Prosecutors won't seek death penalty UPDATE Or will they?

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DA Office Statement:

Text Of Prosecutors' Notice


COMES NOW the State of Florida, by and through the undersigned Assistant State Attorney, and gives notice that after due consideration of the facts and law applicable to this case, it is not in the best interest of the people of the State of Florida to pursue the Death Penalty as a potential sentence. Therefore, the State of Florida will not be seeking the death penalty as to CASEY MARIE ANTHONY.

snipped for length

OK Anyone want to translate? Does this mean we do not have enough evidence? We think she will be a too sympathetic figure (young mom, ect) for a jury to convict? we are making a statement to defense that we would consider a plea?

Any lawyers available for free? LOL
Now that the death penalty has been taken off the table, it will be interesting to see if Baez decides to try this case on his own, without the assistance of the death-qualified attorney who has been helping him thus far.

Surely this man doesn't presume to be experienced enough to make such a ludicrous attempt.

If he does have such a swelled-ego, and releases the other attorney, it will be quite a circus in that courtroom.

This is not to say that it hasn't already been a circus.

I have never seen such a convoluted TRUE crime case in my life.
C'mon, look on the bright side... that means JB is still lead chair for the defense. And that's a good thing. :D
Now that the death penalty has been taken off the table, it will be interesting to see if Baez decides to try this case on his own, without the assistance of the death-qualified attorney who has been helping him thus far.

Surely this man doesn't presume to be experienced enough to make such a ludicrous attempt.

If he does have such a swelled-ego, and releases the other attorney, it will be quite a circus in that courtroom.

This is not to say that it hasn't already been a circus.

I have never seen such a convoluted TRUE crime case in my life.

And I can't wait for the trial. I'm saving special vacation time just so DH and I can try and get in to see him fail.
C'mon, look on the bright side... that means JB is still lead chair for the defense. And that's a good thing. :D

I was thinking the same thing.

JB in court: Umm, Your Honor, uhh umm, I object. Cuz, I don't umm uhh understand uhh umm what's going on. :slap: :slap:
CLARIFICATION: I only want the DP to use as a chip to get her to release poor Caylee.

I would LOVE to see her LPWOP. The torture of a narcicist knowing she isn't known, not cared about, no longer news, her "friends" have moved on without sitting in the waiting room and seeing only 1 parent show up knowing instantly what happened to the other. Harrased, demeaned, belittled, disrespected.

And Caylee's birthday. The day she killed her. The endless nights of precious Caylee coming to her in her sleep.."why Mommy?" I think the punishment fits the crime to a "T".
I am so glad to hear this. This will be the 1st time in KC life that she can not take the easy way out of a situation. If she gets LWOP then she will sit in prison until she dies and then she can think about how bad of a XXXX up she is.

Believe it or not, I'm ok with the no death penalty. Even if she got it she would be behind bars for who knows how long with appeals. I would rather she got Life and to have to sit day after day, eating cole slaw and grits, no stripper poles in sight, guards watching her every movement for the rest of her life and hopefully waking up to her nightmares and cold sweats without TonE to hold and comfort her!
Believe it or not, I'm ok with the no death penalty. Even if she got it she would be behind bars for who knows how long with appeals. I would rather she got Life and to have to sit day after day, eating cole slaw and grits, no stripper poles in sight, guards watching her every movement for the rest of her life and hopefully waking up to her nightmares and cold sweats without TonE to hold and comfort her!

I'm sort of undecided. Because I live in Florida, I'm wondering how much of my tax dollars will go toward LWOP vs. DP...Not to mention the trial itself.
The DP was too good for her anyway. I want her to sit every day for the next 80 years in a cold, dark cell with no salon shampoos and designer clothes, eating coleslaw and bologna, feeling sorry for herself. She can sit there all cocky and full of herself now --thinking that she is smarter than everyone else, but I can NOT WAIT until the gavel comes down and she realizes that her life is now cement blocks and clanging calls through glass...cafeteria food and group showers...public toilets and work details. I think I might actually throw a party on the day the verdict is read.
Now that the death penalty has been taken off the table, it will be interesting to see if Baez decides to try this case on his own, without the assistance of the death-qualified attorney who has been helping him thus far.

Surely this man doesn't presume to be experienced enough to make such a ludicrous attempt.

If he does have such a swelled-ego, and releases the other attorney, it will be quite a circus in that courtroom.

This is not to say that it hasn't already been a circus.

I have never seen such a convoluted TRUE crime case in my life.

The other attorney will stay on, he really has too unless the Court allows him to withdraw, but for far more reasons than DP being declared not on the table at the moment.

On the other side, not mentioned in your post quoted above, this sadly will be the only time the perp will ever develop a personal self in her life. It will be in prison most likely, and with a new mother figure to make all of her choices. I don't think the reality of what has happened will hit her for quite a few more years. She is still in non-developmental mommy rules stage of life. It may even stop here. I hated having to type that out.
I am anti-DP in general so I have no problem with this development. But I think it was a wise choice, because imo, without a body and COD, it will be hard for a jury to convict her if they know she is up for the DP. I think this will make a conviction much easier.
Is there a high burden of proof for a death penalty sentence? If the state attorney tried for that and lost.. could she be retried a second time for LWOP? I don't think so... maybe that is why they are not going for the DP - so she doesn't slip through somehow.
And I can't wait for the trial. I'm saving special vacation time just so DH and I can try and get in to see him fail.

Never mind vacation. I may quit my job!:woohoo:

Seriously, I really wanted the SA to use the DP as a bargaining chip. I could live with KC spending LWOP in the general population. Would that be justice for Caylee? I hope so. I still think LE has lots more than they're letting on and those sleuthers that smell a deal might be right on.
I am sure that the state could change their mind and choose to seek the DP, if more evidence became available ... but they wouldn't. It would lead to the grounds for a new trial ... based on ineffective counsel ... It would be said that JB wasn't prepared for a capital case ... especially if they drop their tres expensive, DP qualified co-counsel after this Notice of Intent from the prosecution was filed with the court!

As far as why they decided not to seek the DP ... I see three possible reasons ...

1. Without a body DP would be difficult (for a jury) to justify
2. The cost of prosecuting a DP case is generally quite high because each side is more likely to employ costly expert witnesses and subsequent appeals are financially draining
3. It would not serve to meet the needs of the victim's family ... DP is more often than not, sought as a way to bring closure and a sense of justice to the victim's family. That is why victim impact statements are so powerful during the penalty phase! Rather than heal, it would only compound the hurt that the Anthony's have experienced from losing Caylee, to lose Casey also.
Is there a high burden of proof for a death penalty sentence? If the state attorney tried for that and lost.. could she be retried a second time for LWOP? I don't think so... maybe that is why they are not going for the DP - so she doesn't slip through somehow.

In Florida, whether to impose the DP is decided during the penalty phase of the trial ... that is, after the verdict has been reached ...
Believe it or not, I'm ok with the no death penalty. Even if she got it she would be behind bars for who knows how long with appeals. I would rather she got Life and to have to sit day after day, eating cole slaw and grits, no stripper poles in sight, guards watching her every movement for the rest of her life and hopefully waking up to her nightmares and cold sweats without TonE to hold and comfort her!

Knowing how much KC hates jail, I'm okay too. The pen is not a picnic like where she's being held right now!

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