PR/JR wrote the RN to explain their dead daughter in basement

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PR/JR wrote the RN to explain their dead daughter in basement

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I hope you do find it. I'd like to know the name of that quack. Speaking for myself, the only "issue" I have (and have EVER had) is that she died before I turned 30-years-old, and that was only last year.

Now that I think of it, Keith Ablow once analyzed JMK a man with serious DOCUMENTED Mother issues. He said that JMK's phony comfession was spurred by his own secret belief that PDI, and by taking the blame off of her, he could rehabilitate his own mother. (It made a lot more sense when he explained it.)

Thank you, Dave: a brilliant post.

The argument that a person has to have 'mother issues' to think that PDI drives me mad. As does the argument that a believer in RDI generally has issues with the rich.
These arguments are manipulative, calculated to make us insecure about our own relationships with our mothers and social positions and take no account of the pure, absolute, incontrovertible fact that mothers, through psychosis or some warped motive, kill their children more frequently than strangers murder children. The argument also shows an amazing insensitivity towards Patsy's position. She has had stage four ovarian cancer so she knows she will not live 'til old age; chemo and surgery have essentially put her through premature menopause with the associated erratic hormones and the possible discomfort with sex, the psychological blow of being infertile at 40 and the knowledge that she will have to deal with the dry hair, dry skin etc years before her friends or live with the side effects of hormone replacement therapy; she is insecure about her marriage (imagine having cancer and thinking that you had to recover to stop 'that blonde ***** down the street' from getting your husband); your mom who you idolise is insisting that JBR will be Miss America at all costs but JBR is a bit of a tomboy who, at heart, takes the Lisa Simpson view that being a kid is all about going days without bathing and, being clever, she strikes out independently occasionally; you're hitting 40; you have had a rare glass of wine and have a mad fews days ahead of you; everybody thinks you are perfect so it's all a constant effort: you can't set foot outdoors without being perfect, you can't go out to buy the paper and a pint of milk looking as rough as a badger's arse like other women occasionally do on a weekend morning; your life is constant pressure...

I honestly don't think some people really appreciate what Patsy had on her plate that Christmas.
Thank you, Dave: a brilliant post.

The argument that a person has to have 'mother issues' to think that PDI drives me mad. As does the argument that a believer in RDI generally has issues with the rich.

Yeah, I have to take DOUBLE patience pills for that!

These arguments are manipulative, calculated to make us insecure about our own relationships with our mothers and social positions and take no account of the pure, absolute, incontrovertible fact that mothers, through psychosis or some warped motive, kill their children more frequently than strangers murder children. The argument also shows an amazing insensitivity towards Patsy's position. She has had stage four ovarian cancer so she knows she will not live 'til old age; chemo and surgery have essentially put her through premature menopause with the associated erratic hormones and the possible discomfort with sex, the psychological blow of being infertile at 40 and the knowledge that she will have to deal with the dry hair, dry skin etc years before her friends or live with the side effects of hormone replacement therapy; she is insecure about her marriage (imagine having cancer and thinking that you had to recover to stop 'that blonde ***** down the street' from getting your husband); your mom who you idolise is insisting that JBR will be Miss America at all costs but JBR is a bit of a tomboy who, at heart, takes the Lisa Simpson view that being a kid is all about going days without bathing and, being clever, she strikes out independently occasionally; you're hitting 40; you have had a rare glass of wine and have a mad fews days ahead of you; everybody thinks you are perfect so it's all a constant effort: you can't set foot outdoors without being perfect, you can't go out to buy the paper and a pint of milk looking as rough as a badger's arse like other women occasionally do on a weekend morning; your life is constant pressure...

I honestly don't think some people really appreciate what Patsy had on her plate that Christmas.

Too bad there isn't a "bowing" icon around here.
NO! I MEANT that she's one of the loudest voices claiming that anyone who is RDI must have rich person envy (the term is class envy, BTW). When I spoke of the smug, confrontational type, she was example #1.

Being a bit random in my replies here, Dave, but I will get round to responding to everyone. However, the idea that wealth envy informs RDI is possibly the most risible argument ever.

Does anyone on here envy Patsy and John in 1996? No, and that isn't about hindsight being 20-20...
Even Bill Gates wealth wouldn't convince me of that swap.
One of the things that has puzzled me is why the "killer" would leave the ransom note on the stairs, rather than the obvious place...Jonbenet's bed!

Or for that matter, why remove the pages from the pad. The pad would prevent the pages from being scattered over the place by stray movement.

Even more so, how the heck did the killer know that the Ramsey's came down those particular stairs??
One of the things that has puzzled me is why the "killer" would leave the ransom note on the stairs, rather than the obvious place...Jonbenet's bed!

Or for that matter, why remove the pages from the pad. The pad would prevent the pages from being scattered over the place by stray movement.

Even more so, how the heck did the killer know that the Ramsey's came down those particular stairs??

Why, isn't it obvious?
One of the things that has puzzled me is why the "killer" would leave the ransom note on the stairs, rather than the obvious place...Jonbenet's bed!

Or for that matter, why remove the pages from the pad. The pad would prevent the pages from being scattered over the place by stray movement.

Even more so, how the heck did the killer know that the Ramsey's came down those particular stairs??

OK I think I can explain that:

In an intruder scenario that was already described by the ransom note author, there were three intruders ('the two gentlemen').

The chief concern would be parents coming downstairs in the middle of the night, searching for their daughter missing from her bed. This is a valid concern for real intruders.

Its possible that the ransom note was placed on the rear stairs while one intruder guarded the front stairs. Its also possible that the note was placed very quickly at the bottom of the stairs, at the exact moment one of the parents started down the stairs. Either way, its placement on the stairs represented an effective roadblock between the upstairs where parents were sleeping, and the downstairs where JBR was.

If the ransom note was on JBR's bed, then a parent could come downstairs without reading the note, without being stopped. PR did stop to read the note, did not proceed downstairs.

Placement of the ransom note on the stairs is superfluous for RDI, but has some real obvious meaning for IDI.
Yes, but so what if they came down the stairs first? Eventually they'd have gone to her bedroom and found the note.
OK I think I can explain that:

In an intruder scenario that was already described by the ransom note author, there were three intruders in total ('the two gentlemen').

The chief concern would be parents coming downstairs in the middle of the night, searching for their daughter missing from her bed. This is a valid concern for real intruders.

Its possible that the ransom note was placed on the rear stairs while one intruder guarded the front stairs. Its also possible that the note was placed very quickly at the bottom of the stairs, at the exact moment one of the parents started down the stairs. Either way, its placement on the stairs represented an effective delay tactic.

If the ransom note was on JBR's bed, then a parent could come downstairs without reading the note, without being stopped. Placement of the ransom note on the stairs is superfluous for RDI, but has real meaning for IDI.

See this is where I find the SFF a bit of a problem. They couldn't have known PR would use the back stairs, cause they just jumped off a plane from goodnessknowswhere and came to the R's house to murder their daughter for goodnessknowswhy. IF however, a SFF (real or inhisownmind) was living 'local' and had hooked up with someone familiar with the house, then that person would know the back stairs was the place to put the RN. Otherwise you would put it by the 'phone, (where it was probably written), so when the R's find JBR missing and decide to call the Cops they would find it first. Or, just in case they go to have breakfast first, leave it on the kitchen bench.
See this is where I find the SFF a bit of a problem. They couldn't have known PR would use the back stairs, cause they just jumped off a plane from goodnessknowswhere and came to the R's house to murder their daughter for goodnessknowswhy. IF however, a SFF (real or inhisownmind) was living 'local' and had hooked up with someone familiar with the house, then that person would know the back stairs was the place to put the RN. Otherwise you would put it by the 'phone, (where it was probably written), so when the R's find JBR missing and decide to call the Cops they would find it first. Or, just in case they go to have breakfast first, leave it on the kitchen bench.

This isn't that complicated unless you want it to be.

Imagine you're an intruder in the kitchen. You have a prewritten ransom note and two sets of stairs. Its your job to stop wandering parents from going to the basement.

Are you going to put the ransom note on JBR's bed? No.
This isn't that complicated unless you want it to be.

Imagine you're an intruder in the kitchen. You have a prewritten ransom note and two sets of stairs. Its your job to stop wandering parents from going to the basement.

Are you going to put the ransom note on JBR's bed? No.

Why would you need to stop them from going to the basement? That's what doesn't make sense. If she's kidnapped, she isn't supposed to be in the house anywhere. LE of course, would be expected to search the house even in a kidnapping (fat lot of good that did) but not for the child- for clues.
This isn't that complicated unless you want it to be.

Imagine you're an intruder in the kitchen. You have a prewritten ransom note and two sets of stairs. Its your job to stop wandering parents from going to the basement.

Are you going to put the ransom note on JBR's bed? No.

Why not? You had to get her out of the bed to take her to the basement, why wouldn't one of the three leave it there? In fact, it makes more sense to me than the stairs. In your scenario, all this was preplanned, so there was no need to 'wing it' as far as the RN placement was concerned.

Just picking up on what you said HOTYH.

Its also possible that the note was placed very quickly at the bottom of the stairs, at the exact moment one of the parents started down the stairs. Either way, its placement on the stairs represented an effective delay tactic.

Now there's a thing I haven't heard or considered before! I made a comment earlier that JBR could have been killed much closer to 6.00am than we've been led to believe. RDI generally pooh poohed this. She wasn't found till 1.30pm I think it was, and DD reckoned it would take much longer for her stage of rigor to have set in. Of course, the ME who spent 10 minutes at the house didn't probably do an accurate temperature measurement to enable a closer TOD to be established. I think at Autopsy the following day it would have been impossible to pin TOD down too closely. I still think we have that range of 10pm to 6.00am and perhaps the RN was left in haste when the family awoke and the IDI escaped via either the basement window or a 'manhole' under the house. It would still have been fairly dark at that time in winter I suppose?
Why not? You had to get her out of the bed to take her to the basement, why wouldn't one of the three leave it there? In fact, it makes more sense to me than the stairs. In your scenario, all this was preplanned, so there was no need to 'wing it' as far as the RN placement was concerned.

It still doesn't seem that complicated to me. If it was in the middle of the night, JR could come downstairs to the kitchen at any time for any reason, and that could spell disaster for the intruders because the kitchen might represent their exit and JR's quick access to the telephone. The fight that ensues is going to wake everybody. Winning the battle but losing the war.

To prevent this, one intruder stays in the kitchen, guarding the front stairs. But, they have rear stairs also. The kitchen intruder can't watch both simultaneously: In comes the long rhetorical ransom note, placed at the bottom of the secondary stairs.
It still doesn't seem that complicated to me. If it was in the middle of the night, JR could come downstairs to the kitchen at any time for any reason, and that could spell disaster for the intruders because the kitchen might represent their exit and JR's quick access to the telephone. The fight that ensues is going to wake everybody. Winning the battle but losing the war.

To prevent this, one intruder stays in the kitchen, guarding the front stairs. But, they have rear stairs also. The kitchen intruder can't watch both simultaneously: In comes the long rhetorical ransom note, placed at the bottom of the secondary stairs.

Cut the phone wires. Leave the RN on the bed. Escape via any one of 7 external doors. Use the mini-Uzi (SFF would have a silencer).

Couldn't happen HOTYH, because remember, they wrote the RN in the house that afternoon (or less likely after the killing), so they're not going to go to all that trouble and then just drop it as a diversion or as an emergency exit strategy due to having hung around too long and the family had begun to wake up.
Thats easy. To prevent the parents from reaching two intruders and JBR.

Its unbelievable to me that the "intruders" (especially three of them) could exit the house with the parents awake and walking around. Three people didn't go through that basement window and disturb nothing. JB died around by 1 AM. Why would they hang around another 5-6 hours?
One of the things that has puzzled me is why the "killer" would leave the ransom note on the stairs, rather than the obvious place...Jonbenet's bed!

Or for that matter, why remove the pages from the pad. The pad would prevent the pages from being scattered over the place by stray movement.

Even more so, how the heck did the killer know that the Ramsey's came down those particular stairs??

Mastermind, you've been going through my notes again!

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