Protesters could be hindering conclusion.

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The protesters are a daily reminder of the one thing Casey could never in a million years have anticipated when she made up her twisted stories - intense national scrutiny.

I wish the protesters were a little more Children of the Corn (unblinking stares) than Invasion of the Bodysnatchers (pointing and screaming), but their very presence has got to be a little unsettling.

They're a daily reminder that the search for culpability in Caylee's death is just. not. going. away.

No matter how much Miss Casey enjoys sitting in Baez' office playing on the computer, the watchers are there when she leaves the house, and there when she returns.

I am not being snarky and would agree with you if KC was a normal person with normal feelings and normal chracteristics but she isn't. Your scenario would probably drive a normal person nuts but KC it is like her verry own cheerleading squad in her fantasy made up world. Bodyguards, photographers, drivers, tv cameras...she feels like a true blue celebrity. That is one reason for KC and LE high five yesterday after getting through the media. The protestors are just feeding this grandiose nuttiness in her head. JMO I just hope they all leave and soon, along with all the media.
I think if the protestors CARED about Caylee as much as they HATE KC and the rest of the A's they would be out LOOKING for Caylee and not giving the family the attention THEY WANT so badly. THe A's put on a BIG SHOW of how much they want the protestors to leave, but if the protestors leave then they won't look like VICTIMS of the nasty people outside their house. The protesters are really good TOOLS in this, they are creating VICTIMS of the family. People are actually feeling sorry the A's because they have to deal with that all day everyday, and you know what that's what they want. SYMPATHY. DISGUSTING...IMO
While reading all these posts I thought about this. Now don't chew me up - just think about it. What if the protestors started "bit@hing about the taxpayer money being spent on this case?" It's very true. The economy is tanking all over and this case has to have cost Orange County LOTS AND LOTS of money. Where does that money come from? Taxes. I know people down here in SoFL get all riled up about spending taxpayer money. Maybe if the protest took a different direction - start writing, calling, visiting the elected officials offices - BEGGING, DEMANDING, that something be done to move this case forward because its costing the public way too much to coddle this () POI. I wonder what would happen if the right elected officials were bombarded with complaints about this if it would possibly cause a "turn the corner" in the case. Plus, we haven't heard from any elected officials (other than the Sheriff - who is not up for re-election) about this case. Just my thoughts - just my opinion - please don't throw things at me.
While reading all these posts I thought about this. Now don't chew me up - just think about it. What if the protestors started "bit@hing about the taxpayer money being spent on this case?" It's very true. The economy is tanking all over and this case has to have cost Orange County LOTS AND LOTS of money. Where does that money come from? Taxes. I know people down here in SoFL get all riled up about spending taxpayer money. Maybe if the protest took a different direction - start writing, calling, visiting the elected officials offices - BEGGING, DEMANDING, that something be done to move this case forward because its costing the public way too much to coddle this () POI. I wonder what would happen if the right elected officials were bombarded with complaints about this if it would possibly cause a "turn the corner" in the case. Plus, we haven't heard from any elected officials (other than the Sheriff - who is not up for re-election) about this case. Just my thoughts - just my opinion - please don't throw things at me.

IMO, taxpayers are also the ones who will pay for the frivolous lawsuits that come from the protesters whose intentions are to provoke the As enough that they react (like the pushing incidents). These people are looking for a buck...that's why they go there...that's why they provoke...that's why they are so quick to press charges. Everyone is speculating as to what kind of people the As are...well what kind of people are these protesters!??
Since the FBI is involved, this isn't just a local tax issue.

Last I checked, that's a federal agency that all US taxpayers fund.
IMO, taxpayers are also the ones who will pay for the frivolous lawsuits that come from the protesters whose intentions are to provoke the As enough that they react (like the pushing incidents). These people are looking for a buck...that's why they go there...that's why they provoke...that's why they are so quick to press charges. Everyone is speculating as to what kind of people the As are...well what kind of people are these protesters!??
What you said goes right along with my thoughts. Start writing, calling, going to the elected officials offices. Start demanding SOMETHING happen. Either get her put back in jail, charge her, send in enough LE to STOP the looy loos (now I know about the right to protest - but when I read the FL laws the other day, protesting did not pertain to private residences - only businesses, soooooooo..... stop them. I had friends harrassed about sidewalks down in SoFL - cops said you have to keep moving - no pulling up a folding chair and chilling on the sidewalk). Either way - I think the way this needs to start turning is to start putting pressure on the elected officials - demand something be done to stop this waste of money (taxpayer money) - or start demanding the A's start paying for security or LE calls (I know you can be charged by LE for so many 911 calls - they have done that before). We all know the A's now have this "windfall of funds". I'm just saying this may be a new avenue to start looking at to help bring Caylee home.
I agree all this "attenteon" is feeding into Casey. She even said shes a celebrity like she likes it.
Everyone should drop the attenteon to Casey, (but of course still continue to focus on CAYLEE ONLY).
It would probably hurt her feelings more if people hollered out "You're ugly!" instead of "Babykiller!".
While reading all these posts I thought about this. Now don't chew me up - just think about it. What if the protestors started "bit@hing about the taxpayer money being spent on this case?" It's very true. The economy is tanking all over and this case has to have cost Orange County LOTS AND LOTS of money. Where does that money come from? Taxes. I know people down here in SoFL get all riled up about spending taxpayer money. Maybe if the protest took a different direction - start writing, calling, visiting the elected officials offices - BEGGING, DEMANDING, that something be done to move this case forward because its costing the public way too much to coddle this () POI. I wonder what would happen if the right elected officials were bombarded with complaints about this if it would possibly cause a "turn the corner" in the case. Plus, we haven't heard from any elected officials (other than the Sheriff - who is not up for re-election) about this case. Just my thoughts - just my opinion - please don't throw things at me.

This also goes along with my philosophical disagreement with the media becoming overly obsessed with one case, because of the type of players involved.
Well, I am going to be a big hypocrite and say that although I personally would not be one of the protesters, I do agree with their right to do so. I am not opposed to anything that makes the entire Anthony family uncomfortable. I do think that yelling and screaming anything at the family is just plain tacky, tho.

Casey has silenced Caylee, but cannot silence the country at the outrage that is felt toward little Caylee's demise.
I am not being snarky and would agree with you if KC was a normal person with normal feelings and normal chracteristics but she isn't. Your scenario would probably drive a normal person nuts but KC it is like her verry own cheerleading squad in her fantasy made up world. Bodyguards, photographers, drivers, tv cameras...she feels like a true blue celebrity. That is one reason for KC and LE high five yesterday after getting through the media. The protestors are just feeding this grandiose nuttiness in her head. JMO I just hope they all leave and soon, along with all the media.

ITA!! I think KC is enjoying all the attn.
I think it would be much more effective to have a recording of little Caylee (maybe of hear reading her book in that precious voice) and play it through loudspeakers all night long for them to hear. Aren't I just wicked?
IMO, the protesters are simply boosting CA's ego. The more they rant, rave, and provoke her parents/family...the better she feels because they are standing up for her and taking her side. I can't believe the protesters haven't thought of this. Why force them to band together? Nothing will come out if the public continues to protest and make it "them (the As) against us (the public)". It needs to be "them against them" so something will break in this case and that beautiful little girl will come home!!!

I am so glad to hear someone else say this. I was ranting at home last night about this. The angrier the mod gets, the more Cindy and George are going to protect their daughter. Do the protesters think they are going to toss her out the door into a slew of folks ready to slit her throat??? Protestors...go HOME. Let the Anthony family sit in silence. Force them to talk to one another...about Caylee.
I didn't see a link, but here is one to the editorial in the Orlando Sentinel. Scroll to below the video section:

The strange and tragic disappearance of a small girl has brought out the best in Central Florida -- and the worst.

People who never knew Caylee Anthony gave up their time to hand out pamphlets to help locate the girl. When it started looking like Caylee might be dead, hundreds of volunteers again sacrificed their time to help search for her body.

There was no personal gain from working in the hot sun. No profit. No glory.,0,5056518.story
It is also possible that the protesters are turning up the heat inside the house. At any time, G or C may go in already angry and "choke Casey until she can remember where she put her baby." They have to be sick of being under the microscope at all hours of the day. They could actually end up being the heroes if they got the truth out of her. What can it hurt them to ask.

I have a friend that was in the Marine corps. He was part of playing metal until Noriega gave up. It worked for the military. I know George is about to blow. I think also that if the protesters tried talking to Cindy in calm, quiet voice they may learn more or have more impact. Cindy has proved that she will come out and splain it all day long. I may drop by with coffee...
Ok, I am sick of the protestors.
:Banane31: :crazy: They are starting to make me crazy.

The reason we have a judicial system is for this very reason.
Most of them look like they need to get a job or a life.

What good have they done? Besides cause the good neighbors problems?
Has anything they have done gotten Casey to talk? NO!
It probably makes her clam up even more. They think they can "get the answers" better than the police?? What exactly are they protesting? The law that allows people to be bonded out of jail? Is protesting really going to bring back Caylee (dead or alive?)

I believe LE will do their job and justice will be served. Geez, there have been other cases where murders, thieves, rapists have been out on bond and they are not being picketed. There have been other mom's that have killed their babies. This is NOT NEW, PEOPLE!!!

I think alot of people want to get 5 minutes of fame and be on "reality tv" and they want the "Anthony's" to hurt/push/shove them so they can file charges.

The protestors are not protesting!! They are HARASSING a whole neighborhood. Harrassment is wrong no two ways about it and it is NOT very Christian (or not being a good person). Two wrongs do not make it right. The protestors are even fighting the neighbors that just want to live peacefully. Sadly, LE should have put a stop to this right off the bat.

Do they not realize they are "puppets" for the media. Sad testimony to the way world is going. Sad that young mom's think partying is more fun. Sad, sad, sad.

Protestors... go home you are starting to look ridiculous!!
Ok, I am sick of the protestors.
:Banane31: :crazy: They are starting to make me crazy.

The reason we have a judicial system is for this very reason.
Most of them look like they need to get a job or a life.

What good have they done? Besides cause the good neighbors problems?
Has anything they have done gotten Casey to talk? NO!
It probably makes her clam up even more. They think they can "get the answers" better than the police?? What exactly are they protesting? The law that allows people to be bonded out of jail? Is protesting really going to bring back Caylee (dead or alive?)

I believe LE will do their job and justice will be served. Geez, there have been other cases where murders, thieves, rapists have been out on bond and they are not being picketed. There have been other mom's that have killed their babies. This is NOT NEW, PEOPLE!!!

I think alot of people want to get 5 minutes of fame and be on "reality tv" and they want the "Anthony's" to hurt/push/shove them so they can file charges.

The protestors are not protesting!! They are HARASSING a whole neighborhood. Harrassment is wrong no two ways about it and it is NOT very Christian (or not being a good person). Two wrongs do not make it right. The protestors are even fighting the neighbors that just want to live peacefully. Sadly, LE should have put a stop to this right off the bat.

Do they not realize they are "puppets" for the media. Sad testimony to the way world is going. Sad that young mom's think partying is more fun. Sad, sad, sad.

Protestors... go home you are starting to look ridiculous!!

Hold're in for a bumpy ride.......
No bumps here. I agree, the protesters are doing more harm than good, IMO. If nothing else, they are making the Anthonys band together in defense of each other and of Casey. It gives them a common enemy and something to talk and think about other than what Casey has done to Caylee. I think the best way to break Casey would be to leave the Anthony family in peace and quite and let them think....and think....and think.....
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