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The DR. called and said he had a rehab he ran from his house and that she was a part of it

And also, Mari herself said Shannan talked to Mari last, not 911 before she vanished. She called 911, then called her mother, then vanished.

I am not beating up her mother LIKE I SAID I wasn't. I was stating a simple point.
I am sorry that when I make statements I speak with conviction, I do not mean to offend. Honestly. I try to explain in a no sugar coated way as to get the clear message across and the seriousness of what is going on.
If I offend, I apologize. DO not take offense.

I re-read that, and actually, I said nothing wrong. My opinion is MY opinion, and that is how I feel...

I've read your posts with interest, and would like your opinion on something.

I've been working on a theory that the serial killer is a duck hunter. This theory assumes:

1) That Shannan died of accidental causes and is completely unrelated to the actual serial killer case.
2) That the GB4 and Manorville are a single killer.

I know you've mentioned that it is uncommon for a SK to change their killing style and manner of dumping, but we don't know the manner of death for the Manorville victims. The manner of death could at least be the same (asphyxiation). Certainly the dump site along Ocean Parkway was identical.

The only connection that I've found between the area between Cedar Beach and Gilgo Beach (on the north side of the parkway) and the specific area of Manorville where Jane Doe #6 and Jessica Taylor were found is duck hunting. Duck hunters have a duckboat festival at Cedar Beach through In 2000, it was held at Gilgo. The area of Manorville where Jane Doe #6 was found is a waterfowl hunting area (she was actually discovered by pheasant hunters).

Duck hunters use buralp bags for building blinds, and its possible that they use these to carry dead ducks in the field.

My questions are as follows:

1) If it is indeed a duck hunter, what is your take on the psychology behind a serial killer "bagging" his prey? What type of serial killer would this make him? A trophy hunter? Mission-oriented? Thrill seeker?

2) I can understand why a serial killer might migrate away from dismembering. Namely, its messy, leaves a lot of evidence, and in the end is unnecessary when your victims are strangers. Between 2000 and 2007, the killer may have evolved (as many do) to believe that as long as nobody ever finds the body, then nature and time will do the task of eliminating evidence.

There seemed to be alot of attention paid to Jessica Taylor in 2003/2004, so between 2003 and 2007 he became refined to the point where he didn't need to dismember his next victims to prevent identification. Rather, he could simply camouflage them with burlap and noone would ever find them.

My question is: Why do you think he would have dismembered in the first place (assuming that it was meant to prevent identification, which I do assume)? I mean, this guy picks up a prostitute from NYC in 2000 (so the police believe). If Jessica Taylor is any indicator of where Jane Doe #6 was picked up (the Port Authority Bus Terminal), this is pretty much the busiest area for prostitution since Mayor Giuliani cleaned up the city. In other words, its a Red Light district, with pretty much the world's shadiest characters running around all night. Why do you need to obfuscate in 2000 and again in 2003 that the victim came from this area? Did he have an arrest record for solicitation of a prostitute in that area? Was he afraid of electronic surveillance (i.e., video, toll-booth records) that might have tied him to the crime? Or is there some other reason why one might seek to prevent identification of a victim that I'm just not thinking about?

Here's an idea of what the area around the Port Authority Bus Terminal was like in 2000/2003:
Best Surviving Pocket Of Old-Fashioned Midtown Sleaze


Is That a Crackpipe in Mickey’s Pants? We spent much of this past year living right across from the Port Authority on W. 40th St. Those of you still bemoaning the Disneyfication of 42nd St., please believe us when we tell you that the old sleaze hasn’t vanished. We know this from intimate experience. It just got pushed south and west, along 8th Ave. and on several blocks of cross streets between 8th and 9th Aves., the last old-time sleazy *advertiser censored* ghetto area in midtown Manhattan. A hood, one wag friend of ours jokes, that The New York Times and the realtors will soon dub "Southport" (South of Port Authority) when the 42nd St. redevelopment inexorably spreads there.

You want a taste of the old Deuce? Stroll our block of W. 40th between 8th and 9th Aves. after dark. Our building’s immediate neighbors included two *advertiser censored* shops, a greasy Chinese takeout for crackheads, the scariest bodega in Manhattan, the worst fast food joint on the planet and a bar. We passed a dozen more *advertiser censored* shops every day on our walk to work. How many *advertiser censored* shops do you need? Walking home every night we ran a gauntlet of filthy, mean-tempered crackies and drunks, plenty of hoze and lots of just generally bad-looking dudes up to absolutely no good. Every morning, we went out to the lovely aroma left by the bums who’d pissed on our front steps that night. Not to mention the puke in the gutter. Most nights around 4 a.m. we were awakened by the inhuman yowling of the crackies clustered on the parking lot under our window, who’d run out of cash and rock and were coming down loud and hard.

And that’s just our one block. There are several square blocks of good old-fashioned New York City degradation and depravity left in Southport, for you nostalgists willing to go look.

OK, I just had a thought. What if the dismemberment wasn't to obfuscate the identify, but was really part of his ritual? Check this out:
#6: Cut off the head and legs.

In other words, the ritual between Manorville and the GB4 is the same. It's just a slight modification. It's better for him to experience his "success" in the field (i.e., "in the bag") than to experience/relive the post-hunt feeling that he gets while butchering his prey.
To the defenders of CPH: We get it that you are an advocate for the doctor. Most of the long time posters here are not.

I'm not sure this is completely true. We've never had an official vote, and I don't think anyone here can or should speak for the group.
The DR. called and said he had a rehab he ran from his house and that she was a part of it

And also, Mari herself said Shannan talked to Mari last, not 911 before she vanished. She called 911, then called her mother, then vanished.

I am not beating up her mother LIKE I SAID I wasn't. I was stating a simple point.
I am sorry that when I make statements I speak with conviction, I do not mean to offend. Honestly. I try to explain in a no sugar coated way as to get the clear message across and the seriousness of what is going on.
If I offend, I apologize. DO not take offense.


I believe what MG meant was that she had spoken w/ Shannan on the phone earlier in the day, before she made arrangements to go out to her gig. IIRC, the family was not notified that Shannan was in trouble/missing/etc. until Alex Diaz phoned Sherre.
I recall her saying that the media reported her last phone call was to 911, when in fact it was to Mari... She herself mentioned it, so I am going to go with what she has said.

It was along the lines that "I want to make it clear that it was reported Shannans last phone call was to 911 but it wasn't, I was her last phone call that night."
I recall her saying that the media reported her last phone call was to 911, when in fact it was to Mari... She herself mentioned it, so I am going to go with what she has said.

It was along the lines that "I want to make it clear that it was reported Shannans last phone call was to 911 but it wasn't, I was her last phone call that night."

I do not recall reading that, maybe you can find the article?
I also would have freaked if some man called me out of the blue and demanded to speak with my child and the info on where they brought her.
I think there is confusion about Mari speaking with Shannon during her last known moments because LE told Mari about the phone call, and they told her that "she was heard being pulled into a truck". Mari then relayed the information to the media. That always struck me as odd because, how would they (LE) know it was a truck? Here is a link to a news article that talks about it:

""Her last phone call was 21 minutes to 911, when she was grabbed and pulled into a truck, the police missed her by about 5," said Mari Gilbert, Shannon's mother."
We do have CPH calling the mother of SG and the mother/sister stating he admitted involvement with SG. (the rehab call) Proof was given of phone calls from CPH to MG via was it 48hrs?

One of the shows said that MP was in GA.

I thought it was the 'drifter' who went to GA.

I've also read several posts lately stating MP alluded to GC that he was involved in having the party that Shannan left from. We didn't hear that at first so who knows if it is true or not. But if it is it certainly casts a different light on things, right?
Well, this article would make you think Mari was the last person to talk to Shannan, but it was "6 hours before she went missing", so the 911 call would still have been the last call. This case is SO confusing!!!

"The others want to know why Mari thinks Shannan suddenly wouldn’t share her fee with the driver. “I was the last one Shannan talked to that night, six hours before she was missing,” Mari says. “We had planned for her to come home for my birthday and for Mother’s Day.” Gilbert thinks Shannan didn’t want to give the driver his cut that night so that she could have enough money to buy her a present. “She said, ‘I have to work tonight, Mommy.’”
She meant she was the last person to talk to Shannan before she left for her date with JB. Just an ordinary mother-daughter talk where SG assured her mother she would be careful. There is a news article about her mother feeling guilty because she thought Shannan shorted JP in order to buy her mother a present for an upcoming visit. I can find the link if anyone is dying to see it.

Thanks, Reannan. This is one of the articles I was referring to. Thanks for finding it.
My question is: Why do you think he would have dismembered in the first place (assuming that it was meant to prevent identification, which I do assume)? I mean, this guy picks up a prostitute from NYC in 2000 (so the police believe). If Jessica Taylor is any indicator of where Jane Doe #6 was picked up (the Port Authority Bus Terminal), this is pretty much the busiest area for prostitution since Mayor Giuliani cleaned up the city. In other words, its a Red Light district, with pretty much the world's shadiest characters running around all night. Why do you need to obfuscate in 2000 and again in 2003 that the victim came from this area? Did he have an arrest record for solicitation of a prostitute in that area? Was he afraid of electronic surveillance (i.e., video, toll-booth records) that might have tied him to the crime? Or is there some other reason why one might seek to prevent identification of a victim that I'm just not thinking about?


you caught me a little bit flat-footed here, since I have not much ideas about duck hunting. Didn't know for example, they use burlap to make blinds. However, I know my serial killers.
Basically, there are three different kinds of SKs out there, who dismember the bodies:

a.) as forensic counter-measure to prevent identification. This behavior is in fact relative common in mid- to low-organized sexual predator types. Berdella, partially Dahmer or also Rifkin (since we are at Long Island again) used it. Typically, those SKs dispose the bigger part of the body, often the whole shebang in the normal trash or spread them over a wide areas in places that are not so easy found. However, often they also keep a part for some time, either boiled down skulls (like Dahmer did) or by burying heads in their garden (like Berdella did). An SK, who uses dismembering as countermeasure has a good chance to become sloppy over time, after he got away with it several times and thus "changes" to methods with less effort. Rifkin is a good example for that. However, it's not really "evolving", it's just getting sloppy in the same way other SKs go sloppy when their spiral down beginns (compare Bundy for that).

b.) as souvenirs. Some keep body parts as souvenirs, mostly heads/skulls. While they get rid of the bigger part of the body, they keep the part that intrigues them. Again, Jeffrey Dahmer is an example, he kept some skulls to build the infamous altar. Since, for most of the body, this is only about forensic counter-measure and body disposal, there is always a possibility, that kind changes something in the disposal method or gets sloppy. That would mean, instead of body parts, one would suddenly for example find beheaded bodies.

c.) The Keepers. This is the rarest kind and I'm not sure, whether it's not even the rarest kind of all SK types. In this case, dismemberment doesn't serve as forensic counter-measure or means to dispose of bodies but is part of ritual and thereby of signature. Typical warning signs are
- torso or head staging in areas, the killer had to know they were found soon
- body parts of the same victim popping up in distant places over years
- body parts popping up when another SK makes headlines
It's important to understand, that this kind of SK doesn't dismember bodies to prevent identification. They do it because it's what they do, part of their fantasy that forms the signature. Thus, in a way, and especially in connection with the body part staging, those killers are much more similar to a Zodiac than a Jeffrey Dahmer. It's about attention and making statements. And because it's not about disposal (if they can, they keep as many body parts as possible in freezers, mummified or embalmed as possible and it's hard for them to put them out there to be found), they will NOT change this part of their signature unless they begin to spiral down.

Manorville is by all signs a Keeper-type. Jessica Taylor's torso was staged on top of a pile of wood along a path known by dog walkers. Her Hands and forearms, even her head, popped up not only years later but also only after another killer in the same area made headlines. Same with the Jane Dow. So, I fon't think, Manorville would evolve in a regular strangler and suddenly start to drop whole bodies somewhere. There wouldn't be any fun in it for him at all.
Now, that is my opinion and I don't claim to be always right (even I had a pretty good quota over the last few cases). So lets speculate a little about other reasons:

- A lot of SKs start with a victim that is from their social vicinity.
That is the reason, why the early victims are often key to blow the case open. So, theoretically, if there was some connection to the early victim, the killer would have seen a need for more effective counter-measures.

- Extreme sadists can in rare cases develop a taste for peri-mortem dismembering. Since the parts found were alreay years old, no ME would find tourniquet impressions anymore. So, theoretically, that's a possibility. However, a psychopath/sadist has a tendency to go at some point down the spiral and when he enters this phase, his killings become less elaborate, the signature disappears and it's all about primal instincts. So he would maybe change to less elaborate methods (but then, the kill/time quota for Gilgo is too slow for a psychopath in spiral down phase)

- If there are only a few victims dismembered, then a few burnt (for example), then a few painted green (only example to make it plakative) and whatever else, it could be a beginner still searching for himself. The urge to kill is already fully blown, but he is still experimenting to figure out, which method is the most "him".

- another possibility is, he is a dismemberer, but lost his infrastructure. dismembering worked fine because he had the privacy of his garage ... but then his house was foreclosed and now he has no space with the needed privacy.

So, theoretically, there are some possibilities.

A question about duck hunters: Would a duck hunter who drives a pickup or SUV have regularly burlap as sheets or sacks in his bed/trunk? Or only during a certain season? And when is duck season at LI?
Question: Where does one buy burlap sacks?

Are they hard to obtain or can any Joe Schmoe walk into a place like Home Depot and buy them?

Is it possible there is too much being read into this?

Is it possible the killer either read up on what would be a good way to dispose of organic material or camoflauge materials in that environment or just thought "These look like a good way to wrap up my bodies"?, bought some, and used them for either all of his kills if the GB4 was the extent of his "career" or used them at that time?

Just thinking.
Question: Where does one buy burlap sacks?

Are they hard to obtain or can any Joe Schmoe walk into a place like Home Depot and buy them?

Is it possible there is too much being read into this?

Is it possible the killer either read up on what would be a good way to dispose of organic material or camoflauge materials in that environment or just thought "These look like a good way to wrap up my bodies"?, bought some, and used them for either all of his kills if the GB4 was the extent of his "career" or used them at that time?

Just thinking.

The trick is, to see if a detail is important in a certain situation or not and why. The burlap has in my opinion no ritualistic meaning, but I can be wrong with it. But if I am wrong, I have to think, why is he doing it if it has no ritualistic meaning to him. My first guess: Because he uses a vehicle that wouldn't pull any attention if something burlap wrapped is laying in there. Burlap doesn't catch body liquids too well (all liquids in fact) and even a strangulated body is a little messy because all muscles are relaxed. So, he doesn't care about keeping his car clean in the first thought, but about how it looks. Means, he would drive some car that is anyway dirty, a work vehicle. See, the problem is not that bodies are found somewhere at a beach. The problem is to transport them. After th body, wrapped or not is dropped, he can drive off and go in all peace to a car wash. Add some bleach and he is good. But on the way in, he is in danger. Because even faster than smell, an unwrapped body would cause questions. Which made me think, his vehicle is a pickup or an SUV (with lower probability) because it has to draw no attention with something wrapped in the back But that is my opinion.
I was recently trying to make something of the physical and chronological patterns in the Gilgo sites - that the older remains appear on the outer perimeter of the main cluster and that the killer may have used them as testing grounds for future use was one. That idea assumes John Doe to be a LISK victim whose death was a violent rejection, but that years later the killer would want to check it out, since it worked once before. The spread of the remains could suggest a vague memory, thus a seven-mile spread, "just to be sure." This also assumes Doe was out there for up to ten years, the suggested age of the recovered remains.
I've also seen on a recent thread where someone noted a report that some of the remains were so old that roots were growing around the skull and vertebrae of one - was that in the main cluster, or older?
In looking at Peter's description of a keeper, my ideas about all the Gilgo bodies (excepting SG, but that's another topic) being LISK victims is practically blown. It makes sense both for the differing MO's as well as for the sociopathic "game" such a persona would "play." Zodiac's keeping of Paul Stine's shirt (to spare himself the writing out of withheld details) comes to mind. The competitive claims of inflated body counts among killers (i.e. one killer trying to suggest another killer's victims are his, by virtue of the evidence he's planted to connect them) also comes to mind (Zodiac, Lucas, in particular). My questions above are really asking if anyone can ascertain the age of the older-remains dumping, vs the deaths of the victims. Soil conditions and interaction with flora and fauna are probably still under study but it could mean a lot.
I was recently trying to make something of the physical and chronological patterns in the Gilgo sites - that the older remains appear on the outer perimeter of the main cluster and that the killer may have used them as testing grounds for future use was one. That idea assumes John Doe to be a LISK victim whose death was a violent rejection, but that years later the killer would want to check it out, since it worked once before. The spread of the remains could suggest a vague memory, thus a seven-mile spread, "just to be sure." This also assumes Doe was out there for up to ten years, the suggested age of the recovered remains.
I've also seen on a recent thread where someone noted a report that some of the remains were so old that roots were growing around the skull and vertebrae of one - was that in the main cluster, or older?
In looking at Peter's description of a keeper, my ideas about all the Gilgo bodies (excepting SG, but that's another topic) being LISK victims is practically blown. It makes sense both for the differing MO's as well as for the sociopathic "game" such a persona would "play." Zodiac's keeping of Paul Stine's shirt (to spare himself the writing out of withheld details) comes to mind. The competitive claims of inflated body counts among killers (i.e. one killer trying to suggest another killer's victims are his, by virtue of the evidence he's planted to connect them) also comes to mind (Zodiac, Lucas, in particular). My questions above are really asking if anyone can ascertain the age of the older-remains dumping, vs the deaths of the victims. Soil conditions and interaction with flora and fauna are probably still under study but it could mean a lot.

One of my problems to put Manorville and GB in the same account aka same killer is, the GB4 shows a consistent pattern:

1. victim placed
2. victim 500ft left of the 1.
3. victim 500ft right of the 1.
4. victim another 500ft left of the 2.

my bet would be, if there would have been a 5.victim, it would have been 500 ft right of #3. This appears to me as a consistent pattern, but it's only valid for the GB4.
5 3 2 4 1

Here, 1 is John Doe and Costello is 5, in chronological order. Tabs indicate the 500 foot intervals (2 tabs = 1000 ft, the distance (west) between Costello and the rest of the main cluster).

As long as I'm on it, each of the points of interest for all of the Gilgo remains are near actual points of interest; a service road to an industrial area; the JFK preserve; Gilgo and Cedar Beach Marina. In addition to the 500 ft intervals, someone pointed out to me that a tenth of a mile is 528 ft - both might be telling in showing how the killer finds his sites in the dark (gauging against his odometer).

While the killer of the GB4 may very well be from OB or somewhere on the barrier islands, I've come to start thinking about how complex the inroads of the main-island abduction points are. If one needed to be "intimate" with an area, it seems the region between North Babylon, Massapequa(?) and Happauge would be it. In all three instances (regardless of whether Barthelemy went missing from LI, as her plans/voicemail check indicated, or from somewhere else in the city), the killer gets the victims to come alone, without pimps or drivers; in the latter two, cell phones are also purposely left behind. The latter two are also taken in the same season of the same year, showing an acceleration that indicates a steady comfort level.

I've always seen LISK as moving closer to home (from Manhattan) as his confidence/comfort rises.
5 3 2 4 1

Here, 1 is John Doe and Costello is 5, in chronological order. Tabs indicate the 500 foot intervals (2 tabs = 1000 ft, the distance (west) between Costello and the rest of the main cluster).

As long as I'm on it, each of the points of interest for all of the Gilgo remains are near actual points of interest; a service road to an industrial area; the JFK preserve; Gilgo and Cedar Beach Marina. In addition to the 500 ft intervals, someone pointed out to me that a tenth of a mile is 528 ft - both might be telling in showing how the killer finds his sites in the dark (gauging against his odometer).

While the killer of the GB4 may very well be from OB or somewhere on the barrier islands, I've come to start thinking about how complex the inroads of the main-island abduction points are. If one needed to be "intimate" with an area, it seems the region between North Babylon, Massapequa(?) and Happauge would be it. In all three instances (regardless of whether Barthelemy went missing from LI, as her plans/voicemail check indicated, or from somewhere else in the city), the killer gets the victims to come alone, without pimps or drivers; in the latter two, cell phones are also purposely left behind. The latter two are also taken in the same season of the same year, showing an acceleration that indicates a steady comfort level.

I've always seen LISK as moving closer to home (from Manhattan) as his confidence/comfort rises.

I could easily imagine the LISK in North LI, about 30-45 minutes from Manhattan and about 1 hour to Gilgo if I see this right. However, what I can't imagine is an SK dropping bodies so near to the place where he lives if he would be an OB resident. There are guys who keep the bodies in and around their hourse (for example Franklin or Sowell) and those who transport the bodies. But then they transport them away, not just a mile or two out of their backyard.
I once thought the sites were chosen so that he could check on them, as he passed them along routine travels on the LIE and OP (if Manorville is included). But it's more than possible that he wants to put them away from him. He may also be trying to tempt discovery, by choosing to put his victims just off from a highly trafficked area, in the season when it gets the most attention, over a period of years (and then one year). I'm amazed they weren't discovered without the benefit of pressure to search for SG.
I once thought the sites were chosen so that he could check on them, as he passed them along routine travels on the LIE and OP (if Manorville is included). But it's more than possible that he wants to put them away from him. He may also be trying to tempt discovery, by choosing to put his victims just off from a highly trafficked area, in the season when it gets the most attention, over a period of years (and then one year). I'm amazed they weren't discovered without the benefit of pressure to search for SG.

Gilgo has basically all hallmarks of a drive-by revisit dump site, opposite ti Manorville though.

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