Prosecutor Ken Kratz

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DNA Solves
Justiceseeker35, what did you think of the pink memo note that SC wrote when she received the "orders" about the testing..."put TH in SA's garage" (or something to that effect). And also the fact that though the sample control was contaminated, (which normally would have been deemed inconclusive) it was still reported as positive for TH's DNA? Which pretty much went against protocol. I lost all faith in the state crime lab at that point...we put so much faith in DNA and always say "DNA doesn't lie." But people do. And the integrity of these tests are only as good as the integrity of the people that perform them.
This DA is truly repulsive. When I think of him I think of sweaters.... no seriously. I believe in his email to SC he was trying to make her feel guilty for being responsible for SA's release in 03. I also think they came to an understanding that she was going to prove the bones were TH and the bullet in the garage matched TH or her job was on the line. No proof just an instinct. He used his wiles on her.

When I think of Kratz, I will always remember: "I'm the guy, the one who lives in the $350,00 home, the guy who has it all, the big one...when I go to Las Vegas the big-breasted women serve me drinks...."

In all reality he could be the one who left the pornographic picture of the erect penis in Steven Avery's bedroom!

What a little, fat gnomish moron.
"Gnomish moron" lol. Zool, you crack me up! I think what grates on my nerves the most about KK was his "morally superior" attitude and his narcissistic posturing in front of the media. I understand a prosecutor (or any attorney for that matter) needing to portray confidence...I even applaud a brash, assertive, no-nonsense attitude and personality. But he turned this circus into the "KK show" under the guise of justice for TH. It was apparent just in the way he enjoyed introducing himself as the "special prosecutor" for the case. You're special alright, KK. REAL special.

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:goodpost: ksterling ~ I agree with your evaluation. I believe that his various arrogant arguments -- provided in his Disciplinary Proceedings -- demonstrate a buffoonish carnival barker :jester: screaming at the midway strollers as they try to sneak by. :confetti: :partyguy:
When I read his disciplinary proceedings, I immediately sent them to my brother (who was actually the person that got me interested in this case). His response? Well, I probably shouldn't post it on here as to not offend anyone with the language. The details of it are so "out there" it was reminiscent of an SNL sketch. Like, no way. Is this dude for real? Surely nobody would really act like this in not only a professional setting, but a setting where he is supposed to be fighting for the rights of victims of various forms of abuse (and murder, as in TH's case). I know that some might say that the events in question happened later on and they have no bearing on SA's case, to which I have to disagree. Of course his behavior didn't determine if SA did or did not kill TH, but it does show the level of buffoonery that went on behind the scenes. And as for me, if I were on trial for a murder, I'd prefer that the players in the case would act with the utmost professionalism possible. I'm pretty sure was just as disgusting during the Avery case as he was later on when his shenanigans came to light. Carnival barker, lol. Spot on. All he needed was a cane and top hat.

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ksterling ~ Any idea what he's doing now? :thinking: Washing cars?

... or running naked through Manitowoc's midsummer night's braying like Bottom before mischievous Puke transforms him into an *advertiser censored*...???

oh dear, Kratz has possessed me :puke:
Well, zool, last time I checked I saw that he had a website. Advertising his services as...*gasp*...a defense attorney. KK had officially joined the dark side. I haven't looked recently to see if his website is still being updated or if its still even there... think I shall do that now!

Midsummer's night...oh my lol.

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I know that some might say that the events in question happened later on and they have no bearing on SA's case

Imnsho, and based upon not only the hearing but the DOJ investigation, as well, the events absolutely played a role with regard to not only his prosecution of SA & BD, but other cases, as well.

Moreover, it is appalling that he would disrespect a victim's privacy (even in death) that he'd have the audacity to ask his date to the victim's autopsy. This is not some "one-off" behavioral quirk. It is a personality trait that is, quite frankly, offensive.

All things considered, afaic, someone with such a trait has no business working with victims.

Again, this is just my "quite strong" opinion, and one of the many reasons I feel SA and BD's trials were a sham.
When I think of Kratz, I will always remember: "I'm the guy, the one who lives in the $350,00 home, the guy who has it all, the big one...when I go to Las Vegas the big-breasted women serve me drinks...."

In all reality he could be the one who left the pornographic picture of the erect penis in Steven Avery's bedroom!

What a little, fat gnomish moron.

LOL. It beggars belief.
Shadowraiths, I share the same quite strong opinion. Though KK's behavior obviously doesn't "determine" whether SA is guilty or not, there is no way one can say that it didn't affect the case (and other cases as you pointed out). Its true that the sexting scandal/sexual harassment issues came to light after the Avery trial but to me that just points out the bigger issue at hand, which is KK's narcissistic personality. Some may use the term "narcissistic" in a general way to describe someone stuck on themselves, but KK was diagnosed with a true narcissistic personality disorder, which is different than someone that has a few narcissistic traits. NPD is a major psychiatric problem that goes to the base of one's personality, back to childhood when the personality of a person is being formed. It often leads to a lifetime of issues due to the fact that it is often untreatable as people that have NPD usually don't think they have a problem. The NPD person manipulates, abuses, and often destroys the lives of others, usually with very little or no remorse. When I read that KK says he is "no longer that person" it makes me think that he has simply gotten more adept at lying and manipulation. Yes, his sexual issues were brought out to the public after the SA trial, but that wasn't a one time thing, as you said and with which I totally agree. He showed that with his ridiculous press conference when he spilled all the lurid (and unconfirmed) "details" of TH's murder to the media...and if memory serves me correctly, that took place BEFORE jury selection. No matter how troubled or disturbed SA was, no matter what problems he had in his past, no matter how "white trash" he was labeled, he deserved to go into the murder trial with the presumption of innocence. This was taken away from him due to a myriad of happenings, one being KK's obscene need to be the center of attention. Honestly, I still can't say whether I believe in SA's guilt or innocence as there is just so much info to wade through... I sway back and forth the more I learn about the case. But one thing I am sure of is that SA did NOT receive a fair trial, and no matter what ones might think of him as a person, he is still guaranteed that constitutional right.

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Some may use the term "narcissistic" in a general way to describe someone stuck on themselves, but KK was diagnosed with a true narcissistic personality disorder, which is different than someone that has a few narcissistic traits. NPD is a major psychiatric problem that goes to the base of one's personality, back to childhood when the personality of a person is being formed.

Yes. This is quite true. NPD is an axis II, cluster B, personality trait. Notably, axis II personality traits are defined as "enduring personality traits" that do not change and are untreatable. Thus, they are not classified, in the purest sense of the word, as mental illnesses. Moreover, cluster B personality traits are the worst of the worst. Among these are:

  • Antisocial personality disorder (general associated with sociopathy/psychopathy)
  • Borderline personality disorder (what some often refer to as drama queens, though they can be kings, too)
  • Histrionic personality disorder (think, Scarlett O'Hara in Gone with the Wind)
  • Narcissistic personality disorder: a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and a lack of empathy. (Ken Kratz!)
What is notable with Cluster B disorders, is that there is a great deal of cross-over between the above.

As for his other issues (i.e., sex addiction)? Drug/sexual addiction are classifiable under axis I, and are therefore considered mental disorders that are arguably treatable. Though, if you read my research paper (The Salivating Brain), specifically as it relates to substance abuse, you will see that it is not as treatable as hoped.

Moreover, I would argue that other addictions are highly correlative, in that, imho, addiction involves an extremely strong brain chemistry component, as opposed to purely will power, so to speak. Importantly, what makes programs such as AA work, is that adherents are trading in one addiction (alcohol) for another addiction (the formulaic steps).
Enjoyed your research paper, shadowraiths. I believe the mechanism of addiction is way more complex than we can imagine. This is why the saying "once an addict, always an addict" rings true in many cases. I've known people that have been sober from various addictions for literally decades and with one "trigger" they start using again. You are also very correct about substituting one addiction for another, with some people becoming "addicted" to the 12 step program. I've seen many that begin to work the program only to have it become the focus of their entire existence with the person having an almost worshipful reverence for the 12 steps, meetings, etc. At least an addiction to the program is a healthier alternative compared to some of the substitutions that may be made. This makes me wonder, with KK's obvious sexual addiction (and his subsequent "curing")... what has he used as a substitution? This is why I find it doubtful that he is "not that person anymore." Of course, people CAN change, but with substance or sex addiction in a person with NPD, the odds that he is a "new man" are very slim. I really think that if his issues had not come to light in a very public forum, causing him the loss of a prestigious job and much humiliation (that is, if he is capable of feeling embarrassment or shame) then he would still be using his position of power to abuse and harrass women. IMO, the fact that his behavior was made public simply caused him to learn how to be more subtle, to "tone it down" so to speak. This to me makes him even more scary and creepy...the people like him, the ones that have learned to be a snake in the grass, are the ones that have the ability to do the most damage to others.

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"Making a Murderer Prosecutor Coming to Rockford: Will Put on Program He Says Gives Prosecutor's Side to MaM"

"A program meant to provide counter-arguments to the highly successful Netflix documentary 'Making of a Murderer', which implied a convicted killer was framed in Wisconsin, is coming to Rockford...

'AVERY: Guilty As Charged' features former Wisconsin DA Ken Kratz and Judge Jeanine Pirro, and will take place at the Coronado Performing Arts Center on Thursday, May 19, 2016, at 7 pm....

The speaking event features Attorney Ken Kratz, special prosecutor during the highly publicized murder trial of Steven Avery, and Judge Jeanine Pirro, FOX News legal analyst and host of 'Justice with Judge Jeanine'."

A protest is, of course, being planned as of this moment...this should be very entertaining to witness! I just wish I lived in that area so I could witness this 'bleep' storm about to happen in person, LOL ;)

"Making a Murderer Prosecutor Coming to Rockford: Will Put on Program He Says Gives Prosecutor's Side to MaM"

"A program meant to provide counter-arguments to the highly successful Netflix documentary 'Making of a Murderer', which implied a convicted killer was framed in Wisconsin, is coming to Rockford...

'AVERY: Guilty As Charged' features former Wisconsin DA Ken Kratz and Judge Jeanine Pirro, and will take place at the Coronado Performing Arts Center on Thursday, May 19, 2016, at 7 pm....

The speaking event features Attorney Ken Kratz, special prosecutor during the highly publicized murder trial of Steven Avery, and Judge Jeanine Pirro, FOX News legal analyst and host of 'Justice with Judge Jeanine'."

A protest is, of course, being planned as of this moment...this should be very entertaining to witness! I just wish I lived in that area so I could witness this 'bleep' storm about to happen in person, LOL ;)
It's about time the story was told from the other side. Hopefully it is recorded and uploaded to YouTube.

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"Making a Murderer Prosecutor Coming to Rockford: Will Put on Program He Says Gives Prosecutor's Side to MaM"

"A program meant to provide counter-arguments to the highly successful Netflix documentary 'Making of a Murderer', which implied a convicted killer was framed in Wisconsin, is coming to Rockford...

'AVERY: Guilty As Charged' features former Wisconsin DA Ken Kratz and Judge Jeanine Pirro, and will take place at the Coronado Performing Arts Center on Thursday, May 19, 2016, at 7 pm....

The speaking event features Attorney Ken Kratz, special prosecutor during the highly publicized murder trial of Steven Avery, and Judge Jeanine Pirro, FOX News legal analyst and host of 'Justice with Judge Jeanine'."

A protest is, of course, being planned as of this moment...this should be very entertaining to witness! I just wish I lived in that area so I could witness this 'bleep' storm about to happen in person, LOL ;)

He is going to talk about evidence not shown in the documentary... Haven't we seen this show already? For the first 6 weeks after the documentary came out, he was everywhere spewing this.... but but but we didn't see it all. I'm still waiting for his bombshell evidence LOL

And better than protesting is.... going and asking questions! If I was KZ I would be sending someone from her office to every show, because we know KK likes to talk, I wouldn't be surprised if he slipped up or said something he shouldn't ;-)

My guess is, since KK doesn't have any clients left, this is his new source of income lol JMO
Oh, just read that the tickets are apparently $47.50. Nope... that's 4 months of Netflix! No thanks ;-)
Oh, just read that the tickets are apparently $47.50. Nope... that's 4 months of Netflix! No thanks ;-)

I'll try to go and get the scope. I'm not toooo far from Rockford. It will be after tax season, so I'll have more time. Although, my hubby will probably think I'm nuts!
Speaking of KK's probable need to continue to make a living somehow, do any of you have any confirmed info about whether his law office is still open? I've read conflicting reports in the media so I am just curious if anyone knows anything about it. I do know that the website for his practice is no longer available; back around January I had visited the site but when I went to it again recently I couldn't find it. However, I did stumble upon an article about it...if you never had a chance to visit it, this article has some screen shots. However, be forewarned...only read the article if you appreciate sarcastic humor! (Which I do, and I found it quite hilarious!)

If he doesn't have enough clients and can't make enough money with his appearances, he always has that book to write! *ugh* *repulsive*

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Speaking of KK's probable need to continue to make a living somehow, do any of you have any confirmed info about whether his law office is still open? I've read conflicting reports in the media so I am just curious if anyone knows anything about it. I do know that the website for his practice is no longer available; back around January I had visited the site but when I went to it again recently I couldn't find it. However, I did stumble upon an article about it...if you never had a chance to visit it, this article has some screen shots. However, be forewarned...only read the article if you appreciate sarcastic humor! (Which I do, and I found it quite hilarious!)

If he doesn't have enough clients and can't make enough money with his appearances, he always has that book to write! *ugh* *repulsive*

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He was practicing law up in Superior Wisconsin. (which is close to the Minnesota border) near Minneapolis/St. Paul Area--but on the Wisconsin side.
He was practicing law up in Superior Wisconsin. (which is close to the Minnesota border) near Minneapolis/St. Paul Area--but on the Wisconsin side.
Thanks for the info! I knew he had his license suspended and quite frankly I'm surprised that it was reinstated. Harassing colleagues is bad enough, harassing women that have already been subjected to abuse is beyond the pale. He was in charge of protecting the public from the men that preyed on these women...and then acted as a predator himself. The fact that he is still able to practice law is unbelievable to me.

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