Prosecutor Ken Kratz

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People can dislike Kratz all they want for whatever reason. At the end of the day, he did his job. He succeeded in getting justice for the murder of Teresa Halbach.

No judge is going to let Avery out of jail because he doesn't like the Prosecutors personality.

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People can dislike Kratz all they want for whatever reason. At the end of the day, he did his job. He succeeded in getting justice for the murder of Teresa Halbach.

No judge is going to let Avery out of jail because he doesn't like the Prosecutors personality.

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This speaks volumes " at the end of the day, Kratz did his job " IMO"

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Would love to read the letters from SA to KK. Hope he includes them in his book! [emoji2]

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KK is openly displaying his disdain for SA here. Even suggesting that if SA had told him anything other than 'I am innocent' he (KK) could have written his book sooner.

KK is disappointed that SA won't accept guilt as it would lift his status amongst 'other killers' and probably sell more copies.

Maybe I hold officials to a higher standard than the scum they seek to incarcerate. I am obviously mistaken in expecting more of LE and the judiciary than rapists and killers.

I am sure KK will include everything in his book - real, imagined and outright fabricated. Don't expect facts or integrity, it hasn't been shown in this case so far (from anyone).
KK is openly displaying his disdain for SA here. Even suggesting that if SA had told him anything other than 'I am innocent' he (KK) could have written his book sooner.

KK is disappointed that SA won't accept guilt as it would lift his status amongst 'other killers' and probably sell more copies.

Maybe I hold officials to a higher standard than the scum they seek to incarcerate. I am obviously mistaken in expecting more of LE and the judiciary than rapists and killers.

I am sure KK will include everything in his book - real, imagined and outright fabricated. Don't expect facts or integrity, it hasn't been shown in this case so far (from anyone).

I totally agree with this and you said it much better than I ever could. Thanks.
KK is openly displaying his disdain for SA here.

And rightly so! He is a sadistic sociopathic murderer. Who wouldn't feel nothing but disdain for him.

Even suggesting that if SA had told him anything other than 'I am innocent' he (KK) could have written his book sooner.

Not sure if you read all of it, but it does state that SA had also sent letters to him. I guess MaM was where the big dollars were at huh?

KK is disappointed that SA won't accept guilt as it would lift his status amongst 'other killers' and probably sell more copies.

I really hope he includes the letters from SA in his book. Oh my, I think that would set a few things straight.

Maybe I hold officials to a higher standard than the scum they seek to incarcerate. I am obviously mistaken in expecting more of LE and the judiciary than rapists and killers.

An evil murderer was taken out of society. You should be happy with that.

I am sure KK will include everything in his book - real, imagined and outright fabricated. Don't expect facts or integrity, it hasn't been shown in this case so far (from anyone).

No different to MaM and those behind it then.

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And rightly so! He is a sadistic sociopathic murderer. Who wouldn't feel nothing but disdain for him.

Not sure if you read all of it, but it does state that SA had also sent letters to him. I guess MaM was where the big dollars were at huh?

I really hope he includes the letters from SA in his book. Oh my, I think that would set a few things straight.

An evil murderer was taken out of society. You should be happy with that.

No different to MaM and those behind it then.

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The sad thing is, that it is that open, unbridled contempt contained in the letter which is the same contempt and vindictiveness that was shown to Avery when he was unjustly tried and jailed for a crime he did not commit. A totally innocent man.
This is what angers many of us and makes us contemptuous of the whole lot of law enforcement in Manitowoc. Very sad chain of events. Of course the prosecutor's office is viewed with a high index of suspicion, and rightly so, IMO.
KK is openly displaying his disdain for SA here. Even suggesting that if SA had told him anything other than 'I am innocent' he (KK) could have written his book sooner.

KK is disappointed that SA won't accept guilt as it would lift his status amongst 'other killers' and probably sell more copies.

Maybe I hold officials to a higher standard than the scum they seek to incarcerate. I am obviously mistaken in expecting more of LE and the judiciary than rapists and killers.

I am sure KK will include everything in his book - real, imagined and outright fabricated. Don't expect facts or integrity, it hasn't been shown in this case so far (from anyone).

Well said :)

This is the letter that Zellner thanked Kratz on twitter for his DNA :giggle:

It's also shows that 10 years later, he is still asking if Kratz or anyone has checked those fingerprints.
The sad thing is, that it is that open, unbridled contempt contained in the letter which is the same contempt and vindictiveness that was shown to Avery when he was unjustly tried and jailed for a crime he did not commit. A totally innocent man.
This is what angers many of us and makes us contemptuous of the whole lot of law enforcement in Manitowoc. Very sad chain of events. Of course the prosecutor's office is viewed with a high index of suspicion, and rightly so, IMO.
The saddest thing is that Teresa was murdered. Where is the moral outrage about what was done to her? How bad is society becoming that a p.o.s like SA gets more compassion than the one who died so brutally at his hands?

KK successfully prosecuted her murderers. You don't have to like who he is. I have read the responses to this letter on several websites. It is amazing how many people only see what they want to see.

SA was rotten to the core before he was locked up the first time. His brutally has nothing to do with his time in prison. The problem is him.

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" Honest prosecutors & cops don't need immunity "

And, she would be right!
Zellner tweeted this earlier this morning:
Punishing those who convict the innocent is the only way to fix the system. Honest prosecutors & cops don't need immunity.

The only issue I see with Kratz claiming it was the drugs or anything else.... he keeps saying none of this happened until after these trials. It may be true about the drugs, but from what I have read, his behaviour was an issue before TH's murder, and I think got worse with the drugs.

The thought did cross my mind that maybe the stress of the trial, the convict at all costs, including putting BD away for a murder that he may not have had a part of, with a possible false/coerced confession, the manipulation of facts, in the public and in the courtroom, could be his reason for turning to the drugs. JMO
The saddest thing is that Teresa was murdered. Where is the moral outrage about what was done to her? How bad is society becoming that a p.o.s like SA gets more compassion than the one who died so brutally at his hands?

KK successfully prosecuted her murderers. You don't have to like who he is. I have read the responses to this letter on several websites. It is amazing how many people only see what they want to see.

SA was rotten to the core before he was locked up the first time. His brutally has nothing to do with his time in prison. The problem is him.

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Of course, that goes without saying. Justice isn't served however when an innocent man is framed for a crime he didn't do. That doesn't benefit the victim. Did it benefit Penny Beerntsen when SA was sent to prison for her rape, which he did not commit? Nope. In order for a victim to have justice, the right person has to be sent to jail, their guilt proved without a reasonable doubt.
I agree that there is WAY too much anger directed at KK. The majority of outrage should appropriately be placed upon SA, who really is a . He may have been wrongfully convicted of the initial rape of PB, but he sure as hell hasn't been an angel. He definitely warranted the attention of law enforcement at the time, having been out on bail for an assault on a woman and child. He was a guy with a criminal past. They would never have considered him as that rapist if he hadn't had an extensive criminal record already. So honestly, he has a lot of the burden to carry for making himself a suspect. And part of his 18 years in prison were for a crime he DID commit.

Also, the amount of evidence and information I've found out about since that hugely biased documentary MaM is stunning. If you've read much of the transcripts and investigator notes, you'll see that SA had sexual relations (rape?) with a juvenile relative (his niece). There's evidence he would beat up his girlfriend JS and that many of his family members were afraid of him. Most importantly, I can't get past the mountain of evidence against him. It's just not plausible to me that he just happened to have a bonfire the night TH disappeared and her bones were found in that pit. Way too many other circumstance that point directly at him as the murderer.

So KK may not be a saint, but thank you for putting this guy away for life. He was a menace to society.
I agree that there is WAY too much anger directed at KK. The majority of outrage should appropriately be placed upon SA, who really is a . He may have been wrongfully convicted of the initial rape of PB, but he sure as hell hasn't been an angel. He definitely warranted the attention of law enforcement at the time, having been out on bail for an assault on a woman and child. He was a guy with a criminal past. They would never have considered him as that rapist if he hadn't had an extensive criminal record already. So honestly, he has a lot of the burden to carry for making himself a suspect. And part of his 18 years in prison were for a crime he DID commit.

Also, the amount of evidence and information I've found out about since that hugely biased documentary MaM is stunning. If you've read much of the transcripts and investigator notes, you'll see that SA had sexual relations (rape?) with a juvenile relative (his niece). There's evidence he would beat up his girlfriend JS and that many of his family members were afraid of him. Most importantly, I can't get past the mountain of evidence against him. It's just not plausible to me that he just happened to have a bonfire the night TH disappeared and her bones were found in that pit. Way too many other circumstance that point directly at him as the murderer.

So KK may not be a saint, but thank you for putting this guy away for life. He was a menace to society.
Not a truer word could be spoken.

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Of course, that goes without saying. Justice isn't served however when an innocent man is framed for a crime he didn't do. That doesn't benefit the victim. Did it benefit Penny Beerntsen when SA was sent to prison for her rape, which he did not commit? Nope. In order for a victim to have justice, the right person has to be sent to jail, their guilt proved without a reasonable doubt.
Mission accomplished. He is in prison because he is a murderer.

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Mission accomplished. He is in prison because he is a murderer.

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If true, then these efforts will go nowhere and Steven Avery will remain in prison. No need to feel threatened by ongoing investigations.
To much anger directed at KK? :eek:

He was suppose to REPRESENT abuse VICTIMS and PROSECUTE their abusers. Instead, he ABUSED HIS POWER & ABUSE VICTIMS in the process.:stormingmad:

Avery is NO saint. Avery has a record. Avery, however is NOT comparable in any way, shape or form when it comes down to who should get the better of all of the PUBLIC OUTRAGE. It's apples & oranges, IMO

WAY to much anger at Kratz?!:facepalm:

Not from where I stand. No such thing.
I agree that there is WAY too much anger directed at KK. The majority of outrage should appropriately be placed upon SA, who really is a . He may have been wrongfully convicted of the initial rape of PB, but he sure as hell hasn't been an angel. He definitely warranted the attention of law enforcement at the time, having been out on bail for an assault on a woman and child. He was a guy with a criminal past. They would never have considered him as that rapist if he hadn't had an extensive criminal record already. So honestly, he has a lot of the burden to carry for making himself a suspect. And part of his 18 years in prison were for a crime he DID commit.

Also, the amount of evidence and information I've found out about since that hugely biased documentary MaM is stunning. If you've read much of the transcripts and investigator notes, you'll see that SA had sexual relations (rape?) with a juvenile relative (his niece). There's evidence he would beat up his girlfriend JS and that many of his family members were afraid of him. Most importantly, I can't get past the mountain of evidence against him. It's just not plausible to me that he just happened to have a bonfire the night TH disappeared and her bones were found in that pit. Way too many other circumstance that point directly at him as the murderer.

So KK may not be a saint, but thank you for putting this guy away for life. He was a menace to society.

I posted this once before back in Feb, but I wasn't sure if anyone actually noticed it because I did not get any responses back on it at that time. I think that was probably around the time that the DOJ report made it online and people were too busy reading and commenting on that to pay too much attention. Anyway, I wanted to post the link of Kratz's interview with the reporter Foley (who I feel very sorry for because Kratz gets very upset and goes all out on the poor guy for, literally, just doing his job) and to, maybe, get others thoughts on it. IMO, this interview shows a scary and aggressive side of KK. I am posting a link to the actual interview below. The first link at top is where I found this interview at.

Edit: included more information

I posted this once before back in Feb, but I wasn't sure if anyone actually noticed it because I did not get any responses back on it at that time. I think that was probably around the time that the DOJ report made it online and people were too busy reading and commenting on that to pay too much attention. Anyway, I wanted to post the link of Kratz's interview with the reporter Foley (who I feel very sorry for because Kratz gets very upset and goes all out on the poor guy for, literally, just doing his job) and to, maybe, get others thoughts on it. IMO, this interview shows a scary and aggressive side of KK. I am posting a link to the actual interview below. The first link at top is where I found this interview at.

Edit: included more information

Hi Jaddie! :seeya: You are such a die-hard, LOL!!! Thanks for keeping us up to date!! :cheers:
Hi Jaddie! :seeya: You are such a die-hard, LOL!!! Thanks for keeping us up to date!! :cheers:

Hi, back atcha BCA! :) I think I am such a die-hard because though I always knew that the justice system and the law sometimes had a tendency to favor the more fortunate in society, I had no idea that it could reach the BLATANT levels that these two cases have shown to me. This documentary literally opened my eyes fully. I am from a small town myself, and know from personal experience how small-town politics can be, however I was one of the lucky ones. I was lucky, first of all, because my children never really got into any serious trouble (just your typical teenage angst of drinking and getting a little out of control). We were lucky, as well, because my husband and I grew up here and therefore knew quite a few in LE whom we had went to school with. This meant that the most my sons had to face was LE just putting a little fear into them without having to get any real charges against them. After watching MaM, I realize now how bad it could have been had we not had that personal relationships that enabled us to work WITH LE to keep our boys on the straight and narrow. I don't know how I could have handled being in Barb's place in what they did to Brendan (though I DO know, no one would have been able to keep me from my son's side through police questioning...they would have had to put me in jail, cuz I would NOT have left his side no matter what they told me if he was a minor).
As far as my animosity towards Kratz, what bugs me the most about him is the fact that he used his title and power to further victimize women who he was supposed to be serving and protecting.I find this, not only to be disgusting behavior for a DA, but actually even evil in a way. IMO,he knew that their credibility would not stand up against his in a court of law and that is precisely why he targeted them that way, JMO....anyway, climbing down from my soapbox now, LOL. ;)

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