Questions for & Info from Gabe's Family **NO DISCUSSION**

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The family is reviewing information about the case that MissingGabe kindly wrote up. They need to ensure that there is nothing in the info that should not be publicly released.

Please understand that the family is very busy working on finding Gabe, getting ready for the road trip, and that this is a stressful time for them.

I'll keep you all updated.
I've seen this blog referenced a few times, but can someone tell me exactly which scrapbook blog this is? Can a link be provided perhaps? If not, I do understand. TIA

In one of the earlier general discussion threads you will find more information on this. In a nutshell, someone found by chance a blog about scrapbooking by a woman named Becky Higgins. She is selling a scrapbook a year in your life kit. The first kits were getting to customers and people where posting on her blog about getting the kits. A woman named Beth posted that she didn't have her kit yet as she was in San Antonio, she had adopted a baby named Gabriel on the first of January and was taking lots of pix of Baby Gabriel to document his first year with them.

Someone tipped the local news and the FBI. Someone from the Today Show showed up at this Becky Higgins home, and asked her about this (apparently before LE spoke to her.) She looked up customer records, called Beth in WI and Beth in WI told her the baby she adopted was 15 days old (when they got him.) Becky then blogged about this. It has never been said that LE ruled these people out. I sincerely hope that LE did, and that a member of LE physically saw this baby.
In one of the earlier general discussion threads you will find more information on this. In a nutshell, someone found by chance a blog about scrapbooking by a woman named Becky Higgins. She is selling a scrapbook a year in your life kit. The first kits were getting to customers and people where posting on her blog about getting the kits. A woman named Beth posted that she didn't have her kit yet as she was in San Antonio, she had adopted a baby named Gabriel on the first of January and was taking lots of pix of Baby Gabriel to document his first year with them.

Someone tipped the local news and the FBI. Someone from the Today Show showed up at this Becky Higgins home, and asked her about this (apparently before LE spoke to her.) She looked up customer records, called Beth in WI and Beth in WI told her the baby she adopted was 15 days old (when they got him.) Becky then blogged about this. It has never been said that LE ruled these people out. I sincerely hope that LE did, and that a member of LE physically saw this baby.

Wow! That's interesting & scary at the same time! Thanks for filling me in on it all...
In one of the earlier general discussion threads you will find more information on this. In a nutshell, someone found by chance a blog about scrapbooking by a woman named Becky Higgins. She is selling a scrapbook a year in your life kit. The first kits were getting to customers and people where posting on her blog about getting the kits. A woman named Beth posted that she didn't have her kit yet as she was in San Antonio, she had adopted a baby named Gabriel on the first of January and was taking lots of pix of Baby Gabriel to document his first year with them.

Someone tipped the local news and the FBI. Someone from the Today Show showed up at this Becky Higgins home, and asked her about this (apparently before LE spoke to her.) She looked up customer records, called Beth in WI and Beth in WI told her the baby she adopted was 15 days old (when they got him.) Becky then blogged about this. It has never been said that LE ruled these people out. I sincerely hope that LE did, and that a member of LE physically saw this baby.

I thought that a member of police had gone and saw the baby, now I cannot remember were I got that from, I will see if I can find anything on it,
I thought that a member of police had gone and saw the baby, now I cannot remember were I got that from, I will see if I can find anything on it,
I seem to recall the same thing, and likewise can't recall where from, so I'll be link hunting too.
I thought that a member of police had gone and saw the baby, now I cannot remember were I got that from, I will see if I can find anything on it,

PLEASE. This is one that just makes me SICK (amongst others, true, but this is a big one.) Seriously, I ponder this all the time!
First, I just wanted to say that all of you advocates for Gabe are amazing. I also have a question for Logan...has Logan had the opportunity to speak with EJ since she has been in jail? It seems to me she is a volitile personality and Logan has had the ability in the past to set her off? Is it possible that if he went to her he would be able to get more dire information from her then the officials have? Logan at one point held her heart and they loved each other for a reason I just think that it is possible that she would crack with someone that she loved.
First, I just wanted to say that all of you advocates for Gabe are amazing. I also have a question for Logan...has Logan had the opportunity to speak with EJ since she has been in jail? It seems to me she is a volitile personality and Logan has had the ability in the past to set her off? Is it possible that if he went to her he would be able to get more dire information from her then the officials have? Logan at one point held her heart and they loved each other for a reason I just think that it is possible that she would crack with someone that she loved.

I actually suggested the same thing. They have known each other since middle school and the break up seems to be what set her off. If there were some way that he could approach her and not get her mad but maybe even think there was hope for them she may tell the truth, if Gabriel is alive that is.
Didn't Logan do an interview saying that he preferred not speak with her? I don't remember anything else about it but that. Might have been within 48 hours either way of the vigil...
Didn't Logan do an interview saying that he preferred not speak with her? I don't remember anything else about it but that. Might have been within 48 hours either way of the vigil...

I think he said something about not being sure if it would make things worse or not.

eta EJ is the only person that knows the truth. There must be a way to get her to talk. Waterboarding? I guess not.
I tend to think that Logan might be able to get EJ to say something, of course I understand how hard that would be for him, but it may help find Gabriel; I don't think it could hurt the chances of finding Gabriel at this point, but it might help

If he waits until after he gets back from SA, maybe she will have had just enough time to stew?
I don't think he should see her. Her hatred for him seems to be so deep that seeing his face would likely harden her resolve to make him hurt. The angrier he looks, the harder he cries, the more he begs her to tell them the truth, every single word and every single tear will give her more power. It will make it harder, IMO.
That's the way I see it too. She would go to any length to make him squirm.
I'd like to know if Elizabeth ever threatened to cut up stuff and bust tv and windows before she did it, and if she readily admitted that she had done it.

I'd also like to know if Elizabeth ever threatened to harm herself and/or if the only other person she ever verbally threatened to harm was Gabriel.
At this point, I agree that it may not be good for Logan to see her. She's "invested" over a month in her I'm-not-talking campaign. If she saw Logan now, she wouldn't just disolve and tell. More likely, it would add to her resolve, her strength, to hold out and stay silent, like NMK said. If he'd gone to see her early on, it might have been different, but now is too late....unless he can be cast as her savior, somehow.

If she could be convinced by LE and her attorney, that Logan was so upset seeing her locked up, wanted her let out, but she has to cooperate, and he went to bat for her, got her a better deal for her cooperation, etc, etc, then she might be convinced. But that would only work if he has been her savior before, in HER eyes. I'd guess he's bailed her out of situations in the past, but all that counts is HER interpretation of those events.
Confirmed by MissingGabe:

The December 8 argument:

When Eliz told Logan to leave, and "Take that damn baby with you", Logan left, and took Gabe with him. He went to a relative's home with Gabe.

Logan went to the store to get formula etc, because he had literally just picked up Gabe and left, taking no supplies with him. While he was at the store, the relative got a phone call from the Tempe police, asking if she had seen Logan, and if he had Gabe with him. The relative said yes, and that Logan was at the store, but would be back shortly.

The officer told her to have Logan call as soon as he returned, that EJ had called and reported Logan had kidnapped Gabe. Logan called LE when he got back from the store, and LE told Logan he had to take Gabe back to Eliz.

Logan said he would, but that he wanted the officer to meet him at the trailer where EJ was, so that's what they did. When they walked in, EJ told Logan to put Gabe in his bed and leave. She never approached Gabe at all.

The officer warned Eliz he would be watching her, and the officer and Logan left.
Confirmed by MissingGabe:

December 9th through 11th:

EJ went to the store where Logan was working. She made a huge scene, because she wanted him to sign adoption papers and Logan wouldn't.

Logan kept telling Eliz they would talk about it when he got off work.

Finally, the police had to be called, because Eliz wouldn't leave, and was tearing up the place.

Logan kept asking where Gabe was, since Eliz didn't have him with her.

LE started searching for Gabe. They took EJ to the station. Finally at approximately 2 or 3 am (now December 10), Eliz told them that Gabe was at the Smiths.

LE went to the Smiths. Tammi showed LE the document saying that the Smiths had guardianship of Gabe. The papers were filled out by the Smiths or EJ, and not filed in any court.

LE didn't pursue it any further, saying Gabe seemed safe, and left Gabe at the Smiths. CPS also checked on Gabe, and said it seemed he was okay, so also determined that Gabe should be left with the Smiths until a judge decided what to do.

The next day, December 11, Logan went to court to try to get Gabe back from the Smiths.

Logan did not know at this time who the Smiths were. LE told him Gabe was at the home of some of EJ's friends, but provided no means of identifying them.

Logan spent days driving around North Scottsdale looking for Gabe. He researched trying to figure out what friends of Eliz might have Gabe, and where they might live, but he couldn't find any information on them, and nobody told him.
Confirmed by MissingGabe:

December 17 to 19

On December 17, at the custody hearing, Eliz and Logan were given joint custody, with EJ having custody of Gabe Wed thru Sun morning, and Logan having custody of Gabe Sun morning through Wed. Logan was also granted custody Christmas Eve until Christmas morning.

Logan never knew who, specifically, the Smiths were until this hearing. That is, he had no names, no means of identifying them.

The Smiths were not in the courtroom at the hearing.

The Smiths have said in TV interviews that they were waiting outside the hearing room to have lunch with Logan and his dad. Logan and his dad did not see the Smiths at all.

Following the hearing, Logan was afraid EJ would run, but LE told him not to stalk her and to stay away. Logan complied with LE.
Confirmed by MissingGabe:

December 20

Logan went to pick up Gabe for his custody on Sunday, December 20. There was no answer.

Logan looked in the windows. Gabe's belongings were gone from his room, and there was a bed and chest of drawers in there instead. This is the room Eliz rented out.

Logan saw the two family pictures of Eliz's (the ones in the hotel pics) were gone from their usual place on the night stand. Eliz never went anywhere without those pictures.

Logan saw that Gabe's bed and other belongings were thrown in the garage.

At that point, Logan knew Eliz and Gabe were gone.

Logan went to the police.
Confirmed by MissingGabe:

December 21 through December 26

Logan had an emergency custody hearing on December 21, and was granted full custody of Gabe. He was told, however, that the next court date EJ knew about was Dec 28.

Logan was told if he could find Eliz and Gabe, to call LE in whatever location they were in, and give LE a copy of the court order for full custody.

Logan was told that LE would then take Gabe, and give him to Logan.

Logan searched day and night for Gabe.

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