Prosecutors won't seek death penalty UPDATE Or will they?

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That would be AWESOME, but the reason I don't think that is the case is I would have thought we would hear first BREAKING NEWS Casey makes deal to aviod DP"....but nothing has been said close to that.....maybe though...I will keep my fingers crosssed!

I don't think they would tell if a deal is underway to give up the location of the body until it is recovered and proved to be her.
Never mind vacation. I may quit my job!:woohoo:

Seriously, I really wanted the SA to use the DP as a bargaining chip. I could live with KC spending LWOP in the general population. Would that be justice for Caylee? I hope so. I still think LE has lots more than they're letting on and those sleuthers that smell a deal might be right on.

I hope so. But on the face of it - I'm dissapointed!

How much money will it cost to keep her sorry butt in the prison system? And you just know she'll get out in 20 years max. :(

She'll still be young enough to breed!
The DP was too good for her anyway. I want her to sit every day for the next 80 years in a cold, dark cell with no salon shampoos and designer clothes, eating coleslaw and bologna, feeling sorry for herself. She can sit there all cocky and full of herself now --thinking that she is smarter than everyone else, but I can NOT WAIT until the gavel comes down and she realizes that her life is now cement blocks and clanging calls through glass...cafeteria food and group showers...public toilets and work details. I think I might actually throw a party on the day the verdict is read.

A good example of that was just today............when OJ was trying to sound so nice to the judge and then BOOM............she gave a total of about 39 years, with possibility of parole in 7 1/2 years. To someone like him and KC 7 1/2 years is a lifetime.

If she even can be paroled it will be a good 35 years before that can happen and it rarely does in a capital crime, so she will be an older woman and all those "party dreams" will be long gone.
I hope she's on the verge of divulging Caylee's whereabouts, but I'd bet the farm that she won't, ever. Especially if the DP is taken off the table.

I can envision her singing to save her own life.

I cannot imagine her pleading out. I just can't. She is too narcissistic and sure of her ability to charm the universe.

She thinks the whole world will be as hornswoggled as Cindy and George.
That's okay, she'll live a long miserable life in prison, always checking her back. KC will have no peace in this world.
I think she will adjust just fine to prison, I don't think it's any punishment for her at all - there are always correctional officers to seduce.
the second that the defense sees what they are against as fas as evidence

she will confess and try to get the best deal possible

stick a fork in her, she is done
I hope she's on the verge of divulging Caylee's whereabouts, but I'd bet the farm that she won't, ever. Especially if the DP is taken off the table.

Or the DP was removed BECAUSE some deal was made. Remember the long letter from the Miami? attorney arguing against the death penalty for her?

(where IS that btw? It was supposed to be around 30 pages?)
I hope so. But on the face of it - I'm dissapointed!

How much money will it cost to keep her sorry butt in the prison system? And you just know she'll get out in 20 years max. :(

She'll still be young enough to breed!
IF she doesn't choose to have more kids while in prison.
I see her partying with any of the male guards she can get her hands on and there are plenty in prison.
Can they change there mind later on and seek the "Death Penalty" if a body is found? I would love to know that.. Anyone know?

Yes, they can if a body is found.
I think she will adjust just fine to prison, I don't think it's any punishment for her aqt all - there are always correctional officers to seduce.

I know, right! Just look at her "happy a$$" (as KC would say) on the jail videos ... for a narcissist to be happy all they need is attention ... she will have plenty of that in prison!
I think she will adjust just fine to prison, I don't think it's any punishment for her at all - there are always correctional officers to seduce.

ITA, she will be happy as a clam in there, thinking she will be the queen bee!!
Keep in mind, this could change. However, from a legal point of view, there is not enough evidence yet to go for DP. There is no body, no proof of cause of death. That is why no DP. If this status changes, so can this choice. It is not going to trial in December, that is just pre-trial. Lots can change.

When 911 happened and the victims' bodies were tragically unrecoverable, people sifted through the rubble and DNA from the smallest body part/fragment/etc. was enough to identify victims and even "lay them to rest." It was all they had, all that was left of their bodies. It was proof that these beloved family members existed and now were deceased. It was healing to family members.

If because of the mother's horrible crime, all that is recoverable of Caylee was one tiny little hair, with a "death ring", isn't that part of her body? (And recovering that hair was a miracle itself due to the family's cleaning of the car as well as identifying the hair due to obstruction on the part of turning over the correct hairbrush.)

Does this not constitute where there was life is now dead? Isn't a part of the body, albeit miniscule, prove a body?
When 911 happened and the victims' bodies were tragically unrecoverable, people sifted through the rubble and DNA from the smallest body part/fragment/etc. was enough to identify victims and even "lay them to rest." It was all they had, all that was left of their bodies. It was proof that these beloved family members existed and now were deceased. It was healing to family members.

If because of the mother's horrible crime, all that is recoverable of Caylee was one tiny little hair, with a "death ring", isn't that part of her body? (And recovering that hair was a miracle itself due to the family's cleaning of the car as well as identifying the hair due to obstruction on the part of turning over the correct hairbrush.)

Does this not constitute where there was life is now dead? Isn't a part of the body, albeit miniscule, prove a body?

Thats what I had thought too, but for CA its not enough Im sure, they will be looking for Caylee alive forever
CLARIFICATION: I only want the DP to use as a chip to get her to release poor Caylee.

I would LOVE to see her LPWOP. The torture of a narcicist knowing she isn't known, not cared about, no longer news, her "friends" have moved on without sitting in the waiting room and seeing only 1 parent show up knowing instantly what happened to the other. Harrased, demeaned, belittled, disrespected.

And Caylee's birthday. The day she killed her. The endless nights of precious Caylee coming to her in her sleep.."why Mommy?" I think the punishment fits the crime to a "T".

That's exactly how I feel, it will be interesting to see how she passes the time away and even more fun if they put her in gen. pop AFTER trial.
But this IMO is LE's second blunder here. They arrested too soon, she would have led them to the body as she delightfully would have visited and stared at her burial site. Secondly they took away the last bargaining chip to her telling them where to find Caylee. I know I'm going to get bashed for questioing LE, but that's MHO. :furious:
KC has no life any in prison.........not a picnic, I am sure.
KC also has theft charges and if she ever gets paroled, ha, KC like JVS and OJ will get worse and be back in again for soemthing else. A leopard never changes their spots!
That's exactly how I feel, it will be interesting to see how she passes the time away and even more fun if they put her in gen. pop AFTER trial.
But this IMO is LE's second blunder here. They arrested too soon, she would have led them to the body as she delightfully would have visited and stared at her burial site. Secondly they took away the last bargaining chip to her telling them where to find Caylee. I know I'm going to get bashed for questioing LE, but that's MHO. :furious:

She has never been interested in telling what she knows. She's only interested in the attention the POTENTIAL for telling what she knows, gets her.
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