Powell family statements addressing the murder/suicide*merged*

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She may believe he is innocent of that and this horrific end was solely due to the public harassment in her eyes of an innocent man.

Remember, he is her brother. If anyone is going to believe in his innocence of Susan's murder it would be her.

Not excusing it just saying from her pov, she just lost her brother and her nephews due to a horrific choice he made. She needs to explain it to herself and blaming her family is probably to much for her to do right now.

Have you noticed that A. is the sibling that seems to talk to the media the most? It certainly seems to indicate that she was closest to him, maybe his biggest supporter? She lived in the household, was near enough to SP as well as JP to probably guess what she didn't know.

Sometimes people who feel the most guilt have the bitterest recriminations and the most blame for others. So this situation is making me wonder. How much did she know? How much did she guess? IF she had gone to LE with what she knew, with the evidence she could have helped them find what would have happened?

Josh might have gone to jail. Where he could have been on suicide watch but alive. And the boys, they would still be alive..... she may have eventually even gotten a chance to visit with if she had wanted. Was this the result of her keeping quiet? So if she had talked to LE her life still would have changed, but she wouldn't have totally lost anyone in it.
Evidently LE agrees with you. LE does not trust anyone in that circle of people. Yesterday they said they would investigate who among family and friends knew what and when they knew it. And if there was lack of cooperation, search warrants will be issued.


Meanwhile, Washington state investigators were trying to fill in holes in the case with an arson investigation at the home and autopsies on Josh Powell and his sons.
Pierce County Sheriff Paul Pastor said Monday that detectives were trying to determine which of Josh’s family members or friends might have received prior indication of the murders.
"We may be looking at [search] warrants to look at all people who may have information," Pastor said.
He said those with information would not necessarily be under investigation for a crime, adding that officers would only use search warrants "if we don’t get cooperation."
"We want to know what they knew of and when they knew it," Pastor said.

Sounds like a warning shot. You cooperate or you are risking war.....
Josh didn't need to be bullied into doing what horrendous things he did. He saw the end of the corridor coming at a rapid pace with no doors to duck behind. He created the situation beginning with Susan. He brainwashed his children for two years until the Cox's got custody. Once he saw the inevitable outcome, he chickened out and committed suicide. He took his children with him (well as far as the heavenly gates) so they could never fully develop their memories of the night they "lost" their mother. Even in death, he tried to avoid blame. The fact that the Cox family and possibly his own would be devastated by the loss of the children didn't bother him one bit. In fact, in his voice mails, he only mentioned that He couldn't take it any more. Sorry just didn't cut it, Josh.
As far as the cousin's words about mistreatment of Josh. I agree there has been a lot of mistreatment. I don't know if Josh was cyberbullied or not. Maybe he was, or maybe he wasn't. Maybe he only felt that way because every time he saw an accusation that he harmed Susan, maybe it brought the memory to his mind. That might be hard to live with. But still it doesn't give anyone the right to commit murder. But let's look at the ones who were mistreated.....

A lot of women and even children have had their pictures taken in situations they didn't choose. They are and have been stressed. Should they be given the right to go out and commit murders?

The Cox's daughter disappeared, and their son in law has refused to talk to LE about it..... they have been under stress, surely they could have been excused for committing murder?

How about the social worker doing her job. Ensuring Josh's court ordered right to his visitation by bringing his children to visit with him. Think she may be stressed? Would she have the same rights?

The neighbors have had their neighborhood quiet destroyed and still have to drive by a daily reminder of what happened in their neighborhood. They pick up the paper every day and have to read about the events. They have to explain to their children how and why something so horrendous could happen to people near them. And they might not have even known the family.

And how about the school mates of the boys. How does a parent explain to them, how to reassure those children that they are safe?

So yes Josh may have suffered from some nasty accusations. Did that give him the right to commit murder? If so I would have to say that a lot of other people have should have the same rights. Because they cannot just turn the computer off and ignore their own suffering.

And what happens when the principal parties are dead? All these other people still have their rights. Might they then move on to other members of the family just like Josh did?

I don't believe Josh killed the boys because of cyberbullying. Online taunts and accusations may have reminded him of things he wanted to forget, they may have kept him from moving on. But they didn't bring him to kill IMO. IMO he killed the boys because he was a narscisstic ***** and he could not handle the fact that "his" boys were growing away from him. And because he feared that his own children might someday bear witness against him. He showed that every time he went to court and tried to get them back. He feared what they might say.

But even if I am wrong, even if he was "cyberbullied" and could not bear it, he could have killed himself and not the children. It didn't give him the right to take the lives of others. When you start excusing him for taking the lives of others, you start down a whole slippery slope.
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...ide-explosion-article-1.1018458#ixzz1lnNFgeK6

I just can't fathom what kind of a world a family lives in and how their belief system has been shaped in their upbringing if one of them is able to call and apologize, say he's sorry that he's hurt some people, 20 minutes before butchering his children with a hatchet in a burning house.

I mean, if you're sorry, why not just not murder your kids and not set someone else's house on fire?

What on earth does "sorry" mean in the Powell world?

BBM. Very good question.
As far as the cousin's words about mistreatment of Josh. I agree there has been a lot of mistreatment. I don't know if Josh was cyberbullied or not. Maybe he was, or maybe he wasn't. Maybe he only felt that way because every time he saw an accusation that he harmed Susan, maybe it brought the memory to his mind. That might be hard to live with. But still it doesn't give anyone the right to commit murder. But let's look at the ones who were mistreated.....

A lot of women and even children have had their pictures taken in situations they didn't choose. They are and have been stressed. Should they be given the right to go out and commit murders?

The Cox's daughter disappeared, and their son in law has refused to talk to LE about it..... they have been under stress, surely they could have been excused for committing murder?

How about the social worker doing her job. Ensuring Josh's court ordered right to his visitation by bringing his children to visit with him. Think she may be stressed? Would she have the same rights?

The neighbors have had their neighborhood quiet destroyed and still have to drive by a daily reminder of what happened in their neighborhood. They pick up the paper every day and have to read about the events. They have to explain to their children how and why something so horrendous could happen to people near them. And they might not have even known the family.

And how about the school mates of the boys. How does a parent explain to them, how to reassure those children that they are safe?

So yes Josh may have suffered from some nasty accusations. Did that give him the right to commit murder? If so I would have to say that a lot of other people have should have the same rights. Because they cannot just turn the computer off and ignore their own suffering.

And what happens when the principal parties are dead? All these other people still have their rights. Might they then move on to other members of the family just like Josh did?

I don't believe Josh killed the boys because of cyberbullying. Online taunts and accusations may have reminded him of things he wanted to forget, they may have kept him from moving on. But they didn't bring him to kill IMO. IMO he killed the boys because he was a narscisstic ***** and he could not handle the fact that "his" boys were growing away from him. And because he feared that his own children might someday bear witness against him. He showed that every time he went to court and tried to get them back. He feared what they might say.

But even if I am wrong, even if he was "cyberbullied" and could not bear it, he could have killed himself and not the children. It didn't give him the right to take the lives of others. When you start excusing him for taking the lives of others, you start down a whole slippery slope.

Excellent post. BBM my favorite two lines here. This cuts right to the heart of the issue for me!
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...ide-explosion-article-1.1018458#ixzz1lnNFgeK6

I just can't fathom what kind of a world a family lives in and how their belief system has been shaped in their upbringing if one of them is able to call and apologize, say he's sorry that he's hurt some people, 20 minutes before butchering his children with a hatchet in a burning house.

I mean, if you're sorry, why not just not murder your kids and not set someone else's house on fire?

What on earth does "sorry" mean in the Powell world?

Sorry in their world is "sorry they are on to me"..it has nothing to do with remorse...this family is about blame..not remorse...IMO ^i^
Sorry in their world is "sorry they are on to me"..it has nothing to do with remorse...this family is about blame..not remorse...IMO ^i^

Hate quoting myself....but I come from a very dysfunctional family...and in 1982, at the birth of my oldest, I set boundaries. My family never made any attempts to know my children or see me...that part was easy...getting out of that huge spider web can be hard and painful..my 2 sons, 29 and 23 do not know my side of the family...they are an MD and the other working on his PHD..if I didn't set the boundaries (and it's very hard and hurtful), I am not sure my sons would have had the confidence to be who they are....we were opposite of Josh's family..my mother turned her children against each other and I was the scapegoat from birth (when she gave me away, only to take me back when they wanted to adopt me)...I think what I'm trying to say...think of this as a huge spider web with SP in the middle...he spins them in..programs them...and unfortunately....none of them have had the confidence to break free...I still blame the entire family..they all have choices...and their choices may have contributed to the death of 3 innocent folks. ^i^
He bought a $1M dollar life insurance policy on Susan? One year before she died? When they didn't have money to buy decent groceries? Wow.

That right there is a good reason for LE to drag their feet in declaring her dead. I know the insurance company would balk at paying out if Josh was under suspicion, but why take the chance? Josh could have easily left the country with the boys with a million dollars.
He bought a $1M dollar life insurance policy on Susan? One year before she died? When they didn't have money to buy decent groceries? Wow.

That right there is a good reason for LE to drag their feet in declaring her dead. I know the insurance company would balk at paying out if Josh was under suspicion, but why take the chance? Josh could have easily left the country with the boys with a million dollars.

I must have missed it, I don't recall a million dollar life insurance policy. However, even if there was one, he can't cash in on a missing person, nor a murdered person if he is a suspect. I will say that if anyone ever takes a million dollar life insurance policy out for you, run. Unless you do it yourself, and don't tell you spouse/loved ones about it. Guess I'm just paranoid like that, no one can love me enough to take out a monthly payment into a million dollar life insurance policy, even if I would have the same for them, nope, not happening here.
Statement from Steven Powell's sister:


I will refrain from posting my thoughts on what she said.

Okay, I'm sorry to say it, but all this talk of Josh restraining himself is not helping. Retrain himself from just what actions may I ask?

And clearly he did not.
Statement from Steven Powell's sister:


I will refrain from posting my thoughts on what she said.

So he asked cousin to step in and act as patriarch of the Powell family in SP's absence. What does that mean exactly? Is this like a mafia thing, when one don is sent to prison, another is appointed to take over the criminal activities? Or does this mean that the original plan was for JP to kill himself, not the kids, leaving cousin to fight for custody of the boys? And why would JP ask him to take over the partiarcial duties anyway? Was JP not able to handle his own affairs like any other adult?

This statement just gives me more questions. And not good ones.

ETA: One statement has me asking a question related to Susan's death. They say they told Josh that if he had any credible facts no matter how disturbing that he should present them. Is he hinting that perhaps the murder might have been committed by someone else? Someone that JP was protecting?

It is a little reassuring (too little, too late) that they are now acknowledging that there was no excuse for the deaths of little Charles and Braden.
Cleo stated that the Leach's are SP's sister and her husband. It is signed Uncle and Aunt as they would have been Josh's Uncle & Aunt. I can actually see in normal families asking a brother or sister of a jailed person to help in their absence. This does not seem abnormal. Their "theories" and justifications are abnormal though! IMHO OC
ughhh...the powell family need to just shut their traps. what nonsense.
it was mentioned uothread that family members are going to be investigated for what they knew - Isure hope so!
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/nat...ide-explosion-article-1.1018458#ixzz1lnNFgeK6

I just can't fathom what kind of a world a family lives in and how their belief system has been shaped in their upbringing if one of them is able to call and apologize, say he's sorry that he's hurt some people, 20 minutes before butchering his children with a hatchet in a burning house.

I mean, if you're sorry, why not just not murder your kids and not set someone else's house on fire?

What on earth does "sorry" mean in the Powell world?
Sounds like they've been in touch with Cindy Anthony and taking lessons on deflecting blame from her!!!
I've always thought the whole P family knew what happened to Susan. But with the Leach's now stepping forward, I have to wonder if perhaps the information isn't spreading through some of the extended family.

They want the conjecture to stop. They want the story to die. There is one way to do that. The only way to do that is to come forward with what is known. Give LE the info and let them investigate it. Let them determine if any other arrests are indicated. Let the Cox's know. And if possible, let Susan's remains be found. Then it will end.

Disappearances at this point tend to take on a legend quality. Since it isn't known who knows what, since it isn't known who did what, since Susan's body hasn't been found this has all the indicators of becoming one of those legend stories. The kind where future Powell generations will be saying, "no I'm not one of those Powell's." And now that the Leach's have stepped into it, the Leach's will soon be saying the same.

The only way to stop this is to bring it into the open. If others have any guilt they may end up in prison for a time. But at least the innocent among them can go on.
Josh Powell most certainly was NOT "cyberbullied".

Bullying implies unwarranted harassment, abuse or mistreatment of an individual or group not based upon any legitimate grievance or issue. The criticism of the Powells was more than justified based upon their own words and conduct. If anything, it was the Powell family who engaged in bullying behavior towards the Cox family, Jennifer Graves and her family, and anyone else who dared to challenge their controlling ways.

Statement from Steven Powell's sister:


I will refrain from posting my thoughts on what she said.

That's about what I expected. If you go take a look at the thread about Josh's parent's divorce decree, it's obvious why the family is blaming society and taking no responsibility.

Their own mother stated in court documents that Steve P. taught them from childhood not to respect any type of authority whether from society, the church, LE, or even the sanctity of marriage. If their own mother can go on the record saying that they learned such attitudes at their father's knee, then it's obvious why they are blaming everyone from Facebook to the State of Washington.
Maybe so, but he was her brother. It's not easy to turn against a family member, it takes courage and strength. Her feelings may change over time, but I'm sure it's still a shock right now. They all need time to sort these feelings out and it's too soon for them to understand it. WE don't even understand it and we're not family.
If something horrific was done to Alina and her siblings when they were children (her pedo dad), they may need to mentally work towards the truth in their own lives along with resolving any feelings of anger, shame, and guilt before they can admit the truth about Josh's life.

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