Questions for Ron Rugen **no general discussion**

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Ron, have you considered contacting Bill Stanton and asking if the family would hire you to work the case? In all honesty BS has not done anything at all and since you are boots on the ground I think you could do a lot.

I would think that DB or JI would actually seek you out since you are local

I have not considered that for one moment. Thank you for the compliment. Before I address this, I will address your previous question. I have not published an interview with Deborah Bradley. I wasn't going to mention it but it leaked out. So, yes, I've met her. There are some things I don't think are a big deal with me sharing but anything regarding potential investigatory matters, I will not discuss.

DB and JI seem happy with their "team". JI seems happier than DB does about it and he is very skeptical of everyone. He did drive her to our second meeting but he seemed like he was waiting for me to screw up and confirm his suspicions. Some members of the extended family on both sides are not thrilled with "the team".

I said when I first started discussing this case back in October 2011 that I was not soliciting work. I can do what I do with or without being hired. Admittedly, since I am not hired, unless I try to impose journalistic privilege as a blogger, I am subject to being a witness now.

The first time DB and I spoke, it got to Stanton. I'm told he chewed her out to the point of crying because he did not want her talking to anybody. The second time she sought me out, knowing I was at a location and coming to see me. Is this someone who is dissatisfied and wants help or is this someone who is narcissistic and ignoring their team's advice and doing this anyway.

I have discussed things to look at with extended family members and have done so. Some may say that if DB is guilty, I'm wasting my time. IF she is, it's my time and anything we eliminate narrows this further. IF she is NOT, then I may be helping. There's many more questions here locally than what we publicly discuss because things that are not confirmed. I have also met on three occasions with former counsel Cyndy Short and discussed ideas. I will not divulge those conversations.

Early in all of this, I was criticized for not helping. I was criticized because my office is 7 miles from the crime scene and I should be trying to do something. I was accused of not caring about children. Considering I raised my two boys without child support and got full custody six years after my divorce proving child abuse....considering I used to be in public information for the Missouri Department of Social Services....funny. So, after having success talking to Megan Wright, I got involved. Then, I got criticized for being involved. Who the hell was I to impose myself? Then, I got criticized for appearing on local TV, the Fox News Channel and the Jane Velez-Mitchell show. My response was that as a former news reporter I did not like when persons refused interviews with me so I very rarely turn down an interview request. I'm flattered they think I have something relevant to add.

So, my friend Marc Klaas (KlaasKids) told me to ignore any feedback and just do my thing. He told me that the internet can be mean and to ignore it all. He has been most complimentary as to what I've been able to accomplish here. My friend Pat Brown, criminal profiler, too, has been an encourager. She thinks I should work more of these cases and, humbly, that I have a knack for talking to people.

Thanks for your vote of confidence. No, I have not had any contact with Bill Stanton. I'm not jonsing to be hired. However, if Mr. Stanton comes back to Kansas City and wanted to talk over a drink, I would be agreeable to meet him.
Bumping my question for you Ron.

None of them know the parents. Yes, I've had extensive conversations with members of the household. I have been a guest in their home on three occasions. They trust me and I appreciate that. I have seen that home and feel it has been mischaracterized by some in the media. It's a home where people are just trying to get on their feet in a crappy economy. They have been most cooperative.
One of the neighbors reported that jersey was seen leading someone's dog away from their house, which is near the Irwin's. Leading a dog away for profit or spite? The dog may have snarled at him at some point and he eliminated the threat? Is it another possibility that he was trying to get handyman work and was rebuffed so, out of spite he steals the dog? jersey has been known to 'camp out' in abandoned houses in the area and he also did work at the one house such as sprinklers and other things which places him in the area. The guy doesn't have a good track record; he is comfortable with taking things that are not his and destroying things as he sees fit.

Do you have a sense that he may have been providing drugs to others or that he was involved with drugs himself and fed his jones with petty thefts such as entering cars? The fact that he has an arson record shows that he is familiar w/setting fires for nefarious purposes; do you think his criminal profile is conducive to baby stealing for a profit or for revenge? Destroying evidence, such as dna, by burning baby clothes in the dumpster, isn't impossible given his repitoire. To me he fits as a factor in this case; do you agree? Thanks.
Jersey cannot be ignored and certainly has an unsavory history to put it politely. While he is someone interesting to consider, I have also not discounted that he may be a convenient distraction and an easy patsy for whomever is responsible.
I know I keep referring back to my blog, but in this portion of my blog I discussed Jersey's activity in the area when Lisa went missing.
I have not considered that for one moment. Thank you for the compliment. Before I address this, I will address your previous question. I have not published an interview with Deborah Bradley. I wasn't going to mention it but it leaked out. So, yes, I've met her. There are some things I don't think are a big deal with me sharing but anything regarding potential investigatory matters, I will not discuss.

DB and JI seem happy with their "team". JI seems happier than DB does about it and he is very skeptical of everyone. He did drive her to our second meeting but he seemed like he was waiting for me to screw up and confirm his suspicions. Some members of the extended family on both sides are not thrilled with "the team".

I said when I first started discussing this case back in October 2011 that I was not soliciting work. I can do what I do with or without being hired. Admittedly, since I am not hired, unless I try to impose journalistic privilege as a blogger, I am subject to being a witness now.

The first time DB and I spoke, it got to Stanton. I'm told he chewed her out to the point of crying because he did not want her talking to anybody. The second time she sought me out, knowing I was at a location and coming to see me. Is this someone who is dissatisfied and wants help or is this someone who is narcissistic and ignoring their team's advice and doing this anyway.

I have discussed things to look at with extended family members and have done so. Some may say that if DB is guilty, I'm wasting my time. IF she is, it's my time and anything we eliminate narrows this further. IF she is NOT, then I may be helping. There's many more questions here locally than what we publicly discuss because things that are not confirmed. I have also met on three occasions with former counsel Cyndy Short and discussed ideas. I will not divulge those conversations.

Early in all of this, I was criticized for not helping. I was criticized because my office is 7 miles from the crime scene and I should be trying to do something. I was accused of not caring about children. Considering I raised my two boys without child support and got full custody six years after my divorce proving child abuse....considering I used to be in public information for the Missouri Department of Social Services....funny. So, after having success talking to Megan Wright, I got involved. Then, I got criticized for being involved. Who the hell was I to impose myself? Then, I got criticized for appearing on local TV, the Fox News Channel and the Jane Velez-Mitchell show. My response was that as a former news reporter I did not like when persons refused interviews with me so I very rarely turn down an interview request. I'm flattered they think I have something relevant to add.

So, my friend Marc Klaas (KlaasKids) told me to ignore any feedback and just do my thing. He told me that the internet can be mean and to ignore it all. He has been most complimentary as to what I've been able to accomplish here. My friend Pat Brown, criminal profiler, too, has been an encourager. She thinks I should work more of these cases and, humbly, that I have a knack for talking to people.

Thanks for your vote of confidence. No, I have not had any contact with Bill Stanton. I'm not jonsing to be hired. However, if Mr. Stanton comes back to Kansas City and wanted to talk over a drink, I would be agreeable to meet him.

Was it DB that told you Stanton found out or someone else? If it was someone else, that tells me a lot that she still sought you out, even after getting yelled at for talking to you in the first place.
Was it DB that told you Stanton found out or someone else? If it was someone else, that tells me a lot that she still sought you out, even after getting yelled at for talking to you in the first place.

Two other sources told me that Stanton chastised her for talking to me. She did not. When I heard this, I gave her the respect of keeping my distance. Frankly, DB may have told Stanton herself. I cannot recall. She may have told him to make sure he didn't find out elsewhere. That first conversation, I promised her our conversation was off the record. I wouldn't even admit it here but someone found out and it leaked out, so there you go.
I have also not discounted that he may be a convenient distraction and an easy patsy for whomever is responsible

I agree on that for sure! I am beginning to believe that maybe Jersey actually found the phones and tried to work them. For all we know from LE, they may NOW have the phones in their control. LE has been SO quiet that you have to wonder what exactly they are now doing.

Ron, do you have any ideas on what or where the investigation might be going now as far as LE is concerned?

Thanks for answering our questions.
I agree on that for sure! I am beginning to believe that maybe Jersey actually found the phones and tried to work them. For all we know from LE, they may NOW have the phones in their control. LE has been SO quiet that you have to wonder what exactly they are now doing.

Ron, do you have any ideas on what or where the investigation might be going now as far as LE is concerned?

Thanks for answering our questions.

I cannot comment intelligently on anything to do with LE's investigation. They receive information but don't share anything.

I will say that I received contact last night from next door neighbor James Brando who has now agree to meet with me and talk. We have an appointment.
Two other sources told me that Stanton chastised her for talking to me. She did not. When I heard this, I gave her the respect of keeping my distance. Frankly, DB may have told Stanton herself. I cannot recall. She may have told him to make sure he didn't find out elsewhere. That first conversation, I promised her our conversation was off the record. I wouldn't even admit it here but someone found out and it leaked out, so there you go.

That's a good point. Considering it came from two sources, do you doubt that Stanton chewed her out (I can see why he would)?
I just saw a story about this case where KMOV-TV in St. Louis was cited as a source. While this is a respectable news outlet, I think it's risky to use news media (in this case) four hours away from Kansas City as a source. This is how we got in the confusion with people thinking PN spent the night at the house (KSPR- Spfld, Mo (three hrs away)).

These news outlets rehash local affiliates' stories. If you want to responsibly follow this case in a factual matter, Kansas City news sources include: (Kansas City Star) and
That's a good point. Considering it came from two sources, do you doubt that Stanton chewed her out (I can see why he would)?

I do not doubt it at all. Those were two good sources. If I had doubt, I would not even bring it up.
Without revealing who the source is, did you find this person to be credible and someone who would know this information, as opposed to maybe someone just repeating second or third hand info and speculations?

A source close to law enforcement tells me that cadaver dog in the Lisa Irwin missing baby case hit on a blanket, a toy, and her clothes last reported wearing. If true, that means the fluid that secretes from the body upon death were possibly on those items.
Two other sources told me that Stanton chastised her for talking to me. She did not. When I heard this, I gave her the respect of keeping my distance. Frankly, DB may have told Stanton herself. I cannot recall. She may have told him to make sure he didn't find out elsewhere. That first conversation, I promised her our conversation was off the record. I wouldn't even admit it here but someone found out and it leaked out, so there you go.
By her seeking you out, even after being chewed out by him, did you get the feeling that she is finally questioning what it is that he is really doing at all and sees that you are at least doing something?
Without revealing who the source is, did you find this person to be credible and someone who would know this information, as opposed to maybe someone just repeating second or third hand info and speculations?

A source close to law enforcement tells me that cadaver dog in the Lisa Irwin missing baby case hit on a blanket, a toy, and her clothes last reported wearing. If true, that means the fluid that secretes from the body upon death were possibly on those items.

Again, any time I quote any of these sources I have, I would not share the information if I did not think they were credible and interesting. I am a former news reporter, my degree is in broadcasting and I've been a PI for 18 years. After I left radio news, I was on the other side, dealing with reporters in my job in public information for the Missouri Department of Social Services under then-Gov John Ashcroft. I try to measure my words carefully and not speak recklessly.
By her seeking you out, even after being chewed out by him, did you get the feeling that she is finally questioning what it is that he is really doing at all and sees that you are at least doing something?

Sorry, I thought I eluded to this earlier. If I didn't, I'll reply anyway.

I get the feeling that the parents are happy with their "team". However, the first time I met DB, she immediately knew who I was. When I saw her outside, I got her permission to park my car and get out and talk with her (I didn't want to risk trespassing or harassing) and I asked her if she knew who I was. She said, "yes, you're Ron Rugen". In spite of my blogging and TV interviews, I was surprised.

After talking with her the second time and previously have extended family members reaching out to me with investigatory ideas, I got the feeling that they felt I was accomplishing things. I got the feeling that they wanted to reach out to someone locally.

Since the Dr. Phil show, those close to the family has stopped talking. IMO, this was probably do to renewed reminders by "the team" to keep their mouths shut. Had I rode it out, they probably would eventually started talking to me again.

However, on the day of the Dr. Phil show, I blogged about the show and accepted an invitation to appear on the Jane Velez-Mitchell show. I think they felt I was not complimentary to them. I explained to one extended family members that I have a right to my opinion, when asked. Further, I explained that if I don't honestly respond when asked for my opinion, it imputes my credibility and objectivity. There was also some concern that I may have been talking about things that were assumed to be in confidence. I explained to another family member that when things come out from other sources, not involving me, that I knew about in confidence, these things are fair game to discuss publicly. I am not betraying a trust when things leak from other sources.
gentle reminder that lands at random: this is a *no discussion* question and answer thread. Thanks.
So I'm not confused, which part violated that? Can the "no discussion" label be removed and just rename this?
No offense folks but these are pretty specific, probing questions that one would not know. I mean there's a lot I know about this case and a lot of folks I have talked to here on the ground, but some of these questions are just very probing and nobody outside of the family are going to know.

I don't think finding out her exact height and weight would be that probing. It may not seem like a big deal to you, but if DB estimated Lisa's weight and height and they are considerably off, then it may effect the recognition of Lisa. She was reportedly 30 lbs, not unheard of but a VERY LARGE 10 month old.

The reason why I think this is important, is if Lisa was kidnapped and someone is passing her off as their own, they could significantly alter how old she looks. If she's really 30 lbs and walking, they could pass her off as a 2 or 3 y/o. People are looking for a now 15 month old. If she's really only 25 lbs, it'd be more difficult to pass off as an older child. If she's only 22 lbs, she could be passed off as a younger child.

My 2 & 4 y/o both weigh exactly 30.5 lbs, Lisa does not look like she weighs 30 lbs especially at 30 inches tall, where are all of her fat rolls?

I would have thought that this information would have been investigated shortly after Lisa disappeared so that we would have accurate information. She should have had a 9 month WCC, so this information should not be hard to find and produce.

If you are continuing your investigation, would you be able to obtain this information?
I don't think finding out her exact height and weight would be that probing. It may not seem like a big deal to you, but if DB estimated Lisa's weight and height and they are considerably off, then it may effect the recognition of Lisa. She was reportedly 30 lbs, not unheard of but a VERY LARGE 10 month old.

The reason why I think this is important, is if Lisa was kidnapped and someone is passing her off as their own, they could significantly alter how old she looks. If she's really 30 lbs and walking, they could pass her off as a 2 or 3 y/o. People are looking for a now 15 month old. If she's really only 25 lbs, it'd be more difficult to pass off as an older child. If she's only 22 lbs, she could be passed off as a younger child.

My 2 & 4 y/o both weigh exactly 30.5 lbs, Lisa does not look like she weighs 30 lbs especially at 30 inches tall, where are all of her fat rolls?

I would have thought that this information would have been investigated shortly after Lisa disappeared so that we would have accurate information. She should have had a 9 month WCC, so this information should not be hard to find and produce.

If you are continuing your investigation, would you be able to obtain this information?

My apologies if you misunderstood my response. Perhaps I was not clear. I'm not saying some of the questions aren't good questions. I'm saying the answers are not such that they would be readily known by persons outside of the family. Right now, the family appears to have cut off further communications with me as far as asking that. As for height/weight specifically, I think it was on some of the fliers if you research those. I hope that answers.
I don't understand why asking what type of crib Lisa has or what window coverings were in her room when she disappeared is probing, either.

Same with her having a pediatrician or not. I'm not asking for her medical records, I just want to know if she has a pediatrician of record. Or were her parents utilizing the ER or an acute care clinic for her doctor's visits?
My apologies if you misunderstood my response. Perhaps I was not clear. I'm not saying some of the questions aren't good questions. I'm saying the answers are not such that they would be readily known by persons outside of the family. Right now, the family appears to have cut off further communications with me as far as asking that. As for height/weight specifically, I think it was on some of the fliers if you research those. I hope that answers.

BBM, I understand that, I just question the accuracy. I forgot you were not still in communication with the family. Hopefully that avenue opens back up to you.

Thanks again for taking the time to answer our questions.
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