Questions for fellow websleuthers

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I am curious about what you brilliant sleuthers think about LE's strategy with these voluminous releases. Each release is more and more incriminating, yet still no charges. Are they trying to make her sweat enough so that she will offer the location of the body for a deal? Just seems like they would not be sharing so much of what they have without an ulterior motive.

A really dumb newbie question: What does ETA mean? I notice a lot of posters put that before stating an opinion.

Edited to Add

Another dumb question: some people put "moo" at the end of their posts. What's that all about?

My Opinion Only

Where is the jury room - is it just a thread here?

The Jury Room is a whole separate place on WS (members only). There is a life outside of the Caylee Anthony forum. You can get there one of two ways. Either by clicking on it on the page when you click on all forums, or by doing the New Posts link at the top of the page and clicking on the Jury Room when someone has posted on a thread in it.
Where did you all find the text messages from??
Any way to find out who's cell # this is 407-462-9293?
A reverse search showed it to be a Winter Park #.

Very interesting text messages left from this #
1069 14074629293 N/A 07/20/08
07:59:53 Read Inbox Incoming He should have talked
PM (GMT- to a detective…oh well.
4) There will be a big hole
But it will help

1071 14074629293 N/A 07/20/08
08:11:46 Read Inbox Incoming Its like who wants to be
PM (GMT- a millionaire

1071 14074629293 N/A 07/20/08
08:41:47 Read Inbox Incoming Leaving the anthony
PM (GMT- house now

1075 14074629293 N/A 07/20/08
08:56:21 Read Inbox Incoming Going to be ten minutes
PM (GMT- late

1076 14074629293 N/A 07/20/08
08:55:14 Read Inbox Incoming Going to be ten minutes
PM (GMT- late

1078 14074629293 N/A 07/20/08
09:17:17 Read Inbox Incoming That’s cool. Sorry about
PM (GMT- being late

1079 14074629293 N/A 07/20/08
11:29:18 Read Inbox Incoming Won’t take a genius or the
PM (GMT- feds to start talking to you
4) guys about that trip because
You three left at different times to out of the country
While Caylee was unaccounted for.
Know what I mean?

1080 14074629293 N/A 07/21/08
03:09:38 Read Inbox Incoming Was a productive day
PM (GMT- Agree with you that i
4) am happy I met you out
Of this. Thanks for
Cheering me up tonight
Talk to you tomorrow.

From the last text it sounds like this is someone Amy just met through this ordeal.
Any suggestions?

Those texts are from tony to Amy I believe.
and since we are talking about those cell phone records, does anyone know who the phone number ending in 71 on Amy's cell phone records is?? This person seemed very interested in Casey before the 15th of July (text saying *****showed up at my house and I don't care....I just want Casey.) and very worried about her afterwords (he said he would do n e thing to help (his spelling) and later really betrayed by her lies. I ruled out tony, troy, Jesse and Ricardo..........
and since we are talking about those cell phone records, does anyone know who the phone number ending in 71 on Amy's cell phone records is?? This person seemed very interested in Casey before the 15th of July (text saying *****showed up at my house and I don't care....I just want Casey.) and very worried about her afterwords (he said he would do n e thing to help (his spelling) and later really betrayed by her lies. I ruled out tony, troy, Jesse and Ricardo..........
and since we are talking about those cell phone records, does anyone know who the phone number ending in 71 on Amy's cell phone records is?? This person seemed very interested in Casey before the 15th of July (text saying *****showed up at my house and I don't care....I just want Casey.) and very worried about her afterwords (he said he would do n e thing to help (his spelling) and later really betrayed by her lies. I ruled out tony, troy, Jesse and Ricardo..........

WW maybe? Don't know for sure.
I have a question, what do we know about KC needing $80 to get her car out of a tow lot earlier in the month? Did it get towed when it ran out of gas that first time (when she and TonE went to the Anthony house for gas cans). If we can find out where it was we might can find out if it already had an odor to it then. Hopefully the person who towed it that time did not have a cold.
She had a couple of flat tires (GA said something about hitting a "divider" on the highway).
Sorry to correct you, but actually those are from Jesse to Amy. You can read them in the jury room.

oops, ya your right it is bad. Another note on those darn phone numbers.....I can't believe they didn't code the darn things before they put them out to the public....just seems like another victimization here. When referring to them I have always just used a couple digits or something. I am sure they have all had to change there numbers, but ya never's a hassle to do that.

I suspected it might be Will, but I couldn't verify that. Can you let me know how you came to that conclusion? His police interview did not have a number in it that I could find and I couldn't find a report of his cell phone records.
This was taken from the new blog, posted Does this sound like CA pointing tthe finger again? and protecting her poor KC. OMG She freaking stole checks and money from Amy, now because Amy pressed charges she has motives? Oh please give me a break.

"I question the motives of Amy, her boyfriend Ricardo Morales (and Casey’s ex), and the others that for whatever reasons they have unveiled the lifestyle of not only Casey but also all of their partied ways. Sex, drugs, and partying not only can be traced back to Casey but to all of them, but yet only Casey is getting hung in the media for it: ummmm???"
Did anyone ever hear of any religious beliefs? church? minister helping to counsels any of them? Just wondering because no ne seems to have any guilt feelings or feeling on sin?
Just party and lie and steal??? IMO, I would be having my minister praying with me day and night while crying my heart out looking every day for my dear grandchild.
This was taken from the new blog, posted Does this sound like CA pointing tthe finger again? and protecting her poor KC. OMG She freaking stole checks and money from Amy, now because Amy pressed charges she has motives? Oh please give me a break.

"I question the motives of Amy, her boyfriend Ricardo Morales (and Casey’s ex), and the others that for whatever reasons they have unveiled the lifestyle of not only Casey but also all of their partied ways. Sex, drugs, and partying not only can be traced back to Casey but to all of them, but yet only Casey is getting hung in the media for it: ummmm???"

The author of that blog can't write. Is she supposed to be some kind of professional - something? Is she in touch with the Anthony family - or just spewing whatever she feels? I don't think she has any of her facts right at all.

And check this part out -

snip do your own search and you will see there are about ten Zenaida Gonzalez’s in the Orlando area and one tracks back to many of Casey’s statements. snip

Huh? She's not talking about the ZG that's been dragged into this case - so who is she talking about?
Did anyone ever hear of any religious beliefs? church? minister helping to counsels any of them? Just wondering because no ne seems to have any guilt feelings or feeling on sin?
Just party and lie and steal??? IMO, I would be having my minister praying with me day and night while crying my heart out looking every day for my dear grandchild.
They have a neighbor who is a minister or preacher who has been seen at the house many times...he is the man in the video of GA going off on who we called little dude..he actually is the one who pulls GA away from little dude..
little dude is the guy who set up chairs and an umbrella with a Friend while waiting for Kc to get arrested :crazy:

somebody here could probably provide a link to it..I know it is here somewhere
That number matches up to his name.

It also matches up to his dad's name - and is a house.

Jesse lived in an apartment at - per the docs. He had the pool party there that Casey took Tony to.
Does anyone know 'why' KC lost her job at universal and never could get employed anywhere? Did she ever try to get another job? welfare? etc?

I wonder with all the boyfriend attention and partying how she is living now with mommy dearest and the father she hates???? friends stopping by? anyone know???

I have wondered the same things - have'nt read it anywhere, but my guesses as to why KC was fired are -- -- 1. Stealing 2.No show due to drinking/doping night before 3. Affairs 4. Lying to/arguing with employess and boss....
I'll bet KC's not too happy being cooped up at home right now.
No dope, no tequila, no "male of the week", no anti-socializing. She probably spends most days and nights in her room with the door closed. I can just see that. Just comes out for meals. I'd say she does'nt have too many friends coming by these days. Some of those "work" questions may be answered during trial.
IIRC it was when she went for her visit with the caseworker...following the Sunday that TES left. My thought at the time was...maybe what TES found was something that Casey had revealed that would help her case, and they told her and Lee...which led to the high five.

My opinion only

Thank you :)
This was taken from the new blog, posted Does this sound like CA pointing tthe finger again? and protecting her poor KC. OMG She freaking stole checks and money from Amy, now because Amy pressed charges she has motives? Oh please give me a break.

"I question the motives of Amy, her boyfriend Ricardo Morales (and Casey’s ex), and the others that for whatever reasons they have unveiled the lifestyle of not only Casey but also all of their partied ways. Sex, drugs, and partying not only can be traced back to Casey but to all of them, but yet only Casey is getting hung in the media for it: ummmm???"

Uhm, yeah, b/c none of the rest of them "lost" their kid for a month, think that "might" be the reason??

Her whole website rubbed me the wrong way.
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