Press Conference on Student Questionnaire - 2PM Oregon Time Today, Friday, June 18

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Gates does stress that ALL of the family is in agreement.

"This information is being provided after discussion with the family, all of which have agreed with us bringing the information to the community."

You think they got the 4 parents together and took a vote? "All in favor of releasing this questionnaire to the community, raise your hand. Let's see, 3 hands. Terri? Terri? Where's your hand?"

oh my.
I'm sure they get exasperated as well.
a laugh is kinder than a scowl.

And kinder than an "F off," which I'm sure they feel like throwing out there once in a while. :blushing:
Releasing it to the media? Anyone could download it, fill it out and fax it in.

This is what I think their point is in releasing the flyer. You see, here's my logic: If the popo wanted the people that were at the school to fill out the questionaire, why not have them all go to the school, fill out the questionaire, etc. Instead they mailed them...maybe even under the idea that it would make the younger students feel safe to speak their mind or try to remember something pertinent. They release it to the media and anybody could fill that thing out and drop it off or mail it in. It might create a fiasco but all they need is that one good tip, just that one little valid tip, to bring this little sugarplum home. I'll bet they have surveillance set up all around that school, inside & out, to cover the people turning in those flyers. They also were told they (the students' parents) didn't even have to be the person bringing it in, that anybody could drop it off. This is kinda telling to me. Then again, maybe I'm looking too far into it.
I don't think forensics on the truck would help much. It's a given that evidence of Kyron being in the truck is there. There's not much they can do with that. I don't believe the truck is a crime scene, nor is the home, and I think that is purposeful. I think the location of Kyron's body (unless it drifted in water) is going to be the location of the crime scene as well. I think this crime was premeditated. It's a given the family home and vehicles will be searched when a child disappears. A smart offender is going to make sure neither of those locations is used.
Gates does stress that ALL of the family is in agreement.

"This information is being provided after discussion with the family, all of which have agreed with us bringing the information to the community."

Well, it would look a bit odd if one of them balked, I would think. I don't read much into that.
This to me, says a lot:

"the need for the public to be alarmed is very low"
I don't think forensics on the truck would help much. It's a given that evidence of Kyron being in the truck is there. There's not much they can do with that. I don't believe the truck is a crime scene, nor is the home, and I think that is purposeful. I think the location of Kyron's body (unless it drifted in water) is going to be the location of the crime scene as well. I think this crime was premeditated. It's a given the family home and vehicles will be searched when a child disappears. A smart offender is going to make sure neither of those locations is used.

But LE would not know what they may find until the truck was forensically tested. They wouldn't assume it contained no evidence.

I didn't see this posted on here (sorry if I missed it)

Statement from Kyron Horman's Family

It has been two weeks since our son, Kyron, disappeared. For the last 14 days we haven’t been able to talk to him, see him playing around the house, or tuck him in bed. Any parent would understand the grief this has caused our family.
We are so grateful for the support and work of the Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office as well as the hundreds of searchers, police officers and FBI for what they have done during the last two weeks. They have never met Kyron but we know that this has been very tough on them also.
To Kyron’s teachers and classmates, as well as the media and the community, thank you for your support in trying to find Kyron. Your interest and help is overwhelming.
We are sorry that we aren’t there today to stand with investigators, but please know that we fully support the release of this flyer. We want Kyron home and we hope this will help do that.
Father’s Day is Sunday. For the first time in seven years, we will not have Kyron around to hug and talk to. It hurts us deeply and our hearts are broken.
Please help bring Kyron home.
But LE would not know what they may find until the truck was forensically tested. They wouldn't assume it contained no evidence.


I agree. When they showed the truck getting towed I noticed dirt over the wheel wells. I am sure they would want to test that soil. At least I would hope so.
Thanks for posting that info, Eyes. I was going to mention it in an earlier post, but I decided to leave it up to our resident pharmacist, since you're the expert on how medications affect human physiology.

Over the years, I've had tons of questions about how to beat drug tests and lie detector tests. I'm not into helping people beat either one so I'm very careful about what I say about the subject, especially on-line. moo mho
In my neck of the woods, the terms "suspect" and "person of interest" are interchangable. They just don't use "suspect" much anymore because it sounds so much more sinister than "person of interest."

I lived 9 years in the UK. There, you can usually tell if a person is a suspect but not yet arrested when the police mention that the person is "helping the police with their inquiries". It's become a joke. If you hear that term on a TV show on BBCA, etc., you can be sure that yes, they're a suspect. Sorry, OT :innocent:
I lived 9 years in the UK. There, you can usually tell if a person is a suspect but not yet arrested when the police mention that the person is "helping the police with their inquiries". It's become a joke. If you hear that term on a TV show on BBCA, etc., you can be sure that yes, they're a suspect. Sorry, OT :innocent:

LOL! Here, it seems cops come out with a grumpy look on their face and say the person who was cooperating has now lawyered up!

But LE would not know what they may find until the truck was forensically tested. They wouldn't assume it contained no evidence.


Well, technically, we don't know if they already had tested it......:waitasec:
Also says you can either fax or email (email I think) ... that's at the very bottom.

that's what I saw Calliope - not very scientific and absolutely NO quality control. Maybe they are looking for something else from these questions. moo
On the flyer, why a side view pic of Terri? If you want to "jar" people's memories then you would show a full face and side face of the person. Is the family really in agreement? Wouldn't they have supplied a better pic of her? Seems like the police took the pic from the press conference.

TY for your response to my post, Shel - and you've made a good point about the photos of Terri that are on the questionnaire flier.

However, I was referring to the photo of the white Ford pickup & the caption below it, which indicates that Terri was driving it on June 4th, the day Kyron went missing.

There has been speculation in the threads about what vehicle Terri was driving that day, especially what vehicle she might have driven to the school - the red Mustang or the white Ford pickup? IMO, the questionnaire flier has confirmed that she was driving the white Ford pickup, since LE specifically stated so on the questionnaire.

And I agree - LE posted a photo of Terri from a press conference, not one from her personal collection. Why they chose to do so, only LE (and perhaps the family, as well) knows. I can only guess as to why they did that.

Did they not want to ask her to supply a photo? But that only leads to another question: "why?"

Since it appears that Terri is more often behind the camera rather than in front of it (based on the family photos I've seen posted here), were there no pictures to choose from that featured her? IDK.
But why 2 pics of her...and why is dad cut out..that baffles me.

Each picture on the flyer shows Terri with one of Kyrons parents. The first is Terri with Desiree. The one below is Terri with Kaine.
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