultaneously trying to work on the G4, Manorville, AC, and SG, all at the same time, you will get a headache. We have all been there. In my humble opinion, and if I may be so bold, you could best help us out by concentrating on the G4.

I was the nodder and smiler but NOT in an opiate kinda way! LMAO!

I agree, I'm really thankful to AstroKitty for her useful insights into the streets and it's lifestyle and terms.

And yes, trying to work on the whole lot is a no, no unless you want a headache! lol! Found that out months ago! Its bad enough just trying to work on all the girls simutaneously, especially when there are so many initials alike! I am sticking with my GB4 for now and working one girl at a time :)
Hmmm. Yeah, ok. Seems we are talking about a truely stealthy, lurking in the shadows, snake in the grass, kind o' guy. A real predator. I do believe he is the guy who repeatedly phoned MB's sister.
While I am on the subject, I want to get something out there. I hesitate to mention it because I have never been able to find it again, and have no link. There was an early TV documentary on the LISK. From memory, so forgive me, someone spoke about MB working at a strip club and that she was approached by a guy who knew of better "business opportunities" for her. Later in the show it spoke about the calls to MB's sister. It struck me as a lightbulb moment, and my mind told me that obviously the guy who was phoning the sister was the guy from the strip club. And my mind further made the leap that he was really calling the sister to find out what she knew. That is, what information had MB told her sister about "the guy in the strip club". He was out to make sure his tracks were covered. Call me crazy.

IIRC I think you are talking about the programme called 'Americas Serial Killer'
Doh... Sorry bad. I'm catching up on this threads last 24hrs and just noticed someone posted the link to Americas Serial Killer. I still don't think SG is linked to G4 but everytime I see MP's ermming amd aahing to what SG said to him that night (ermmm... what diud she say... ermmm... oh... errr ... You guys are trying to kill me) I just shake my head in disbelief! This was your friend and business partner and you struggle to remember a statement like THAT?!!! Shady character. Did he kill her though?!! I just don't have the answer to that one
I haven't read all the questions, but I will when i get back from some errands and can concentrate.

I really think with the consistency of money (1K +), the secrecy and the cell phone issue - this person probably lies about who they are (obviously) to the extent that people do believe him to be famous/important. Personally I would never ever go without my cell and many other measures, no matter what the amount is and their sob story reasoning. But new girls and naive girls would. Those who've never had a bad run in among other things would be too trusting. never under estimate the power of the almighty dollar bill. or the power of being starstruck - thinking that you hit the mother load (the elusive whale and white knight of clients). Most of these women come into the "game" to get rich quick, not to make a career out of it. THey are searching for a meal ticket, a way out and if they can't afford it by earning it - they'll land a John that will marry them. I call it the Pretty Woman Syndrome.

That's what I was trying to say the other night about the girls being naive Astrokitty

One was hung from her ceiling fan and the other was beat with a hammer, she was half way out of her window attempting to escape (apparently she threw a chair through it). Around the same time there was a serial killer in the city who was picking women up (street walkers) and dumping them by the railroad tracks near a club I worked at. I have no idea if he was ever caught, it was VERY SCARY

How awful. Just horrible. How terrified these two poor girls must have been in their last moments. Were these cases ever covered in the media?
Doh... Sorry bad. I'm catching up on this threads last 24hrs and just noticed someone posted the link to Americas Serial Killer. I still don't think SG is linked to G4 but everytime I see MP's ermming amd aahing to what SG said to him that night (ermmm... what diud she say... ermmm... oh... errr ... You guys are trying to kill me) I just shake my head in disbelief! This was your friend and business partner and you struggle to remember a statement like THAT?!!! Shady character. Did he kill her though?!! I just don't have the answer to that one

Speaking of Shannon Gilbert...not gonna lie her whole story just drives me nuts for a number of reasons.
I read a story once about a couple who were found naked in field after calling 911 saying that black men where chasing them and trying to kill them. When the police had found them it turned out they had done meth and what they had thought were black men were actually black And I am not making that up.
So it makes me wonder if SG could have at some point done meth or some drug. Some drugs will over heat people and they will take off their clothes. So I do find that to be a huge possibility.
On the other hand MP is just a little to sketchy for me. Something isn't right with the way he is talking and trying to come up with words all most as if he is careful not to say something wrong that may have been on the 911 call or something.
Then we got the pure and simple fact that SG was an escort off of craigslist just like the other four women. Same body built as the other women and age. And I also have a hard time over looking that. Yet if she was in fact ever set up by the LISK there is a problem with the fact that she had a driver and lets face it the LISK isn't stupid enough to try and kill a woman who's driver is in the drive way.
So of course I can't help but to wonder if she had maybe in the mist of running for her life in a drug induced paranoid state of mind bumped into the lovely LISK. But lets be real......what are the odds of that really happening? Unless if the LISK is in fact the doctor but I don't think he so that leads me back to thinking she was on drugs and did maybe die from an accident.
Or that MP had killed her...but then why would he kill her?
So I just focus on GB4 because thinking of SG just gets me I think her story will always drive me nuts and we may never really know what did happen to her that night.
Sorry for rambling on...just like I said SG gets me going and I have a million thoughts about her.
Agreed. I remember when I first started to read all this it was crazy. I just started with one girl at a time then went on to read a little here and there then started posting. And it's still confusing!!!!
One thing I have learned is to bookmark anything you post or find because you will want it later when someone asks for a link or to help you remember.

I agree... it's just mindblowing. For my research I tend to work with Microsoft OneNote ... It's made things so much easier for me. JMO.

I also tend to go for documentaries and interviews when it comes to he said she said stuff. If I can SEE a mother/sister etc. saying stuff then that's that for me. Written stuff ... well you only have the writers say so... and I'm a writer! lol! But you know what I mean. There are so many bad writers/researchers out there. It only takes one person to quote a wrong date/time and then another researcher quotes that wrong date/time and suddenly..... bang! It all goes pear shaped! lol!
Speaking of Shannon Gilbert...not gonna lie her whole story just drives me nuts for a number of reasons.
I read a story once about a couple who were found naked in field after calling 911 saying that black men where chasing them and trying to kill them. When the police had found them it turned out they had done meth and what they had thought were black men were actually black And I am not making that up.
So it makes me wonder if SG could have at some point done meth or some drug. Some drugs will over heat people and they will take off their clothes. So I do find that to be a huge possibility.
On the other hand MP is just a little to sketchy for me. Something isn't right with the way he is talking and trying to come up with words all most as if he is careful not to say something wrong that may have been on the 911 call or something.
Then we got the pure and simple fact that SG was an escort off of craigslist just like the other four women. Same body built as the other women and age. And I also have a hard time over looking that. Yet if she was in fact ever set up by the LISK there is a problem with the fact that she had a driver and lets face it the LISK isn't stupid enough to try and kill a woman who's driver is in the drive way.
So of course I can't help but to wonder if she had maybe in the mist of running for her life in a drug induced paranoid state of mind bumped into the lovely LISK. But lets be real......what are the odds of that really happening? Unless if the LISK is in fact the doctor but I don't think he so that leads me back to thinking she was on drugs and did maybe die from an accident.
Or that MP had killed her...but then why would he kill her?
So I just focus on GB4 because thinking of SG just gets me I think her story will always drive me nuts and we may never really know what did happen to her that night.
Sorry for rambling on...just like I said SG gets me going and I have a million thoughts about her.

Like I always say, I think Shannon uncovered the LISK but I think that's maybe where it ends.JMO but in this crazy crazy case who knows? If MP did kill Shannon, I can only think it wasn't premeditated and it was an argument over moneythat got out of hand. Didn't he say in that interview that he thought she was just acting crazy to avoid splitting the share? Also sometimes people say things they don't ACTUALLY mean? How many kids have said "If I'm home late my mum is going to kill me"?! Obviously Mum isn't REALLY going to do that! lol! And we do have Shannons sister saying she called her 'Diva' and saying she was a bit of a drama queen. But, I don't think after SG had stood in MB's saying "You guys are trying to kill me" that he would have gone out and actually done it. If a girl stood in my house saying that and then wound up dead the first thing I'd be reporting to LE would be "Actually the girl was accusing her driver of trying to off her!" But yes, MP still seems dodgy to me too no matter what he may or may not have done!

Anyhow, as much as I feel for SG, I'm still going to stick with concentrating on the GB4. They are the ones that we can more or less link together i.e. Burlap sacks and same dump site.
Im going to do as promised and read up about the 4 that everyone has suggested.
Regarding drugs (Shannon) and running/ getting nude. People that smoke crack do a LOT of weird stuff, so it's not just methheads. That entire story does not add up to me though. Is it possible that she isn't connected to the other crimes? again, I haven't read much on it - I will though - I swear!
Ok so I remember hearing back a few months ago talks about how MB mother said something along the lines in a new interview about how they had found MB body but where then searching for the rest? And when someone went to go find that news interview it was snipped out. Anyone remember more about that?
I just took it as that animals had gotten to the body and didn't think to much of it after that. But now here today I had just found this video with MW aunt being interviewed. She said something about her niece being gutted and dismembered meaning that MW had been? Am I hearing this right? And does anyone know if this was MW they were talking about a while back? I am pretty sure it was MB and now this kinda is making me wonder a little bit more about how they were really found.
And it would make more sense about them being found in a burlap sack.

It talks about this at 1:40 in the video.
[ame=""]Justice with Judge Jeanine Speaks with Aunt of Megan Waterman - YouTube[/ame]
Im going to do as promised and read up about the 4 that everyone has suggested.
Regarding drugs (Shannon) and running/ getting nude. People that smoke crack do a LOT of weird stuff, so it's not just methheads. That entire story does not add up to me though. Is it possible that she isn't connected to the other crimes? again, I haven't read much on it - I will though - I swear!

It is entirely possible, even most likely, that SG is not connected to the GB4. Haven't we all stumbled upon something while looking for something else? I believe that is what happened. The way I look at it is this: if ever someone gets to the bottom of the GB4 case, the question of whether or not SG is connected will be answered. IMHO
Im going to do as promised and read up about the 4 that everyone has suggested.
Regarding drugs (Shannon) and running/ getting nude. People that smoke crack do a LOT of weird stuff, so it's not just methheads. That entire story does not add up to me though. Is it possible that she isn't connected to the other crimes? again, I haven't read much on it - I will though - I swear!

Yes it is very possible that she isn't connected to the other crimes other then her disappearance lead to the discovery of the other women.
The drug idea don't sit well with me as well...that is why her story will always bother me.
I've actually been around a lot of drugs in my life and grew up in a not so good way. Spent lots of time in crack houses and tho I never did do hard drugs because I seen first hand what they can do to destroy a life. I've never once seen a woman do crack jump up and start screaming that people were going to kill her. Same goes for meth...the more I've seen is it slowly making people paranoid. So I don't know what to think of the whole idea unless if it was bad batch of meth or crank witch ever...maybe some pills that she norm wouldn't of taken.
She said something about her niece being gutted and dismembered meaning that MW had been? Am I hearing this right?

I'm not sure how they could tell she had been "gutted" after more than likely being dead in that environment for 6 months. Unless there were marks on the ribs that indicated some type of cutting or sawing? But I personally have never heard such a theory. If you look around the net you can find a photo of one of the bodies being exhumed from the dump site near Gilgo. It was just bones. That set of remains probably belonged to MBB since she went missing in 2007. But it's tough to be certain.

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She said something about her niece being gutted and dismembered meaning that MW had been? Am I hearing this right?

I'm not sure how they could tell she had been "gutted" after more than likely being dead in that environment for 6 months. Unless there were marks on the ribs that indicated some type of cutting or sawing? But I personally have never heard such a theory. If you look around the net you can find a photo of one of the bodies being exhumed from the dump site near Gilgo. It was just bones. That set of remains probably belonged to MBB since she went missing in 2007. But it's tough to tell.

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