Questions for CNN reporter Jim Spellman - Q & A Only **NO DISCUSSION HERE PLEASE**

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Jim, I am not one who believes PN was involved with whatever happened, but I believe the roots of the suspicion are as follows:

1. He took DB to the store where she bought wine and other items the afternoon before Lisa went missing.

2. Very early on there was a rumor, never substantiated by LE, that a text message had gone from PN's phone to DB's (or perhaps it was vice versa) sometime prior to JI returning home saying "I'm ready when you are." This rumor gave rise to the suspicion that PN was helping DB dispose of the body.

3. There was another unsubstantiated rumor that PN had actually spent the night at the Irwin/Bradley home the night Lisa went missing. This rumor was fed by the announcement by KCPD that they needed to talk with the parents about who came and went from the home that night. It was assumed that PN was in fact there and was withholding that information as well as other information about what happened the night of Lisa's disappearance.

4. There was another rumor, much propagated on Facebook, that a woman had seen DB & PN at at local landfill arguing about something about a week before Lisa went missing.

5. PN is quite young and yet apparently owns a house. This causes some to question the source of his financial means.

As I said, I'm not of the mindset that PN was involved, but I believe the above are some of the reasons that some are.

And thank you again for taking the time to post here and answer our questions. We don't all agree on what happened or who was involved, but we are all concerned about Lisa Irwin. number 2, I just heard about this text rumor. I had not heard about that before tonight. I wasn't on the story for the first few days so I think that must have been before I got there.

re Number 3 there was a "new timeline emerges" story in the KC Star that some other news outlets also ran with maybe 4 weeks into the story IIRC that had some confusing language about Phil and noting the Deb was drunk and at that time that seemed to fuel a lot of speculation that somehow he was there that night. I think it was some clumsy language in the story or from the "source" that fueled that. And BTW that was a story planted by Bill Stanton but there was nothing to back up the stuff he was trying to get reporters to write about and he wouldn't go on the record as the source. I didn't go with it.
The point of the "new timeline" , best I could tell, was to insert several things into the mix
-That Samantha's 4 year old saw baby Lisa alive and well around 6:30
-To close the timeline down to about 4 hours.

the link is dead for some reason so I cant go back to to get the details.

As for the landfill rumor...the woman who saw it has been in touch with me directly. I don't doubt that that is what she saw to the best of her recollection but i couldn't find anything to back it up or see the relevance in it if it was the 2 of them indeed at a landfill a week before this happened.
PN is a 20 yr. old kid. It is not odd to think that he may have wanted to hang out with his sister and her newly single young blond friend. We have seen PICS of him before partying at the Lister basement.

The neighbor seems to be a man magnet. Why would he leave if he didn't have plans? In fact, what made DB call him to take her to the store when there were two able bodies right inside of her house?

Since we know of the closeness of DB and her brother, Phil, I don't find it odd at all to consider him as a possibility of being least for a little while.

Why shouldn't this be a possibility?

Well, I can say that the last thing i would want to do at that age is hang out with my older sister and a bunch of kids but that thats just me LOL.
I don't think it's odd to wonder about his movements or anyone else's that night, Whisperer. Just wish LE would give an update and put to rest at least some of what they know didn't happen.

I fully understand why they don't, but it would be nice to know if they've actually cleared anyone to their investigative satisfaction (which, IMO, is different than stating to the public - and thus to any potential suspects - that anyone has/hasn't been cleared).

Jim, when you were told by an LE source that they had moved on from JB, was it your impression that they meant he did not warrant further investigation by them at that time?

Indeed it wouldn't be prudent to ignore anyone in this whole thing, it just seems like on the web there is a lot more emphasis on Phil Netz, and I'm just curious why him...but I think from these responses that i am beginning to get the picture.

As for my impressions about what i've been told ...honestly I just try to report what i know clearly stating the sources. I dont know that my impressions are that important. The KCPD guy I talk to has been straight with me all along and I have no reason to believe he means more or less than what he said.
Your post is most appreciated, Jim. I've never suspected JB, and hopefully your information will help lessen others' suspicions about him. I actually feel very sorry for the guy.

Did any of your sources ever share with you whether the dumpster fire was ultimately thought to have some relevance to Lisa?

I've never gotten a good read on whether LE think the dumpster fire is relevant. There were a lot of unique things happening in that neighborhood that night and the dumpster fire was a big one. number 2, I just heard about this text rumor. I had not heard about that before tonight. I wasn't on the story for the first few days so I think that must have been before I got there.

re Number 3 there was a "new timeline emerges" story in the KC Star that some other news outlets also ran with maybe 4 weeks into the story IIRC that had some confusing language about Phil and noting the Deb was drunk and at that time that seemed to fuel a lot of speculation that somehow he was there that night. I think it was some clumsy language in the story or from the "source" that fueled that. And BTW that was a story planted by Bill Stanton but there was nothing to back up the stuff he was trying to get reporters to write about and he wouldn't go on the record as the source. I didn't go with it.
The point of the "new timeline" , best I could tell, was to insert several things into the mix
-That Samantha's 4 year old saw baby Lisa alive and well around 6:30
-To close the timeline down to about 4 hours.

the link is dead for some reason so I cant go back to to get the details.

As for the landfill rumor...the woman who saw it has been in touch with me directly. I don't doubt that that is what she saw to the best of her recollection but i couldn't find anything to back it up or see the relevance in it if it was the 2 of them indeed at a landfill a week before this happened.

Here is a working link for that article.

Thanks for your thoughtful reply. My reasoning for finding the brother suspect is two-folks: the first may sound superficial but friends don't let friends buy boxed wine and after seeing the store surveillance it raised a huge red flash to me (yes, I know it's odd on my part)... Then, after seeing him in the background of various appearances his demeanor seemed odd in a way that reminded me either of Scott Peterson avoiding being the center of attention so Amber wouldn't discover his lies or the demeanor of someone with a great deal of guilt on his conscience. I'd suggest re-watching footage he appears in with that in mind and see if you get that vibe.

Look forward to your feedback and thanks again.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S II Epic Touch 4G

I dont put a lot of credence into how people act...meaning body language and things like that, especially since i never saw the guy except during this very stressful time. Maybe he acts like however you think he acts all the time. Does that make sense? I don't have a base line to judge against.

Also ....and I've thought about this a lot as there have been many attempts to analyze body language of various players in this...I don't know how I would act if my kid was missing or my sisters kid was missing and I found my self standing behind her in her front yard at a press conference. I just have no idea what that would be like.

Also...I have met a serious bad guy mass murderer John Muhammed, one of the DC snipers and spoke to him and watched him in court and I NEVER would guess he was a killer.

in 2009ish I had several conversations with Najibullah Zazi, later found out to be plotting a major terror attack. Again I never would have guessed I don't put much faith in judging people using those criteria.
Jim, first thanks taking the time to answer all our questions. It really helps to get a clearer picture.

Do you know anything about happened earlier in the day on Oct. 3rd? We haven't heard much about what that day was like prior to the events of that evening, other than Jeremy worked sometime during the day.
Did Shane Beagley change his time line? Now I'm hearing he went in at 11:00, not 11:30.
IIRC, you talked directly with neighbor Shane, and he said he didn't see them drinking, but thought they were, and that he didn't know DB had a baby. He was there fairly early in the evening, IIRC - did he see, hear, or interact with the other kids at all?

OK, so Shane Beagley.

Shane was recently divorced and had just moved into his grandmother's basement 2 doors down from Deb/Jeremy and next door to the Brandos.

He told me that he just met Deborah and Samantha that day. He was outside smoking and the ladies said hi and signaled him to come join them. He works construction and had gotten home from work and went out side for a smoke.

All times here are loose. He wasn't sure about exact times....more like "it had just gotten dark"

So he goes over sometimes around roughly 8pm and stays for about an hour and a half. They all smoke. He says he wasn't drinking and though he didn't see the ladies actually pouring booze into their cups he said he could tell they were drinking...having fun, a little loud.

He says he didn't see any kids and didn't see anything unusual.

He goes in the around 9:30 and comes out again later...10:30 maybe... for a last cigarette before going to bed. At this point Deb is not out there any more but Samantha is in front of her own house also smoking. The 2 chat while he smokes one cigarette. He still int see anything unusual. He didn't notice if the lights were on or off at Debs house.

2 other interesting things from my chats with Shane:
-He thinks he may have heard someone in the woods behind his grandmothers house that night. He came and went from a back door and was staying in the basement.

-About a week or so before this, right around when he moved into his grandmothers house, he says a light colored older model sedan ...something like a taurus or a camry pulled up and a weird guy driving it was asking if Shane had seen another guy walking around. I have no idea if this is significant but he thought it was strange enough to tell me about it. He says his Grandmother thought it was weird too.

Anyway, he woke up around 4-4:30 am the morning Lisa disappeared when all the commotion began. He says the house was searched right away and he was interviewed by all sorts of LE including US Secret Service. He said they took a swab of his DNA.

Like James he wasn't eager to be interviewed but once we started he was open and answered everything. He is a pretty funny guy. I can tell his life isn't exactly at a high point but he had a sense of humor about it.

I can't be sure exactly but I don't think that LE ever considered him to be a major focus of the investigation.
Did Shane Beagley change his time line? Now I'm hearing he went in at 11:00, not 11:30.

Hearing from whom? As I mention in the Shane Beagley post I just wrote he never gave me exact times because he said he didn't really know.
OK, so Shane Beagley.

Shane was recently divorced and had just moved into his grandmother's basement 2 doors down from Deb/Jeremy and next door to the Brandos.

He told me that he just met Deborah and Samantha that day. He was outside smoking and the ladies said hi and signaled him to come join them. He works construction and had gotten home from work and went out side for a smoke.

All times here are loose. He wasn't sure about exact times....more like "it had just gotten dark"

So he goes over sometimes around roughly 8pm and stays for about an hour and a half. They all smoke. He says he wasn't drinking and though he didn't see the ladies actually pouring booze into their cups he said he could tell they were drinking...having fun, a little loud.

He says he didn't see any kids and didn't see anything unusual.

He goes in the around 9:30 and comes out again later...10:30 maybe... for a last cigarette before going to bed. At this point Deb is not out there any more but Samantha is in front of her own house also smoking. The 2 chat while he smokes one cigarette. He still int see anything unusual. He didn't notice if the lights were on or off at Debs house.

2 other interesting things from my chats with Shane:
-He thinks he may have heard someone in the woods behind his grandmothers house that night. He came and went from a back door and was staying in the basement.

-About a week or so before this, right around when he moved into his grandmothers house, he says a light colored older model sedan ...something like a taurus or a camry pulled up and a weird guy driving it was asking if Shane had seen another guy walking around. I have no idea if this is significant but he thought it was strange enough to tell me about it. He says his Grandmother thought it was weird too.

Anyway, he woke up around 4-4:30 am the morning Lisa disappeared when all the commotion began. He says the house was searched right away and he was interviewed by all sorts of LE including US Secret Service. He said they took a swab of his DNA.

Like James he wasn't eager to be interviewed but once we started he was open and answered everything. He is a pretty funny guy. I can tell his life isn't exactly at a high point but he had a sense of humor about it.

I can't be sure exactly but I don't think that LE ever considered him to be a major focus of the investigation.

Hi Jim,

Did Shane tell you who the weird guy was looking for? Anybody connected to this case? Thanks
I've never gotten a good read on whether LE think the dumpster fire is relevant. There were a lot of unique things happening in that neighborhood that night and the dumpster fire was a big one.

What other unique things besides the dumpster fire and of course, baby Lisa's disappearance? Thanks
What other unique things besides the dumpster fire and of course, baby Lisa's disappearance? Thanks

RE: the strange guy...Shane said the guy didn't make a lot of sense and he couldn't really figure out what the guy wanted. Again, hard to tell if it means anything, but Shane thought enough to mention it so I pass it on.

What was unusual that night?

-Jeremy working overnight shift.
-James Brando gone from house beginning their separation
-Shane Beagley, having just moved to the neighborhood, goes and meets the ladies for the first time.
-Dumpster fire
-Earlier in the day Mary Hurt's Dog is taken/or leaves with a man per Mary's next door neighbor.
Thanks again, Jim. You have cleared up some huge misconceptions here and I, for one, appreciate it.

Another question - What do you know about the phones? Some people here thought that the phones were pinging near the house until the batteries would have gone dead. Have you heard anything about whether or not LE ever found the phones?

Thanks in advance.
I find DB taking in a stray cat that night strange. Is the cat ever mentioned? When did she pick the cat up and who saw her do it? My thinking is it came in through an open door and she told Jeremy she had just taken it in to avoid telling him how it may have gotten in. What do you know about the cat?

RE: the strange guy...Shane said the guy didn't make a lot of sense and he couldn't really figure out what the guy wanted. Again, hard to tell if it means anything, but Shane thought enough to mention it so I pass it on.

What was unusual that night?

-Jeremy working overnight shift.
-James Brando gone from house beginning their separation
-Shane Beagley, having just moved to the neighborhood, goes and meets the ladies for the first time.
-Dumpster fire
-Earlier in the day Mary Hurt's Dog is taken/or leaves with a man per Mary's next door neighbor.
Hearing from whom? As I mention in the Shane Beagley post I just wrote he never gave me exact times because he said he didn't really know.

Another poster here. They said you quoted Shane as saying he sat on his front porch and Samantha sat on her front porch and they had a conversation while smoking and Shane went into his house around 11:00.

Did Shane give an approximate time as to when he heard a noise behind his house? I sort of suspect J. Brando was lurking around trying to hear their conversation since he texted Samantha at almost exactly 10:30.

Edited to add: [ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - To those who think that Deborah Bradley is innocent, please share your theory[/ame]

This is the post by askfornina - I may have misunderstood, but I used to smoke and it never took an hour to smoke one cigarette, and I smoked the 120's :)

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