Prosecutors Ask For Hearing On How Baez Is Getting Paid

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KC has likely signed all kinds of papers without reading them or asking pertinent questions. My guess is that Baez has had her sign this and that, with very slim verbal explanations as to what the papers were, and he very well may have covered his a$$ quite well (for now). A horrible thought...yet another set of hearings on this matter alone is possible...groan.

Every paper represents yet another udder to milk.
Will Casey really get paid for anything if/when she is convicted of murder? Isn't that the reason some people wanted to see Cindy, George and Lee charged with obstruction so they, too, cannot get a penny off this case?

JDzWife, Casey will get nothing, not one red cent, if she is convicted. But all of the sleezy people who have attached themselves to this case after-the-fact are looking out for their interests...they want to make those red cents, before someone pulls the plug on it.
In Casey's case, this would be a form of an unauthorized biography. See the following link for the legal risks involved:

Basically the writer or publisher could be sued, unless the subject of the book signs off their consent. Whether they get published or not probably hinges on a risk/reward trade-off of the likelihood of a lawsuit.

Many states have similar protection of the publicity, privacy and profit rights of deceased persons that are passed to the parents or other heirs. Not sure about the laws in Colorado, but in Florida as much as I hate the idea, until she is convicted, Casey probably "owns" the rights of profit and publicity to Caylee's image and story. Fla. Stat. § 540.08.

So-----if KC sits on her butt and get tons of money then ZFG can come in and take it away from her?
Thanks, MH, that was a great post.

Thinking about this from an ethical standpoint - Baez is doing a job and deserves to be paid. Casey is on trial for her life, basically, and is entitled to the best defense she can afford. If selling photos, which are hers to sell, buys her that defense and pays Baez, is that ethically wrong?

Discuss amongst yourselves ;)

I wonder if they were hers or Cindys pictures and stuff? Did Casey even own a camera?

My guess is the first shot over the bow.. lol
I wonder how many defense attorneys will show up for the hearing?! See no evil, hear no evil, or speak no evil?
I am betting the investigations the Florida Bar opened has turned up something and they have informed the SA.

Remember the letter from the bogus Todd Black in defense of Baez? That one had to be reopened after it was brought out who he really was and that he was upholding Baez under an alias name.

We are on the same page, my friend.
I'm not sure, this is what I was wondering. I asked awhile back and no one seemed to know. I can't imagine her being with everyone else in booking, and even if she was, I wouldn't think they are all just standing around socializing. I can't get over the way she said that three other people can confirm it. It was really odd, and I don't think Lee believed her at all. There's just no way Casey would trust some random inmates' recommendation about a lawyer instead of calling her parents, and then figuring out the payments herself.

It would dependon whether the jail has an open booking system or holding cells. And it would depend on how many people were in the holding cell with her. And, of course, it all would depend on how many people were in with her. Jails do not typically have co-ed holding cells. Men and women are usually kept separately.

I don't think she was in protective custody for the fraud charges on her original charges. But then, she WAS up on child neglect charges at first I believe and that might have been enough to put her in protective custody. I think she might have been because she never seemed to discuss her experiences with anyone. If she had been in general population, she would have had plenty of interaction with other prisoners.
I knew LE and the Feds (ala DC and JH interviews) were interested in the relationship between Baez and Caitlyn. Now I know exactly why!

ETA: I think it must have always been a head scratcher for the SA office when Baez ignored a perfectly good plea deal. A plea deal most attorney's would have jumped through hoops to get.
oh he is being paid with caseys licorice skillz :doh:
oh he is being paid with caseys licorice skillz :doh:

Videos of Missing Child ... $200,000

High Powered Dream Team $1,000,000 (??Maybe??)

Licorice Skills .... PRICELESS
Sorry, if, how, by whom and how much JB is being paid is simply irrelevant to the case at hand. It must be a bad joke that the SA is looking out for KC's best interests by trying to probe into her attorney's fee payment.

JB's repetitive imotions, if one were to reflect upon them, have been necessary because the State has refused to respond in a timely and professional manner.

JB is doing an exemplary job representing KC. I haven't seen him do anything inappropriate or read any inappropriate pleadings. He IS looking out for her best interests and has gathered together some high-profile assistance in the case. He is fighting the State every step of the way, as he should.

One should ask why the State is so intent on discrediting JB rather than putting their own ducks in a row for trial.

It doesn't bother me in the least that photos and videos of Caylee are being or have been sold to media outlets by those who own the videos and photos. It wouldn't bother me to learn that people have book deals in place.

Unless it can be shown that JB is acting at the direction of third party rather than making his own decisions based upon what he deems to be in his client's best interest, or acting in his own best interest to the detriment of his client, there simply is no conflict.

And no, I don't think the FL Bar will re-write the Cannons of Ethics over this. If there is any ethical violation, there is a cannon to cover it already.
I think it is very likely that Judge Strickland will grant the prosecution's request on this one. Remember the statement that JB made that he is the first Hispanic attorney to ever have a case of this magnitude or something like that? I think that is cause for concern that he might be tempted by the money and limelight rather than making a good plea deal for his client.
1.JB DID at one point say that it would NOT be in his client's best interest to tell what she knows and give the prosecution what they need to put her away for life...(or something like that.)
2. The defense has insinuated that KC was protecting her daughter. For that matter, so has Cindy, George, and Lee. Remember the mother of the year comment?

So, if none of this proves to be true at trial, or if it isn't even addressed, can that be used in furthering the notion that JB has not acted in KC best interest? Does this question even make sense?? It's late, I'm at work....
I have asked this from the beginning and Baez is taking that girl for a ride in my opinion. She has the intelligence level of a 14 year old and has no ability to access her situation and how the courts work. I believe he needs to be removed from the case in the interest of her getting a fair trial.

I totally believe her to be guilty, but even a guilty person deserves to be able to make "INFORMED DECISIONS" about their life or death, and he has her so isolated, she is being denied that. I wonder if he is using the money for more than her defense.

Bold is mine-

Me too, the guy reminds me of a con-man.
Thanks, MH, that was a great post.

Thinking about this from an ethical standpoint - Baez is doing a job and deserves to be paid. Casey is on trial for her life, basically, and is entitled to the best defense she can afford. If selling photos, which are hers to sell, buys her that defense and pays Baez, is that ethically wrong?

Discuss amongst yourselves ;)
I would just modify this a tad to say, Casey is on trial for a serious offense that could result in life imprisonment and is entitled to the best defense her attorneys can provide. Once that attorney-client relationship is established, professional ethics require that the attorney provide those high quality legal services. The attorney is required to do his best to provide those services whether or not he is getting compensated. The attorney may not enter into the relationship of attorney client and then refuse to provide necessary services without being relieved by the Court. If the attorney is relieved by the court for nonpayment of fees, then, in this case the Public Defender would be appointed. Those attorneys also have the same ethical standard to provide the best services they can -- zealous, but ethical representation within the bounds of the law. Their problem is usually too many cases with too few attorneys to cover them.
Any book or movie deal that could affect JB's professional judgment is an actual conflict. Perhaps it would be worth more if there were a trial, for instance. Perhaps he gets to write it and add another feather in his cap. Perhaps if he loses he will want to paint himself in a good light and his client in a poorer light. There are way too many variables in such a deal and it would be impossible for him to prove his judgment wasn't affected--that's why it's an actual conflict.

Third parties can pay for legal services for a related or unrelated defendant. However, even when that happens, the defense attorney still has to give priority to the needs of his client and the ethics of the attorney-client relationship. To do it lawfully, the third part is just a different address to send the bills to. In this case, the absence of plea bargaining is the red flag that something might be drastically wrong.
Anybody care to venture a guess as to what her legal fees are to this point and/or at the end of this whole thing? Only asking because of the various dollar amounts thrown out here. Good grief, if one expert can get around $200,000 or more and the lead and co-counsels get $450-$900 an hour...this is astronomical (at least to me). I'm guessing well over a million when it's all said and done.
I wonder if they were hers or Cindys pictures and stuff? Did Casey even own a camera?

Yes, yes she did. :yes:

Of course :sleuth: the serial number was obliterated, and it happened to be the identical twin to her close buddy's missing, presumed stolen, camera, but that is all going to be explained at a later date at which time Casey will be seen as the
:star::camera: "Photographer of the Year" :camera::star: she really is, per :dj:Cindy. Also everything will make sense...finally.

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