Powell family statements addressing the murder/suicide*merged*

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This interview is creepy especially now. Notice that the "Mormon" church and community are to blame for "alienating" him from Susan and trying to get between him and Susan. Not the fact that Susan is missing, but the Mormons are to blame. Also, in the very beginning, he says that this makes him very angry. He also states that he did not "hurt" Susan, but he never says that he did not kill her. I still think a drug was involved in the beginning. My point in this is that Josh has always blamed everything and everyone, but his refusal to help from day ONE had nothing to do with online "harrassment" or WVPD. They believed him in the beginning. Remember - they didn't even trail him when he left in the rental car.

That's about what I expected. If you go take a look at the thread about Josh's parent's divorce decree, it's obvious why the family is blaming society and taking no responsibility.

Their own mother stated in court documents that Steve P. taught them from childhood not to respect any type of authority whether from society, the church, LE, or even the sanctity of marriage. If their own mother can go on the record saying that they learned such attitudes at their father's knee, then it's obvious why they are blaming everyone from Facebook to the State of Washington.

That is one of the strangest things I've ever heard. Strangest and sickest. There is weird family dynamic going on.

Brooke4Trib Brooke Adams
Josh Powell's family just told me they will delay a service for him so the focus stays on the children. #JoshPowell #susancoxpowell

IF his family puts any amount of thought into his funeral they will keep it private family only and NOT announce the when/where to the media. Somehow I doubt that is what they will do.
Brooke4Trib Brooke Adams
Josh Powell's family just told me they will delay a service for him so the focus stays on the children. #JoshPowell #susancoxpowell

Wow, how very considerate of them. :rolleyes: Don't worry folks, we're all focused on the innocent victims in this case, and that includes Susan.

I'm with Steft - the Powells need to keep whatever services they hold for the killer low-key and private.
Ben Winslow

Just tried to talk to #JoshPowell's sister. "YOU caused this!" she said before slamming the gate. @fox13now #findsusan

BenWinslow Ben Winslow

Obviously, there is grief on all sides here. @fox13now #findsusan


Gee, I wonder why they weren't this upset when Susan went missing. What a bunch of crazy hypocrytes! Maybe Josh should have not logged into Facebook if it bothered him that much, maybe he should have been out working so he didn't have so much free time to browse facebook. What a croc of bull!!
A "grown" "man" should have been stronger and better than whatever is said about him online (as well as media and public opinion) for his children, especially if he is the main benefactor after their mother goes missing when he claims he had no part in it.

Cyber bulling? Baloney. Stop trying to skirt around that your cousin was sick and twisted and went to great lengths to hurt many people (his family and friends included) to have his selfish needs met.

Also, the Powell family should stay off line, imo. I personally don't want to hear from you unless SP is ready to talk.

Yeah, what she said! ^^^^^^^^
I must have missed it, I don't recall a million dollar life insurance policy. However, even if there was one, he can't cash in on a missing person, nor a murdered person if he is a suspect. I will say that if anyone ever takes a million dollar life insurance policy out for you, run. Unless you do it yourself, and don't tell you spouse/loved ones about it. Guess I'm just paranoid like that, no one can love me enough to take out a monthly payment into a million dollar life insurance policy, even if I would have the same for them, nope, not happening here.

I never knew about the life insurance policy either. It had not been mentioned anywhere that I know of. I just found out from the attorney in the video a few posts back.
So he asked cousin to step in and act as patriarch of the Powell family in SP's absence. What does that mean exactly? Is this like a mafia thing, when one don is sent to prison, another is appointed to take over the criminal activities? Or does this mean that the original plan was for JP to kill himself, not the kids, leaving cousin to fight for custody of the boys? And why would JP ask him to take over the partiarcial duties anyway? Was JP not able to handle his own affairs like any other adult?

This statement just gives me more questions. And not good ones.

ETA: One statement has me asking a question related to Susan's death. They say they told Josh that if he had any credible facts no matter how disturbing that he should present them. Is he hinting that perhaps the murder might have been committed by someone else? Someone that JP was protecting?

It is a little reassuring (too little, too late) that they are now acknowledging that there was no excuse for the deaths of little Charles and Braden.

It makes me think that one of Josh's plans may have been to secrete the boys with his aunt and uncle to keep them from the Coxes.
So he asked cousin to step in and act as patriarch of the Powell family in SP's absence. What does that mean exactly? Is this like a mafia thing, when one don is sent to prison, another is appointed to take over the criminal activities? Or does this mean that the original plan was for JP to kill himself, not the kids, leaving cousin to fight for custody of the boys? And why would JP ask him to take over the partiarcial duties anyway? Was JP not able to handle his own affairs like any other adult?

This statement just gives me more questions. And not good ones.

ETA: One statement has me asking a question related to Susan's death. They say they told Josh that if he had any credible facts no matter how disturbing that he should present them. Is he hinting that perhaps the murder might have been committed by someone else? Someone that JP was protecting?

It is a little reassuring (too little, too late) that they are now acknowledging that there was no excuse for the deaths of little Charles and Braden.
Yeah, or was it like a Jonestown (Jim Jones) evil cult "thing"?

There must have been some really warped boundary issues with all those adults siblings living like sardines in Steven's cult-like home.
With jp gone,sp in jail, the tension, bills, lawyers, investigations....
I can imagine the tight family unit falling apart .
If Josh Powell had simply committed suicide I MIGHT could understand the Powell family making those statements, but since he MURDERED his two innocent little boys then I don't give a rat's hiney about their excuses for Josh! There is NO amount of abuse and harassment you could heep on me that would make me kill my children!

Therefor, I have NO sympathy for any of the Powell friends/family taking up for Josh.
Can someone clarify something for me....

I thought one of the sisters was in support of Susan. Not AP but another one that is married and the husband was on the morning news. *I may have misunderstood*TIA
Can someone clarify something for me....

I thought one of the sisters was in support of Susan. Not AP but another one that is married and the husband was on the morning news. *I may have misunderstood*TIA

Yes. Jennifer Graves has broken ties with the Powell family to support Susan and the Cox family.

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