Psych Profile- Elizabeth Johnson

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Who is Marzzy? She references that name, diff. spelling on her Myspace too.
Her mother is really the only one she seems to care about other than herself, so I think she is the "us". She took her mother's picture with her on the run, she wrote of her while drinking in SA, and now she references her again in her "despair", IMO.
I wonder how/why the reporter got a copy of that letter? EJs attorney has kept everthing so mum, but she lets this go? hmmmm.

From this article, she was only on that dies from Friday- Sunday....Cry me a freakin river...She needs to grow up!! NO one is going to throw her a pitty party!!

Wow!! Now she is possibly looking at 2 Felony assault counts...Her tantrums won't get her anywhere in Maricopa!! GO JOE!!

Johnson could now face two counts of felony assault stemming from Thursday's incident, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio said.

I wonder how/why the reporter got a copy of that letter? EJs attorney has kept everthing so mum, but she lets this go? hmmmm.

Maybe they are looking for sympathy or are going to say she was/is insane. I have no sympathy for someone who may have hurt a child.
I think that the new info on E and her "attack" on the other inmates, her drama queen stuff and "will" shows just how disturbed and disturbing E really is

The attack : more of her lack of control, anger management issues

the "will">>> shows that she may be ready to give up....also maybe thinking of does "run" in families

(actually all of this only firms up and supports my theory that E did indeed kill little Gabe)
Elizabeth said that her bread, or the loaf of bread that they fed her had rotten vegetables and worms inside. So that makes me thinks she's under some delusion, not in touch with reality. And it makes me if wonder then if she saw Gabe as some evil baby, or saw Logan in the baby, or something to that effect. She was off of her meds, so having delusion thoughts combined with the hatred and ill will towards Logan may have resulted in poor Gabe's fate. And I wonder too if her suicidal thoughts are the result of guilt. What transpired with her in jail, assaulting the inmates and getting punished further reinforces my conclusion that Gabe was not handed off. She so entirely miserable in jail that IF she handed him off, she would beg and plead with third party to bring him back so she could get her butt out of jail. But since no real third party exists, she sits in jail, in misery and with bad food as punishment. IF Gabe was alive, she'd turn him over in a heartbeat to be out of jail...
Elizabeth said that her bread, or the loaf of bread that they fed her had rotten vegetables and worms inside. So that makes me thinks she's under some delusion, not in touch with reality. And it makes me if wonder then if she saw Gabe as some evil baby, or saw Logan in the baby, or something to that effect. She was off of her meds, so having delusion thoughts combined with the hatred and ill will towards Logan may have resulted in poor Gabe's fate. And I wonder too if her suicidal thoughts are the result of guilt. What transpired with her in jail, assaulting the inmates and getting punished further reinforces my conclusion that Gabe was not handed off. She so entirely miserable in jail that IF she handed him off, she would beg and plead with third party to bring him back so she could get her butt out of jail. But since no real third party exists, she sits in jail, in misery and with bad food as punishment. IF Gabe was alive, she'd turn him over in a heartbeat to be out of jail...

I can't help but agree with you. The fact that she assaulted 2 people shows me that her violence wasn't confined to inanimate objects. The fact that she shows signs of delusion shows me that she could have written about meeting someone who would take Gabriel off her hands, no questions asked, shows me that she that she was not in the grip of reality. In her mind Logan had ruined her life and having Logan's baby ruined her life. I can see her taking things out on the poor baby and then trying to cover it up by writing about the happy life he was going to have with these great people. Of course I hope it didn't happen that way but I can't see, after all this time,how Gabriel could have disappeared off the face of the earth unless she made sure of it. Someone would know something. If one person outside of EJ knew that Gabriel was alive there would be clues to that. I think she got backed into a corner by the 27th and felt she had no choice. I hope to God I am wrong. I would love to be proved wrong but the more time that passes the less likely that becomes.
If she will not eat, then feed her intravenously! LE can legally do that and also restrain her to the bed. Believe me, they will not let her die.

I think she is BSing, IMO. Little drama queen. She needs to start talking and say what she has done with baby Gabe.
Thanks for that BeanE. :) Yes, I think it's great she's going to get meds. She's been mentally disturbed for such a long time, she needs treatment.

Surely she has had a psych evaluation early on. If she did and med's were recommended maybe she refused to take them which brings her to this point.
Elizabeth clearly has a history of mental instability. But jails and prisons create a culture of violence, which can ilicit strange and aggressive behavior even in those who have no such history. I would like to know more about the circumstances surrounding these
outbursts. My theory is that Elizabeth did hand her son off to someone, and in doing so believed she was acting in his best interest, giving him a better life. If in jail, she was being taunted by other inmates, called a baby killer or something to that extent, it may have caused her to snap.
Elizabeth's Will:

My Advanced Directive & Will (dated 4/9/2010)

I am writing my advanced directive and will because I am incarcerated in Estrella jail and they are starving me and serving rotten food with worms in it. I haven't eaten in over 7 days and barely can write this. The water… makes us sick. I feel they will let me starve to death rather than feeding me safe, edible food. I don't want an autopsy, I do not wish to donate any organs/body parts. That is against my religion. I wish my grandmother be contacted [phone number] only. I wish to be cremated right away, put in a box not an urn and brought to mass to be buried above my mother's grave. I know my grandmother Sylvia [last name] will arrange this for me. White lilies for me is all. I don't think I'll have time to have my lawyer notarize this because I am starving and so weak and dehydrated so I will put a tank order in for a notary. I love you Marzzy. I am sorry be happy for us.
Sincerely, Elizabeth Johnson

BBM. When I first read this I was very disturbed by "I am sorry be happy for us." But thank you to others who suggested EJ is referring to her Mother. That makes sense to me when taken in context with her expression of desire to be buried above her mother's grave.

I need to go back and re-read all of the psych profile / background information we have on EJ. From reading this, I honestly cannot decide if my opinion is that she is genuinely suicidal or if rather she is extremely attention-craving, selfish, go-to-any-lengths to accomplish what she wants, and this note is just a ploy.

How did she have the opportunity to assault 2 other inmates? I thought she was not in general population in the jail?
Surely she has had a psych evaluation early on. If she did and med's were recommended maybe she refused to take them which brings her to this point.

There hasn't been a motion for a psych eval so I don't know if she's had one. She's always refused and psychiatric treatment except for that brief stint with anti-depressants. She have been refusing an eval. She's big on refusing things lol :)

And yes, if she did agree to it previously, she could have just refused the meds, and I don't know that they'd force her without a court order. They could have been prescribed but just sitting there.

In the psych ward I think they have more leeway in forcing meds on her. I hope they do. Bring on the hypodermic!
BBM. When I first read this I was very disturbed by "I am sorry be happy for us." But thank you to others who suggested EJ is referring to her Mother. That makes sense to me when taken in context with her expression of desire to be buried above her mother's grave.

I need to go back and re-read all of the psych profile / background information we have on EJ. From reading this, I honestly cannot decide if my opinion is that she is genuinely suicidal or if rather she is extremely attention-craving, selfish, go-to-any-lengths to accomplish what she wants, and this note is just a ploy.

How did she have the opportunity to assault 2 other inmates? I thought she was not in general population in the jail?

I think she sprayed them with windex, so she wouldn't have to be "out" with them, KWIM? I too think she was being taunted or's prison and you're there because your child is missing, and you are the reason why. It's not a luxury cruise, and I think she's had enough. Fortunately for us all, she can attempt to starve herself, but at the moment she becomes weak they will treat her and keep her alive. And TPN (IV food) is no sweet treat either. I don't see her as having halucinations. That food sounds disgusting. I don't doubt they use the rotten/near rotten fruits in it, and maybe there was a weavel in the first one they gave her, so she's disgusted and can't bring herself to eat any of it. MOO.
Elizabeth clearly has a history of mental instability. But jails and prisons create a culture of violence, which can ilicit strange and aggressive behavior even in those who have no such history. I would like to know more about the circumstances surrounding these
outbursts. My theory is that Elizabeth did hand her son off to someone, and in doing so believed she was acting in his best interest, giving him a better life. If in jail, she was being taunted by other inmates, called a baby killer or something to that extent, it may have caused her to snap.

Hi olivia. Welcome to Websleuths. Glad to have you here!

Elizabeth has a documented history of physical violent for most of her life. It definitely didn't just start in jail. It takes very little - and even nothing outward - to set her off. There's a police report up in the top of Gabe's forum in the Important Links thread in which it's reported that she was in her apartment seemingly screaming and yelling at someone however there was no one there. An example of her needing no external influence to become enraged. She seems to have very deep seated problems.

Elizabeth may indeed have been delusional and irrationally thinking that giving her baby to a stranger and placing him such grave danger would actually be good for him in some way. I don't know. What holds me back from going down that road is the widely reported and documented lack of feeling Elizabeth displayed for Gabe his entire life. I can't reconcile a person who never shows any sort of caring for their baby to a person who never shows cares for their baby except for this one little isolated feeling of wanting them to have a better life and effecting that by putting them in grave danger in the hands of a stranger. I can't make that all come together.

The thing is too, that she's no dummy by any means. I can't reconcile a girl that smart, even with all her problems, not knowing that giving her baby to a stranger is the antithesis of acting in his best interests, the antithesis of giving him a better life. A very simple example is that I can't buy it that she grew up in school and watching TV and seeing all the 'Stranger Danger' cartoons and PSAs and classes and booklets and books and teacher lectures and with her brains didn't understand that very simple concept. It just doesn't mesh.

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